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by Ghost
Rated: GC · Fiction · Fanfiction · #2220370
An animal crossing story about Isabelle and her hunger. NSFW
         'Type, type, type'


         Isabelle sat at her desk, finishing the last bit of paper work for the day. Well, at least trying too, her stomach was constantly reminding her what she really wanted too have today.


         "Shh, just need too... okay, all done!" With that, she stood up and peeked up at the clock. "8:30, so it must be starting now." She lifted her ears and listened for for-

         'Howl, yells in the distends'

         "And soon the mayor well-"


         Isabelle looked at the door in surprise, she was not accepting anyone to come to town hall. However, it was not just anyone that ran in, it was the mayor them self. They're covered in scratch marks and clearly had sprinted here because of how out of breath they are. She blinked, then slowly started walking towards them.

         "Mayor, what are you doing here?"


         They don't know what they did wrong, but the mayor is sure that trying to claw at them was an overreaction. They are lucky they made it inside town hall, some of the residents started trying to bite them.

         "Mayor, what are you doing here?"

         After getting the last of their breath back, they looked up towards Isabelle's voice. She now stood in front of them and too their surprise, she was wearing nothing. As the mayor froze still at the site, she began to reach behind them.

         "Here, let me lock the door for you." a quite click is heard. "There, now I'm sure you have a lot of questions" she raps her arms around them in a hug, "and I have some too."

         If the mayor wasn't confused before, they are now. They thumbed to the window looking out side.

         "Your wondering what's going on outside?" she asked as they nodded their head. "Well, it's a bit of a long story. When this town was newer we had are first human mayor," she paused, "he wasn't vary nice to us. He believed that, because he was a human, he was better then us animal folk. Day in and day out, he would insult us and even hit some of the residents with shovels and nets.

         Tell one day he never came out of his house. We got curious to what he was doing so one of us looked inside. What was found was..." Isabelle trails off and the mayor feels her hug getting tighter. " One of us had broken-in to his house the night before and..." her hug was starting to hurt a little.

         "He was eaten."

         Isabelle didn't know what the mayor was going to do after she said that. She expected them to squirm and try to runaway or maybe punch and kick her. After a few moments, the only reaction that they did was blink. Thinking that they where in shock, she continued the story.

         "I was speechless too the first time I saw it happen. Seeing the man that made you so scared, now squirming inside someone's belly and yelling for help was an... event. The town though, they enjoyed it and so a new law was passed. If we ever get a human for a mayor, after one year we would hunt them down. The first resident too catch them, would be aloud to eat them." now she started to feel them trying to brake out of her 'hug'.

         "I'm sorry mayor," she tightened her grip around them, "but us animal folk are stronger then we seem." She felt them shaking still, but otherwise stopped. "After the law was passed, some of us became known for being the best at catching humans. You met most of them, like Tom Nook." their shaking increased as she she spoke.


         The mayor was becoming more terrified as Isabelle spoke about what was soon going to happen to them. They couldn't escape from her hold on them ether. "You met most of them, like Tom Nook." they heard that part of her story loud and clear. She continued as they panicked, "Most of them when to he's belly, he even helped Timmy and Tommy catch their first humans. Ankha's humans tend to end up on her thighs and Cherry's rear-end has been fat after her first hunt."

         "Even K.K. has eaten a human when he was staying here before." Isabelle paused at that, "... I know your not a bad mayor, we all know not every human will be like our first one." Some hope poured back into them at that statement, maybe they get out of all of this. However, before they could try another escape, Isabelle put her head into their chest. "But I... I can't let you..." Quiet sobs started to fill the room as she started to cried.

         The mayor was confused as she cried, if they are not a bad mayor then why is this happening at all? "Why didn't you run away mayor?" They heard her ask, between the whimpers. "Your not the first good mayor we had, we always give them a way to leave town." Thinking about it it did make some sense, if the residents of this town are this strong, they would have been eaten awhile ago.

         Besides Isabelle's whimpering, the town hall was quite for a moment. Slowly, the mayor pulled her into a hug as she cried and rubbed her back, trying to calm her down. As they did this, her crying slowed enough for her to speak, "You had too be close to the train tracks when the hunt started." That's true they where, but-"You ran here, did you forget something?"

