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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Sci-fi · #2203374
This is only a preview of a book being worked on for chapter 1. (Aware about grammar)

The Dimensions War

(By Zachary Warren Whitcomb)


This is the introduction to a book of one of possibly many. That said this will be something new and special about a race of ponies, who are the first to ever be birthed among time and space itself of this universe. Many will be named and many will die, only a few of two shall be alive past this story and the before stories. How many would there be? Unknown but later on could be told after this book. Now to introduce how this begins.

In space, there was nothing. No atoms, particles, light, not even darkness in a way for evil. Only pitch-black dead of space. If such a thing is possible for space to be cold during this period of time which not even time has started just yet. Once the first millisecond turns, the big bang that held everything together or in a fun way of saying it a massive care package that just got dropped off explodes to unleashing the most powerful blast of all, giving the space everything there is to making galaxies, stars, planets, even life itself.

Many or said trillion of years have passed, due to space being very interesting of how slow it can go but in real time being years at a time for almost like a second to space to occur or move anywhere. Which even includes how black holes are soon made much later by massive stars to soon die off, possible main reason of how many galaxies are soon created after to begin smaller sized solar systems compared to such black holes which are soon tons of times smaller compared to the massive black holes. Only other kind of explanation that could help explain is if the big bang made them, yet if so, they would have to spread across the space or maybe not even that. Could be even there in the first place before the big bang but helped gather the dust, helium, all of that stuff to begin putting them together so they could actually make stars, planets, asteroids or just space rocks, ice rocks, so on. With such theories even possibilities of how all of that works we will only focus on after all of that and among one galaxy that was the first of all life to come to be.

As we look and before our first chapter is to begin, we shall tell you which galaxy, system, planet. The galaxy that first came to be of course which was also near the big bang spot with the massive, bigger then any black hole there is due to it being a big bang and a hole that is like a white hole that gives off almost like recycled materials out back into space. This hole did continue to give more materials of resources to keep the universe expanding but oddly had a gravity force that was helping hold it together which was an actual black hole almost next to it, this was to also help spread among the space and time to keep the sources spread out. The resources from this white hole is unknown, black hole is basically unknown but good chance of it is a wrap hole to other parts of the space and maybe time. Meaning other dimensions to but for now we shall say they are like that till proven the truth, or wormholes.

Now as all of that explained and said the solar system near the white and black hole, course not too close otherwise not great for it and so on. While said, the solar system has a few stars, massive things, it is almost a three-star solar system but three systems together if that makes any sort of sense. With one spot of said three solar systems having five stars near each other of different kinds around together of their gravity wells. No collision will happen just yet, since the stars has to grow then engulf one of the other but all stars are fresh and new of the five. The one planet in the green zone of the stars soon flourishes, rather quickly might add. The planet soon was green and blue as ever, plenty of water, life, soon the ponies that all are neutral. No good or evil was birthed just yet but rather explain that in the first chapter.

Chapter One

The stars and planets, all quiet but one planet. This planet soon named the "Celestials home" was the only one not quiet, thus shown life among the planet. Plant, creatures, even the one first species that you may know as 'ponies. They are the first beings to ever existed in this universe and time. From that point, no evil or good ever existed only life. They all lived in pure harmony and no matter what any could say, they all were being good and peaceful to every living plant and being. This includes the livestock of creatures and the smaller things of bugs. The ponies then realized about how they could be said "good" to everything and some realized how "bad" they could be, thus making the beginning of good and evil but none can say how they all did do good or evil. Only thing one can say is they formed two kingdoms.

The two kingdoms, the good kingdom named Celestial Light. The evil named Celestial Dark. Yes, the names are of dark and light but helps keep them separate. From there the dark were the only ones wishing war, their leader named Red Warren. King of the darkness and soon named the Devil of hell. The good leaders name is White warren, Queen of the great good and soon God of heaven.

