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Follow the Story of a Boy who Obtains the Power to Exchange that Changes his Life Forever |
Introduction of the Author: I am the Writer of this Story and Please don't Mind my Mistakes if I make Some since this is My First Story. Don't Mind the Use of Capital Letters since it is Part of My Style in Writing. This is the Story about A Boy who Suddenly Obtained the Power to Exchange Things with People- Physical, Mental, Anything - and Reality will be Altered. I Hope You Enjoy. Prologue It was an Early Morning on Daystone Town. Kyle Treverson had to Get Up Early since he has School Mondays. Kyle is a Second-Year Student at Daystone High School and is Fairly Higher in Education than the Average Student. He has to Get Up Early to Catch the Bus on Time or Else he'll be Late for Classes. Kyle gave out a Big Yawn and Proceeded towards the Bathroom for a Quick Shower. There, he Ran into his Older Sister, Mikaela Treverson, who is a Year Ahead of him in School. "Morning" greeted Mikaela. Kyle nodded and went into the Bathroom to get Things Done with. Mikaela was a Pretty, Lady-Like Person that Guys always Dreamed of Being With. She has a Good Personality and Deals with Most of the Chores in the House. She has a Nice Physique with C-cups(what it is to be Believed) but is still Single(for Some Reason). She has a Strong Bond Towards her Family and Friends. After taking a Five Minute Shower, Kyle headed off for His Room and Encountered his Younger Sister, Alice Treverson, who is a Year Behind him. Kyle gave a Wave to her and soon She Walks into the Bathroom. Alice is a Fairly Intelligent and Quiet Girl. She Gives off a Vibe that Makes People around Her wanting to Protect Alice. She is kind of Behind in her Development and only Managed to Reach an A-cup but Overall she Still Looks Cute. Like Mikaela, she has a Strong Sense of Attachment towards her Family. Kyle Closed the Door to his Room Behind him and Started to Dress Himself. It was During this Time that Changed the Rest of his Days Forever. Kyle Had the Slightest Jolt inside his Brain and Time Suddenly Stopped. No Wind, No Chirpings, No Movements. Nothing at all. A Dark Figure Appeared and Materialized itself to Resemble a Human Form. Its Hair was Black, Its Black Robe- Kimono -was Black, Its Shades were Black. It was Hovering above the Ground while Remaining in a Standing Position. Kyle was Brimming with Fear, not Knowing What to Do. 'Maybe my Life will End Here' is what he Thought but it Extended a Hand Out to Kyle. Kyle, not wanting to Make it Awkward, Grasped it in his Hand and his Hand Started Glowing Out of Nowhere and Pain was Coursing through his Hand. He Clutched his Hand and Fell to the Floor due to the Pain he Felt from his Hand. The Figure Whispered to his Ear, "Thou Hast been Chosen to Inherit the Ability that has been Passed Down for Generations; If Thou Accept this Contract, Thine Powers Shalt be For Thine-self and Those Who Thy Wish to Share with. I am Arrow Shadow, do Thou, Kyle Treverson, accept this Pact?" Kyle was Bewildered by all of This. It all seems Unbelievable but there was Only One Thing that Mattered to Him. He wanted 'the Pain to Stop'. "I Accept!!" Kyle shouted. "The Pact has been Forged, I Hope we Get Along." Chapter 1 'Riiiiinnnnggg' The School Bell Rung. Morning Rolecalls are a Must in Schools. Kyle was Slumped on all over his Table ever since his Ordeal this Morning. He Passed it off as Some kind of Dream and the First thing he didn't Know about was his 'Power'. "Sigh" Kyle was Spent and had no more Energy to Move. "Alright Class, We will be having a Transfer Student, please be Nice to Them," Announced the Homeroom Teacher, Ms. Jane Lanette, to the Class. 'Will it be a Girl??','I can't Wait to Meet them','Did they come From some Foreign Country', the Class Questioned themselves With. "You can Come in Now." What Strided In couldn't Believe Kyle's Eyes. It was... "This is your New Classmate, Arrow Shadow. Please Introduce yourself to the Class." Arrow walked to the Front of the Class and Adjusted himself. "My name is Arrow Shadow, I came from Overseas to Dedicate my Knowledge to this School. Thank you for Having Me," Arrow Spoke with a Formal Tone. Kyle was Shocked by this. 