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Rated: GC · Fiction · Crime/Gangster · #2200877
A crime story involving lots of squashing and other stuff.
Haruka Ogura, 38 years old. Current female sumo world champion.
A true intimidating japanese titan.
This towering shiba inu lady was like a moving mountain of golden fur, muscle and lots of body fat.
Those who were unfortunate enough to stand in her way will tell horror stories about her overwhelming weight and her cruelty in battle.
In Japan, she's revered by many men and women alike out of pure fear.
The very moment she enters the circle with her loud footsteps and wearing her signature shimmering purple mawashi, people in the audience knew that her contender was done for.
Her thighs are like pillars.
Her breasts are like watermelons.
Her belly is like a wrecking ball.
And her buttocks are as massive as two full moons. This description alone is more than enough to send shivers down the spine of many aspiring female sumotoris.
She also had millions of yen to her name, owning an edo period castle, a private jet, a summer house in Osaka, numerous cars and a yacht.
Not to mention the absurdly huge amounts of food she buys every single day to keep herself fat and menacing.
However, behind the scenes, something much darker was hidden away from the public.
Sumo in itself was responsible for only a medium fraction of her riches.
The rest was obtained through very shady methods, methods that she hides to the masses so she can keep her image clean and safe from prosecution.
Haruka had contact with crime lords, master thieves, corrupt police officers and the yakuza, who provided her with large sums of money every week. That way, she continued to spend as much as her black heart desired without having to worry.
She even had contact with hitmen, who she frequently used to dispose of people who could blow her cover or try to backstab her.
In a way, Haruka was almost untouchable.
With all that power, it was sure that she'd never have to worry about a single thing.
... Or that's what she thought.
Months after winning the title of female world champion, Haruka's excessive spendings finally caught up with her, and soon enough, the lady found herself submerged in debt.
The amount of money she owed was so stratospheric that not a single soul was willing to say it.
After a bit of investigation, she found out that not even all the money she could make in the span of a year was enough to pay the debt before the deadline.
This was bad, if she found herself unable to repay the money, her image and her whole lifestyle would be ruined forever.
Haruka had to think of something, and fast.
The next day, she came up with a plan:
She deployed different squadrons of her subordinates to different places of Japan, and even sent some overseas to the west, so they could patrol the areas in order to find ways to "earn" a large enough sum of cash, and fast.
One week later, she got good news.
According to Ichiro, a grey wolf who was one of her informants overseas, rumor had it that there was a place in the middle of who-knows-where called "Gold Springs".
It was located in the desert, so far away that it had no technology, and apparently it was famous for two things: The rampant index of crime, and GOLD. Lots and lots of GOLD, hence the name of the town.
That was it. If Haruka managed to get her hands on that precious metal, all her financial problems would be gone for good.
All she had to do was getting someone to steal it.
There was, however, a setback:
According to Haruka, if any of her goons got caught, that would mean problems because they were all wanted criminals.
Since the place was really far away from Japan and society as a whole, they thought that she was worrying too much. After all, there was no TV, radio or internet, but no one dared to defy her.
She just couldn't afford to take any risk.
Luckily, soon after Ichiro already got that issue covered.
He told Haruka about an individual simply known as: "Don".
He was a timid, weak and skinny siamese cat that Ichiro hired (and by "hire", he meant that one night he pointed at him with a gun from behind and forced him to do as he said) to run errands for him and his men. Such as sending their dirty clothes to the laundry, buying them coffee, washing their car, among other harmless and perfectly legal things.
In exchange, he would get to live.
Don didn't even get to see them, all he had to do on a daily basis was this:
Go to their hideout's door.
Await instructions.
Run the errand.
Go back to the door.
Report the completion of the task.
Await new instructions.
And repeat until they told him he could go home.
If Don was ever caught, they knew he didn't have the willpower to snitch on them, as that would mean that Don would be killed if he did.
Plus, he was no wanted criminal, so Don was perfectly expendable and an excellent escapegoat. Or "escapecat", in this case.
Don himself had the ability to take stuff away from people at an outstanding speed, but he only used this to perform REALLY petty thefts, as he usually stole things like pens, erasers, pennies, pieces of candy, etc.
"At the very least he has some experience", one of them said.
So, Haruka's goons provided him with a special cellphone, an outfit to blend in with the crowd, a bag with mining equipment, and a hidden camera to later send him straight to Gold Springs.
The travel was by car, and to make sure that Don wouldn't see their faces, they put a sack on his head during the entire trip. About an hour and a half later they eventually found the famous town.