         The mayor stood still for a moment, then moved one of their hands in front of Isabelle. She watched as they 'spoke', being a little rusty at understanding sign language. "I... need-no see... you... you needed to see me, why?" She was really regretting not re-reading ASL. "...Safe... you wanted too make sure I was safe... but, why? Don't get me me wrong, but town hall is-... c-can you repeat that?" She know she was reading it wrong, she was sure of it. However, as the mayor's hands moved slower to spill out what they're 'saying', she saw that she was right the first time.

         'I love you'



         The mayor watched as Isabelle 'read' their hands, they felt nervous about what they are about to confess. The fact that Isabelle had them 'say' it twice didn't help calm their nerves.

         'I love you'

         and with that they did the next thing they could think of.


         They watch as she stood there after it, a blush showing through her fur. Tears once again started to roll down her face."I...I..." she tried to say something, but her emotions where where in a state of chaos. She really wanted to let them go after that, maybe help them get to the train and go with them to a new life. But when their kissed her, she tasted them.

         "I-I'm sorry mayor!" she opened her mouth wide and pulled their head in. She swallows gently against them in her drooling maw, before slipping their hands into her mouth and shoving them down her throat. As they slip into her rumbling gut, she lets out a-



         Isabelle fell onto the floor, her stomach making groans and moaning as it expands to hold it's new meal. She rubbed her now bloated belly, feeling the mayor through her fur and skin. Too her surprise, the the mayor wasn't struggling or even trying to escape her stomach.


         Upon being pulled into Isabelle's maw, the mayor's instincts started yelling in their mind to fight back. It screamed at them to thrash about, kick out their legs, do something. However, they did nothing, because they still trust Isabelle, even as she is swallowing them whole. Once inside her stomach, they curled up into the fetal position and started to hold their breath, wanting to pass out before the stomach acid starts to burn them.

         Isabelle slowly pulled herself ageist a wall, as this was the first time she ever ate a human, her stomach was not ready for such a meal. She was silent as she stared at her bloated belly, seeing the ruff form of the mayor inside and slowly fell asleep.



         "W-what happened last night?" Isabelle asked, as she tried to get up. "I feel so heavy." She opened her eyes and saw the ceiling of town hall. "Town... hal-" the memories of last night flooded into her head, giving her the shock of strength to sit up. She looked down at her stomach saw that she had put on weight. She poked her belly and watched it jiggle for a bit. "I really did it, didn't I?" using the wall as a brace, she lifted herself up.

         Isabelle wobbled as she took a step towards her desk, "Woah, I'm-I'm not that fat... Am I?" It took longer then she would have liked, but she reached her desk and started opening the drawers. "Where did I- Oh! here they are." she pulled out her clothes from one of the drawers. She began to dress herself, but, "Come on button... just stay..."


         The lowest button on Isabelle's vest fly off, "Oh... I'll... I'll get it fixed later." Isabelle looked at her skirt, hoping it would fit. As she was pulling it on-



         "No!... I guess I'm... bigger there..." With her skirt ripped, Isabelle had little choice but to head out without one. Upon stepping outside, she finds Tom Nook waiting for her. "Aw, Isabelle have you-" Tom's question was interrupted by seeing her walk into the morning light. Both of them stayed quite as Tom starred at Isabelle for what felt like a long time. "Well," Tom finally spoke, "I can now see who our mayor ran into last night."

         "Um... yes they... did." Isabelle stammered out.

         "This was your first time, right?"


         "I see... how ware they?" Tom asked with a smile.

         Isabelle blushed briefly as she remembered her first taste of the mayor. "Um... t-they..."

         "Yeah, I remember my first time. The taste really leaves you speechless right?"

         Isabelle just nodded her head, she really didn't want to stand outside without her skirt and talk to Nook.

         "It also shows how fattening humans are. Here, take a look." Tom pulled a mirror out of his pocket and showed Isabelle her reflection. Although she knew her belly was bigger, she was still shocked to see just how fat she had become. Her stomach looked like she had swallowed a bowling ball, while her thighs had become vary bloated with fat. She pressed her paw into one of her thighs and felt how 'soft' she became.

         "I take it that's the reason your out here, without your skirt?" Tom asked. Isabelle only blushed and nodded in response. Tom chuckled at that, "Ya, that's why I ware my apron after each 'meal'. The first time I tried to pull on pants after eating, they ripped clean in half." Tom let out some laughter before moving out of Isabelle's way, "Well I best let you go now, you do have a house to look through now."

