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You are a royal guard tasked with delivering an important package to Princess Twilight. |
This story is based on Flatulent in Ponyville. --------------------------------------------------------- The air slowly swooshed through your mane as you flew over the vast landscape that was Equestria. From this altitude everything below seemed like vague splotches of greens and blue’s with the occasional splotch of yellow. It’d become a bit of a habbit to view it all as a waterpainted canvas that flowed down from ahead just to make the long flights you often went on seem less long. Not that you didn’t enjoy the cool breeze. This time was different. You were a pegasus, a royal guard no less. Becladden in your golden armor you were on an important mission from one of the Princesses. Your wings beat with vigour, soaring through the air as quickly as you could possibly go. Behind you a small cart attached to your sides glided along. Latched atop it was a box containing something of importance to the princesses. At first your heart had been beating furiously as it was being attached. It wasn’t often that packages were sent by royal cart instead of via the postal pegasi. Whatever was in it needed to be delivered urgently. There were no other pegasi flying along with you, and you’d only gotten instructions to make haste. So it wasn’t something that was under risk of being intercepted by some hidden enemy. Though the fact that it needed to be delivered post haste may mean it may be vital to the princess. The tales that made their way across Equestria were grand. The princess of Friendship had saved the world on many occasions. Perhaps you were about to play a part in something grander than you could even imagine. The box hadn’t made a sound throughout it being given to you. Whatever was inside was perfectly secured. Perhaps it was a shipment of potions, or ingredients needed for some strange mixture. It couldn’t be some ancient artifact, otherwise you’d have gotten some support in case somepony tailed you. You hadn’t noticed any movement across the skies except for birds and the sparce clouds. It was a rather serene and calm day. Celestia’s sun was warm and soothed the otherwise cold air at these heights. So it wasn’t something cataclysmic this time. Perhaps it was a friendship problem that required the intervention of the princesses themselves. You’d read the book of friendship on occasion. Though with all the recent news that seemed less likely. Besides the royal sisters were known for visiting ponyville themselves, so it wasn’t likely they’d entrust you for something of that scale. Ponyville grew nearer on the horizon. Everything seemed calm, just about as busy as you’d expect a town to be around this time of day. Whatever it was, maybe you weren’t meant to know. Maybe you’d been tasked to take on it alone to keep it low profile. You pondered this as with a soft trot and slide you landed on a small grass patch near the large, crystalline castle. You steeled yourself, chest forward, eyes ahead. Don’t look at anypony unless you need to ask for directions. No need to make anypony feel like they’re under royal arrest. This package made you too uncertain to remember your training. A set of knocks rang loud against the castle doors. It didn’t take long for the door to slowly open and a purple head to poke itself out. You were taken aback for a moment. “Princess Twilight, a package from Canterlot as per your request.” You kept your voice level, trying to hide your excretion from the flight. “Oh, thank you, sir. Please, bring it inside.” She had a gentle, soft smile on her face. Her eyes drifted to the package, a look of relief sweeping across her. Whatever it was, she’d been waiting. You chastised yourself for taking so long and nodded, following her in. You placed the package where she requested, “Apologies if my delivery was late, Princess Twilight.” “No need to worry, my stock was just running low. You weren’t late in the slightest.” She fidgetted a little in place, her eyes suddenly going wide. A purple hue surrounded the box and it was pulled open, revealing a large collection of air fresheners all strapped together in the box. It looked like there must have been at least a few douzen in there. She pulled one out then stood still for a moment, her rear hooves dancing a bit. She seemed to have some sweat building up on her brow. “Is something the matter, Princess Twilight?” She’d looked at the box before looking at you, an awkward smile forming on her face. “Oh, nothing. Thank you very much for delivering it, but you must need to be on your way, don’t you? I don’t want to keep you too long. I’ll let princess Celestia know that you were perfectly on time.” She motioned a bit with her hoof and almost herded you out of the door. An air freshener hovered in a magical glow beside her along the way. “Thank you, Princess Twilight.” You answered in as stoic a manner as you could while a princess was virtually shoo’ing you away. You made sure to make your way out the door as she wished. She gave you one last thankful smile and a rushed wave before the door slammed shut. Moments later you heard the sound of the air freshener that she’d taken along. |