'Arrow Exists' is what Crossed his Mind. Arrow took a Glance in Kyle's Direction and only Smiled to him. Classes Proceeded as Normal until Recess Came. Arrow's Table was Swarmed with Crowds of People and he was Surrounded. They Fired questions at Him Without Stopping. It was Pitiful to Watch, so Kyle Stood up from his Desk and Approached Arrow. "Hey there, Kyle," greeted Arrow. "I need to Talk to you for a Bit," Kyle stated. "Ahh, I needed to Tell you Something as Well, let's go Somewhere more Private." "That just Sounds like what a Bully would Say." "Fine by Me." They Left the Classroom and Headed to the School Courtyard. They sat Under a Tree and Started a Conversation. "This morning, you were Most Probably thinking what your Powers are and Also Tried to Dismiss it as a Dream," said Arrow. Kyle believed that he has the Power, after seeing Arrow with his Own Two Eyes. "The Power you Inherited is the Power to Exchange Things," said Arrow, Amplified by a Serious Tone. "Exchange Things?" said Kyle, Puzzled by the Statement. "Basically like Swapping Things. You get Theirs, they get Yours, stuff like that." "Great Explanation" "Who's your Math Teacher again? Ms. ...Mandy Travers?" "Ms. Amanda Taverns." "Ok, Let's use Ms. Taverns as an Example. Say you want her Breasts. To Engage this Swap, you Need Both Parties Permission. The Method of Acceptance doesn't Matter as long as there is an Agreement. So, when Both Parties Agree, the Exchange will take Place and you will have Ms. Taverns Breasts and she will have yours." "Why do I need her Permission though?" "Don't Ask me, it's just There to Begin with." "So I just Need their Approval and that's it?" "Yup, that's all it Takes. Oh, and Reality will be Altered so be Sure to take Note of that Fact." "Will you Also be Affected by this Reality Changing Effect?" "No, I won't since I'm your Guide. I'm the One who is Supposed to Watch Over You." "Then, What Kind of Exchanges can I Perform?" "Anything- Physical, Mental -, you name it. As long as it's not on a World-Scale Thing." "So, I can do Anything I want?" "Under My Supervision." "This is a Lot to Take in." "Take your Time to get Used to Your Powers. I suggest Testing it with Someone you are Close with." Kyle thought that he Can do Anything with his Powers. He can Change the World or be Captured if the Government finds Out about this. Kyle took a Deep Breath to Take it all In and Thought up Possible Candidates to Test on. There were his Friends, Jake and Mary, his Sisters, his Teachers (maybe not), his Relatives and Possibly his Neighbours. "Oh, I Forgot to Ask but aren't Shades Not Allowed to be Used in Schools?" asked Kyle. "They are against the Rules but of course, with my Supernatural Powers I can Change others' Perceptions and make them Think that I Normally Wear these." 'This Guy Seriously needs some Common Sense' Kyle thought. 'Riiinnnggg' The School Bell Rung. Recess is over and it was Time to Head back to Class. "I have a Different Class right now, Bye for Now," Arrow said and Turned to Walk away from Kyle. Kyle got up off the Ground and Continued the Rest of his Day. Chapter 2 It was After School and Kyle was Walking Home. Kyle couldn't Meet up with his Friends since they were Busy and the Teachers had an After School Meeting, so it was a No-Go. The Only Candidates that is Most Likely to be Trusted are his Sisters. He Decided to Test it on one of them First before Approaching the Other. A message from Mikaela was Sent to his Phone: 'I will be Coming Home a Little Later than Usual' Well, only Alice was Left. Kyle reached the Front Door to his Home and Entered. He Layed down his Stuff in his Room and Searched for Alice, starting with the Dining Room. Kyle saw a Note on the Dining Table that says, 'Here's the Money for your Living Expenses. I Love you All. -Father' The Father of the Family, Mr. Treverson, is Rarely seen at Home due to his Work. He works all Day to Pay for his Children's Daily Needs. He is a Lovely