Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2172495-Samanthas-Wild-Mishaps-Pt-3
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Adult · #2172495
Our nerdy girl strikes again. With the help of someone well acquainted with her though...~
"So, let me get this straight...You're telling me that I should get an exorcist and have them rid me of you some point during today?" Samantha would say, driving along the road in her mother, Amelia's body. Samantha honestly didn't know how to drive, being as young as she was and intelligent as she seemed. But somehow being behind the wheel, holding it in her hands, felt so natural to her in her mother's body, like she, herself, had been driving for years. Maybe, having control of her hosts' meant knowing everything they know and absorbing necessary knowledge to do the things that they could. The nerdy girl wanted some more time to ponder this but that dang, idiot succubus, Robin was there, running her mouth and bragging about how she overshadowed the perfect human. "An exorcist won't help you at this point. You've acknowledge my existence and as a part of you, which I explained, therefore, trying to get rid of me will only harm you in the long run. Meanwhile, I'll just go away and overshadow someone else, better than you." Samantha growled in her mother's usually sweet tone of voice, an exhausted mug on her face while they soon pulled into a parking spot at the mall. "Okay, what's the plan of action?" Robin expectantly asked, hoping that Samantha had something evil in mind due to the fact that she denied the millions, upon trillions of evil doings that Robin spouted earlier.

"First...I..." Amelia's body fell limp in the driver's seat, Samantha's head and arms protruding from her stomach until she grabbed onto the shotgun seat and pulled herself along, wiggling herself out of her mother's body. When her feet were free, Samantha examined herself in the windshield, looking at her choice of attire; a jacket with a green shirt underneath and some plan jeans with boots on her foot, Samantha's hand going through her own hair. Little did know, the tips of her hair were now orange, the same shade as Robin's hair color. When she was finished and contempt with how she looked, she gave her mother a look over. A nice, thick blue sweater that struggled a lot to contain the massive, meaty orbs underneath them and a nice pair of black jeans, practically ready to burst due to the task of holding in her butt. Dusting off her mother's slippers and leaning down to put them on her feet, Samantha looked at Amelia who was beginning to stir, arising to wake up. "Then...I..." With a weak shove, Samantha thrust her hand towards' her mother's head, her fingers sinking inside and beginning to toy around.

Robin watched, quite intrigued with what Samantha was trying to do, knowing full well. Ever since she told Samantha that she could change the way people think and force memories onto them, Robin was just dying to see her actually do it. "Mom. You know about my abilities, about how I can merge with people, shove myself into them, merging with all kinds of things to possess them. Also, today, you said we were going to the mall to hang out, just you and I." Please work, please work, please work, please work, please work, pleeeeease work! Samantha honestly shouted to herself in thought, hoping that this would do as Robin said it would, the nerd hesitantly removing her fingers from her mother's head. Amelia's dark blue eyes shot open, the orbs of color fixated on gathering her surroundings and taking them to process the situation. Samantha sat, fingers crossed, butt clenched, and eyes shut tightly, Robin doing the same to see if she pulled it off. "...Ah, yes!~ My Sammy-whammy, we're here! Are you ready to spend some time with mommy?~" Amelia said, reaching over to grab Samantha's pudgy cheek, pinching it to cause a tomato red blush to fall onto her face. "G-Gawh, mooom!"

Walking about the mall, Samantha walked with Robin in her left eye, sitting inside of it like one would on a crescent moon, right next to mother who was happily looking around, impressed with all the stores, the people, and carts to buy from. Just about to wander off from Amelia, Amelia took strong hold of Samantha's arm and brought her close to her side, her other arm now wrapped around Samantha. "I don't want you going off and doing something that'll get you in trouble, hun! If you're at least going to use your abilities, let me know and promise me that you won't get hurt in some way, my baby girl." Samantha's mother looked to her with saddened, worried eyes that turned into a cheerful smile, rubbing her head as she released her. Yes, it actually worked! My abilities are natural to my mother! That was a huge amount of weight lifted from her shoulders, that was the first thing Amelia said about her powers since they got into the mall. It also brought a lot of joy and red to Samantha's face to hear her mother's care and concern about her. Samantha nodded to her mother and Amelia nodded back to her daughter, the two sharing a cute, family giggle together.

For the next two hours, Samantha and Amelia did a vast array of things with each other; from going to clothing stores and checking out clothes, buying some of course, checking out the latest tech with other techies and nerds, listening to the beautiful singing of a stranger singing while walking. And they headed to their last stop now; the food court. Taking a seat in the center of the food court, they both scanned the available selections of lunch for their outing. The smell of tacos, hamburgers, steak, sushi, ice cream, all kinds of things filled the air in the food court. All Samantha could smell were the meats and her mother was quite interested in having a parfait, she had been dreaming of having another but she was never able to get her hands on one. "Steak." "Parfait!~" They nodded at their choices, Samantha's mother, giddy as she stood up and hopped in place like a stereotypical high schooler hearing about gossip. "Oh yeah and by the by, my Sammy-whammy...~ Are you going to do your...thing?" Amelia asked her daughter, Samantha peeking up to look at her. "O-Oh...Yeah, I was thinking about doing it...Why, what's up?"

