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Rated: GC · Fiction · Career · #2212732
Continuation of "The great heist of Gold Springs". Whatever happened to Don afterwards?
During the trip back to the airport Don had to sit at the front seat next to Nanase, since Haruka herself took more than half of the back seats.
"So... ma'am, about earlier, you said that you were going to address the issue about the gold bars, what exactly did you want to address?", asked Don.
"First off. Please refrain yourself from calling me ma'am. It makes me feel old", said Haruka a bit annoyed.
"O-oh, my bad. Then, how should I call you?"
"You shall refer to me as Ogura-sama, as everyone who recognizes how important I am does".
"Ok, ok, got it. So, Ogura-sama, what did you want to tell me about the gold?"
"Ah, about that, you don't have to worry about it".
"... That's all?".
"Yes, that is all. Stolen gold is stolen gold, its shape really doesn't matter, so don't worry".
"... Thank you", said Don, a bit weirded out that she didn't tell him earlier.
About half an hour later, they reached the airport.
"Nanase, stop the truck, we're getting down", said Haruka.
And so, the raccoon stopped the vehicle and everyone got down, although Don was confused by this.
"Is something the matter? Aren't you going to drop me home?", asked Don.
"Yeah, about that. I could do that...".
"... Could?".
Uh oh, this couldn't be good. What reason would she have to say something like that? Don started to worry.
"... Or, you could come to Japan with us", said Haruka.
"... WHAT?! B-b-but why?!", asked Don almost freaking out.
"Well Don, I've been thinking. Ichiro and the others' comments didn't leave me with a very good impression of your person".
"Gee, thanks...".
"However, I am pleased to say that you managed to impress me. You successfully completed a task like this by yourself, and despite the unexpected circumstances you found a solution. Don, you have proven to me that a lot of potential lies within you. And for that, I thank you".
Haruka then walked towards Don and rewarded his efforts by kissing him on the cheek. This, of course, caused him to blush beyond belief.
"Domo arigato gozaimasu", said Haruka while bowing.
"But I'm not a japanese citizen!", said Don.
"I'll take care of that, I can make you one", replied Haruka with total calm.
"You can do that?".
"You'd be surprised by the amount of power I have".
"But I don't speak japanese!".
"I'll get you classes with one of the best teachers of the country. I swear you'll be speaking in three months at most".
"Well, I... I...".
"Don, think about it. You could stay here with your pathetic badly paid current job and being treated poorly by everyone around you... or you could work for one of Japan's biggest celebrities. You'll earn the respect of everyone and I'll pay you what you so rightfully deserve. Not to mention, I can get a big and luxury house all for yourself. The decision is yours".
Don thought this over. He would no longer have to endure bullying from his superiors, and his own financial problems would be resolved. Also, he would bid farewell to his ridiculously small apartment.
"... Can I at least bring my stuff over to Japan?", he asked.
"Of course, Nanase can take care of that. Right, Nanase?".
"Righ away, Ogura-sama. I just need Murphy-sama's address and I'll do the rest", said Nanase.
"Oooh, Murphy-sama. I like how that sounds".
"So, what do you say, Don?", asked Haruka with a noticeable gleam in her eyes.
"... Very well, I'm in", Don replied.
"Wonderful! Once we get your luggage we'll be good to go".
"Will I have to do something like this heist thing again in the near future?".
"I promise this won't happen ever again. Trust me".
With everything settled, the trio finally found themselves flying back to Japan.
During the entire trip, Don and Haruka watched movies together. He was traveling on Haruka's big, soft belly while she gently stroke his hair. Don was about to enter a new phase in his life, in an entirely different country, no less. But something about this felt exciting to him. Alas, only time would tell what would happen to him.
. . .

3 months later...

. . .
Don walked inside Haruka's home, the huge edo period castle she so proudly owned. It had been exactly three months since he moved to Japan.
He was now wearing a custom made red and green kimono with his name written in katakana on the back, and he also was carrying a box containing a bottle of Haruka's favorite sake.
As he made his way in, many other of Haruka's workers greeted him cheerfully.
"Ohayo, Don-kun!", said Nakamura, the gardenkeeper.
"Ohayo!", greeted back Don.
Just as Haruka said, Don was now able to speak japanese. He didn't speak it with 100% accuracy, but he still had quite the skill with the language. The locals could understand him, that's for sure.
Haruka's chambers were found in the very last floor of the castle, but luckily for Don, she had installed an elevator system sturdy enough to withstand her weight, as taking the stairs would be hellishly difficult for her. Just because the castle's exterior was modeled after buildings from centuries ago didn't mean that she coulnd't have technology inside.
Once he reached the top floor, Don was greeted with the sound of Haruka scolding someone as he walked out of the elevator. He was perfectly able to hear it from outside the room. However, this was nothing new to him at this point, so he just made his way to her chambers as usual.
