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Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #2171167
Wesley the Wolf has a misunderstanding with the three little pigs
"Hey... those piggies sure have nice clothes," Wesley Wolf remarked to his friend, Harry Hyena. He strayed off the footpath and ducked into a nearby bush to watch the pigs.
"...Sure," Harry stifled a laugh. "We canine breeds don't usually wear clothes, though," he pointed out. "Why are you hiding?"
"I don't want the pigs to see me," Wesley sighed, "they'd probably get scared and run away. You come here, too.
Hyenas and pigs aren't exactly friendly to each other. Look! Look at that middle pig. She's sooo stylish."
Harry sighed and followed his friend's command. "Wesley, you're a boy. You can't wear a pink, frilly dress!"
"Says who?"
"Says everyone! Boys don't wear dresses. Okay, maybe you could wear that middle pig's straw hat, the second pig's boots, and that last pig's overalls, but still, why do you even want to wear clothes?" Harry grimaced. "They're so... restricting."
"Not if I wore the dress," Wesley argued. "I would be free on the bottom."
"Pshaw, you wouldn't fit in a dress, Wesley," Harry shook his head.
"Oh yeah? Watch me."
Harry gasped and lunged for Wesley's tail. "Wesley! They're gonna see you," he hissed. "Isn't the point of this to watch them from afar?"
Wesley sighed. "True. Maybe if I just knock nicely on the door, they'll let me in."
Harry scoffed. "Yeah, right. I dare you to do that. You'll get rejected- flat-out."
Wesley stood up and puffed out his chest. "Will not. Watch!" He marched up to the first, straw house and knocked on the door. "Little pig! Little pig! Let me come in!"
The first pig saw Wesley outside and ran for cover. "Not by the hairs of my chinny chin chin," he cried.
Wesley frowned. "But whyever not?"
"Because, you're a big, bad wolf," the piggy yelped. "I'm not keen on becoming pork chop tonight!"
"Fine," Wesley crossed his arms. "Except, I'm not a big bad, wolf. If you want me to be one, though, I will!" Wesley took a deep breath, and he huffed, and puffed, and blew the straw house into loose pieces of hay.
The first piggy dashed over to his brother's stick house. "There's a big, bad wolf! There's a big, bad wolf!"
The second piggy cracked opened his door to let his brother into the house, and shut the door just before the wolf could slip in. "Phew, that was close," they sighed.
"Little pigs! Little pigs! Let me come in!"
"Not by the hairs on our chinny chin chin," the brothers cried. "You're the big bad wolf, and we're not becoming bacon tonight!"
Wesley shook his head. "Fine, then. I'll huff and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house in!"
Soon, the stick house was no more than scattered twigs, and the brothers ran to their sister's for cover. "Hurry," they cried, "it's the big bad wolf!"
The third piggy turned the lock and fastened the door's deadbolt just as the wolf arrived and jiggled the doorknob. "Little pigs! Little pigs! Let me come in!"
"Not by the hairs of our chinny chin chins! And don't bother huffing and puffing, because this house is made of bricks!"
Wesley sighed and hung his head. "Little pigs, I don't want to eat you. I just really like your clothes," he explained. "A wolf doesn't usually get to wear clothes, and I want to know what it feels like to have something other than fur on my body."
The pigs looked at each other behind the door. "Should we let him in," the first pig whispered. The second pig nodded his head. The third pig held up a trotter. "Let's make sure he's not trying to trick us," she whispered back. "How do we know you're not tricking us?"
Wesley frowned. "I don't know. I'm not trying to come down your chimney, am I?"
The first piggy raced over to the fireplace to double check.
"And I'm not huffing and puffing to blow down this house. You don't even have to let me in. I just want some clothes to try on, that's all."
The deadbolt slid open, and the doorknob slowly turned. Six eyes peered out from behind the door.
Wesley stood there, twisting his hands nervously.
The door opened up wider. "Well, you're in luck, because we happen to make our clothes ourselves. We can make you a whole new wardrobe in no time. Come on in!"
"Really?" Wesley beamed.
The three pigs stood aside, to let Wesley enter the house, which, to this day, is where he'll go for new clothes. And with that, everyone lived happily ever after.

769 words
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