Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2191167-strangers
Rated: E · Other · Adult · #2191167
are you afraid of meeting someone new?
strangers! ugghhh they could be your best friends or the people you should avoid. but in my case most of the people that i didn't like turned out to be the best people i've ever met so far. every new person in your life teaches you something,it all depends on what you learn. some teaches us the things we never knew existed and some teaches us things we wished never existed. there are going to be thousands of people crossing your way and there will be some people you will wish you had met earlier and some never at all. but i truly believe that good people gives us memories and bad people gives us experience. somehow both helps us to grow in life and to become a better person. sometimes you just close your eyes and wish some people to be back in your life and sometimes you miss the memories they gave you. i think the best kind of people are the ones who gives us time where we are laughing like anything without worrying about what happened,what will happen or what should happen rather we are just focussing on what is happening.those are the moments where we actually live and those are the people we should always keep close to our heart and trust me they are hard to find but the best part is when they find you. we try so hard to hide from the bad things that could happen that we often leave behind the good that is happening.life is short and how much you are living life totally depends upon the people you are spending your time with. even if you lost a good person remember there are so many more good people out there and one thing that's really important to understand is that your vibe attracts your tribe. that goes with finding a partner too. you want a man who is funny,excited about life,ambitious,fit,smart and deep. so stop and ask yourself once why would such a guy want to be with someone who snoozes her alarm often and procrastinate all of her tasks and continously remind herself of why she cant do a certain thing or who just lose hope as soon as somebody say "no". why would a guy who is excited about life want to be with a girl who has nothing to look forward to and who is not intersted in finding her own self. you want a fit partner but would he want to be with someone who promises herself daily to wake up at 5 am but fail! no,nobody wants to be with a person like that until they are same as you, just stop and ask yourself would a guy like him ever want to be with a girl who is always complaining about life and crying for the past or would he rather search for someone who is happy,enthusiastic,living life,finding solution and have a compelling vision. forget about guys and just imagine how happy that version of yourself will be and seriously once you make major changes in you life you never really want to go back to how you used to be. its hard to change yourself but sometimes thats what you really need. stop complaining,stop feeling bad for yourself for facing anything that you ever faced and be grateful because it evolved you into a better person.,learn to find solutions and ways of doing things and stop looking so hard at the closed door. let your past be something you learn from not something that takes you back to a place you worked so hard to come out from. stop being or playing the role of a victim because what you are in your eyes is exactly how other people see you. work on being the best self you know how.
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