And so, Don was thrown out of the car, sack on the head and all, and was left at Gold Springs all by himself.
Luckily, the cellphone they gave to Don was able to get signal even from there, that's what made it so special.
The phone itself was so the mobsters could keep in contact with him and provide him instructions to perform the heist.
The camera on the other hand was to monitor his every move, this was in order to find out about the location of the gold mines and to make sure that he wouldn't try to run away.
After the deed was done, all Don had to do was report the completion of the task, as usual, and the mobsters would send someone of their group wearing a mask to pick him up.
As masters of crime, planning the heist of a gold mine of all things was no issue whatsoever.
Don began walking around the town, trying his best to not look suspicious.
Merely seconds after, he bumped into someone.
It was two female rats, around the same height as him. They were perfectly identical, probably twins.
"Who are you? We haven't seen you around here", one of them asked.
Don got a bit nervous, but managed to keep his cool.
"I'm just a traveler, ma'am. In fact, I just arrived here, you see", said Don.
"Is that so?".
After that, both rodents looked at eachother and then turned to Don with a mischievous look on both of their faces.
"I-is something the matter?", asked Don with concern.
"Oh, nothing, nothing".
"It's just that, since you're new, we figured that we should give you a proper welcome. Wouldn't you agree?".
"Yeah, totally. Think fast!".
As soon as she said that, the rat shoved Don to the ground causing him to drop the bag of tools he had with him while her sister/partner quickly positioned herself behind him.
Once down, the other rat proceeded to hold him down.
"W-what are you doing?!", he demanded.
"We told ya, giving you a proper welcome. Ready there?".
With that line, the one who made him fall turned around and stuck her plump butt out.
"Ready. Now hurry, cause I don't know if I can hold it any longer".
Hold what any longer? Don was about to find out what that meant, and he wasn't going to like the answer in the slightest.
Then, the rat behind him proceeded to shove his head right into the other one's butt, with his nose ending up between her cheeks.
"Ok, all set! Fire!".
With that signal, she ripped a nasty fart onto poor Don's face. Needless to say, it smelled awful.
He began to move frantically from side to side, hoping to break free from the grapple, but it was useless.
As for his attackers, they kept laughing in delight as the rodent girl kept letting loose all the flatulence she had stored over the day.
"Well, now it's time for the grand finale, wouldn't you agree?".
"Of course, we saved the best for last".
Don felt that he was no longer being shoved after hearing that line, but before he had any chance of backing up, something bad happened.
Now the rat behind him positioned her own butt against the back of his head, making the situation even worse.
Now he was sandwiched between two butts with now way of escaping.
And to make it even worse that that, the two started counting down simultaneously.
"Bombs away!".
As the countdown reached zero, the malicious duo released a huge and foul smelling fart at the same time, and Don unfortunatelly took it all its force in.
After a job well done, he was finally set free.
While he was down, they checked the bag he had dropped to see if there was anything to steal.
Luckily for him, they didn't find his phone, as it was hidden away inside an inner pocket of his jacket.
"Hmph. Just a hard hat and a bunch of mining tools. Nothing of value here".
"Bummer. But at least gassing him was fun".
"You bet it was".
"Welcome to Gold Springs, Mr. Traveler!", said the two while they walked away laughing.
Don lied there face down on the dirt for a minute or so, trying to recover himself from... whatever that was.
"W-what the hell was that about?!" said Don with a mixture of confusion and anger in his voice as he got up and dusted himself off.
"Ugh, no time for that", all that mattered was finding the gold mine to get out of here as fast as possible.
Don picked up his bag and kept walking. As he did, he noticed various "wanted" posters featuring Gold Spring's most wanted criminals, all of them female for some reason.
During his walk, he passed in front of a bulding where a fat blond pig lady wearing lingerie was standing outside at the entrance.
"Heeeeey, handsome~", she said in a suggestive tone.
"Care to make this big girl company~?".
"Sorry, I got no money on me".
"Who said something about money, sweetheart? I just want to spend some quality time with you. Is that so bad, hmmmm~?" said the pig massaging her left breast.
"Again, I'm sorry. I know you make this for a living, but right now I'm in need of money as well".
"Oh, you got me, little guy. But I just can't help myself, a girl needs to bring bread to the table too, you know?".
Just then, a male grizzly bear clad in a messy suit entered the scene. He was looking angry, and judging by the way he walked, he was clearly drunk.
"Francine! Y'know what *hic* I'm here for!" said as he extended his palm in her direction.
"Not now, Buford! I'm in the middle of something here!".