They all lived in peace, even if Red wanted to start a war but couldn't due to the fact of no military power among either side till they started to spread their population among the other planets, technology quickly growing at a rapid rate due to their lives being forever like immortals that was near impossible to kill such a being of the two sides. Till they soon managed to figure out how to kill, reason why the Holly side of the good did it was to protect themselves from the evil. This was the only thing they could really do after they to spread across other planets to make beautiful planets where as the evil made horrifying planets. A good example of one evil planet is by extreme conditions of volcanos, lava pools everywhere, but as a lava pool it has multiple kinds of them. Blue is a good way of saying its cool lava pools, white for extreme near sun temperatures, red normal lava and yes, the evil beings or known as demons with the fallen can deal with the temperatures. Along with dragons, which are the known flying creatures among the demonic worlds.

From that point Red did live in a luxurious castle, in the capital of course with much lust and pleasure around him at his command by the dragons and mares. He always did make sure everything in his castle had some sort of evil going on, along with it being near a dark crystal to absorb the evil so it can then be used to help give power towards red or his demon technology or soldiers. The crystals are yet another story to tell but all you need to know is that they are a power source that absorb the evil among anything evil. Among all that the way white has is light crystals that are same as dark but are more of ones that generate it on its own to give to others the energy and power. They can be turned from dark or light and at times can be corrupted by others if exposed to it for too long.

White as well has the same kind of luxurious castle but instead of it being lust is just relaxation and calm places for much study, or even much spa like areas. The way everything was for them was much more better then of reds empire, more soothing and better pools with many luxurious places all around the capital and of the lands with even flat grassy lands, trees, flowers, even beautiful creatures of the demigryps, deathclaws, or just gryphons that all relax around there homes and lands. Course many of them as well were being armed up with armor and weapons to guard the borders of reds empire borders. Reds forces to use such creatures of dragons, hell hounds, easily expendable ghouls, and much more.

Obviously mentioned before of the technology of the space ships, super weapons, weapons for ground troops, tanks, jets, water ships, etc.... All of that is part of this so don't just expect simple swords or shields.

With Reds army raising along and growing he stands to watch his army march, lie in wait. Everything was going his way and his new technology in the works of ripples to new dimensions to rule over and to kill his own other self to ensure his true dominance among the dimensions. White however was doing the same of her own portal but not kill her one self yet red planned to kill her alternate versions as well to ensure no goodie toshoes of hers can rebel against him or from her other alternate armies. What would white do with her alt self's possibly? Just warn them and help them prepare for against red since both sides knew war was inevitable and would happen soon enough. Only thing that keeps going is more and more armies and troops being formed, along with the technology growing and growing making things worse of possible deadlier super weapons even from the good side are making super weapons against the evil.

Both sides know of the innocents lives of the civilians especially the good aware of it from the evil, since even evil can have such innocents among them and only wish to do simple things to just live their lives so they can just be happy with what they have. Sure, both sides of the innocents would be fighting regardless but never thinking of who, why or even what they do for a living and would kill just because they are the evil or good. How such things could happen from the learning process of either sides have always been different then the other just to show which one is bad, history to prevent, or just the battles that happen which yes their was battles among the good and evil but only simple ones happened along other planets. Spies, police work, pretty much everything simple even just a small fight of one good and one bad that just get into a argument. Could go like this.

One good pony is just trotting along his path let's just all him Paul, usual place of work, near the border of the evil lands and just minding his own damn business, then suddenly this douche of an evil pony. Call him dul, Paul just minding as said his own damn business and going ahead and going to his spot at his border building but suddenly the douche dul went ahead and come up to the borderline of the border building patrol spot and bugging the living shit out of Paul. Dul just went to the line and did the "I am not over the line; I am not over the line. I am just standing here and can't just shit since I am in my own border" Dul went on as Paul tried to ignore him with him standing there and watching Dul. Till he kind a snapped by Dul actually stepping over the line with a small little bit of his hoof then Paul just throws his sword down onto the line to make Dul pull back his hoof "Do not pass the line dumbass, you know this and by fucking hell you are aware of the rules and how this works between our kingdoms." Said Paul in a cool-headed matter with a soft voice but angry tone of course "I don't understand why you have to be such a pain in my rear end ass "Paul said after moving his sword back up while he sighed with much annoyance still. Dul then did a soft snicker at Paul while he says "Oh come on! It's fun to piss you off and bug the living shit out of ya, if you could I swear you would do the same damn thing. You can simply cross to and I wouldn't give." He said with a soft voice, with a hint of sarcastic in his tone as Dul is evil and can be a trickster with being a pain in one's ass at times. Many always are like that on the evil side, Dul though has a good annoyance in his personality as it was meant to be by Red, so whites guards could be annoyed at the borders and make a war ever closer for one stupid reason.

