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Rated: XGC · Fiction · Erotica · #2188862
A man become fascinated by a stranger lurking outside his home.
It had been a long day, but the evening loomed longer. He'd been restless all day. He didn't want to think it had anything to do with his ex's out of the blue text message, but he knew that was the only thing to account for the tank in his mood.

Usually, he loved his little cabin. Not quite in the woods, but just off a rarely traveled one-lane piece of highway. There was about half a city block between his house and the next neighbor. Not in the middle of nowhere, but maybe just to the left of it. Probably one of the last few places where you could leave your door unlocked at night.

The previous owner had tried to glamorize what was otherwise a modest cabin. The entire back wall of the house had been replaced with floor-to-ceiling windows, with two huge sliding doors leading onto the wraparound porch, one in the master bedroom and one in the living room. It made for an incredible view of the sun setting over the mountains, as the city in the valley below gradually lit up like a pond full of stars. But tonight the last thing he needed was quiet contemplation. He didn't feel like driving back into town to the bar. Other people's idle chatter wouldn't clear the chatter in his own head, and every blonde who walked in he would just compare to Ella.

He settled on a Dodgers game, grabbed a beer from the fridge and splayed onto the sofa. He tried to shake his unsettled feeling, but the beer was doing nothing, the Dodgers were getting their asses handed to them, and even the Emmure thrashing from the stereo did nothing to calm his nerves.

Finally, he gave in. He hadn't thought about her in a few days. Well, not much. He had been strong enough to resist immediately texting her back. Perhaps a little private indulgence would be ok. Facing the view, he kicked off his sweats and let his hand drift to his cock.

Visions instantly flooded his brain. The way her tits bounced when she rode him, almost in perfect sync. The way her tshirts rose up to reveal the hint of her tramp stamp. The way she screamed his name when they fucked, almost begging him to stop, which he never did.

He was rock hard now, stroking faster, but not urgently. A part of him wanted to savor this - the flashbacks, the memories. Hold himself in the time when things were good. But inevitably, he got closer and closer, and could not slow himself down.

He happened to focus on the view outside for just a second. Just in time to see a woman staring back at him, several yards back from the porch.
FUCK, he thought. And not the good kind. He had no doubt, whatever the hell she was doing out there, that she was definitely there, and she had definitely seen him. He sat upright, but before he could think of what to do next, she took off running. By the time he could grab his pants and get to the porch, she was just a spot in the distance, only the speck of her red shirt identifying her. With his orgasm ruined and his mind scattered in a million different directions, he gave up trying to relax for the night. He grabbed his keys and pulled on a tshirt, and headed for the bar.

He spent the next day even more agitated. At some point the night before he had finally texted Ella back. It had taken him 40 minutes to come up with "hey, what's up?" to which she never responded.

He didn't even try to talk himself out of jerking off to her tonight. He could barely get home and unwind before he laid out on the sofa, preparing himself for a long night of torturous memories. It wasn't until he sat down that he remembered the girl from last night. He knew he was being foolish, but he wondered if he might see her again. Despite his frantic restlessness, he decided to wait until later that evening. Maybe she would come by at the same time again?

Finally, as dusk settled in, he let himself given in. Despite his raw fantasies of fucking his ex, he found his thoughts interruptied with visions of the girl from last night. He wanted to close his eyes and block out the world, but he couldn't resist keeping his eyes peeled toward the windows, hoping for another vision.

And he wasn't disappointed. Soon enough, an image appeared in the distance. And what an image. Even from this distance, he could see she had a great figure. She was slim, but her leggings revealed hips that curved enough to suggest a decent sized ass. Her tank clung to her in the humidity, showing off full breasts. She continued to stand there, she must not have realized he'd seen her, so he stroked himself, carefully, pretending not to notice her while carefully studying her.

He took his time, letting his hand grip his cock firmly, but not forcefully. This was no accident. Whatever the hell she had been doing out there, it was clear now she was watching him. When she leaned against a tree and crossed her legs, he wondered if perhaps she was enjoying herself too.