"I don't care! Stop making up *hic* excuses and pay up the 2 months of rent you owe me!".
This drunken old man was Buford, Francine's landlord.
He owned the building Francine was living in, although Buford himself lived in a large house at the other side of town, since he could afford it.
He was currently angry at Francine because she owed him two months of rent and was still waiting for his money.
And given that she literally had to whore herself out to earn cash, it didn't speak well of her financial status.
"Look, I'll pay you later, ok?!".
"Don't give me that later nonsense! Pay. Up. NOW!".
"Or else what? You'll kick me out? We both know full well that you're in no condition of doing it right now".
"That... is true. But who says I can't *hic* come back tomorrow?".
"Uh, is it ok if I go?" asked Don.
"You stay out of this, kiddo! I'm talking *hic* to her!".
"Fine, I'm leaving".
"No! Please stay! I'll accept anything you have on you! ANYTHING!".
"That's not going to work! If you don't have the dough, what makes you think this tiny sucker will have anything?".
"Hey! That was uncalled for!".
"Quiet, child! Francine, you leave me no choice. If you don't pay me right now, I'll shoot you dead! And even if I miss, I'll just shoot you again and again until you stop movin'!".
Both Don and Francine went white after hearing that.
A drunken man like him was perfectly capable of shooting someone.
"Now, where did I put that dang gun?", said Buford as he started searching for his aforementioned gun.
"W-wait! D-don't kill me! I'll get the money by the end of this week! Promise! A-and if I don't, you... you can kill me! Please! Just one week!".
"Shut *hic* up! I'm trying to... to...".
With that, Buford lost his balance and fell to the ground.
Don helped him get back up.
"Sir, you're too drunk, you need to go home. And come on, give the lady one more week".
"No way! I'll... uuuuugh, my head... fine! One week, no more! Just because my *hic* darn head is killing me...".
Once he left, Don and Francine were all by themselves.
"Oh, thank you for saving my butt there! I don't know what would have happened if he managed to find his gun!".
"Oh, you mean this gun?", said Don as he showed Francine that he had Buford's revolver.
"Huh?! When did you take it?".
"Ah, I snatched it from him when he wasn't looking. With all that booze on him, he never noticed. Plus, I need something for self defense".
"Woooow, that's awesome!".
"It's nothing, really. It's just a talent I have. Well, now that I'm talking to you, maybe you can be of help".
"Oh? Is that so? How can old Francine be of service, lil' guy?".
"I'm here looking for the nearest gold mines. Do you happen to know where they are?".
"Why yes I do. Come here and I'll tell you!".
"Are you sure you won't try to scam me out of my money?".
"I promise. After what you did, you have my word, now come here, don't be shy".
Don seemed reluctant, but he walked up to Francine regardless, as he had no other way of figuring out where the mines were.
"Because you've been nice to me, and because you're new in town, I'll first give you a free sample of what I can do. Now get ready!".
After that, Francine let herself fall on top of Don belly first, squashing him in the process.
She then stood up, looking at the thin feline stuck to her belly as if he were a sticker.
"Oh ho ho ho ho! That was my famous body slam, what do you think? Did you like it?".
Don said something, but her body muffled every single word.
"I'll take that as yes. Now, let me help you".
Francine peeled off Don from her belly and gave him a good shake before placing him on the ground.
After being given the directions, Don continued with his mission, although he walked funny for the next 5 minutes due to the flattening he recieved.
"Come back soon, kitty boy! Thank you once again!" said Francine while waving after blowing him a kiss.
While this was happening, Haruka's goons had already arrived at their hideout. Ichiro turned on their laptop to take a look at what the hidden camera was recording.
When they saw Francine telling Don to "come back soon" while smiling and waving ever so cheerfully, they inmediately suspected the worst.
Soon after, he got a call from them.
"What the hell are you doing, Don?! This is no time to be sleeping with hookers!", said the mobster clearly angry.
"N-no! You got it all wrong! All I did was ask for directions of where the gold mines are!".
"Then why did she tell you to come back soon, huh?!".
"Long story, but seriously! I didn't do anything lewd with her! I don't even have money to pay her!".
He was right. They didn't give Don a single penny when they dropped him off".
"Hmm... you have a point. Well, did she give you the directions or not?".
"She did! I was heading that way right now!"
"Listen here kid, all you have to do is find the mines and get as much gold as you can. Nothing more".
"Uh, now that you mention it, I noticed that there's a bank right over there. Wouldn't it make more sense for you to send me there to steal the gold?".