         "R-right!" Isabelle stammered out before walking to the mayor's house. As she was the one to eat them, she also inherits all of their stuff. The mayor's house was hard to miss, it was the biggest in town and near the train tracks. "The mayor accomplished so much-" she thought as she opened the door and waddled inside, "and now..." She pushed her paw against her belly, feeling it squish.

         Isabelle shook her head, "L-lets look around." The mayor's home had a relaxing feel to it, green wall paper and vary little furniture made it feel welcoming. The next few rooms looked almost the same, different wall paper, some rugs and small furnishings. 'They really liked this style,' Isabelle thought as she walk around the house, 'the other mayors could have learned a lot from...'

         There on a small old fashion end table, was a green camp lantern. "... they kipped it?" Isabelle remembers when she gave the mayor that lantern, she expected them to sale it to Nook for some bells like most of the former mayors did. She pressed her paws onto her belly, "You kipped it..." As she walked towards it to pick it up, she saw a green journal next to it. "... maybe just a peek." she picked up the journal and opened it to it's first date.



          Just got off the train and already I'm having second thoughts about moving out. I knew it would be different, but in about an hour of getting here I've been made the mayor, got a house lone and meant everyone in town. I think out of everyone here, Isabelle is my favorite. I think she was so relived that someone new came into the town, that she didn't think it was possible that I wasn't the new mayor.

         She even gave me a welcome present, a green camp lantern. I thought it was a leaf, but apparently magic is ... real? It's hard to explain, but she was so happy and....


         Isabelle smiled at the memory of the mayor's arrival. "We knew you weren't the new mayor, but when Rover called we had to have you become mayor." Isabelle rubbed her belly as she tried not to cry, flipping to a random page.


         ... but the day was normal for the most part. It was the dream I had that night that was different. It was about me and Isabelle, we we're in my house when...


         Isabelle's cheeks turns red as she read, "I...I..." She skipped ahead.


         ... to be honest, I think I love her. She's just so sweet and... the dreams and... I don't know. I think I'll ask her out on a date, she said some kind of 'thing' was happening later this month so maybe then. She did seem a little sad about something so, maybe I can cheer her up.


         "..." Isabelle set the journal down and tried not to cry. "I-I.. I'm sorry mayor..." Isabelle said as she squeezed her stomach. As she was doing this, she heard a-

         *Tump, tump, tump*

         She turned towards the the noise, hearing it come from the stairs, almost like someone is walking down. "W-Who's there?" Isabelle knows she's the only animal in the house, "Did the mayor invite-" What came down was not just anyone, but it was-



         They assumed it was just a weird dream, maybe from eating something before going to bed. Even though they had no recollection of going to bed last night and waking up to find themselves naked, it had to be a dream. They just have to splash some water onto their face after putting some clothes on and all will be well. As they get dressed, their mind wonders back to the 'dream' they had.

         That 'dream' should be freaking them out, but it almost felt...


         They really need to oil that front door, wait... someone opened their front door? Odd, they're not expecting anyone today. Is the in home flee market today... no that was a few weeks away still. Maybe someone was just stopping by to say hi, that seems more likely. Wondering who it is, they started making their way down stairs. It could be someone from last night- wait no, that was a 'dream'.

         "W-Who's there?" a familiar female voice said from the floor below. Oh, Isabelle came over. They must have overslept and she came over to check on them. Not wanting to keep her waiting, the mayor continued down.

         "Did the mayor invite-" they heard her start saying as they reached the ground floor. "Mayor!?" she sounded confused and surprised, the mayor looked about the same as they saw Isabelle. She was a lot bigger then yesterday and looked like a pear in shape. Her vest was missing the lower button and... oh my... where is her skirt? As the mayor's face turned red, they suddenly found themselves in a firm, yet soft, hug.

         "Your okay!" Isabelle squeezed the mayor the little harder, "...But how?" The mayor looked at Isabelle with a confused look on his face. "Last night was... mayor, do you remember what happened last night?"

         The mayor's face went blank for a moment, then shock slowly came. Isabelle let go of them, "Mayor... I thought all that was left of you was..." Isabelle placed both her paws on her belly, "This." The mayor nodded their head as they remembered last night. "So... not that I'm not thankful but, how are you okay?"

