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Rated: 13+ · Article · Cultural · #2212911
I am proud to be a Conservative White American Female, take your resentment elsewhere
I just had some misguided, angry person accuse me on social media of "white privilege" because I was defending President Trump. LOL. That is too much. I blocked and deleted her. As far as me and "white privilegeā€? I worked 12-hour night shift as a nurse aide for several years. Before that, I worked 10-hour days as a kindergarten teacher in two NJ private schools with LOW pay, and the only plus was free tuition for my daughter since I worked there. I had NO free childcare, no title 20, I HAD TO PAY A SITTER TO WATCH MY CHILDREN SO I COULD WORK. I put myself through pharmacy technician college WHILE I HAD UTERINE /OVARIAN CANCER and had a full hysterectomy.

I supported my kids while I was a single parent. I was hurt on the job as a nurse aide, herniating 3 discs in my spine and neck and had to fight the company to get medical coverage, and they stalled so long I got it elsewhere. I had to have heart ablation, which my lousy insurance would not approve. So, I had to do something to get the coverage elsewhere because I had young boys to raise. My oldest son, who is also as "white as me", was injured at birth, has mild cerebral palsy, and we never saw a dime for the injury to him from the doctor. At 5 months, my son was poisoned with vaccines and became permanently Autistic. In a matter of hours, he lost all his baby words, could no longer sit up, and it took YEARS for him to get better to the point of being okay by himself. NO home health aide, no nurse, nothing, I guess I was "too white" to get those benefits huh?...

Again, when we took it to court we did not get a dime. In spite of his massive medical records proving vaccine injury to him, My son only gets SSI for life and crappy, sub-par medical coverage. I didn't have handouts from anyone to pay my bills or my college tuition, I paid for it MYSELF. AND YET, I DID NOT GO AROUND PROTESTING ANYTHING LIKE A RAVING LUNATIC. I worked for and earned everything I ever had, from the time I was 12 and got my first babysitting kids on my block for 1 dollar an hour, till I left school at 16 to work full time, earning my high school diploma and later my pharmacy technician diploma.

So when I have an arrogant socialist liberal calling me a "privileged white person"...I know just how screwed up the non-Conservatives in this country really are. And FYI? when I get my books published? It won't be because I am "white", it will be because I am tenacious and bust my butt to do better for myself.

I am proud to be a White American Female, so deal with your resentment someplace else. But I am also Native American too, as my father was 1/4 Dakota Indian, my great-grandmother was named Pinta Rose, and she had her land taken by a white man married her to get her parcel of land. He impregnated her with 6 children, and each child had a share in that land too., but they never got it. He beat her to death and then placed their "half-breed" children in an orphanage, so he could marry a white woman and keep Pinta Rose's property.

My grandfather Willie Manhart ran away from that orphanage when he was 13, and never saw his siblings again. He worked as a railway "hobo" , finding hard labor work and riding the rails until getting stable work. Which was hard since he was half Native American and they were treated like dirt. So I know all about the evil that people of ALL COLORS can do.

And my life? While it hasn't been "privileged" in the sense the liberals accuse me of, I still consider myself privileged to be an American, and to live in this Nation that is still for the majority a Christian Nation. However, many of the government elected officials, etc. were anything but Christians, and our Nation suffered. But when you think about the bigger picture, you understand it is a globalist elite effort to destroy the Conservative White American culture, and the super elite can rule the minority ignorant subculture who are too stupid to realize it. So, if you'll excuse my privileged white behind, I have "privileged white lady" business to take care of.
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