"No! Even if we gave you very detailed instructions, you would STILL find a way to screw it up! This aren't your pathetic petty thefts, this is a bank with SECURITY that can jeopardize this whole thing! So just stick with the original plan! Steal from an unattended mine with NO security!".
"O-okay, got it! And how much time will I have to spend here?".
"Just one day. The heist will be tonight".
"T-tonight?! How am I supposed to get that much gold in just one night?!".
"The boss needs the money fast. Also, if you start to freak out, you'll draw the attention of the locals, and if that happens this whole operation will be ruined! Got that?!".
"Y-yes sir! Sorry, sir!" said Don clearly frightened by those words.
"Ok, now calm down. If you stick to the plan, nothing bad will happen. Just do as we tell you".
"... Ok".
"Good. Now head towards the mines and wait until nighttime. We'll then give you a call with your instructions".
After that, Ichiro hung up.
"Oh dear... how did I ended up in this mess?", said Don while sighing heavily.
So, Don did as they told him. He headed towards the mines to wait there until night fell.
After a bit if walking, he came across the town's saloon.
"The Crushed Weasel? What kind of name is that?", he asked himself after reading the place's name.
From outside he could hear piano music and various conversations coming from there, nothing out of the ordinary it seemed.
"Buford must have been here, I'm sure of it".
Just then, he heard yelling coming from the inside.
Before being able to react, Annabelle Williams, a cow who was the owner of the bar, came outside carrying a female bear and threw her at Don, clearly not having seen him standing there.
"And don't come back!", said Annabelle enraged before walking back inside.
The woman who was just thrown out had landed right on top of Don, smothering him with her breasts in the process.
She tried to get up, but ended up falling back onto the ground many times due to her being really drunk.
Don tried his best to breathe, but the enormous bust of his captor did a great job stopping him from doing so, even worse considering how she continuously kept slamming down onto him in her efforts of standing up.
As seconds went by, his vision started to fade away.
But, after a few more attempts to get on her feet, she finally stood up.
"What a way to treat your *hic* customers!" said the bear before realizing that someone was stuck to her boobs.
"Oh, sorry pal. Didn't see you there".
Don got his head out of her cleavage and took a deep breath.
"Finally! Fresh air!".
The bear woman, probably because or the booze, couldn't help but feel insulted by that.
"What? What's with *hic* that reaction? Don't you think they're good? Are you *hic* implying I'm ugly?!".
"N-no! I never said that!".
"That's what they all say! I'll show you how to treat a lady!".
With that, she shoved Don's head back where it was and proceeded to squeeze it with her well endowed chest by smooshing both boobs with her hands.
Once again, he was stuggling to inhale, but now he also had to deal with this woman crushing his head with her deadly cleavage.
"How is it, huh?! Are you ready *hic* to apologize?!".
Don tried to say something, but it was next to impossible in his current situation.
After roughly 1 minute, she stopped and let him breathe.
"So? What are you going to say now?".
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry I treated you that way! Please let me go!".
"That's better. See? Was it that *hic* hard?" said the bear smiling.
"Alright, you learned your lesson. I'll let you go now".
And with that, Don was released from his soft but suffocating prison.
Not wanting to endure any more torture, he began to run as fast as he could, with the only thing in his mind being reaching those damn mines just so he could do what he came to do and get the hell out of this place.
However, this ended up being a bad idea, as soon enough he bumped into someone. Again. Causing him to fall. Again.
As he looked up, he saw a gigantic rhino woman looming over him, which was easily the biggest individual he had come across so far.
"... I'm SO screwed".
Clearly enraged, the rhino wasted no time talking, grabbed Don by the legs and slammed him down onto the ground with a loud thud.
He expected that to be the end of it, but much to his dismay, she wasn't done yet.
The rhino lady then turned around and took a seat on top of Don, grinding his body with her big rear end.
This was easily the most painful punishment Don ever faced that day, possibly his entire life.
It seemed to go on forever, as he couldn't see or feel anything other than the fabric of her jeans.
And then, just for good measure, Don's attacker proceeded to release a huge fart right onto his face after five minutes of non-stop grinding.
Happy with herself, the rhino stood up and walked away, leaving behind a massive smelly butt imprint where the siamese cat she so mercilessly crushed found himself in.
At the very least Don was lucky that he didn't end up glued to her jeans. The ordeal he just went through was more than enough.
After a really, REALLY long day, he finally made it to the accursed mines, just as night was about to fall.
Being able to relax as he saw no one near who could try to squash him yet again, Don let out a heavy sigh and waited for his call.
"Okay, now I just have to wait for the call, follow their orders and that's it".