Before he could enter, Kaede, another one of Haruka's employees, got out of the room clearly in a rush.
"She must have been the one Ogura-sama was yelling at", thought Don as he entered.
"Don-chan! Good morning!" said Haruka happily, giving her mood a complete 180 just as she saw him.
Don was now working as Haruka's personal assitant. He would do things such as answering calls, booking her fights, and getting her a drink every once in a while. It had its benefits however, such as being given discounts at stores, VIP treatment at restaurants and the movie theaters, and free first row seats at every single one of Haruka's sumo matches. Turns out that Don ended up really liking sumo. Just watching it, of course, he was still as skinny as ever, and he felt good that way.
Haruka had become quite attached to Don since he started working for her, which shows given that she started calling him "Don-chan". He was one of the very few people that she genuinely cared about, so much so that she hired ninjas to watch over his house during the night to make sure nothing bad happened to him. Haruka was also seen smiling much more often since he arrived. Up until that point, it was very rare seeing Haruka happy when she wasn't wrestling someone. But now, she was as happy as she could possibly be when Don was around. Although she still got really mad when someone else managed to mess up.
"Here, I brought you a bottle of sake", said Don as he handed her the box.
"For me? Oh, Don-chan, thank you! Here, sit next to me", said Haruka as she pointed at a small couch next to her.
Don did as he was told and took a seat. Just then, his phone rang and he picked it up.
"Moshi moshi? Yes, this is Don. Sure, Ogura-sama can assist that fight. Next monday? Okay then, we'll see you there".
"This is why you're my favorite, Don-chan".
"I'm just doing my job", said Don while hanging up.
"By the way, what are we waiting for again?".
"Ah, I'm glad you asked. You see, my mother's birthday is just around the corner. Next week, to be more precise. So I thought about giving her a very special present", said Haruka.
"She must mean a lot to you, Ogura-sama. Can you tell me more about her?".
"I'd be glad to. Her name is Tsuyu Ogura, but everyone in the sumo world knew her as The Tsunami because of her massive size. She was the female world champion for 6 years. The only reason she gave up her title was because she decided to retire and leave it up for grabs. No one managed to beat her. No. One. Some were close to defeating her, but mother always rose above her opponents. Her palm strikes could leave hand imprints on solid stone. Her stomps were powerful enough to make the whole arena shake. She also liked toying with her fallen rivals, like sitting on top of their bellies as she blew kisses to the crowd or even ripping devastating gusts of flatulence all over them. She called that stunt The mark of death, that way she could make sure that they wouldn't forget her" said Haruka with pride as she took a dive into her memories. Haruka was present in almost every one of her mother's fights during her teenage years. She had a lot to live up to considering Tsuyu Ogura's legacy, but she managed to do just that nonetheless.
"So, where is she now?", asked Don.
"Enjoying retirement in Kyoto with my father. Every once in a while she expresses to me how she misses sumo, but seeing me fight and holding up our family's name is more than enough for her. Success runs through our veins".
"Your dad is also into sumo, Ogura-sama?".
"No, he's a very wealthy business man. But that's a story for another day, Don-chan".
Don started to think about all this. Haruka was no doubt the biggest woman he had ever met in his life. So, if he thought she was big, then how much bigger could her mother be?
However, his train of thought was stopped by the ringing of his phone.
"Oh, excuse me, I gotta answer this".
"Go ahead".
"Moshi moshi?"
A familiar voice was heard from the other side of the line.
"Ah, Ichiro, how is the task going? Great, bring it to Ogura-sama's chambers. Of course, we'll be waiting", said Don as he hung up.
This was by far one of the biggest changes in Don's life since he moved.
Ichiro, the fearsome wolf gangster that got Don into this whole thing in the first place wasn't that fearsome anymore.
After failing their part of the Gold Springs heist he and his goons where all treated to an extensive period of punishment by Haruka.
For three weeks straight, they would often be used as carpets, towels or cleaning rags, which meant that Haruka got plenty of time to step on them, clean her body with them or quite literally mop the floor with them.
But being the leader, Ichiro got by far the worst treatment. Not only was his period longer than the rest, being 1 month instead of 3 weeks, but on a daily basis Haruka got to sit squarely on his face while she slowly but surely got heavier and heavier and let out earth shaking farts right onto his very sensitive nose. This whole punishment session wrecked his face, his sense of smell, and more importantly, his pride.
After that, Ichiro and the rest of his squad got demoted to being simple servants, often being given really tough tasks to accomplish, and today was no different.
It was ironic, three months ago he was ordering Don around to do the dirty job for him, and now it was pretty much the exact opposite. Sure, Don wasn't constantly berating Ichiro over the phone and he was technically only echoing Haruka's orders, but still.
