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by Tabris
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Adult · #2203181
This is a very old story that I wrote a long time ago.
"Dylan, please. I don't want to do this anymore. I'm tired of life. I'm tired of being alive. I just want it to be over already and if I'm gonna die, I'd rather my body be put to some good use so won't you please just eat me already?" Link said in his soft, innocent voice.

Dylan was shocked. Link was serious. He actually wanted to die in his belly. "Link, you realize how painful that's gonna be, right? You're going to be digested alive unless I chew you which would be just as painful. Knowing that, you still want me to eat you whole and alive?" Dylan began in his deep, masculine voice.

"Yes. I've always wanted to be inside a person's belly. I wanna know what it's like in there."

Link had been struggling with depression for quite sometime. He'd told Dylan about it awhile ago, he'd even revealed to him that he was suicidal and Dylan was very supportive and helped him through a lot of tough times. But Dylan never suspected that he'd do something like this. Link had bought some kind of shrinking serum illegally on the deep web. Apparently he drank it at school in the locker room while no one was around and waited there for Dylan, then snuck into Dylan's bag while he wasn't looking. Dylan found him when he went to get his English homework.

Dylan didn't like the idea of eating his friend but he was so hungry, he hadn't eaten all day because he forgot to bring money for lunch and it was still a few hours before his dad would get home with dinner and he couldn't deny that he was somewhat turned on at the idea of dominating someone in this way -- breaking them down and absorbing their nutrients to nourish his own body.

Dylan wrapped his fist around Link's 6-inch-tall body and brought him closer to his face. Dylan looked down at his tiny friend and they stared into each other's eyes. Dylan could tell that Link really wanted this. Dylan always knew that Link was gay and that Link was greatly attracted to him but that had never bothered him before. Dylan wasn't attracted to other guys but he cared a lot for his friend; so, if he couldn't be intimate with his friend in a sexual way, he was glad to be able to express his love by making Link a part of him. Dylan's tongue slithered out of his mouth and began tasting Link all over starting at his face, down his torso, and down to his feet.

"You taste really good, Link."

"Thank you. I'm glad you're enjoying me."

Both guys were sporting an enormous erection. It was the most perfect expression of dominance and S&M -- an enormous predator probing and tasting every inch of his tiny prey's body -- but also the most perfect expression of intimacy -- two creatures who cared deeply for each other willingly merging together.

It was time to begin the descent. Dylan began to push Link into his mouth, head-first. Once he was in up to his torso, Dylan wrapped his lips around his body and sucked on him like a sucker. His tongue twisted back and forth, wrapping around Link's body, savoring his delicious flavor. Dylan's serpent-like tongue started digging into Link's armpits. Dylan didn't expect to but he actually enjoyed the masculine taste of another male's armpit sweat. He began to feel curious if there were other parts of a man that he might like the taste of.

Dylan had never experimented with another man before. He was almost certain that he was straight. He wasn't necessarily grossed-out at the thought of having fun with a male, he just never thought that he'd enjoy it as much as he'd enjoy it with a female.

Dylan continued to bring Link further into his body but Link was half a foot tall so it was a bit difficult to fit all of him inside his mouth at one time. He had no choice but to begin swallowing him. Link's head slipped over the back of Dylan's tongue and entered his throat. Dylan swallowed him in enough until his genitals and butt were just inside his mouth. He wanted to test out the taste of masculinity.

Link's genitals were resting on Dylan's tongue. Dylan began to stimulate his little friend with his tongue. Link's dick was harder than ever. The giant tongue rubbed up and down the shaft of his cock, down to his orb-like balls, and into the tip and slit. Dylan heard Link moaning in his throat. Pre-cum oozed profusely out of Link's tool and onto Dylan's tongue. Dylan could taste the pre. It had a salty flavor which Dylan enjoyed but before he tasted Link's actual cum, he wanted to taste one more part of this tiny man's body. Dylan curved his tongue around Link's body, between his legs, and dug between his cheeks, into his hole. The wrinkled sphincter spasmed at the touch of Dylan's invading tongue. Dylan forced the hole open a bit and tasted the inside of Link's rump. It was rather bitter, which Dylan expected, but not unenjoyable. Dylan continued taking advantage of Link's position to familiarize himself with the flavor of a male, jumping back and forth between his friend's rump and dick until cum erupted all over his tongue. Dylan was surprised at how tasty it was! It was salty, like the pre, but had an extra 'Link' flavor. He really enjoyed it. He wanted to take this further and experiment with a full-sized man.

Finally, the time had come to finish the job, to bring Link completely inside of him. All that was left hanging outside of his mouth were Link's legs. Dylan slurped them in like spaghetti. Most of Link's upper torso was already in his throat. All Dylan had to do was give one hard swallow and Link would begin his journey into his giant friend's tummy.


