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Rated: GC · Short Story · Erotica · #2179836
His whole world changed when he was pulled into an alternate life where he is now a "she".
1. The Change

Nathan woke, and lazily pushed back the covers. It was early morning and still mostly dark outside. He turned on a lamp and sleepily walked over to the mirror on the wardrobe door.

He jumped back as he saw the face looking back at him, he tripped and fell back. The image in the mirror continued standing in the frame, looking down at Nathan on the floor. It was a girl. She seemed to be Nathans own age and was only shorter by a few inches. Her brown hair hung loosely down to her shoulders, and a pink nightie hung from her shoulders by two thin straps. She too looked as if she had just woken up, but unlike Nathan, was not surprised to see him.

Nathan got up and stepped closer to the glass in awe. The girl tried to speak but made no sound. She placed a hand up on the glass and looked at Nathan expectedly. The girl in the mirror smiled pleasantly and Nathan put up his hand to meet hers on the glass.

The room became colder, then a stronger wind seemed to rush around him. The girl's hand fell through the glass and held tightly around Nathan’s wrist. She pulled hard and dragged Nathan through the mirror as though it were a thick mist. The liquid glass washed over him, it seemed to wash through him as much as him moving through it. He felt strange, he felt as if he was underwater, the liquid mirror was ice cold and pierced his body all over. He fell through the other side and collapsed to the floor, panting heavily.

Nathan opened his eyes and paused, the hands in front of him were not his, no wait, they were, but… smaller. He noticed the hair hanging down around his shoulders, long and straight. He stood up quickly and found to his shock that he was shorter; his body was smaller than before, and he was wearing some sort of satin dress.

He turned quickly back to the mirror throwing both hands against the cool surface; he saw a boy about his own age standing there inside the mirror. The boy in the mirror smiled and said something Nathan couldn’t hear. The mysterious boy turned and walked over to the door, opened it and walked out closing it firmly behind him. Nathan hit his hands against the glass and yelled. His voice was female and he covered his mouth in shock. He turned to the window and saw his reflection… her reflection. The form in the dark window was a girl's, but unlike the phantom in the mirror, this reflection was somehow his, it responded to his movements.
Nathan reached a hand up to feel his face, he looked like the girl in the mirror, but there were some differences. Nathan was wearing a blue nightie, not pink, and he could still see some of his own face in his new reflection. The face was a girl's, clear skin with a few freckles, shoulder length brown hair, but it still looked like him, just… a girl. He looked closer at his reflection, the eyes more than anything were his, no doubt, everything else might have changed, but his eyes remained the same.
Nathan turned around to the room, it was arranged like his own, except there were curtains where there were once blinds. He couldn’t put a finger on what else had changed but the room seemed to have become as girly as he was. He looked down at his thin arms, his delicate hands and pure skin. He was a girl.

2. The Feeling

He… no, she began to pace the small room. How could this happen? How did this happen?

She stopped for a moment and slowly felt over her body. Her hands glided down the slippery fabric, then to her sensitive skin. She slid her hand up under the nightie, feeling her skin up to her warm breasts. A nervous shiver began to fill her body as she gently began to massage her unfamiliar flesh. She ran her hands down to her hips, then touching them over her soft thighs. Her hands reached cautiously into her lap, it was strange, she felt the space curiously, and began rubbing herself, feeling aroused by the alien sensation.

Of course he’d thought of what it was like to be a girl, who hadn’t, but those were fleeting thoughts, it’s not supposed to be possible. The reality was hard to deny, as strange as this all was, it wasn’t a dream. At this point, however, her body was filling with adrenaline, and her concern was overtaken by the desire. She was alone, and wanted more of this feeling.

She walked over to the bed and crawled under the covers. She could feel her skin being touched all around her by the sheets. She slowly gyrated her hips, pressing herself against the cool mattress. She spread her arms and legs to the edges of the mattress and breathed deeper as she ground her body against the firm surface. She pulled off her small panties and pulled off her nightie. She began to shiver as her breathing became more rapid, this foreign pleasure consuming her senses.

She began to slide left and right, enjoying the soft friction against her exposed body. She began to caress her damp flesh, running her hands over her thighs and crotch, rubbing herself up and down. She gave into her impulsive curiosity and drove a finger down into herself. She gasped as the skin gave way, sliding her finger in and out.