To this day, Ichiro holds a great grudge against Don for taking away everything from him, or so he says.
Don on the other hand thought differently. He was always too docile to have hard feelings towards anyone, Ichiro included. So even after being treated so poorly by his team during their mission, Don still found himself unable to hate him.
"About time you showed up!", said Haruka clearly annoyed as Ichiro entered the room.
"Forgive me, Ogura-sama. This thing is really, really heavy", said Ichiro as he came in carrying a very huge package.
"But of course it is, mother wouldn't have it any other way. A light present for one of the heaviest women alive? That just won't do".
"Oh, so that's the present, Ogura-sama? What is it, if you don't mind me asking?", said Don as he watched Ichiro set the package inside Haruka's closet.
"Well, if you must know, it's a painting of her", replied Haruka giving her mood a complete heel turn once again.
"I paid an excellent artist to make it. He sent me a picture of it to my phone as soon as he finished it, have a look".
There she was. Tsuyu "The Tsunami" Ogura. Don couldn't believe his eyes, she was just as big as he imagined her to be, if not bigger. Her fur was golden, just as her daughter's, had short black hair, and a body that even he could tell was heavier than Haruka's by a long run.
"Lovely, isn't it?".
"It's beautiful, Ogura-sama. The artist did a great job capturing that".
"I know, right? It was worth every single yen".
"Then why is it so heavy?" asked Ichiro as he rubbed his aching back.
"Quit complaining, you!" yelled Haruka.
"Now that I think about it, paintings aren't normally that heavy, are they?", said Don essentially asking the same question as Ichiro.
"Well, that's because of the frame. It's made from industrial steel dipped in silver. Heavy, hard to take down, and elegant, just like her. She always appreciated details like that".
Ichiro rolled his eyes as he heard Haruka was willing to listen to Don but not him despite asking the same. This was the kind of stuff he had to put up with regularly, and it sickened him.
"Okay then, I'm out of here. You may be this high, Don, but you're still just a slave...", said Ichiro in a really bitter tone.
Haruka was now enraged beyond belief. Ichiro, obviously, realized too late that he probably shouldn't have said that.
"... Oh crap".
"I'll have you know", said Haruka as she hugged Don and picked him up.
"Don is NOT a slave! If anything, the only slave here would be YOU! He was more capable of completing a task you and your men couldn't! So I will NOT tolerate you berating him in front of me! Now, unless you want to spend another TWO months sticking your nose back there I demand you apologize to Don right NOW!".
That last "NOW" was the most powerful she had said in a while.
Ichiro did NOT want to apologize to Don, but he also did not want to endure Haruka's farts for two months straight.
So, he swallowed his pride and began his not-so-honest apology.
"I'm so--".
"On your knees".
Ichiro sighed heavily and did as Haruka told him.
"... I'm sorry, Don".
"You're sorry for what?".
"... I'm sorry for being rude to you and for calling you a slave".
"Oh, uh, i-it's ok Ichiro, apology accepted", said Don a bit nervous still being held in Haruka's arms.
"There. Now scram!"
With nothing more to say, Ichiro left the room.
"I deeply apologize for Ichiro's behavior, Don-chan. He was never this bitter before", said Haruka, still not letting go of Don.
"Don't worry, Ogura-sama. Despite everything, I just can't bring myself to hate the guy", replied Don.
"I know, but... I won't let anyone disrespect you anymore. You deseve better, and I'll make sure of that".
"Thanks Ogura-sama, means a lot".
"Well, now that the package has been delivered, do you want to watch some TV with me, Don-chan?".
"We're watching sumo matches, right?".
"Of course!".
"Then yes".
With that, Haruka turned on the TV and started changing the channel until reaching channel 206.
"Oh, would you look at that, it's Ms. Desperation herself".
"What do you mean, Ogura-sama?", said Don not knowing what that phrase meant.
"Oh, it's just a nickname I gave to the woman wrestling right over there"
Haruka pointed at the screen as the announcer introduced the two sumo wrestlers that were facing eachother in that day's match.
Specifically, she was pointing to the one standing at the left side of the arena.
It was a tanuki lady with long, straight blonde hair and clad in a red mawashi. While not as fat as Haruka, she still packed quite a few pounds.
"That woman is Maki Shiraishi. She's the daughter of another wrestler called Tomoko Shiraishi, the woman who got the closest to beating my mother".
"Oh, I see, but why did you call her that?".
"We have... history".
"Think you could... fill me in?".
"Gladly! But you'll have to wait after the match is over".
And so, the match began. They watched the whole thing as Haruka embraced her assistant without taking her eyes off the screen.
Meanwhile, Don thought about what his life had become in the last months.
He went from being a nobody respected by no one to serving a world champion respected by (almost) everyone. Not even in his wildest dreams he would have thought that he'd end up here.

... But he sure did like it.

The end.
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