5 minutes passed.
"Any second now...".
30 minutes passed.
"Surely they must be waiting for the right moment. Yeah, that must be it".
1 hour passed.
"Oh no... what if they abandoned me? What if they got arrested and now I'm stranded here?! What if they got killed or something?! Ahh, what do I do now?! What do I do now?!".
Don started to panic. He knew full well that he shouldn't be doing that, but no one was near anyway, so he figured that it shouldn't be that much of an issue.
About two minutes later, he got a call.
"Is that you, sir?!", said Don upon answering. He almost sounded happy to be called by an asian crime lord.
"Don! Listen, we can't talk much right now so I'll cut staright to the chase. The cops found us and they're going after us right now!".
Don heard sirens and yelling going in the background.
"Wait, what?! And now what am I gonna do?!".
"Just wait until you get another call, ok?! She will tell you what to do! Now I have to hang up, just stay where you are and don't move!".
"Wait, don't!".
And just like that, Ichiro hung up.
This was really, really bad. The worst possible scenario ended up happening, and now Don had absolutelly no idea of what to do now.
He was told to wait for another call and that "she" would tell him what would happen next.
"She"? Who could Ichiro be referring to?
After another half hour or so, his phone finally rang.
Don, very slowly, answered the call.
"... Hello?".
"Hello, Don".
The voice that found itself at the other side of the line was a female one, just as he was told.
Don was confused.
"... Who is this?".
"That is not important right now, just listen carefully. I'm now calling you from Kyoto, Japan. Don't worry about introducing yourself, Ichiro already told me about you".
Don froze in fear. He didn't know who this woman was or why did Ichiro know her.
He had no idea that right now he was talking to Ichiro's boss: Haruka Ogura herself.
"Anyway, I'm calling you because there has been an emergency. You see, Ichiro and the rest of the squadron discovered that shortly after arriving into this country, a police officer managed to track them down without them noticing. They managed to get away, but they had to destroy all the evidence they had. Right now they're flying back to Japan in my private jet, so I told them that I would take care of the operation from here".
Great. Just great. This was just what Don's day needed. Now that he didn't have a way to go back home, he was all by himself in this dusty old town, with nowhere to go.
"D-does that mean I'll be stranded here forever?!".
"Nonsense. You just go with the plan and I'll come pick you up and the gold tomorrow".
"Tomorrow?! B-but I have nowhere to spend the night! Where am I going to sleep?!".
"Well, I can't have you dying on me now, can I? Didn't those idiots give you money or something?".
"No, they didn't...".
Haruka then let out a heavy sigh.
"Is that so? Well, you have my permission to use JUST A BIT of the gold to pay an inn after you steal it. Don't you think about spending more than necessary, cause if you do... let's just say I won't be very happy".
That last line was spoken in a very menacing tone. It certainly didn't help Don with his current situation.
"... Very well. I'll proceed with the heist".
"Good. I'll be there tomorrow. And don't you fail me. Your life depends on it".
She then hung up.
Now Don had a lot more pressure on him. He was pretty sure that this mysterious lady shouldn't be taken lightly, so he had no choice but to proceed with the heist, with or without a plan.
And as soon as he checked the mines with his phone's flashlight, he got another nasty surprise to add to his misery.
The mine was practically empty.
No kidding, all he found was two nuggets. But he didn't need to be a genius to figure out that those two pieces of gold were not enough to meet this lady's demands.
"... Wonderful. Now what? Am I just going to stay here and wait until sunrise just so that woman kills me personally after not stealing her damned gold?".
But just then, he stopped in his tracks and thought of something.
Maybe there WAS another way to get the gold.
"Hmm... looks like these mining tools won't be so useless after all...".
. . .
Meanwhile, at the other side of the ocean...
Haruka was growling in frustration as she got ready for her trip to Gold Springs.
She hated getting her hands dirty, especially knowing she had to go to a hot dusty desert just to get her gold as Ichiro and his squad failed their part of the mission.
But the situation called for drastic measures, whether she wanted it or not.
Some time later, Haruka found herself at the airport, where her private jet awaited, alongside Ichiro and the rest of his team. Needless to say, everyone was shivering in fear, save for Ichiro himself, who was trying as hard as he could to remain calm.
"Ichiro. You have failed me", said Haruka in a calm yet very sinister tone.
"Forgive me for being so careless, Ogura-sama" replied Ichiro while vowing.
The rest of his partners also vowed right after, while they yelled "forgive us, Ogura-sama!" with their voices obviously cracking due to the tension.
