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Rated: E · Article · Political · #2179604
Debunking Politico as Being the Bastions and Gatekeepers of Fact and Truth

Proof that POLITICO are not to be trusted as undisputed fact-checkers:

Dig a little deeper, connect the dots, anyone that has a computer and internet can do this if they REALLY want to know truth...
Politico is based in Paris FRANCE! Yes France, the Islamic chamberpot of Europe now. Politico's main operations are in France, Belgium, Switzerland, and Luxembourg, and North Africa. And Politico's parent company is the Development institute international SA. which is owned by Axel Springer. which is a joint venture between Axel Springer SE and POLITICO LLC. And guess who "contributes" to Axel Springer and politico's oversight committee??? George Soros, who is a major shareholder, as well the Clintons.....and Obama. S&P oversees Axel Springer, and S&P Global oversees and is the parent company of S&P(Standard&Poor). The CEO of S&P global is Douglas L. Peterson, who is a member of the boards of trustees for Claremont McKenna College McKenna College (CMC) is a coeducational, private LIBERAL ARTS COLLEGE in Claremont, California. It has a curricular emphasis on economics, finance, international relations, government and public affairs. CMC is a member of the Claremont Colleges consortium. Claremont McKenna College is aggressively pushing the Gender and Women's studies courses, which of course are radicalized pseudo-science that stresses "gender fluidity" and other garbage. Students are encouraged students think "critically" about the "concepts" of gender and sexuality and how it shapes their lives as "global citizens". Students must take one of the gender studies courses to attend CMC, course description-course that explores theories of gender and sexuality, such as a course in queer theory, feminist theory, and/or an introductory course on gender and sexuality studies. Their course descriptions are as follows:

Theoretical Perspectives (1 course)
Students must take one course that explores theories of gender and sexuality, such as a course in queer theory, feminist theory, and/or an introductory course on gender and sexuality studies. (my notes-"queer theory"..because glitter bombing and transgender are sound,sane behavior right? Wrong.)

2. Humanities (1 course)
Students must take one course that considers questions of gender in relation to arts and literature, media studies, religious studies, or philosophy (my note-because we all know our gender defines and rules over God and morality right? Wrong. And that Gender influences" everything, and the realization that all people were created
equal doesn't right? Wrong.)

3. Sciences (Natural and/or Social) (1 course)
Students must take one course that considers questions of gender in relation to the social construct and/or natural sciences, including anthropology, biology, economics, psychology, sociology, government, history and/or international relations. (my note-excuse me? "construct"? they question the realities of the building blocks of stable society as "constructs" to be questioned)

Now do you really trust the same GLOBALISTS who are shoving gender studies full of pseudo-science and other propaganda down college students throats to be the Bastions and Gatekeepers of facts and truths of our society? And when you realize that it is they who are pulling the strings behind the curtain of social media's "terms" and deciding what is "hate speech"? ( i despise that term by the way) you will also realize those same globalists are the last group that you want fact-checking and telling you how to think.

Politico hates and berates anything that points to Patriotic, Traditional America torch-bearing. Politico despises the U.S. Constitution and it's parent companies are teaching that the US Constitution is a "flawed and our of date and gender repressive political construct that must be removed and replaced with a globalist and all-inclusive form of government". That;s pretty screwed up, Since the US Constitution IS an all-inclusive form of governing that protects and values all the law-abiding peoples living under it's jurisdiction, from the unborn to the most aged. Politico attacks President Trump, no surprise there at all. see one of their many anti-Trump articles:

calling Trump a mental case and liar here-

saying the border crisis is a lie and Trump made it all up:

said Trump lied and had no evidence that Mueller is encouraging witnesses to lie in Russia probe,
when actually it was proven that Mueller did just that, and furthermore that Mueller did rig the Jury in one instance himself with hand-picked jurors from liberal colleges and George Soros' list of protestors. Mueller had indeed hired Hillary Clinton supporters to lead his investigation, This was revealed on several news media sites, not just Fox news.

It's not just the Trump-bashing Politico does, Lord knows Trump isn't perfect, but he's far from the chronic liar they try to paint him as, Quite the opposite in fact. All Trump issues aside, the fact Politico's parent companies are pushing to adopt using one's financial status, credit score, their global mindset, as the public opinion in the form of social media "likability" to determine one's character! China is already doing this and it's insane! Think about it...You could be a serial killer, and of you have billions of dollars and have a large social media following, it gives you a high integrity score. Wow. So I guess that means the poor, working class schmucks like me are all unfit, lying scum who are not to be trusted? This is the King-Rabble mentality that caused most of the the woes of the Dark Ages.

In summation I digress to say that Politico cannot be trusted, Based on their fictitious content, As well as who is pulling the strings.

written by Kim Marie Freeman
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