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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Adult · #2175424
It was supposed to be a Halloween story. Yep. Enjoy.
"Alright, alright, alright...Listen. I know we don't see eye to eye very well but you and I have one very specific thing in common. Sexual preference. To be the dom, the one on top, holding the whip and kicking the slaves to the curb-" Raven would break the silence in the kitchen, talking to Sana who'd put up her finger and gesture the shushing motion to her, obviously telling her to shut her face. Both well known and well feared beasts, Raven and Sana stood in the kitchen on this Halloween evening, exchanging looks to one another, Raven giving off mostly smiles while Sana seemed annoyed with most of her facial expressions. Couldn't really blame Sana for being so irritable, Raven would just not stop talking to her and she couldn't put a finger on why she'd never shut up. Ever since that day Raven appeared out of the blue and boldly approached, Raven was fascinated with Sana, a fellow sadist. Needless to say, most of the cooking for the dinner of today had been finished so Sana could finally relax and do something else to drown out the white noise of Raven's banter.

"So, I was thinking that...Us, you and me could go trick or treating together! Yeah, we're adults, I know but it'd be fun. If not trick or treating then maybe a Halloween party! I know Sudo's throwing one with the help of Yosh and Addy! The requirement to get in is to-" The vicious, harsh gaze of Sana met Raven's playful, carefree point of view, Raven's words caught in a vice and unable to get free. "Do you ever stop talking or is that just your gimmick as a sadist? You bore people to death with your annoying voice and stupidly childish ideals. I let you in today because I thought you'd be some fun while we waited for Bri, Kill and Erina to show up. You're the exact opposite." "...Well, there it is. That harsh, fiery heart breaker of a snake's poisonous tongue. I got you to talk though...~" Raven bragging before she was slapped across the face, doing a comedic spin in place then turning back to Sana with her hand on her cheek. Mouthing the word 'ouch', Raven leans up against the counter. "There's a lot more from where that came from and it won't be my hand that grazes your cheek next. Open your mouth to say something unimportant again and everyone will only be able to visit you on Dia de Muertos."

Sana's house so her rules. The next few minutes of silence went by, Raven and Sana standing in the kitchen to complete silence, their heartbeats audible at how quiet it was. To break the silence this time was the ringing of Sana's phone in the family room, an inquisitive look crossing her face as she moved away from the counter and started on her way out of the kitchen. Time seemed to slow down here to Raven for some reason, trapped deep in thought and holding a conversation with her innocent half. What was running through our gooth's mind at the time, were the requirements to get into the party. A costume must be brought or a possessor at the party could use your body for the rest of the night. The special requirement, more like a challenge simply put, was not to bring a costume but to use someone as your costume. That's right. There were some rewards in place for whoever brought the best costume and whoever stole the best body to wear at the party. Raven wasn't going to wear a costume, that wasn't her style. But sure she as Hell wasn't going to subject herself to being possessed for the rest of the party and miss out on the good laughs and getting shitfaced.

She didn't know who to wear so her hand came to her chin, grabbing it to form the signature thinking expression on her face. Just as she did such, her world slowed down when she noticed Sana walking past her, the alpha sadist and alpha goth of PGG. Her eyes scanned Sana's body, taking in her delicious choice of attire with it, a pair of black butt-lifting jeans on Sana's lower half, the cuffs at the bottom rolled up to make room for her pitch black converse sneakers. The alpha goth's behind was already big enough as it was, the jeans she chose today, just made her behind look even more pleasing to the gooth's eyes, an appetite forming in the depths of Raven's stomach. Quickly, her eyes shot back up to Sana's upper half, observing how her purple shirt hugged and complicated the form, the curvature of her body to a tee. As Raven's eyes were about to lock onto her bosom, time resumed at normal pace, Sana leaving the kitchen and heading to the family room for her cellular device. "Damn, Sana..." Raven said under her breath, quite in love and reminded how much of a stunning piece of work that Sana was, perfect as she always called herself. She was getting fairly hungry from just looking at her, the inner demon holed up inside of her beginning to bang against her interior for freedom to ravage and do away with Sana.