The thought was too much to take. Before he knew it, he was about to come. He stood up quickly, to give her a show. There he was, standing in the living room, with a rock hard cock in his hand, chest slick with perspiration. The mystery girl paused for a quick second, before turning back and running away. the last thing he thought before he came was "I was right. She does have a nice ass."

And so they went on, every day, for almost two weeks. Every day, at dusk, he was ready. And without fail, every day, she came by in time to see him. The past couple of days, she didn't immediately run away when he looked at her. He could have sworn she was standing closer to the house than usual last night. He had taken to sitting in a chair facing the windown, so she could get a better look.. And mostly, so he could get a better look at her.

Today, an idea struck him, and he couldn't wait to test his theory. The day crawled by. The sun seemed fixed in the sky. Once again, neither beers nor tv calmed his energy, but this time he was thinking of the mystery girl, and not of his ex.

Finally, as the time approached, he prepared his plan. He poured himself a drink, this was still a little bold, he decided on the courageous powers of a jack and coke. As the ice cubes tinkled in his glass, he slowly made his way to the sliding door.

Today he would show off outside.

He'd never done anything like this before. Sue, he'd fucked in public places before, but still hidden. And never trying to get caught. Certainly nowhere so open, even though but for her there was never anyone around. It was still unnerving, to be so exposed. Still, he was anxious to see how far this would go. To get closer to her. To up the ante.

With one more swig of his drink, he stepped out of his jeans, and seated himself on the lawn chair on the porch. His nerves made it difficult, but he soon relaxed enough to begin to enjoy hismelf. He was pleasantly surprised at the new sensation of feeling the sun all over him, when he thought he heard the soft patter of footsteps.

She stopped cold when she saw him on the porch. For better or worse, she had definitely raised the stakes. He was afraid this was a mistake - if she took off again he knew she wouldn't be back. But she just stared. FInally he was able to get a much better look at her. He wasn't wrong about her ass, and he wasn't wrong about her rack either. Her copper skin practically shone in the evening heat.

She was, quite properly, shapely. She wasn't thin, like Ella, or frail. But the meat that was on her bones was solid. And looked delicious. He noticed a wristband and earbuds. A runner perhaps? A runner with stamina, hopefully.

What interested him most was her mouth. She had a wide mouth, with full lips, as though she were permanmently on the verge of puckering for a kiss. He immediately wanted to fill her mouth with is cock.

He was so mesmerized he almost forgot he was supposed to be jerking off. Truthfully, between the heat and his nerves and his drinks, he was afraid it wouldn't be much of a show. He tried to stay focused, but he wasn't sure he'd ever been so turned on in his life, laying there, exposed, watching her and the heaving of that glorious chest, while she stared at him, clearly herself mesmerized by hi, it was enough to make any man come right there. Until she did the unthinkable. With a quick glance over her shoulder, she focused her gaze back on him.
And headed straight for the porch.

He stood up just as she reached the top step. He didn't want to break the spell by saying anything. He stood there, naked and hard, watching her watch him. Her eyes drifted toward his cock. She was panting, which could have been from her run, but could have been from him. This girl wanted him. And he knew he was going to have to take over. Without a second thought he grabbed her by the waist and shoved her inside.

He pushed her down on the sofa, and stood over her. She'd played with him long enough, now it was time to giver her what she wanted.

"Take your shirt off" he ordered. It was harsher than he intended but she didn't seem to mind. She pulled off her light blue tee and looked up at him, expectantly. Waiting for instructions.

"Bra too." She fumbled a bit with her sports bra, but it was worth the wait. Her large breasts were practically the size of softballs. her nipples were hard as stone, and she certainly wasn't cold.

He bent down, to start sucking and lickign her breasts. He pulled on her nipples, roughly, with her teeth. She just moaned softly at first, but eventually her hands found their way up and down his back and butt. she grazed his thighs, but didn't touch his cock. He stood back up, watching her faint panting, finally looking back at him. God that look. If he could have gotten harder he would have.

"Do you think it's nice to snoop on people in their own homes?"

"No, I guess not." Her voice was softer than he expected. Girly, even for a girl.

"Well you've watched me ever day for the past couple of weeks. And now I've invited you into my home. So why don't you show me what you want instead of just staring at me in the backyard?"

