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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2185413
You want a vampire? No problem. We have six.
What would you do? So many people have to ask this question. But only a few truly answer it. So, I ask you: What would you do?

What would you do if you knew a vampire was looking for you, and the only place you could turn to was another group of them?

That’s what I had to do.

I’m a certain type of human. For one, I can see vampires for what they truly are. Second, my blood type allows me that power. That blood also happens to be the most desired by vampires. It’s called Type V, naturally. Only a few are born every century. The blood always shows up as the universal receiver, +AB. But I can’t donate. I happen to be one of those unlucky few.

When you’re first born, everything shows up great. Then you hit about fourteen, and shit changes for the worst. Weird people start to appear. Those are the vampires. They’ll wait until you’re older, when your blood ripens and is bursting with Type V. Until then, you’ll find yourself being followed by many, many strange things. If you don’t know what’s happening, then there’s very little chance you’ll survive past seventeen. But if you can grasp that there’s something about you that draws these people in and you find ways to avoid them, then your survival rates going to go way up. That’s what mine did.

Before he found me.

I was walking down the street, dressed in the absolute trashiest outfit possible without looking homeless. I just wanted to get back to my house after going out to volunteer for an elementary school. I mean, I was just trying to do some good for nothing in return. Why couldn’t I just be left alone?

I walked down the street, and as I turned the corner into my neighborhood, a tall and pale figure came around the corner. We collided.

“Gosh, I’m so sorry. Let me help you.” I said. I grabbed his arm and helped pull him up.

“Oh, no. I was hoping to run into you.” he said. The man was strangely calm. In ten seconds, I had gotten three red flags, and I ignored them all.

I smiled uncertainly. “And what can I help you with?”

His eyes met mine, and I felt the air leave my lungs. They were like kaleidoscopes, colors and fragments swirling around in them. This was the warning that got through to my brain. I tried to back away, but I stumbled. He caught me as I fell and held me. I struggled weakly, panic surging through me. This had never happened before! It have never gotten this far.

I could feel him sapping my strength, my limbs and brain going numb. He cradled my head in one of his hands. “Now, now. Let’s calm that poor racing heart of yours, otherwise all your blood will come gushing out all at once. And I want to savor every last drop.” His mouth was getting closer to my neck with every second. Fear gripped me like a vice. All I could register were two things: my blood rushing in my ears and a single thought.

I don’t want to die. I don’t want to die. I don’t want to d-.

I closed my eyes, and I could myself slipping away. His fangs still hadn’t pierced my skin. And I would never feel it, because I lost consciousness right then and there.


I was alive. My blood was still pounding in my ears, and I had a killer headache. But I was alive. Which meant the vampire probably wasn’t done with me, which led to him probably being near.

I opened my eyes to a familiar popcorn ceiling. My room. My house. Oh my God, I had a vampire in my house, without my permission, and just waiting for me to recover. Hell no.

As much as it pained me, I sat up and looked around. So far, so good. No vampire. I proceeded to get out of my bed and head down the stairs. Still no one. Relief washed through me. I would have to move houses, but at least for now no one was here. I slumped against the kitchen wall, utterly exhausted. I prayed silently that at this point, I would just die a normal death. A car crash, a plane crash, anything. Hell, even a murder. Just not by my blood getting drained from m body by a pair of fangs and swirling eyes.

I shivered. I didn’t realize how cold it was in my house. The thermostat read sixty degrees. Dang, what in the world was I doing? The plastic button on the side got pressed a couple dozen times, and I was glad to see it now read it would be about seventy-four. That was more like it.

“Well, that’s just plain wrong.” a voice said.

I yelped and lunged for one of the kitchen knives in the block on the counter. I whipped back around to the voice. A very different man was now in my house. He wasn’t as pale, and his hair was a dusty brown. Almost everything about him looked white-washed. I held the knife out.

“What the hell are you doing here?!”

He held up his hands. “Relax, sweetheart. All I’m saying is seventy-four’s a bit high.”

I gestured with the knife. “It’s my damn house, and I’ll bump it up to ninety if I damn well please! How did you get in here? I’ll have you arrested for breaking and entering!”

“I seriously doubt the police can do anything to me. See?” he smiled, and I gasped. He had a pair of serious fangs protruding from his gums. My hand was shaking now as I held out the knife. “Besides, I’ve got no intention of harming you... without consent.”

I looked at him. “Why would I ever give you consent to hurt me? No, you’re not taking my blood.”

He shrugged. “Just a thought, sweetheart. Now, please put down the knife.”

I shrugged back. “No. And stop calling me that.”


I huffed and brought down the knife. “Fine, but take a step closer and you’ll have it sticking out of your eye.”

He tilted his head. “You’re quite violent, aren’t you? Anyway, I came to make you a deal. You know there’s that other vampire after you, and that one was quick to get what he wanted. He’s obviously a danger to you, and I’ve got a place where you can be safe from him.”

“Is this all because you want my blood but you’re too proud to as for it?”

He made a so-so gesture with his hand. “I’m not asking because I believe I can earn it and not have to take it. I’ve got more control than some other vampires. My friends and I just want to make a simple deal with you.”

I backed up into my counter. “What do you mean ‘friends’?”

“I apologize for not being completely transparent. It’s not just me here. I needed help.” A shimmer appeared behind him, and five more vampires became visible.

I scoffed. “What’s this damn deal of yours?”

He waved a hand in the air. “It’s simple. You come with us to be safe from the one vampire currently hunting you, and you give us a chance to impress you enough to allow us your blood. Pretty straightforward.”

It was really a no-brainer. I mean, hang out with one vampire or six? “No thanks,” I said. “You can all get out, now.” I thrust a hand at the door. “You all foundation way in, I expect you know know where at least the door is.”

They all made to leave except for the initial vampire. He moved towards me, eyes downcast and hands out in a motion to show me he had no weapons or intentions of harm. He was asking for permission to approach me. Despite having seven vampires actually come at me today, I believed he really wouldn’t do anything, so I nodded. He moved forward and came to stop just inches from me. I couldn’t help but lean back a bit. he was a little too close for my safety. Then he reached out a hand to touch me, thought better of it, and put it back to his side.

“That vampire is one of the strongest. He will come back for you, and this time we may not get there in time to help you. I’m begging you, come with us. I swear not one of us will lay so much as a glance in your direction until you’re comfortable if you come with us. Please.”

I swallowed. “I have two questions, and you’re going to answer them truthfully.”

“Whatever you wish.”

“Is this about my blood, or are you all genuinely concerned for me, as a living being?”

He paused, a slight color in his face. Oh God, he was actually embarrassed. “We are concerned for your safety. I mean, since you were six all six of us have been around. Your signature was more powerful than most. In that time we’ve come around to... enjoy you.”

I took a deep breath. “My last question.” I also paused gathering myself up for what he might say. “What would you do?”

Still want more of these mysterious vampires? Go check out A Handsome Rescue Party, where they come back for more, but so does their enemy.

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