_______________In the past_________________

         Okay so wisp, the ghost, has offered to grant one wish of the mayor's choice. It could be anything, one of a kind furniture, knowing how to win someone's heart, only dying by old age or even, wish for no more weeds to grow in t-

         "Aww, your wish for health is granted."

         ... What?... Oh crap, the mayor 'said' that out loud!? They tried to tell wisp that they where just 'thinking', but wisp disappeared in a puff of smoke.

         Well... crap. Looks like they can kiss the dream of 'no more weeds' good bye. Well, better start digging out the weeds. This is going to take all night.


         The mayor shrugged, they honestly don't remember. Isabelle smiled, "Well, I'll just be happy that your here now." Isabelle leans forward and kisses them on the lips, as well as pulling them into a hug. However, the mayor soon felt Isabelle's lips start to open wider and her grip tighten on them. Realizing what was happening, they firmly pushed her back. She blinked a few times, "S-sorry mayor, it's just..." she licked her lips, "you're really..."

          Isabelle shock her head before apologizing again. As she was doing so, the mayor reached out and...

         "Eep!" Isabelle felt the mayor's hand pressed onto her belly. "M-mayor?" she felt them start to rub, "Wha-" She blushed and started waging her tail. "... m-more?... Why did I say that?" After a few more rubs, she grabbed the mayor's hand, "Th-thats enough." The mayor started to raise their other hand, "I mean it mayor, please stop." The mayor shook their head and started using sign.

         'Will you stay?'

         "... o-of course."


         *Knock, knock, knock*

         "Isabelle, you still in there?" Tom Nook called out, in front of the former mayor's home. It's been about an hour sines Isabelle went inside. "What is taking so long?" Tom wondered out loud, "I know this mayor was one of the better ones, but they're gone now and I need to know if she's going to take the whole house or-"


         "Hm?" The door opened a bit and Isabelle poked her head out.

         "S-sorry Mr.Nook, I was... caught up in the... memoirs of the mayor..." she said with nervousness.

         "Aw, I see. Still, are you taking the whole house-"

         "Y-Yes!" she blurted out, before stammering, "I mean... if no one else wants it."

         "Hmm... alright. I'll get it all sorted out. I'll be back with the paper work in a little bit." and with that, Tom turned around and left.

         Isabelle let out a sigh, "That was close." She shut the front door and turned to the mayor. "I don't know yet if we can trust Mr.Nook, if he sees you alive... I don't know what will happen." The mayor nodded their head as she continued, "In fact... I don't know who we can trust right now." The mayor tapped their foot in thought, before snapping their fingers.
"Oh! Do you have someone in mind?"


         Ankha sat down in her throne facing the door in her house, she knew some 'guests' would be coming over right about...

         *knock, knock, knock*

         "Um... Ankha, are you home?" the voice of Isabelle called from beyond the door.

         "Enter young pup and bring your new mate in with you."

         She heard Isabelle 'eep', "How... th-thank you..." and with that, the door opened. She blinked as after Isabelle walked in, of all the folk that could become Isabelle's mate, the mayor pulled the door closed behind them.

         "So your mate is our former chef and yet," she pokes Isabelle's chubby stomach, "you clearly ate last night."

         "Um...th-thats what we... wanted to talk to about" Isabelle stammered out. The mayor stepped forward and using sine language, began to describe what happened last night.

         She put her paw to her chin, "Hmm... did you find the spirit one night?" The mayor nodded, "You told me you where going to ask for weeds to stop growing in town, did you change your mind?" The mayor shook their head, "Did you start 'talking' to your self as the spirit waited to hear your wish?" A nod, "And did you start going over everything I told you could wish for?" A nod, "Including only being able to go the the next life from ageing?"

         The mayor stood in silents before smacking their self in the face. "...will... that answers that, um... thank you Ankha." Isabelle started to pull the mayor away and reach for the door.

         "You doubt my claim, young pup?" Ankha grabbed the mayor's hand, "Then I shall prove it true." Ankha yanked the mayor away from Isabelle and opened her mouth wide, engulfing the top half of the mayor's head.

         "W-WHAT?! NOOO!" Isabelle quickly grabbed and pulled the mayor away from Ankha. "They're mine! My mayor! My mate! My meal! MINE!"