"... Fu. Right now I have no time to deal with this. Because thanks to your incompetence, I have to head there myself to make sure that at least the heist is successful. So I'll let you go... for now".
That "for now" was more than enough to make everyone, including Ichiro, even more terrified.
Haruka then slowly leaned forward, making her enormous figure cast a shadow over the mobsters.
"When I return, I'll make sure you all get an appropiate punishment. Especially you, Ichiro. And if the operation fails completely, I'll make sure to take you all down with me! IS THAT CLEAR?!".
As she said that last part, the whole squad instantly kneeled down on the ground.
"Yes, Ogura-sama!", they said.
"... Good. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must make the necessary preparations for tomorrow's flight. Begone! ALL OF YOU!".
And just like that, Ichiro's team disbanded and went to their respective homes.
"As the villain in that american animated movie about lions would say, I'm surrounded by idiots...".
Hours passed, until the time of truth arrived.
Haruka, clad in a purple kimono with the kanji 重 (heavy) written in white inside a big circle on the back, boarded her private jet to start her overseas trip.
As the flight took its course, she started thinking about what her subordinates had said about Don.
The fact that he was chosen because of mostly negative traits made her start to worry about the possible outcomes of her plan.
"... You better not die on me, Don. If you do, I'll drag you out of the grave so I can bury you myself...".
She continued to think about the topic for the entire trip as she drank a cup of her finest sake, also making sure to not drink too much. The last thing this whole plot needed was her being drunk.
Finally, the jet landed at the airport.
Nanase, a male raccoon who was the jet's pilot, got down as well since he had to drive Haruka to Gold Springs.
To do so, he rented a truck, since no regular sized car would have been able to stand Haruka's weight.
She also had brought clothes to blend in with the townspeople, as a kimono would surely come out as odd.
Once all that was settled, Nanase started the vehicle with Haruka sitting at the back.
Shockingly, the truck managed to hold her weight.
As they drove following the directions given by Ichiro, Nanase noticed that his employer had started wincing in pain every so often since she got inside.
"Ogura-sama, if you don't mind me asking, is there something wrong?".
"Oh, it's just that, well, these seats are very uncomfortable. My rear wasn't meant for this kind of design".
"Forgive me, Ogura-sama. This was the only model available".
"Ugh, it's fine, I'll let this one slide because of the circumstances. As long as I get the gold, nothing else matters".
Haruka then took out her phone and gave Don a call.
"Don, it's me. I'm currently on my way to your location".
Don was shocked to hear her voice again, but managed to hide it over the phone.
"Is that so? When will you arrive?" he asked.
"I'll be there in about 30 minutes. Meet me at the entrance, and don't be late".
"Understood, ma'am".
Around half an hour later, they reached their destination.
Nanase was instructed to park behind a rock a bit far away from the town's entrance to not raise suspicions.
"You wait here, the air conditioning should keep you from suffocating inside. I'll go get the gold".
"Understood, Ogura-sama".
Haruka got off the truck, parasol in hand, and started to walk towards the entrance of Gold Springs.
She hated extremely hot weathers.
She hated the desert.
She hated, as previously stated, getting her hands dirty.
And she was pretty sure that she was going to hate this town.
But alas, the only thing that mattered was finishing what her goons started.
As for Don, he was preparing to go outside to meet Ichiro's boss for the first time.
His hands were sweating, and he was feeling nervous, but he had to keep it together.
Just a few minutes and this nightmare was going to be officially over.
"Where are you going?".
The one who asked this question was, oddly enough, Francine.
Turns out that after performing the heist, Don talked to Francine about not having a place to spend the night, and sure enough, she was more than happy to let him sleep at her place after saving her from Buford's wrath.
Sure, they had to share an individual bed, and she may have rolled over his body 5 times or 6 during her sleep, but it was either that or nothing.
"Oh, I have to meet someone outside. Anyway, thanks for letting me borrow your bed".
"It was nothing, really. I can't thank you enough for what you did for me" said Francine with a slight blush.
"Anyway, I have to go".
"Bye, Don. Good luck out there...".
Don headed for the room's door, but stopped dead in his tracks after remembering something.
"Oh! I almost forgot. Here, have this".
Not knowing what he was talking about, Francine tilted her head.
He then walked up to the pig hooker while searching for something in his pocket.
"Here, have this. It's not much, but I hope it's enough to pay the rent".
As he said that, Don handed Francine the two gold nuggets he found at the mines last night.
"G-gold nuggets? Did you get them from the mines?".