Her eyes drifted immediately back to his cock. After a pause, she reached for it, and began to stroke him. Hard. All the while, staring at it like she could quite believe it was real. Just as he was about to say something, she opened her mouth and slid him inside.

And what a fucking mouth it was.

She licked his tip, slowly, her tongue circling around him, before she bobbed on his dick. Back and forth, she gagged herself a couple of times, but didn't stop. She pulled away, gasping, with tears forming in her eyes, before greedily returning to his cock. She wrapped her hand around his bases, jerking what she couldn't reach with her mouth.

Fuck. He needed her to slow down He pulled out, letting his dick linger on her lips before pushing back into him. He did this a few times, hoping he could control himself this way, but she had her and gripping his thighs as if she were trying to force him to stay in her mouth. He pulled out of her suddenly; she moaned as though disapppointed.

Before she could reach for him again, he gave her another order "Take your fucking pants off and lay down."

She lipped off her bottoms quickly, when he had an idea. Before she could lay down, he spun her around and was delighted to see what was indeed a glorious ass. It wasn't that large, not like what he usually liked, but sat high, and firm. He smacked it. Hard. "You think it's nice to spy on people?"

"No, I'm sorry. I couldn't help it."

"Well I think you should make up for the trouble you caused, don't you?" SMACK.

"I"m sorry."

"That 's not what I asked you." SMACK. "Do you want to suck my dick some more?"


"Yeah I bet. But you're going to give me what I want now." He walked her over to the dining table. Roughly, he pushed her down, so she was still standing, but lying face down on the table. He slapped her ass again, watching it ripple softly. He fingered her, causing her to moan in both anticipating and frustration.

He wanted to tease her more, play with her longer. But he couldn't wait another second to fuck this beautiful stranger who had haunted his wildest dreams the past couple of weeks. And, judging by his fingers, neither could she. He spread her legs a bit wider apart, and finally thrust himself into her. With one hand, he grabbed both her hands behind her back and pushed himself into her over and over. "This is what happens when you spy on people" he growled at her. Her response may have been a yes, but it was drowned out by a ferocious brown, followed by her body shaking in convulsions. As she gradually stopped shaking, he had to press against her to keep her in position, while he continued to thrust in and out of her. She continued to moan and scream while he relentlessly fucked her. She wanted to collapse, but he would not give in to her.

Finally, after he fucked her as hard as he could. letting all the tension and frustration and confusion of the past few weeks build up, he pulled out, managing to catch her before she collapsed to the floor. He tried not to come on her, but he secretly enjoyed seeing the little white spots against her tan skin on her side and back.

He was exhausted, and allowed himself a few moments to let his heart rate slow. He laid down, awkwardly, next to her, though she was on her side, facing away from him. He watched the heaving of her body as she began to regain her breath, and had the urge to let his fingers wander her body. But somehow he knew, even with her facing away from him, that she wouldn't want to linger with him.

Eventually he got up, and went to the kitchen to grab her a towel to wipe off with. When he returned, he was huddled up with her knees against her chest, her face completely unreadable. He handed it to her, but she didn't look at him when she took it from him. She muttered a "thanks" so soft he wasn't actually sure she had said anything. He brought her clothes to her, so she wouldn't have to do a walk of shame across the living room back to the couch, although he himself was still naked. This time she did definitely thank him, though she still wouldn't look at him.

He wanted to say something, anything. But what was there to say? He wanted to keep this moment, but he didn't know how. With her back to him, she struggled awkwardly to put her clothes back on, still seated, as though she didn't want him to see the ass that had just had his cum on it a few moments before.

FInally, and much too soon, she stood up, fully dressed. Almost no different than when she'd arrived.

She didn't quite look him in the eye. "Thank you" was all she said, in that jarringly high voice again. And before he knew it, she was gone. Off on the trail behind his house, off on what to anyone else would look like an evening jog.

He knew he was in for another long night. Somehow after fucking her he had more questions than he had before. All of which led to one central theme:

Would she be back?

He had no idea what was next. All he knew was that tomorrow, he'd be on the back porch. Waiting.
© Copyright 2019 karebear (24karats at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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