Dylan swallowed hard and most of Link's body slipped into his throat along with his cum. He gave one last swallow and Link's legs and feet slipped in as well and were dragged down by the powerful muscles. There was a prominent bulge in Dylan's throat and his abnormally large Adam's apple, which had always turned Link on before, bobbed as he was dragged down into his huge buddy's chest.

Dylan was turned on more than he'd ever been before. He could feel Link squirming inside his esophagus as he neared his stomach. He felt his body slip through the sphincter guarding his stomach and plop inside.

Dylan was feeling so many contradictory emotions all at one time. Guilt, love, hunger, regret, warmth, sympathy, but most of all -- arousal.

Dylan sat down on his bed and began to masturbate furiously. It didn't take long before what seemed like gallons of cum spewed out of his member and all over his chest and bed. He had never came so hard in his entire life. He placed his hand on his belly.

"Link... are you... alright? Can you hear me?"

"Barely. Your voice sounds really muffled."

"Link... are you sure you still want to do this? I can throw you up! I don't know if I want to go all the way through with this."

"No, Dylan. This is what I want. It's amazing in here! I've wanted for this for so long. I feel so safe. I don't have to worry about the outside world anymore. I feel like I can finally just lay back and relax... and sleep... and become a part of you."

Dylan realized now how much this meant to Link. He too wanted Link to be a part of him, that way they'd always be together. There's nothing more intimate. Dylan rubbed his now slightly bulging tummy.

"Alright, Link. I understand."

"Thank you for all that you've done for me. I didn't think anyone could ever make me feel so loved and so safe."

"You're welcome and thank you. This was incredible. I love you, Link."

"I love you too, Dylan."

Dylan laid back on his bed, hand resting on his tummy, and relaxed as his stomach began to digest its meal. He could hear his stomach gurgling as the stomach acids began to enter the organ and break down his friend. There were no screams of pain, only silence and gurgles. From time to time Link would shift positions and Dylan would feel it. It felt so stimulating, having a living creature moving around inside of him and before long he had another erection. He slowly massaged his cock to climax as he listened to his friend digesting. He came again. A smaller amount of cum splattered across his belly and chest. Maybe Link would help him replace that cum when he absorbed him. Dylan began to feel sleepy and drifted off while Link was churned and broken down inside of him and transformed into a chunky, creamy, soupy liquid. The only solids left inside of Dylan's stomach after digestion were Link's bones.

Dylan awoke a few hours later. The slight bulge in his abdomen had disappeared, signifying that Link had been completely liquified and was now floating through his intestines being absorbed into his bloodstream. Dylan looked at his belly and rubbed it thinking about all of the good times that they'd had together. He wished that Link could've stayed a bit longer so they could've done some experimenting. Dylan never thought that he'd be bi but after licking Link to climax and tasting his cum he really wanted to try fucking another guy's ass or maybe being fucked.

Speaking of ass, Dylan just remembered that it wouldn't be too long until Link finished his journey and he'd have to shit out his bones. Most of Link's nutrients, he assumed, would be filtered into his blood. This brought Dylan some comfort, knowing that most of his friend would be put to good use and become part of him. His bones are the only things that wouldn't have been digested.

Dylan looked at the clock. It was 7 o'clock AM. School started in an hour. He got ready and drove to school. He went through his regular class schedule like any other day except he couldn't stop thinking about Link. He didn't regret what he'd done anymore. He granted his friend's greatest wish and had a lot of fun doing it too. But he missed him. He missed seeing him at school and having goofy conversations with him.

During sixth period Dylan began to feel a pressure in his rectum. Link had completed his journey. He left the classroom and walked down the hall, leaving behind a few farts on the way. He'd really done a number on Link. He hadn't felt this gassy in a long time. As he entered the bathroom, he checked underneath all the stalls to make sure no one else was in there. If there was no one else in there, he wanted to see if he could find Link's skull and keep it to remember him by. Dylan dropped his jeans and sat down to drop Link's remains off at their new home. He pushed and his sphincter began to widen open into a yawn. The turd housing Link's skeleton slid out of Dylan's hole. It was longer than he'd anticipated. It probably had some of yesterday's breakfast mixed in with it as well. The shit snaked out of Dylan's ass and coiled into a pile under the water in the toilet. Dylan was shocked as he stood up and turned to see what he'd created. His buddy's bones were mixed into the brown sludge and conveniently his skull was right there in the side for Dylan to easily pick out. Dylan wiped deep into his crack and pulled up his pants. He made sure to flush away the rest of the bones so that no one would ever find out what happened to Link. He took the skull over to the sink to rinsed it off and stuffed it in his pocket until he got home.

When Dylan got home that night, he laid in his bed staring at his souvenir of Link. He decided that he'd wear it as a necklace underneath his shirt so that he'd always have a piece of Link with him... well, aside from the extra bit of pudge he had on his lower belly.
© Copyright 2019 Tabris (tabris111 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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