and Caring Father. No sign of Alice in the Dining Room, Kyle checked the Living Room. Sure Enough, she was There watching TV. Kyle approached her and Sat next to her on the Sofa. She didn't Notice Kyle was there and was a bit Surprised when he Suddenly Appeared next to Her. There was a Calm and Soothing Atmosphere throughout the Room until Kyle asked her, "Have you Ever thought of Being a Boy?" Alice was Confused by his Sudden Question but Answered with a Nod. "Well, this Morning, I met Someone and they said I have the Power to Switch things between Myself and Others" Kyle Confessed. Alice was More Confused now and thought of it as a Joke made by her Silly Brother. "I know you won't Believe me, but I want to Test this Out. If it doesn't work, then Nothing Happens." Alice was Afraid of the Consequences but reluctantly Offered herself to be Kyle's Guinea Pig. "You want to Try having a Guy's Junk?" Alice nods while blushing. "Alright then, do you give me Permission to Swap Our Private Parts?" Alice answers while stammering, "Y..y..es." Chapter 3 A few seconds passed by and the Deal was Done. Kyle looked Downwards, past Alice's Head, all the way to her Short Skirt. An unusual Buldge was present. "A-Al-Alice..., can you take off your Skirt," said Kyle with anxiety mixed in. Alice unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the Ground. Her pure White Panties was exposed in front of her Brother but the Buldge was coming from inside it. Alice slowly and gently pulled down her Panties and there it was, standing in Broad Daylight, Kyle's 4 inch Meat Stick in between the Crotch of a 15-year old girl. Alice touches it with Caution. She felt the shaft just like any boy would. Kyle unzips his Pants and (what do you know) there was a Void there that only Girls were allowed to have. They knew that something like this only Happens in Fiction but to experience it in Reality was unexpected to them. Suddenly, Kyle had the Urge to Pee. It looked like Alice had been Drinking a lot of Water while Waiting for her Siblings to Return. Kyle ran to the Bathroom as fast as he could before he accidentally leaked himself. Alice followed suit. A Problem arised, how do you pee as the Opposite Gender? Alice noticed Kyle's Struggles and Pointed at Kyle's Butt then at the Toilet Seat. Kyle understood what she was saying and sat on the Toilet Seat releasing his Pee. After cleaning up, Kyle also had to show Alice how to Pee just in case of Emergencies. After the Ordeal, the both of them were Silent and went Downstairs to ignore all of what happened. Unfortunately, Mikaela came at the Wrong Time. She bursts through the Front Door and Hugged Alice almost Immediately after spotting her Coming Down the Stairs. Mikaela Tried tickling her to Make her Laugh and soon reached her Crotch area and Avoided it (Close Call). She retracted her Tickles and went into the Kitchen to Cook Dinner. Dinner was quite Awkward for Me and Alice but Mikaela was Oblivious to it all. Then, a Strange Question came up from Mikaela. "So, Kyle, when's your Period?" asked Mikaela. "Huh?" is all Kyle could answer. 'Why is she asking me that' (in Kyle's Mind). "What, you Forgot?" Mikaela pressed Kyle further. Alice, sitting right next to him, nudged at his jacket and Pointed at a Date on her Phone. "Oh, on the 20th," Kyle responded. "At least you didn't Forget," Mikaela sighed. "You need to keep Track of your Period, you know." Kyle Forgot that Reality was altered accordingly to the Changes, so it was still Safe. After Dinner, Alice went up to her Room to 'Check' herself out. Kyle and Mikaela went into the Living Room and sat on the Sofa. Kyle was still not used to Not having his Stick in between his Legs. Kyle decides to Tell Mikaela about his Powers. Mikaela listened to his Explanation, Kyle left out the Swap with Alice, and Thinks to herself. "Alright, why not we Switch our Privates," Mikaela suggested. "Huh, Why?" questioned Kyle. "Come on, aren't you Curious about what it Feels like to have a Girl's Vagina." "You really want my Vag?" "Sure, it'll be Interesting to have a Boy's Junk for a while." 