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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Erotica · #2170595
The start of a series. Will be updated monthly, at best.
Typical, typical, typical high school day is all that would rummage through the nerd, Samantha's mind as she was shoved around and tossed like a rag-doll, day in and day out during her high school experience. If only she had taken that early leg up and skipped all the grades instead of holding herself back for her friends' sake. Samantha wasn't a very impressive girl by looks, she held a full head of long, straight hair that reached down to her backside, the color of it was an astounding abnormal purple. Whenever people asked her where she got her hair dye from, she would always tell them that it wasn't dye and she was born this way. Obviously no one believed her but it was the whole truth. Samantha's bosom wasn't very big, about an A cup and her hips were a bit wide, the size of her butt quite average too. No one could ever call her sexy because she wasn't quite that, she was always and only cute. Samantha's eyes were also purple in color so people also questioned her about that which tilted her.

Her high school life consisted of being bullied by every girl and every guy just because she wasn't as "pretty" or big as them. Samantha was fairly short for her age of sixteen years, a whopping 5'4 at the most. She'd argue that she was taller but once again, she stood on a scale in front of most of her colleagues and it did come out to show she was only about 5'4. Samantha didn't mind very much of all this, only the physical parts of being pushed around, punched and shoved down randomly is what got to her. Especially from Cindy, the head of student council who was all about the people of Jamieson High, waving her flags about while stomping on the heads of those who couldn't speak up for themselves. It was unbearable to hear Cindy preach what she really didn't represent, it made Samantha bubble with fury. Though as much as she sat in anguish and resented Cindy, there was nothing she could ever do about the biggest bully of them all.

Cindy was quite the stunning piece of work if you asked anyone, nice short black hair with a single bang, dyed orange that covered her right eye. Her eyes an unusual shade of light blue, resembling that of the sky on a clear, bright and sunny day. Her assets were too adult like, nice supple D-cup breasts, wide hips and a massive butt, plus 5'10 height to complete the rest of her figure. Cindy climbed to the top using nasty cheap tactics such as threatening, bribing with using herself for sexual acts, and just all around being a bitch to those who didn't wave a flag near her. This was the kind of girl anybody who was intelligent would put up a red flag for. Samantha saw this in her and stayed away from her and the amassed crowd but that didn't seem to matter, the trouble always found it's way to Samantha.

On this particular evening, Samantha sat at lunch alone in solitude, finding that her friends weren't there this time around. She didn't mind this much, she was pretty much a loner anyway. Everything was fine until Cindy paraded into the lunch room with a literal bandwagon of jocks and preppy students, laughing like they were having a ball. All of the attention in the cafeteria averted their attention to them, getting up and going to approach her in an attempt to get her attention whilst trying to make friends with her, at least. Samantha didn't. She sat there and watched on with unamused eyes, shaking her head while she lazily munched and chewed on her sandwich. That was until her ears caught wind of the topic at hand. "Oh yeah? Those nerds? We dealt with them. Stuffed two of them in a locker and locked the others in the custodians' closet." Cindy let out a signature, queen like laugh, the crowd of people surrounding her beginning to laugh as well. Samantha dropped her sandwich and curled in fists in rage, wanting to step up and tell her how uncool it was to bully her friends but with so many people around her, she'd get the same treatment immediately for even standing up at the wrong time. She'd need to wait to give Cindy a piece of her mind this time around. That was when her ears wiggled again at the sound of Cindy speaking, "Hold on!~ Gotta go powder my nose...~" Cindy happily skipped away and vacated to the women's restroom on the upper floor.

Perfect, Samantha thought! Samantha stealthily left her seat, crawling out of the cafeteria and heading up to the same floor as Cindy, waiting outside the bathroom. The girls currently inside came rushing out at the command of Cindy's voice, the queen girl even could make people leave while doing their business?! Jeez...When the coast was clear, Samantha caught the door with her foot, slipping in the restroom and holding it so that the door shut noiselessly. Walking quietly now, she had the drop on Cindy! Who was...talking to herself? She was so stuck-up that she even talked to herself? Strange. That didn't matter though, now was the time to finally stand up for those who are thrown under the bus in this school! Samantha confidently turned the corner and headed towards Cindy who was...checking out the size of her own butt?!