Her body tightened. She slowly turned her finger and the movement inside her sent another startling pulse of pleasure through her shivering body. Faster and faster, her body twisting and writhing under the covers, quicker and quicker her hands explored her perfect body.
Suddenly the most intense moment of pleasure enveloped her. Her muscles went taut as the deep scream of sexual appetite pulled through her. The pleasure seemed to fill her body, to the very edges of her. After several seconds of breathless intensity, it subsided. She pulled her hand away, exhausted, and the physical stress began to fade.

Her current female body seemed to possess somewhat more potential than her old male shape. Her hand was sticky, and her skin was sweaty and hot. She laid there on the bed, panting, and unable to believe what had just happened. After a while, she slowly removed the sheet and began to clean herself up.

3. The Con Begins

Nathan opened a window for some air and quickly made the bed to avoid suspicion in case anyone else was to come in. Next, she began searching for some clothes.

The draws were packed and the wardrobe was almost bursting with outfits. She removed her damp night clothes and took the first pair of panties she found in a neat pile. She slipped the underwear up her smooth legs and over her small hips. They were small, white, elastic rimmed panties, with a pink bear on the crotch; they would have to do.

She caught a look at her new self in the mirror, shifting her stance, and admiring her curved features. She was cute, even sexy. She knew she had to find a way back into her old male form, but being transformed like this might actually be fun, for a while.

She stepping into some jeans and pulled them up to her waist. The jeans were tight around her thighs, hugging her butt as she fastened the buttons. She ran a hand over the stiff crotch of the jeans, and the butterflies stirred inside her. No, once had to be enough. She took a pink t-shirt and pulled it over her head, it felt good pulling it down over her breasts, but the shirt didn’t seem big enough, it didn’t even reach past her navel. She pulled it and stretched it but eventually gave up. The last part of the outfit was a brown jacket. She pulled one arm through the tight sleeve, followed by the other, then straightening the outfit she looked in the mirror. Very attractive, the kind of girl he would have liked to date yesterday, but today everything had changed.

Nathan opened the door and peered through. If this was his house then there would be three people she had to look out for; Mum, Dad and little sister.

She crept slowly down the hall, careful not to make any noise.

“Nate” his Mum called from down the hall, “you were supposed to be up by eight, your breakfast is cold.”

Nathan turned quickly and looked; his Mum was piling some new folded towels into the cupboard. Nathan backed into the next room.
“Eat your breakfast Nate” his Dad said from the table, “we don’t have to make it for you, you know.” He hadn’t even looked up from his newspaper.

Nathan stood petrified in the middle of the room, scared out of his, or rather, her mind. What could she say? What would they say? Nathan began to panic, this was so embarrassing. How could she explain this?

Her Dad looked up, “well, are you gonna sit down or not.”

Nathan looked at him in puzzlement, she looked at herself, and then back at him. He reacted as if nothing was wrong.
“Do you notice anything different?” Nathan asked in her female voice, still surprised to hear it.

Dad looked at her and stroked his chin in mock thoughtfulness.

Nikki, the sister, zipped quickly into the room. “She’s not wearing a bra” she stated obnoxiously before sitting down at the table.
Mum entered the room, “oh Natalie, you know how I feel about that.”

“Nate, really?” Dad said covering his face with the newspaper in exaggerated disgust, “a Father is really not meant to notice that kind of thing.”

“Are you serious?” Nathan said, amazed at their disinterest.

“Yes, if you’d believe it” he said lowering the paper. “I don’t put my foot down often but you’re not going out like that” he stated firmly, “go change, now please, young lady.”

Nathan went back to his room and closed the door. They didn’t notice that he was now a she? No, they noticed, but they were acting like he had always been a girl. This was very strange. She tried to catch her breath again as she looked around for a bra.

She found a small box in the cupboard with several bras in it, and pulled out a cherry coloured one which caught her eye. She quickly pulled off her jacket and short t-shirt, and looped the bra straps over her shoulders. She stopped for a moment to consider how to do it, then carefully held each breast as they filled the cups. Her skin was sensitive to her own touch and it was nice to feel her soft flesh under her fingers. She quickly pulled on her shirt and jacket, came out and sat at the table.

