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Rated: E · Poetry · Other · #2172978
ten of my most recent poetry


Heading Back to the Past

and Other Poems


Jake Cosmos Aller


  1. Heading Back to the Past

  2. It Has Been Done Before

  3. The Grim Reaper Is late

  4. The House of the Damned

  5. searching for God

  6. sleaze 1

  7. sleaze 2

  8. They are Next God Says

  9. Outlaw Lady of the Night

  10. Last Woman

  11. Last Woman on Earth

Heading Back to the Past

While the rest of the world

Embraces the energy of the future

Our great denier of the truth

Wants to boldly take America back

To the 19th century era of oil, and coal

Yet perhaps it does not matter in the end

As long as we have one another

We will overcome

The darkness will flee the land

It Has Been Done Before

Before Trump's Wall

There were many other walls

The Berlin Wall

The Great Wall

Hadrian's Wall

All the walls of the ancient world

All failed

To keep the enemies out

The enemies of freedom

The enemies of the state

Still came across the border

To loot, steal, rape and plunder

And nothing could stop

The flood of history

The Grim Reaper Is late

the grim reaper

is late

he is behind his quota

so he unleashes

the ravens of death

the ravens of despair

the ravens of madness

they spread out

all over the world

infecting all

with madness

as the world descends

consumed by hate

the grim reaper

smiles his sardonic grin

thinking of all the souls

he will harvest that day

as he carries out

the mandate

of his satanic majesty

The House of the Damned

deep in the woods

in the swamps of the deepest bayou

lies an old abandoned cabin

few have ever visited

it looks long abandoned

but there are stories


of a creature

from beyond time itself

who lives deep in the swamp

devouring everything he comes across

But he hungers for human flesh

once in a while

he keeps a human slave

who goes into town

and drums up business

for his master

the hunters are recruited

and they are brought to the house

where they are commissioned

to go into the woods

and hunt down prisoners

and shoot them dead

and bring back the bodies

for the bounty

and the hunt is on

and the prisoners are caught

and the monster of the deep swamps

has a feast

and the hunters

are added to the fire

a few are left alive

zombies under his control

and so the house of the dead

continues to haunt

the deep swamps

Searching for God

searching for God

a homeless man
camped out
on the streets
of any city

just another broken down soul
looking for something

and then I see him
painting the face of God
on the ground

and I know
that God is everywhere

and sometimes
only the down and out
can see and feel God

The rest of us
are blind to the divine


Sleaze Sleaze Sleaze

Sleaze Sleaze Sleaze Sleaze Sleaze Sleaze Sleaze Sleaze

Nothing but Sleaze

Surrounds me 24/7







Led by the evil Sleaze King

King Donald Trump

the one true sleaze King

The Sleaze King from TV

Are we doomed to live

In a world run by sleaze kings

And ruled by sleaze values

Are we addicted to sleaze

And need our sleaze fix daily

As we turn on the sleaze TV

And see nothing but sleaze

Oozing out of our TV sets?


Sleaze surrounds us 24/7

Lots of sleaze on the TV

Everywhere we go nothing but sleaze

All the time 24/7 sleaze rules the air

Zappa had it right calling it the slime

Everything is nothing but slime oozing out of our TV's

They are Next God Says

God is in his cosmic control room

The ultimate situation room

Where here he watches over mankind 24/7

One day he reads

About Korean protesters

Protesting the operation of Emergency helicopters

Because they're too noisy

they stir up dust

and damage their properties

And are just inconvenient as hell

just too bloody inconvenient

the protestors are demanding

that the helicopters be grounded

Disregarding the fact

That they save lives

Given the hellish Korean traffic conditions

God is furious at the callous attitude

The casual disregard for human life

And the pettiness of the protesters

He calls up his chief angels

And reads them the recent articles

All of the angels

Are furious at the callous attitudes of the protesters

God calls the grim reaper

His contractor who handles the details of death

God says I have a commission for you

The Grim reaper had read the article

As he too monitor the world 24/7

He laughs

and says I know what to do

Obviously they all have to die

In an horrific accident

and can't get to the hospital in time

Because they are stuck in traffic

Now you're talking God said

But I want you to break protocol

Just before they die show up

And explain to them why

They are about to die

That would be poetic justice God said

And you know I'm all about that

Everyone laughs

God has a sense of humor after all

The grim reaper mordantly salutes the boss

And goes about his grim task

Out Law Lady of the Night


One wild moon lit night

On the tail end of a Friday Night booze run

I found myself

Twenty drinks too sober

In a bar in the mean streets of Bangkok

Drinking my way to Hell

Just as fast as I could

And on the stage

Dancing her soul away

Was the most beautiful creature

In the known universe

Dancing with an attitude

That could kill an elephant in heat

She looked so fine

Made my eye balls hurt

As I started at her naked body

Admiring the curves

In all the right places

And her ass called to me

Telling me deep dark erotic desires

Inspiring carnal thoughts

And hopes that she would be mine

For the right price

And I stared at her

And she smiled with an evil seductive smile

A true succubus from hell itself

And she gave me a knowing look

And I knew that I was hooked

For a night of wild libertine passion

As I devoured her

Making wild passionate love

All night long

Even if it meant

That I would be selling my soul

To the devil himself

last women in the world


I am the last women in the world

Everyone else

has been taken over

by the evil others

body snatchers

that had arrived

and taken over


one by one

and everyone was gone

and I was all alone

in a crowd filled with strangers

all of them

not a single real human being

left alive

and I wander the crowds

looking for someone

someone that is still human

hoping that I am not

the last woman on earth

Last Woman on Earth

The last woman on earth

Stands in a deep forest

Contemplating the end of the world

The end of civilization

The end of time itself

She stares out at the dark forest

Watching the world reclaim itself

Watching mankind fade away into dust

The last woman in the world

Clutches her bible against her chest

Wondering why God had forsaken her

She screams out to God

But no answer

Only the silence of the wilderness

And the silence in her heart

The end of the world

Came over night

Only she survived the final bio plague

She fled the crumbling ruins of the city

Sought refuge in the forest

And found she could not die

And she wanders the world

Looking for survivors

And so the world ends

And mankind fades away

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