         The mayor blinked and slowly turned their head towards Isabelle. 'Did she just growl?' they thought. Ankha just smiled as Isabelle slowly realized what she just did. "I-I'm... I didn't..." She stammered out as the mayor patted her head.

         "So, they are yours?" Ankha asked with a smirk as Isabelle continued to stammer out incomplete sentences and words. "Then trust my words, young pup and... 'enjoy' your mate."

_______________Later: Back at The Mayor's House_________________

         Isabelle laid in the mayor's bed, still thinking about the fact that she growled at Ankha. "I last time I ever did any thing like that was... I think when Digby and I where starting school." She felt the mayor's hands rub her belly, "Thank you mayor, it was so embarrassing too." She felt her stomach rumble, "...Mayor, do you believe that Ankha was telling the truth?" The mayor nodded their head with no hesitation.

         "Really? Well... in that case..." Isabelle grabbed the mayor's hand and pulled them closer. "I want you... now, please?" Before the mayor could respond, Isabelle licked their cheek. "Please?" Isabelle repeated, holding them tight. They blinked and where silent for a moment before tugging their shirt. Isabelle realized what they where asking, "I get it, you don't want your clothes to be digested with you. Okay, let me help you take them off."

         Isabelle pulled the mayor's shirt off, only to find an under shirt. "Wha-... why do you humans wear so many clothes?" Isabelle started pulling the under shirt, "I swear, you must be so hot under all this. I mean, is your fur really that short?" As the under shirt was removed, Isabelle stared at the mayor's exposed skin. Unable to believe what she was seeing, Isabelle put her paw on to the mayor's chest.

         The mayor shivered as Isabelle rubbed their skin. "...Nothing... not even some fuzz." Isabelle said, as she started rap her arms around them. "You must be so cold, especially during winter." She leaned in closer, her muzzle on their chest. They felt a lick across their chest, blushing a deep red. "You're cold right now, mayor." she said and started to push them on to their back.

         "Don't worry, you'll be warm soon." Isabelle slid down to the mayor's waste, garbing and pulling the mayor's pants. The mayor's blush became a deeper red as they where 'exposed' fully. Isabelle opened her mouth wide and dragged their feet into her maw.


         The mayor watches as Isabelle starts swallowing them, their legs slowly dispersing down her throat. She stopped briefly at their waste as she felt their hands pet the top of her head. She muffled something as her eyes softly closed, before resuming her 'clime' and engulfing their hands as well. They started to curl-up in her belly as she stopped once more at their neck.

         Isabelle once more tried to say something, it sounded like she was saying 'mine'. The mayor nodded their head before they were fully pulled into her. As they entered her stomach, Isabelle panted as she laded full on the bed. "M-mine... all mine now..." She rubbed her now bloated belly, feeling the mayor squirm inside. She let out a moan, "Mayor..." she felt her tummy go stiff.

         "Can you... keep moving?"

_______________The Next Day_________________

         It was another beautiful day in town, the sun was shining, birds singing, almost all of the villagers where outside of the former mayor's house waiting for Isabelle to come out.


         "Is she awake yet?"

         "So, she ate the mayor, but didn't eat the mayor?"

         "Why can't we just have Tom unlock the door, the building is his now right?"

         "It's so not fair, she can somehow have a human meal all to herself!"

         "I want to go back to bed..."

         "So is Isabelle special or the mayor? Because if the mayor can come back after being eaten then..."

         Isabelle looked down and out from the second floor window, "Why does everyone know about this now? Do you think Ankha told everyone?" Isabelle turned to the mayor, who was in the middle of putting on a new shirt.

         The mayor 'said', 'I don't think so, maybe someone saw us going to her house yesterday.'

         Isabelle looked back out the window, "Do you think we can talk to everyone calmly about this or maybe..." As Isabelle began to mumble to herself, the mayor finished dressing their self. They walked over to her as her mumbling became almost nonsensical and started to rub the sides of her stomach. She slowly stopped talking, leaning towards them. "...that feels nice mayor... thank you."

         Isabelle felt the mayor's hand move from rubbing to kneading her belly. She looked down at her gut, which had grown too fat for her button-up shirt. "For as tasty as you are mayor, you're really fattening." she said, blushing as the mayor continued playing with her stomach. "... what should we do?" The mayor hugged her and brought their hands ups so she can see them.