'Now that Came out Wrong,' Kyle thought to Himself. "Come on, I'll even Throw in my Breasts if you want," pleaded Mikaela. You had no Reason to Refuse and what's the Harm in Switching a Vagina for a Vagina? "Then, do you Agree to Switching our Genitals?" "Yes." The Change happened and now Kyle had Mikaela's Breast hanging off his Chest and her Void in his Crotch also a bit of Pubic Hair. "Wow, it really did Work. Now I have a Boy's Junk," Mikaela looking Surprised. Mikaela went to her Room and 'Checked' herself out leaving Kyle in the Living Room alone. Kyle decided to head up into his Room to see his own Changes to Himself. The Three Siblings had a Full-Length Body Mirror in their Room so they all Undressed themselves and Admired their New Forms. After a minute or so of Kyle Checking himself, a Knock was Heard on the other side of his Door. Kyle sneaked a Peak in and it was Alice. It looked like She wanted to Give Kyle his Friend back but wanted his Chest in return when Kyle caught her Staring at it. Kyle Performed the Exchange and he had his Mini Kyle back along with Alice's A-cup Chest. Alice ran back to her Room, her Chest Jiggling as she Ran, and locked her door. They Continued Looking up their Figures with the Mirror Provided in their Rooms. Some more time Later, another Knock was Heard but this time it was Mikaela that Appeared behind the Door. "It's time to Switch back I guess," said Mikaela. Not Good, this is Bad. Kyle did not Account for this Possibility to Happen. Mikaela wants her Genitals and Breasts back, but Kyle doesn't have them on him right now. Mikaela thinks Kyle has her Parts on him right now since Reality is Altered and she doesn't know that Alice knows about his Powers. "Umm, don't you want to Keep it for a While Longer?" Kyle tried stalling for Time so he could Ask Alice to Switch, then do a Quick Switch again with Mikaela and return Alice's Original Parts to Her. "Yeah, but I don't Feel right at all. I think the thought of having a Boy's Vagina on a Woman's Body is Weird, I'd Prefer to have my Cock back please," replied Mikaela. 'Not Good, Not Good, Not Good!!' Kyle thought. "Are we Going to Switch back or Not?" Kyle gave up after being Confronted like that and decides to Lose his Stick for now and come back for it Later. The Exchange was Done and Mikaela now had 'her' Cock and 'her' A-cup breasts back. "Ahh, this feels so much Better. I'm gonna go Pee," Mikaela darted towards the Bathroom. Sounds of Water Trickling on the Toilet Dish was Echoed through the Hallways. It looks Like Reality was Altered so that Mikaela Remembers how to Use a Boy's Genitalia. Alice peeked through the Door and saw Kyle standing in the Doorway. She wanted to Give him 'his' Breasts back. Now, Alice had 'her' flat chest back, complete with 'her' 17-year old Vagina. She closed the Door to her Room and undressed herself. Her Manly Nipples could be Seen but it wasn't Much Compared to a Girl's Areola. She took off her White Panties and Glorified her Mature Vagina and Slightly-shaved Pubes. She Humped on the Bed and Instantly Falls Asleep. Mikaela Flushed the Toilet and headed off for her Room. She undressed herself and sighed to herself. Even though she was 19 years of age, her Cup size didn't even Grow a Bit since Puberty. It was still stuck as an A-cup. She unzipped her Pants and to her Surprise, it was Excited and Ready to take on Anything. So, she Powered on her Laptop and started Searching up things to Masturbate to all night long. All of that left Kyle with his older sister's Breasts and his younger sister's Vagina. This Turn of Events was disastrous, so Kyle got himself out of his Clothes and knocked himself out on the Bed. Chapter 4 The next Morning, the Next,next Morning and so on, Kyle haven't been having Good Luck recently. Whenever he tries to Fix his Sister's situation, it Ends up Getting Worse. One time, Mikaela had Nipples for her Eyes, Alice wore a Bra as her Underwear, Kyle was looked at Lustily from Guys, all kinds of Stuff happened. "It's all my Fault," Kyle Blames himself. "If I had never Signed up for that Contract, Everything would've Turned out