I wrote two lines 7/7 in response to other peoples hokku for a June 2020 contest. |
Is there a season implied not stated? Is an emotion evoked rather than stated? Is there a juxtaposition of images? I left out capitalization unless it's a formal name. I did not include titles ... that's a very western concept. I did the best I could if I wasn't certain of time, place or specifics. Since rengas can be a type of 'parlor game' I'm trying to respond as quickly as possible. I suspect originally there was little time to edit unless poets were sending messages back and forth by letters and they just may have been! Do note: this may look like a tanka but when there are two or more poets writing, a renga goes off in a direction that the poet who starts it doesn't intend. My responses therefore are MY responses. Ah... and to write my own quick American hokku: #0 peonies glisten walking through heavy sweetness two drenched surfboarders Kåre เลียม Enga (Montana) #1 low gunmetal skies poets threatened with downpours chilly winter's wind Elle (North Island, New Zealand) across tranquil sunlit seas my lover smells pressed flowers Kåre เลียม Enga #2 shade of giant tree lacy shadows cool poets summer parasol Tinker (No California) we swear at bold mosquitoes; our pencils stab blank papers Kåre เลียม Enga #3 in the Sar river the grey granite Madonna heralds the solstice ridinghhood-p.boutilier (about NW Spain) I watch a lone child searching, tadpoles and glass his treasures Kåre เลียม Enga #4 howl of cicadas— we, wordsmiths all, shake with beats of drums, dream of home concrete_angel (memory of Japan) back home under a blanket, air conditioner full blast Kåre เลียม Enga #5 sultry summer eve underneath my Linden tree dusky balladry Eric Wharton (Mississippi) twin boys run through long shadows; grandmother calls them to bed Kåre เลียม Enga #6 novice builders under a forest's hot sun a shed raising eyestar~* (Canada) one plank, one nail at a time; a new refuge for chipmunks Kåre เลียม Enga #7 VA hospital constant refuge for wounded safety net for vets Dave (South Carolina) hot winds, cold winds, under tall loblolly pines, cool breezes Kåre เลียม Enga #8 glorious buds bloom like virtuoso voices singing sacred psalms Vanishing Vapor (?) linens flap, dry on the line cleansed of the runt cat's present Kåre เลียม Enga #9 summertime musings ebb and flow on a sea of creativity Nani - Blessed Indeed (SW Georgia) red soil clings to little ones until baptized, rinsed and dried Kåre เลียม Enga #10 dogwoods blooming free redbuds coloring the world daffodils sprouting Lisa Noe (SE Kentucky) 'neath the brows of black mountains, miner's shed blood for their rights (June 1973) Kåre เลียม Enga #11 Blue skies hold crisp air tall mountains look to their feet - garden of poets Soldier_Mike (Colorado) evening primroses open as notebooks are put away Kåre เลียม Enga For: Round 73