Paul continued to just stand and guard at his post, Dul doing an impersonation of Paul and doing some sort of copy cat of what Paul would usually do like marching back and forth, doing mouth movements of 'I am the all holly guard of the border, godly of all that is a stupid simple line, I will not let a simple weeee bug past me at all times' he did actually say that though instead of mouth movement so it would piss off Paul but his attempts have failed. White is smart and did make sure she put very patient guards along the borders that can deal with such annoying evil pony guards along the borders. Course Dul finally took it a step too far for once by literally stepping over the line and whacking at Paul's guard post and messing with the very nice grass. I mean the grass now, we gotta talk about the grass as the grass was something Paul loved looking at because of the beauty when he wanted to look away for once from the dried, dead land across from him in Dul's territory or little spot. Dul would make so much pretending of destroying his grass and flowers, just trying to get into Paul's head much as he could. This finally did it.

Once Dul did that, going all over Paul's pretty grass and some flowers Paul just snapped finally and went at Dul. Dul straight up blocked Paul's sword coming at him, straight on but hit his shield. Successfully leaving a good dent into Dul's shield but not fully penetrating through "You finally went too far! Crossing the borderline, breaking the rule, just pissing me off now by damaging my moment of beauty from looking away from your ugly face and ugly land!" Dul nods to what he said "yes yes, it is ugly, but it is my wonderful beauty to me. Seeing nothing alive but gotta love seeing them mares and some dragons. I always wondered why them dragons rarely go into their pony like form, never having much fun with us. Curious if Red keeps them to himself, lucky bastard" Paul didn't understand why he talked about the mares or the dragons but throws Dul across the land back into his territory, making Dul smirk at him "Oh come on, that was fun! Let's fight!" He said as he charges to Paul as he prepared himself with shield down and ready to take him on.

Once Dul hits Pauls shield he managed to hold his ground, a loud bang of metal from Duls sword hitting it very hard but failing to do anything to the shield. Only thing he did was prove the good was being more powerful by the day especially by the metal they have been making that has just proven to be very much affective against the demon blood sword. Oddly though Dul only smirked at him "Awh, I can't do anything against your shield. What a pitty but why not come at me for once see how well your sword is against mine shall we?" He said while Paul denies attacking "No, I will not stoop that low and will not step into your disgusting land." As Dul thinks but mentions "Even if I already broke your weak little law of no crossing the line? Since it's basically already turned into a fight why not finish it for once?" Paul then sighed and lowers his shield some with his sword down "I will not, under the- ""Under the blah blah blah, you are a coward and you know it! You don't have the guts to step over and face me like a stallion. "Dul then said after interrupting Paul as he goes back to his guard post and sits "A mare can have the same strength and skill as me, just because I'm a stallion don't mean nothing and you know a mare can easily take you down much as I can." When he was done talking Dul just sighed as now he was getting annoyed "I don't care, face me already and come at me!" He said as he decided to charge this time at Paul but before he could a smash of light hits the ground in front of him "Enough!" once the new being said from the light smack down to the ground "You will stay on your side before I kill you myself, step in our land and I will make sure you die a painful death!" Once the dirt smoke cleared up from the smash able to see who it was talking, it was a very powerful officer at rank of lieutenant by the rank along his uniform.

Dul quickly pulled back, fearing of the high ranked officer as the officers on the good side can be quite powerful against a grunt like Dul is "damnit... Lucky bastard, you are so weak you need this pathetic asshole come protect your sorry ass" Dul said as the lieutenant swings his majestic sword at Dul, tip near his nose of his muzzle and saying with a deeper and angry tone "You will stand down before I end your life, shut the hell up and get back to your stupid post. War will not happen today by your weak taunts and will not happen by you, otherwise it'll start by you dying first and will not have any honor nor being dignified in any matter" The lieutenant said as he flies back up with his wings flapping down to the ground, back to his guard post along the air borders.

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