"Yeah, but that is going to be our secret, ok? Besides, you need them more than me. Oh, and you can have the old man's gun, so that when he tries to kill you, you can fight back".
Francine's blush became brighter. No one ever before had treated her that way, not even the men whom she had slept with.
"I... don't know what to say".
"Hey, now we're even, I guess. Well, see ya".
And after that, Don finally left.
Francine was left behind with a feeling inside her that she couldn't describe.
She could, however, barely recall a moment from her childhood where her mother told her to "stick with a man that gives you gold and firearms" or something along those lines.
"What could this feeling possibly mean?" wondered Francine.
Moments later at the entrance, the scrawny feline and the sumo canine finally met.
Don couldn't believe his eyes, she was even bigger than the rhino woman he so unfortunately met yesterday, and a lot fatter too.
Her sheer presence was enough to make Don feel like one simple mess up in front of this lady would cost him his life.
"... So. I guess you are Don, correct?".
"Y-yes, ma'am. Don Murphy, that's me".
"Hm... nice to meet you. I'm Haruka Ogura. I was the one who sent Ichiro and the others here to this side of the ocean, but as you already know, that didn't exactly go too well...".
"Y-yes, I am aware".
"Well, now that introductions are out of the way, I'll cut straight to it. Where. Is. The. Gold?".
Don started shivering a bit, but he couldn't let his nerves get the better of him, not now.
"I-I buried it to keep it safe. I'll show you where it is, follow me".
"Alright then. But if this is all a trick...".
"N-no! Of course not, ma'am! You came all the way here from Japan! Disapointing you would be unforgivable after all you've been through, right?".
"... Yes. That much is true".
And so, Don led the japanese titan to the place he buried the gold with a shovel in his hand, which is the only tool he bothered to keep after last night's ordeal.
He also brought the bag where he kept his mining tools to store the gold inside it.
"It's right here, under this big rock".
"Good. Well, start to dig. Now".
Not wanting to defy her, Don moved the rock and proceeded to dig until he reached the treasure he had hidden there.
"And there we go. Here, have a look".
Haruka walked to the hole the boy just made, and sure enough, there it was.
Pure gold. Gold bars, no less. More than she could count.
This slowly drew a smile across her chubby face.
Haruka was very, VERY pleased, but at the same time she felt a bit... uneasy.
Sure, she had the gold, but the fact that they were gold bars was curious, to say the least.
"... Nice work, Don. Very nice work".
Don was relieved to hear that.
"... However".
And then his relief turned into fear.
"Why is this gold in the shape of bars? You were supposed to rob the mines. If that were the case, these should be gold nuggets, not bars. Care to... explain?".
"This is it", Don thought.
"It's end of the line for me".
She figured it out, obviously. Don thought that maybe the fact that he stole gold bars wouldn't matter, but apparently it did.
He was against the wall, with nothing else to do.
"Well, I guess the only thing left to do is tell her the truth and accept my fate" Don thought.
"So? What happened here, Don?".
"... Ok. You got me. I did go to the mines, really. But when I got there... I only found two small nuggets. The mines were practically empty, I tell you. So, I stopped to think about what to do next. And that's when I remembered. When I got here, I suggested Ichiro to instead steal gold from the bank, but he said that I wasn't capable of doing it. You see, I have the unique skill of taking stuff away quickly with people not even noticing. I thought I could use that to rob the bank, but Ichiro told me not to. So when I found out that the mines were empty, I... robbed the bank from its gold during the night by digging a tunnel under it. And apparently they still haven't noticed. I... just wanted to accomplish the mission at all costs...".
Haruka was speechless.
"... So, where are the nuggets you found?".
"... I used them to pay for an inn to spend the night, as you told me to not use more than necessary".
An awkward silence followed Don's last sentence.
"... Look... if you want to kill me, do it now. After all I've been through... I guess I have no reason to live anymore", said Don closing his eyes and accepting his apparent death.
Another silence followed Don's words.
"... Open your eyes".
He was confused. But not wanting to make her angrier, he did as told.
"... We'll address this issue later. Right now, we should get going. Get the gold inside the bag".
This was simply not possible. Don thought that right now he should be dead where he stands, but she just told him to go on with the plan.
Don felt relief again as he stuffed the gold bars inside the bag.
Once they were all in, Haruka carried them across the desert with Don following right behind her.
While she walked, Haruka took out her phone and called Nanase.
"Yes, Ogura-sama?".
"Nanase, we have the gold. I'll be there with you in a while".
As they came close to the town, Haruka asked Don something.
"So, was stealing this difficult for you?".