Raven preparing to calm the demon down was shot with a sudden realization. "Oh my god...Why didn't I think of that before...It's...It's brilliant." A smile, one filled with nothing but evil and malicious intent crossed Raven's face at the godlike plan conjured in the depths of her mind, a tiny giggle coming from her. She spent so much time thinking about who to wear to the party when she was literally in the same house as the perfect costume for herself, Sana, herself! "Goth on goth...Sadist on sadist...I hope this doesn't catch on as a unique trend...~" Raven would whisper to herself and lie in wake for the moment to strike. That moment wouldn't come upon her until she was seated at the table with Sana, seating across from each other and eating food to get filled up for the party. Sana's cooking skills were pretty off the charts though, Raven had to admit! She was digging in and digging in nonstop, almost slob like to the foods on her plate, drooling some in a cartoonish manner. Meanwhile, Sana was trying some of Raven's cooking, her sushi that she made. Sana was honestly tempted to praise Raven for making some of the best sushi she's probably ever going to have but to praise someone who was eating like a pig was a different story.

Raven finished her food first due to how fast she wolfed everything down, her utensils and plate in her hand. She took off to the kitchen and threw everything she had in her hand into the sink to be washed by herself or Sana whenever they came back from the party. Well, everything in her hand except one peculiar utensil that she choose to eat with. Blissfully unaware to the danger she was in, Sana ate at her own leisurely pace, sipping from the wine glass at her disposal too. This calm, lovely evening came to a halt for her as across her neck, mere centimeters from breaking the skin and drawing blood sat a knife. Sana didn't dare to move, though she used the reflection of the wine glass to see who held the blade up to her and there she saw, Raven, smiling and giggling innocently. "You know...I never finished about...the requirements to get into the party. You'd have loved them if you just let me talk. Oh, well. That doesn't very much matter to me now. I'll bring you back in...Hmmm. A month, maybe longer. Forever if I decide to fuse our beings and control the product to be the ultimate goth. Who knows."

As Sana was about to open her mouth to tell Raven what a mistake she was making, Raven shoved the blade back against her throat and swiftly thrust her arm out to the side, slitting Sana's throat without a true care in the world. Sana wasn't as scared as she should've been, though that was until she had her throat opened by the knife and the sweet, velvet iron liquids began to pour down her neck, staining her shirt and soon her jeans. Her hands flew up to grasp the wound and stop the blood from leaving, which she was successful in doing, practically choking herself as to not die. Her futile effort was for naught in the end as Raven yanked the back of Sana's chair and sent her tumbling to the ground, hands still firm on her neck to cling to life and/or call for help. Kicking and kicking at Raven to keep her at bay, the air for someone to hopefully see her legs through the window and finally the ground, to try and create some distance between her friend turned murderer. "This is cute, really...You know, the party's hours away so I've got some time to play with you if you're trying to be hot and struggle for me." "Go to...H-...H-Hell, you disgusting..." Sana was only able to get those words out, the blood beginning to back up her throat and deny her of oxygen.

"That's the spirit!~" Raven pounced and jumped onto Sana's body, twirling the knife in her fingers with much ease as to her insane nature, some lone practice in there too. Her butt sat snug on Sana's midsection to force her moments to end. Sana gasped in pain, trying her best to breathe through the blood and stay alive to punish this killer of a friend with a fate worse than death. That and any future opportunity to do so was robbed from her when she felt that same knife that did this to her throat, pass through the skin of her midriff and pierce her stomach. Raven retracted the knife and began to continuously stab the same spot, over and over again without hesitation as to spray blood all over the floor and herself. The house was reduced to nothing but screams that only lasted for a few more minutes and the sound of flesh being torn apart by a knife then something else that sounded far more brutal than the simple weapon used from before.

A full hour had passed since Sana's murder and Raven sat on the dinner table, alone with a dead body on the floor, Sana's entrails acting as a chalk outline for her body. Her heart lie lodged into her own mouth, her lungs nothing but a mess of red and flesh as well as everything else in her body. Bones broken, muscle tissue torn to shreds and most of the blood in her body evacuated from the given openings of the massacre. "...I don't even feel bad...Mm, this is good sushi." Raven says to herself, having eaten the sushi she prepared earlier and commenting on killing her friend. "Alright. Time to put you on...~" As she said such, her shape and being collapsed into nothing but a heap of black tar, directly onto Sana's deceased form to repair the damage done and invade her body. The process went smoothly as expected, all starting out with Raven moving all of her fluid into the open space made by destroying her insides thoroughly. From there, tentacles did most of the work from suctioning the blood out of her clothes and the stained areas, collecting the entrails, fixing the bones, muscles and so forth. This did take quite some time though due to just how banged up Sana was.