On this very day, Cindy wore a nice white and black striped tank top with a red heart in the middle of it, on her lower half black pair of tight capris and for her feet, some hi-top black converse sneakers. As for what she had on underneath, Samantha couldn't make out in slow motion but she could see her panties! Her panties were shockingly normal red color, about the same color as the blush on Samantha's face at the moment. Cindy was full dead-on, rear turned in Samantha's direction, looking in the mirror at to observe the growth of her already fat rump. Caught off guard by this, Samantha failed to notice the wet floor sign by the entrance and began to slip on one foot, sliding forward then tipping over and squealing out in fear, Cindy noticing at the very last moment as well. "C-C-C-C-Cindy! Watch out, I'm heading right-!" THUD-Squelch!~

Cindy landed on the floor on her stomach, her butt pointed towards the ceiling, leaving her in a dazed state from the sudden impact with the rushing human being toward her. She could see little birds flying about in her face, all of them tweeting in a rhythmic pattern while swirls formed in her eyes due to her confusion and moment of daze. As for our nerd, Samantha, she had gotten stuck. Stuck between two giant, soft mounds of flesh and thrust into darkness. Her head was surrounded by flesh, wet, slimy flesh at that and she couldn't see a thing until her eyes had lit up a purple, mystical hue to light her way and from what she could see...It was flesh! Where was she?! Rather comical in a sense, Samantha's head had gotten lodged up Cindy's rear from the sudden face first impact with it, Cindy's rump beginning to squeeze and contract on Samantha's head causing her to be...pulled deeper?! Her shoulders went past those heaps of flesh and bordered her hole, squeezing inside during Cindy's next contraction, a lewd moan from Cindy and squelch from her rear. This was bad. Very bad for Samantha! She didn't know what was happening but she didn't like it and she'd really prefer if this had stopped! Unlucky for her, her venture into Cindy's rectum and colon continued due to Cindy's repeated clenching and unclenching motions, Samantha's smaller breasts easily pushed past her cheeks and sucked into her ravenous, tight hole with a wet slurp. How was this even possible, Samantha thought?! How could she be getting actively pulled into someone's ass?! "C-C-Cindy! You're pulling me in, stop it!" The fearful nerd began to shout. Unbeknownst to her, her voice only came as muffled pleas of, "Mmphf! Mmmnphhf! Nnhh!" Feeling more of herself being suctioned in, the hole sliding down to her stomach, Samantha wiggled her arms for as long as she could before movement was restricted to just slapping and groping Cindy's fat, plump cheeks to try and stop her. Her stomach slid into Cindy and Cindy shouted in pleasure form, still dazed but more less from the amount of pleasure of having what she thought was a big dildo shoved into her. Samantha's legs wildly kicked about, the shoelaces of her low-top running sneakers coming undone from the unpredictable, relentless flailing to try and escape the powerful sucking of Cindy's rump. Though during her adventure, Samantha noticed that as she got deeper into Cindy, the glowing of her eyes intensified and she could start hearing things...Hearing things like Cindy's voice but it was distant, perhaps the thoughts of the queen? Never mind that, she had to free herself from this hungry ass or she'd literally become shit! As Cindy began to come to, she bit her lower lip and clenched both of her fits, drool seeping out of the corners of her mouth as the heat only built up in her system from having the live, squirming dildo pulled deeper.

Enveloping the hips and butt of Samantha with which ease, Cindy flexed the muscles inside of her much bigger rump to pull her in faster, Samantha's protests to this failing deaf on the ears of the queen. In two more wild kicks, one shoe then the other shoe on Samantha's feet had come off and flung across the restroom, flying into the stalls. Today, she had gotten lucky by picking to wear her thigh high socks to school, she wouldn't get to feel Cindy's flesh pulling her deeper on them! Her thighs and legs slid past those cheeks, devoured by the hungry hole, her calves falling prey soon after and all that was left was were a cute pair of wiggling, socked feet. Samantha teared up at the thought of this being the end of her. It just wasn't fair! How girls like Cindy could just stomp on others and there was no justice to be done for that! She just wanted to give a heart-warming to speech to Cindy before finally giving up, trying to get through to her and make her feel like crap for all she's done, especially to her friends...Samantha sighed as she wouldn't even get to do that. Though she did smile at the fact that she'd die in her favorite socks; they were a pair of reinforced, thigh high sports socks, the heel portion and area around the toes were a pitch red but the rest of the socks were white. They had Mario power up mushrooms plastered all over them, Samantha thought they looked cute and treasured them for that reason. As Cindy began to stand up, rubbing her stomach and strangely feeling nothing, she flexed, pulling Samantha's feet inside, the wiggling, squirming toes of the nerd still visible from her hole. But as Cindy reached back to feel whatever went inside of her, her toes were sucked inside, all of Samantha buried and tucked deep away in Cindy's body.

