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Rated: E · Article · Writing · #2184720
In this article, I argue against the current trends in writing.
By M.Ubaid

We humans are constantly engaged in the verbalization of our thoughts and ideas, and in the expression of our views about a myriad of topics and things, mainly through the use of language. This utilization of language can either be spoken or written. We practice the former without following any particular rules and norms, but when it comes to the latter the same use of language turns into a nightmare.
While speech and writing differ in their mechanics yet, both serve the same basic purpose of communication. However, there is a fixed mindset about writing that if we want to write we have to use ponderous language to give a sense of intelligence, to impress our audience, and to sound serious and savvy. The basic thing that we forget when it comes to writing that it is nothing more than the execution of ideas through words. Whether it is an article, a book, or any literary and non-literary piece the core intent of all forms of writing is to convey a message, share an idea, or give new information.
However, instead of presenting our thoughts and communicating with our audience, we baffle them and make it hard for them to have a grasp of what we want to convey. The complexity of our vocabulary and a highfalutin way of writing only create problems for our readers. Unfortunately, this superfluous way of writing has become a trend and any Writer who does not comply with these conventional standards is considered as amateur, naive, and one who does not know how to write well. On the contrary the one who long for readymade phrases, pretentious diction, and the use of words for the sake of impression is considered versed and agile minded. But this kind of writing according to Orwell is: nothing more than the mixture of vagueness and sheer incompetence.
Similarly, these established trends hinder the creativity of a bevy of people. They want to write but they lack the knowledge of excess verbosity that they constantly encounter in various written pieces used with the sole purpose to make an impression. And such tactics turn writing into a nightmare, because the person who want to make an attempt focuses on the use of language instead of imaginations. In other word he starts policing his imaginations and as Camille Paglia says : The Imagination cannot and must not be policed.
Thus, my point is that just for the sake of a particular writing trend we don’t have to put a limit on our unlimited imaginations. Whenever we want to write about something we don’t have to long for perfection and professionalism. What we need is an adequate knowledge of grammar and punctuation, a clarity of thinking since clear thinking leads to clear writing ,and a grip on the mechanics of a sentence structure and its coherence. We have to know how to communicate and how to make things easy to understands. Because if we can not explain something in a simple and clear way, it means we do not understand it.

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