Thirty minutes would go by and Sana's body, good as new and fixed up like nothing ever happened would lie on the floor. She was clearly in tip top shape as her chest was moving up and down, signifying that she was in fact, breathing and alive once more. The first true sign of life that was shown by Sana was a pained, ghastly wail as her hands shot up to her head, a headache worse than a migraine sprung up from Raven taking over her body. "Raven! Get out of my body or so help me, God, I will-" She was interrupted by a shock of pain sent through her entire being, another scream emitting from her. Her body started to fight and refuse her actions, Raven officially beginning to take control of her costume for the Halloween party. "You're not me! Get o-" Snap. Sana would stand up and breathe heavily, her purple eyes having grasped a new color. A beautiful, wondrous crimson color that pierced the darkness and struck fear into the hearts of many. "Thank you for the body, Sana...~ I'll be taking good care of it from now on...~" Sana would say to herself in a seductive, mischievous voice, a different tone than her usual bothered, harsh one. Raven in control of her Halloween costume would jump for joy just once then immediately pay mind to the arousal in her body from her recent take over.

Her hands clung to Sana's breasts first, groping the modest, meaty orbs and taking advantage of her stolen form. Next, both of them traveled to her rear, fondling and grabbing nice handfuls of that butt she so longed for to be her's. Next on her list was to kick Sana's sneakers off and see what kind of socks she had, if they were cute and to get a good look at her feet. Raven was a big foot fetishist at her so she always made mental note of checking at her victim's feet. She didn't have time to do that though as the doorbell rung loudly, the others heading to the party here. "Shit! Coming!"

On the doorstep of the official PPG manor, Raven, Bri, Erina and Kill had some fun talking to one another. Bri stuck to a maid outfit, a cute compliment to her already neko like appearance. Erina on the other hand, had borrowed someone to wear to the party, a dashing milf dressed in a slutty Booette cosplay to show off all of her assets. Kill though, just like Bri decided to wear an actual, normal costume, a grim reaper outfit with a scythe that looked awfully real. The door flew open, chill techno music sounding out of the house and from what was visible in the family room, many patrons of the Possession Genre General Corp. were there to have fun, get drunk, eat some candy and possibly mingle around if not taken. Standing before them was Olivia, the well-known milf of PGG, a questionable look cast upon Sana at her appearance to the party. She honestly didn't expect her to show. That was when Sana opened her mouth and Raven's voice was what left her lips, "I know what you're thinking. Sana? Social and willing to have fun and not be a buzzkill? Whaaaat?" Raven laughed afterward, Bri and Erina letting out a chuckle too at the joke.

Kill went on ahead, Bri and Erina as well while Raven stepped into the manor, enjoying the beautiful, fancy scenery of the place adorned in decorations, fake spiderwebs, skeletons, a witch's cauldron filled with booze, a smaller cauldron with candy inside of it. Although, just as Raven was about to head out into the party and show off Sana's body, Olivia grabbed her by the arm then yanked her back. "Uh-...Olivia, you ok-" Interrupted by a kiss on the lips, a soft blush set in on Sana's face to show her sudden embarrassment from it but just as she pulled away and looked Olivia in the eyes, she realized two things. First, Olivia wasn't wearing a costume. She had her usual jacket, apple bottoms and high heels. Secondly, the vibe she was getting from her. "Wait a second...Don't tell me! Serefin, is it you in there?" Olivia sat there, not even uttering a peep until her head hung low in disappointment. "Dang it...I was hoping to fool you for just a little longer, Ray Ray." Raven ignored that statement and immediately went on to congratulate Serefin for the awesome steal, Olivia's also a nice choice to wear to a party with such the requirement. There was a blush on Olivia's face too now, as the two stood in awkward silence, letting the music sink in. "So, I see you got San-" Just as Sana did to her, Raven would do to Serefin, a finger pointed up as to mean shut your face. She took hold of Olivia's stolen hand and began to look around, making sure that no one had seen the two yet. Believing they were in the clear, Raven begins to lead Serefin upstairs to the bedrooms. "Wh-Where are we going?" The blush on Olivia's face getting hotter and wider from the obvious answer that Serefin already knew. "To have some fun with these bodies...Come on, just give me at least 20 minutes." Raven would say in Sana's voice, smiling with her face as well. Serefin giving in to the temptation, got pulled along and disappeared into of the bedrooms for the best Halloween party night the two would possibly ever have.

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