“That’s better” her Mum said, “more comfortable?”

The strange thing was that it was. Hard to imagine that while a little tight, women’s underwear was also quite comfortable and snug. "Yes, thanks Mum" she said.

“Milk?” Dad said.

Nathan looked up, "what?"

He placed a carton down beside her bowl and continued reading the paper.

4. The Collision

Apart from Nathan’s own reaction to swapping sexes, everything else seemed completely normal. Her family had to remind her what day it was – open day at the school. Nate knew the routine, there would be carnival rides, food stalls, workshops; the school would be like a circus. The car passed through the gates of the school and roamed through the car park.

“I can get out here,” Nate said, opening the door.

“Ok,” Mum said over her shoulder, “but call us at lunch,” she said, “we packed one for you.”

The car rolled away as Nate began to run the opposite way, away from the car park and towards the crowds. With any luck, she might find a friend she can talk to.

It was an invigorating feeling to run fast and free, she was aware of how her tight jeans pulled against her butt and thighs. She was aware of how her breasts rose and fell with every step, pulling at her chest upon every footfall. The bra was certainly a huge help. She looked around at the carnival rides and gaming booths. “Natalie?” she said to herself, as her thoughts began catching up with her, “Is that what Mum had called me?”

She felt the impact before she registered what had happened. “THWACK!” She had run into someone coming out from around a corner. They connected hard and both fell to the ground, Nate landed outstretched on top of him. It took a moment to recover, she groaned in pain before opening her eyes. She didn’t recognise the boy, but he seemed to be her own age.

After a moment she realized she was staring at him. “I’m so sorry,” Nate said, “I didn’t see you.” She began feeling the butterflies again. No, this was different, Natalie felt aroused. She was lying on top of him, the weight of her body pressing against his, pulsing adrenaline. She quickly scrambled to her feet.

“Hey,” he said cheerfully, “its fine, no broken bones. Are you ok?” he asked.

“Yeah” she said, “I’m fine.”

“I’m Austen by the way,” he said, “what’s your name?”

“Nath…” she began, “Natalie” she repeated awkwardly.

“Do you mind helping me up, Natalie?” the boy said, offering a hand.

Nate grabbed his hand and tried to pull. She felt his weight against hers, his strength, his big warm hand enclosed around hers. She let go and took a few steps back, confused, panicked.

Austen fell back onto the grass with a small thud.

Why was she feeling like this? None of it made sense.

“Are you ok?” he asked.

“I’m sorry,” she said and ran away through the crowd.

Austin yelled after her “Wait!” but she was already running fast.

5. The Boy

Nate hid behind some of the classrooms at the edge of campus and collapsed against a wall. She felt like she was suffocating, breathing in deep gasps as if her lungs couldn’t hold enough air. She felt claustrophobic.

After a few moments, the boy appeared around the corner. In a second he saw her situation and produced a brown paper bag from a pocket.
He knelt down next to her, “here, breathe into this” he said. Nate took the bag and held it up to her mouth, the bag breathed with her and she began to calm.

“If you’re prone to hyperventilate then you should probably carry a bag with you at all times,” he said, “I’m not, but my Mum is, I don’t think she’ll mind if you borrow the bag.”

Nate realised she had tears in her eyes. She felt so overwhelmed by all that had happened that morning that she turned away from him and cried a little.

Austin placed a hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her. “It’s ok” he said soothingly, “my brothers are footy fans and tackle much harder than that.”

She chuckled and began to relax. The weight of his hand on her shoulder really was a comfort. She wiped her tears on the bag and offered it back to him.

“No, don’t worry,” he said, “I always keep a couple on hand.”

He leant over to see her face about the same time she decided to look back towards him. Their lips touched. Nate let the feeling take her, she shut her eyes and leant into the kiss. Every thought ceased, the noise faded as she was enveloped by the safety and satisfaction of the moment.

Their lips parted and she let out a sigh. She looked up and saw the surprised expression on the boys face.
“I’m sorry,” she said again, but this time only partly meant it. “I didn’t mean to…”

“No… that’s ok, I…” he stuttered to find the words. “I just... I’ve never been kissed before, by a girl.”

“Oh, are you gay?” Nate said without thinking.