Amelia smiled at her daughter, flashing a sly smirk before looking around the food court and laying eyes on a possible target for her daughter. "Hmmmm...~ Look back for me, sweetie." Samantha was weirded out by this but she would do as told and look back, her eyes landing immediately upon what seemed to be an employee, just off of work hanging out with some food in front of them. This employee bore a pale skin tone, a full head of straight hair and shining, bright red eyes. When Samantha's fell below the beautiful face of this person, she noticed the rather impressive rack they held, their chest was noticeably hard to hold back, so the black and yellow uniform shirt was unbuttoned some, a shot of orange bra in sight if seen from the right angle. Swinging her head down to look underneath the table, the thick thighs and huge rear in those black jeans also took Samantha by some surprise, even that she didn't even want to look at the black, hi-top sneakers on her target's feet; Samantha wanted her. Samantha looked to her mother, nodding in affirmation, Amelia giggling and blushing. "Well...You've got about...thirty minutes to be back at this table!~ If not by then, I'm eating your steak and punishing you when we get home!"

Thirty minutes to take that person's body for herself. It'd be weird to try and slip in through any absurd orifice, there were cameras and lots of people around to see if Samantha tried anything unusual. Amelia saw the challenged and puzzled look on her daughter's face, perhaps she was looking for a way to be able to take over that person's body without being caught. Just as she saw Samantha was about to take action, seeing as how confident Samantha got up, Amelia stopped her. "I'll create a distraction for you, honey... How fast can you merge with something that isn't living?" Amelia asked her daughter in serious questioning, Samantha answering in a heartbeat. "Instantaneously. Why?" "Merge with her food and when she eats it, go in from her mouth...~" Holy moly. Samantha looked at her mom as if she were a genius. That'd work out perfectly, as long as the distraction was long enough and loud enough to grasp her target's attention. Samantha started on her way towards that table with her lone target, trying to seem non suspicious and walking past it when suddenly, she heard her mother's voice shout. "OH MY GOD! THEY WEREN'T LYING ABOUT THE SUPER SALE IN THE FOOD COURT TODAY!"

The food court fell silent, signs placed up around most of the available places to eat that showed low prices on the specials and personal favorites of the public, everyone looking over, even Samantha and her target. Though by the time, her target looked over and up from her phone, Samantha touched a french fry from her plate, the nerdy girl absorbed into it as fast as light could travel. The court erupted into cheers and noises, lots of people running and running to check out, buy some meals and sate their ravenous needs. Meanwhile, Amelia noticed that she couldn't see Samantha anywhere, meaning her daughter was successful. But her heart sank into the pit of her stomach when she noticed another person become seated at Samantha's target's table, bringing the food over to themself. Assumably, a co-worker of her target. A darker girl, African American, with blonde hair, golden eyes and an impressive chest as well, wearing the same uniform. "Thanks for saving my lunch for me, Amber!" "Whatever, Rachel." The goth target, Amber, would say to her co-worker friend, Rachel.

Shit. That's all that had been running through Samantha's mind at her ruined plan, looking up through her shredded, skinny, cooked potato hideout at Rachel. Why didn't I just disagree with mom! Ugh, now I'm about to get the wrong person! This is going terrible! Hey, Samantha!~ Robin's voice came in, out of the blue, especially since she hadn't spoken in a bit. Keep your cool. Getting stressed and panicking will make you lose your focus. Without focus, you'll just exit the fry and end up sitting in that girl's lunch, on the table with a scared look on your face. Follow my lead. When we get there, you'll know what to do...~ Follow her lead? What was Robin mentioning to? Samantha could only sit in wait, hoping to find what the dastardly succubus had planned. Rachel had picked up a fry, luckily not Samantha and threw it in her mouth. What was strange about that particular fry though, was that it had changed color, orange like it was over cooked some. Upon swallowing this fry, Rachel froze. She couldn't move. No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't bring herself to budge at all. Rachel thought this weird, wanting to ask Amber if something was going on but her lips were stuck together. Soon, there was an audible snap in Samantha's ears, the girl flinching. When Samantha mustered the strength to look again, she could see that Rachel had...orange eyes, like Robin's. Rachel even picked up the specific fry and held it up to her face.