         'We'll see what they want and then... well, we'll see.'


         "Do you think it was a trick?"

         "She can eat them more then once, right?"


         "I hope I get a chance to eat them too."

         "... wha-, oh right... it's to early for this..."

         As the rest of the town folk talk to each other or to themselves, Tom Nook stood by the front door thinking to himself. 'So... did you know about this ahead of time, Isabelle or did you find out yesterday.' He thought she was acting strange but wrote it off as her being overwhelmed by her first meal. 'I'll have to ask you about that, if this crowd would leave for a bit.' he thought, as the crowd got louder.

         Just as Tom was about to ask everyone to quite down, the front door creeked open. A hush fell over everyone as they all looked towards to see-

         "Um... h-hello?" Isabelle peeked out from the crack in the doorway, "I-is there something I can help you with?"

         "Yes yes, may I come in Isabelle?" Tom moved inside before Isabelle could reply, "Don't worry I'll keep this privet." and closed the door behind him. He let out a sigh and turned towards Isabelle, "Now Isabel-" and fully saw all of her. When he saw her yesterday she was pulp sure, but now it looks like she stopped trying to get her cloths on over her bloated self. Her stomach was at least double the size form last time, not to mention her thighs and rear.

         Before ether of them could say anything, Isabelle's belly moved and squirmed for a bit, almost like... "M-mayor, stop! T-tom nook-"

         "So the rumors about the mayor are true..." Tom interrupted.


         "and this-" Tom poked Isabelle's stomach, causing the movement to stop for a moment, "is our still living mayor?" Isabelle nodded. Tom let out a sigh, "... Is this the second time you-"

         "Fourth time..." at that statement, Isabelle's gut began to squirm about. "S-sorry mayor, but it was the middle of night a-and I was-"

         "Did you know they would be alright?"

         "N-no..." Isabelle whimpered. Hearing this, the mayor started to gently rub her belly form the inside. "Mayor..." she patted her stomach.

         "Hmm..." Tom scratch the back of his head, "do you know how this got out?"

         "N-not really..." she look at her stomach as it moved slightly.

         "... well, I guess there is no other choice."

         She looked a tom, confused.

         "Don't worry Isabelle, it's a simple fix."

_______________Many Days Later_________________

         "Cherry!" Isabelle yelled, "Spit the mayor out, right now!"

         Cherry looked up from her squirming gut and turned to face Isabelle. "Why should I? Everyone knows you eat them at-lest once a day. Besides, their my today, I checked."

         Isabelle let out a sigh, "Okay... one, yes I do have them at the end of most days. However and more importantly two," Isabelle pulled out a calendar, "your day is tomorrow. Lucky is suppose to have the mayor right now."

         She walk over to take a closer look, "Sure it is Isab-... oh it is... whoops." She grab her on to her belly, "Sorry about that mayor, let me just..." she pushed hard on to her own stomach, making the mayor's head pop out of her mouth.

         "Come on mayor," Isabelle began to pull the rest of them out of Cherry's mouth, "Lucky has always stayed home during the hunts, so he never had a human before." With that, the mayor was freed form Cherry and was being almost dragged to Lucky's home.

         'Shouldn't I wash off first?' they 'asked'

         "We'll ask Lucky once we arrive, we're already late as it is."

         They nodded their head, after all they saw the schedule for today and- 'Wait a minute.'

         "N-no mayor, we can't stop now."

         'Lucky is on the schedule-'

         "Y-yes he is which is why we need to go right now."

         '-in about two more hours.'

         Isabelle said nothing, but still dragged them far away from everyone in town.

         'Isabelle, are yo-' Isabelle garbed their hands, by using her mouth and pulled them in closer to gulp them down.

         After settling within her belly, "Oooh mayor," she squeezed her full stomach, "your all mine... at least for now." She sat down on the grass. Just as she was about to lay back, a sharp push is felt inside her. "Mayor, stop that." she slaps her bloated gut, "I'll let you out later, but for right now..." she lays down, "you and I need to relax."

         Within Isabelle, the mayor felt her body shift about, making herself comfortable on the grass. The mayor guessed this was okay, they have an hour before having to visit Lucky and as long as she lets them out in about-


         ... Oh... well, looks like they won't be getting to Lucky's house on time today.

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