“No, no, nothing like that” he chuckled, “I’m just, well, shy, I guess. Although my friends were probably starting to wonder” he laughed.
Nate tried to laugh too but was still nervous, she thought of her transformation that morning. “I should probably go” she said wiping the last of her tears from her eyes. She got up again to leave.

He took her hand “No, please stay” he said.

Nate looked back.

“I don’t really know anyone else here,” he said, “my family just moved here the other day, and you’re the only person I know who’s my own age.”

Nate began to smile.

“I know today was a little strange,” he said, “but do you think we could be friends?”

She blushed a little. "Maybe" she hesitated, "later. I really have to go." She tore her arm away from him and ran from the boy. He didn’t follow, only watched her leave.

These feelings inside her were strong. She didn’t want to leave him, she wanted to kiss him some more; she wanted to pull open his shirt and feel him, hold him tightly and feel his warm body against hers, but she feared those feelings. What she felt was not like her, it was not like him. If those feelings could control him/her, then she could possibly do unbearable things while in a girl’s body.

Except… when she thought of them, they didn’t disgust her, they filled her with longing and excitement. She was confused. Her male memories were fighting with her female desires.

What was she to do? She had no one to talk to, nowhere to go for help. She was scared and confused. What had happened to him was unnatural and wrong, but these new feelings inside her were powerful, indescribable.

She tried to reason through the panic of feelings and motivations. So what if she used to be a guy, right now she was a girl and could only expect to act like a girl, in every way. That means that anything she did as a girl wouldn’t be wrong, because she was a girl while she did them. Besides, no one seemed to ever remember her being male, so it made sense that no one would remember when she turned back... if she ever turned back into himself again.

She was no longer running now, she was wandering through vacant part of the school. The attraction she felt was so convicting that if she was to see him again, how would she control herself. Would she throw herself into his arms, kiss him again, press her body up against him, and let him take her. Natalie found the place where she and Austen shared their first kiss. No Austin. She sighed, a little disappointed.

6. The Invitation

Natalie walked back and stood at the edge of the crowd looking in. She searched for a familiar face, but no such luck. She watched the kids on the jumping castles, the groups of friends buying fairy-floss and hot-dogs, the parents looking at maps and pointing in every direction. She couldn’t believe that after her life had changed so much, the rest of the world remained completely unaffected.

Someone tapped her on the shoulder, Nate turned around. It was a girl. She was a little shorter than her, with green and yellow face paint, and matching ribbons tied into her hair.

"Hey" she said, throwing her arms around her, "where’ve you been?"

Nate stood still as the girl squeezed her arms around her waist.

She didn’t know who this was but tried to play along. "Hey," Nate said back awkwardly.

"We were wondering when you’d get here," the girl said grabbing her hand and pulling her along. "You were supposed to get here half-an-hour ago, we’ve already started."

Natalie was confused but followed quickly behind her since she seemed to know who she was.

The girl led her into the trees on the other side of the school, behind the music building, and directed her to a small hedge of bushes near the wall.

"Its a bush," Nate confirmed, confused by the whole experience.

"Ha, nice one Natalie," she said, "behind the bush."

Natalie pulled back some of the branches and stepped inside the dark opening, then immediately tripped on a root.
She heard several voices giggling around her.

Looks like someone forgot about the security step"’ one girl said jokingly.

Natalie looked up and saw three girls looking at her, as well as the one who brought her. Nate picked herself up. They were under the floorboards of the music building, in a secret opening hidden around the other side of the building. Light streamed in through various points in the walls and ceiling. There were thick pillars surrounding them, the foundations of the building.

"So anyway" the first girl explained, "Jennifer is having a sleepover at her place tonight and we’re all going, we wanted to know if you'd join us?"

"Um, sure," Nate said, still distracted by their secret hideout.

"Great," said another girl, she could have been Jennifer. "It’s at six o’clock," she said, "bring your own sleeping bag and personals. I’ll supply all the food."

"Jen's been cooking up a storm," said another girl, whispering into Nate's ear, "but we've also got a surprise planned, it's so exciting."
The girls in the circle already voiced their agreement before Nate realised what she had agreed to. They all passed through the bush to the bright outside light.

Nate caught the last girl by the arm, "where's Jennifer's place again?" she asked.

The girl looked at her sarcastically, "funny" she said, "now c’mon, we're gonna be late."
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