"... A bit, yeah, but nothing too serious. The guards love to sleep, so much so that they didn't hear a thing. The rest was easy as pie".
"I see", said the giant.
"... Just what Ah wanted to hear, ya varmint".
Suddenly both Don and Haruka heard a third voice coming from apparently nowhere.
Just then, a weasel woman came from behind a building, pointing a revolver at Don's head. She had a hat, boots and a star shaped badge that said "sheriff" on it.
This was none other than Texas Stanton, the town's sheriff. In other words, the worst person they could come across in this place. And she heard the whole thing.
"So it was you that robbed the bank, huh? Surely you couldn't possibly have thought that Ah wouldn't find that huge sack you're carrying suspicious? Now put your hands up in the air, now! Both of you! And drop the gold!".
Don did just that, not wanting to be shot dead, obviously. He wasn't going to die, but now he was going to jail, which was a bit less bad, but a bad thing nonetheless.
Haruka, meanwhile, kept her cool as she got her hands up and put the bag on the ground.
"Good. Now you're both coming with me, ya hear?!", said Texas.
"... Sure, Ms. Sheriff. I'll take the first step, just like THIS!".
Haruka then lifted her right foot and stomped the ground as hard as she could, making the ground shake intensely.
This was one of her famous sumo stomps, which were powerful enough to make her opponent lose their balance and fall.
And surely enough, both Don and the sheriff fell, with the latter also dropping her gun in the process.
Texas wasted no time frantically starting to reach for her gun while she tried to get up.
But before she could manage to stand up, a huge shadow was casted over her. As the sheriff slowly turned around, she found the asian lady's gargantuan posterior waiting for her.
With no previous warning, Haruka yelled "KURAE!" as she jumped in the air and came crashing down butt first on top of Texas.
The ground shook violently once more as the sumo champion landed, all while Don watched the whole ordeal with his mouth wide open in awe.
"... Good thing that wasn't me", he thought.
This, too, was one of Haruka's moves. She called it, "Ultimate Twin Meteor Strike", a technique she used to finish her opponents by obliterating them under her massive buttocks.
However, given that Texas was FAR smaller than the average sumo wrestler, it only made the pain experienced much, much worse.
Right now, she was nothing more than a paper sheet stuck to the champion's full moons, with her face secured deeply between them.
"Now listen here, you annoying little bastard. Nothing is going to stop me from exiting this stupid dusty town with the gold. You hear me?! NOTHING!", said Haruka clearly enraged to the sheriff as she ground her butt back and forth and side to side.
Texas was in pure hell, as she couldn't do more than moan painfully inside her cavernous prison.
The champion, on the other hand, was experiencing true extasy with a big smile drawn on her face as she dished out the punishment without the slightest bit of mercy.
"That will teach you to start fearing the mighty Haruka Ogura!", and just as she said that Haruka released a nasty gust of flatulence all over Texas, making her start screaming into the ample quantities of butt flesh she was being pressed against.
"Screaming will get you nowhere, but keep doing it if you want. Let me hear your fear. Hey, that rhymes!".
Haruka then released another, much bigger, fart on Texas' face, making the sheriff scream some more.
Don noticed that Haruka was enjoying this a bit too much, but as long as he didn't have to endure it, nothing else mattered.
After some more minutes of grinding, squashing, and gassing, Haruka finally got on her feet and picked up the bag with the gold, but not before taking the two dimensional Texas and stuffing her inside her underwear.
"... Ahem. Now with that out of the way, let us proceed to the exit, Don".
"Y-yes ma'am!", said Don as he followed her.
And so, the cruel japanese lady and her underling made it to the meeting point safe and sound. Well, except for poor Texas, who had to endure the entire trip inside Haruka's smelly panties.
"Everything ok, Ogura-sama?", asked Nanase.
"Yes, Nanase. We're ready to go", replied Haruka.
"Oh, and this is Don Murphy, the one who made this whole thing possible. He'll come with us and we'll drop him at his home".
"Nice to meet you, Don-san".
Don couldn't help but blush at what Haruka said. "I-it was nothing, really, I just wanted to live".
"Oh, but before we take our leave".
Haruka then pulled Texas out of her underwear and held her in front of her face.
"Taking you to Japan with me would be too good for you, so I'll leave you here in this disgusting desert, where you rightfully belong".
With that, Haruka dropped the sheriff onto the ground and got in the truck alongside Don.
"You're free to return to your town. That is, of course, if you make it".
With nothing more to say, and nothing more to do, Nanase started the engine and drove off leaving the paper thin Texas behind.

To be continued...
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