When she giggled and stuck her tongue out, Samantha's jaw dropped. Robin could possess people as well?! What the hell?! How long were you going to wait to tell me?! Hmmm...About a while but I see that you got yourself in a tight spot and I'd really hate to see you fail...~ Besides, I'm not going to sit back and watch you have all the fun. I need some excitement too! ...O...O-O-Okay...Just, when this is over and we're going back to my mother, just explain...have a decent explanation in correlation with my abilities. Aye, aye, cap! So, here's the plan...I'm going to put you in my mouth and kiss her then pass you off to her. When I pull the fry back into my throat, jump out and slide in. Get ready... Robin said, carefully sliding Samantha into Rachel's mouth, smirking at Amber. "Hey, Amb...Whatcha looking at?" She asked, doing her best to speak with her mouth full. Amber got up and sat closer, right next to Rachel in fact, leaning over to show who she thought was Rachel, what she was doing on her phone.

Watching a movie, it seemed, though on pause currently due to showing. That's when Robin cupped Amber's chin, forcing her to look her in the eye, smiling wider and more evil than ever at her. "R...Rachel, what the heck are you doing?" Amber said in a nervous but annoyed voice. And then, she was completely caught off guard by the kiss, Rachel's red, lipstick covered lips coming to press against Amber's black lipstick, the two now in a kiss. With haste, Robin slid the fry into her throat and swallowed it whole, from the tip of it, Samantha set free. Grabbing Amber's arms to hold her firmly in place, she made sure Samantha would be able to complete the slip in. First, her hands slipped out of Rachel's mouth and into Amber's, parting the kiss but leaving them connected. Her arms and head were sucked into Amber's mouth next, the goth beginning to panic from the forced entry of a whole person into her mouth, which was somehow possible?! Working herself into her mouth and down Amber's throat, Samantha pushed herself harder and harder, her upper body fully inside. She wasted no time though, the merging location was her throat, it had to be there.

As Samantha's thighs and lower legs were being worked in and down, Robin parted the kiss, watching Amber look in horror and mystification at the squirming, wriggling calves and boot clad feet coming into her mouth. Resting on her tongue, she couldn't feel the leathery texture of those boots but she could feel underneath, the fleshy, bare feet of Samantha. With a forced swallow, she swallowed down the rest of her Samantha and moved her hands to her flat stomach, rubbing it but seeing nothing there. She had just ingested a whole person, how was there nothing there?! Then, Amber felt it in her head, her conscience beginning to fade and be replaced by someone else's, the goth girl pounding her fist on the table to maintain control. "Wh-what-what the hell...Rach...I thought we were..." Amber said, choking on her last words, no longer able to speak as the purple of Samantha's eyes pour into her red ones. "Oh, sorry. Rachel's not here. Just me, Robin...~" Robin said, laughing in her stolen body's voice. Amber grit her teeth and shook violently but it was useless, she soon fell limp, slumped over on the table. Robin grabbed the cap from Amber's head, waving at her head then putting it back on. "...That was a lot easier than expected." Amber said, lifting her head up to let Samantha's voice out through her lips. "I know. I'm just brilliant, aren't I...~"

Thirty minutes had gone by and Samantha's mother returned with the food, getting situated at the table they originally sat at. To her surprise, two people sat there instead of one. The target she picked for her daughter and the...other person who sat at the table with her. What? What the what? Amelia sat down, sweating out of her mind, buckets could be filled with how much she was letting out. She was worried Samantha was caught and this lady was here with her to tell her that she was reported to security. "H-H-Ha-ha-ha...Hahaha, hi, hi! H-How may I..." She took a gulp, afraid to continue to conversation with the possibilities in mind. "...Help...you...?" Amber looked up to Amelia, her elbow and hand used to hold up her head. Her piercing, serious red eyes locked onto Amelia's, Amelia lashing back in fear. "...Mom, I forgot to mention..." Amelia sat up, ever so slowly at the sound of Amber calling her mom, listening intently. "This right here isn't who you saw...Sit at the table with this girl...It's...The demon who's haunting me, I'm sorry I didn't tell you!" Amber's eyes lit up purple, turning back to red to show Amelia that it was Samantha in control, the worry washing away. But Robin? A demon haunting Samantha?

"...Uhm...Hello, miss Robin?" "Yes?~" Amelia could tell and feel from the way that Robin answered, that Robin was otherworldly and definitely possessing that poor morsel. A massive blush befell Amber's cheeks, both Robin and Amelia engaging each other in conversation. Samantha started to eat in her host's body, albeit performing sexual acts in secrecy. Underneath the uniform shirt, Samantha's hands had appeared underneath Amber's bosom, groping and fondling the huge breasts. Samantha's tongue on the other hand, went to it's usual spot, Amber's nethers, licking and tonguing the inside to create a modest wet spot in her black jeans. Subconsciously, Amber's left hand, still controlled by Samantha, had went down to her seat and inched over, grabbing the hand of Robin's host to hold it. Hesitant at the sudden gentle grab, Robin looked down and smirked at the sight, her eyes shifting to Amber's pale face which lit up with even more red at the handholding. What a perfect family outing.

"So. Your daughter and I are dating. When she's finished eating, I'm going to take her to the ladies' room and fuck her. Okay?~" Robin said with a cheeky grin.

T-To Be Continued?!

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