Cindy sighed of pure relief and stretched herself, pulling her panties then pants back up to trap what was inside of her too. "I don't know what that was...But I got to push that out for later...~" She said, attempting to rub her stomach and butt for what went inside but still, no bulge or anything. She felt empty and that was confusing but that didn't matter, she was still prep talking herself about her body! On the other front, our nerd, Samantha, was still inside of Cindy, traveling deeper with every contraction, clench, movement and flex of Cindy's muscles. She closed her eyes and just awaited the inevitable, knowing she was going to die in such an embarrassing way and no one would even know. Perhaps, there was clarity in knowing that no one would know how she just disappeared? Well, disappearing at all is a scary thought and let alone this way was just ugh to Samantha. And there was this brightness starting to fade in, no matter her eyes closed or open, it was always there. With a quick thrust and sudden gigantic shove on her being, Samantha tossed like a baseball until she could finally see again! She could see and she was in the restroom? What? Plus, she was looking in the mirror and staring at Cindy? Huh? She attempted to raise her left arm, only to find that Cindy's left arm in the mirror had...raised too...? Oh. Her. Scientific. Mind. She gasped and that came out in Cindy's voice! She looked down and saw that she was wearing the same clothes as Cindy and had the same...assets...She was Cindy. Only for a moment though, as she was pushed back into the confines of Cindy's body, Cindy regaining control and rubbing her head in pain. "Oh...What the fuck just happened...My head hurts..." It didn't take Samantha long to put it together but she knew what she had to do now.

In the reflection of the mirror, Cindy looked and she saw Samantha instead of herself. Wait, what? This was a mirror, right? Why is this nerd just looking back at her, mimicking her movements? When she got her face really close to it, Samantha's reflection had smirked at her and started act out on it's own, Cindy jumping back in complete and utter fear at the sight unfolding before her! A reflection or a ghost or something was in the mirror and messing with her! What the heck?! That was when the mind-numbing pain returned to her, Cindy holding her head as the sound of chalkboard scratching, TV static and fuzzy noises filled her head, a bone chilling voice in the background of the white noise. The words were clear through the noise and this made it even worse, Cindy panicking as the reflection of Samantha just started giggling at her. The sky blue eyes of the queen widened and she began to hyperventilate, her body starting to twitch and shake on it's own. "You're not m-me! Get out of m-my body, you f-f-f-fucking nerd! It's mine! Not yours! You're so gonna get it when I g-get my fucking hands on y-" Cindy choked on her last word of that statement. It was gone and her face curled into the same smile that the reflection carried. Soon the rest of her body had begun to mimic the mirror and there wasn't much more that Cindy could control! "A-A-Alright, alright! I'm sorry for everything I did, just don't do this! N-No! No, no, no-AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" The last thing Cindy was able to utter and scream out in terror before her conscience was pushed to the back of her own head, Samantha's replacing her's and taking over.

Gasping out at the feeling of having a new body and being in control of it finally, Samantha held her chest with her hands, feeling her heartbeat at a steady pace. Looking at the mirror, the reflection of herself waved to her, congratulating her on the successful body snatch before turning into mist and molding into Cindy. Samantha was so confused by all of this but...She had Cindy's body all to herself now. She didn't know how and she didn't want to question it either but this was awesome, there was so much she could do and fix about this school! But she wondered...Could she do this with other people too? A question for later, a ton of instructions of her new ability and what she could exactly do with what flooding her mind. It was a hearty shove with her hands but Samantha's upper half had flown of Cindy's shirt clad stomach, phasing through her flesh and the fabric with much ease. She looked at the mirror and this didn't look right, no matter how she tried to make it seem. Cindy's body stood lifeless while Samantha's upper half protruded from her stomach, Samantha looking up the emotionless, blank expression of Cindy. Smiling at this, she pulled herself back into Cindy's body and resumed control over her. At that same time, some other girls had entered the restroom and looked Cindy with respectful looks in their eyes, looking up to her as if she were a goddess! "Cindy! It's you! How are you doing?", one of them asked. Samantha opening her mouth to respond, she stopped for a second then made sure she had Cindy's bossy tone of voice down. "I was actually just leaving." Samantha said, swaying Cindy's hips from side to side in a confident, dominant strut out of the restroom. Though, from the looks of things from behind, both girls could make out a faint amount of movement in Cindy's pants. On the inside of her pants, Samantha's hand had phased out just above Cindy's womanhood and began to rub her nether region, creating a modest damp spot.

Oh, this was going to be a fun high school experience.
To Be Continued.

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