Fine." Just on the Verge of Giving Up, Kyle was walking home like a Dead Fish. His Soul was Destroyed by the Very fact that his Powers must be Responsibly kept, yet he didn't. He took a Detour at an Abandoned Street to Think up of a Way to Fix all of this and came upon an Abandoned House. He heard some Humming Noises that came from inside the Building and decided to check it out. With his Sister's Athletic Legs, he Jumped over the Gate at the Entrance with ease and cracked open the Door. He used to Believe that Ghosts aren't Real but after inheriting the Powers, he doubts himself now. The Humming Sound was more Clearer and Turned out to be Melancholic Harp Noises coming from Upstairs. Kyle assumed that a Person was Playing it and Explored the Second Floor. Kyle checked all the Rooms on the Second Floor and Only one room was Left. The Harp Noises were coming from inside the Room. He slowly creaked the Door and entered the Room. Kyle was Entranced by Flying Musical Notes (Just Auditory) and at the Windowsill, was a Familiar Dark Figure that Wore Black all Day. It was Arrow, the Pact-maker of Kyle's Powers. It was him that Started all of This. Kyle Stomped towards Arrow and Grabbed him by the Collar. "If it weren't for you, my Life wouldn't have turned out this Way. Now, Everything can't be the Same Anymore," shouted Kyle, contorted with Rage. "Slow Down Kyle, have a Seat and Tell me what's Going on," Arrow offered a Wheel-Chair for Kyle to Sit on. Kyle sat down and Told Arrow the Whole Story. "So that's how it all Went down," Arrow listened through the Whole thing and Blurted out that Statement. "You were just Watching it all Happen and Act like you Don't Know!" "Be Quiet for a While and Let it all Out," Arrow Comforted Kyle. Kyle was holding back his Tears this whole time, 'Arrow knew all this, yet he didn't do Anything about it.' Kyle Releases his Tears. "Even if Time is Stopped, nothing can Stop it from Moving Forward after its Momentary Pause. You must Understand the Basic Principles to the Universe. If a Certain Event is Determined to Happen in the Future, then it will Happen. Your Strength is to not Reach that Unstoppable Point and Shift the Course of your Future." Quoted Arrow. Kyle's tears fell to the Ragged Carpet. He Released all his Frustrations on Arrow and Blamed Arrow for Ruining his Life. Arrow accepted it all without Flinching. Arrow only Stated this: 'I Am your Guide. If you are ever in Need of Assistance, I'll always be Willing to Support you. Even when Worlds are Ending, Planets are Breaking, Galactic Wars Break out, I'll always be there Awaiting for your Callings.' With that, Kyle broke apart and Arrow merely Watched him putting out his Heart. The Cries of Agony Echoes through the Heart of one's Mind, longing for that Warmth that keeps them Alive. Kyle wiped away his Tears and asked a Favour from Arrow, "I want everything Back to the Way it was." "As you Wish." Epilogue "I woke up One day and it was like your every Average School Day. I went about my Day as Usual, Breakfast with My Sisters, Lunch with my Friends, Boring Classes till Evening and Dinner with the Family. It was all Nice and Cheerful but a Little Excitement would be Preferable," Kyle Quoted. Time suddenly came to a Slow and Eventually Stopped. Kyle's Surroundings were Stationary and Soundless. He heard Footsteps approch him from Behind and Turned Around to see a Shady Black-Kimonoed Person. Arrow was his name and he became a Person Special to Me. "You Ready for Round 2?" asked Arrow. "Ready when you are," Kyle answered. Time Resumed and Kyle Ran off to Find his Sisters. They were both Waiting at the Doorstep for Kyle. "You wanna have a Go?" asked Mikaela, ready as Ever. Alice only Nodded but also gave a Faint Smile for what is About to Come. "I forgot to Mention that your Power can also Evolve overtime, and it just Happened. Now you can Freely Choose who is Aware of the Swaps and Who is Not," a flashback that came from Kyle's Mind. "I'll Accept any Changes you want from Me!" Kyle stated with vigour. Both Girls answered: "Then, We Give you Permission to Swap our...!" End |