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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Other · #2227122
Growing Embarrassment side story/spoiler. Eve and Jezebel
A bus,painted with vulgarity and plated with symbols, drove through brambles and swerved past trees.Anyone sober would've probably not test their luck against such obstacles, but when you mix drugs and punk rockers, that word "sober" is usually thrown out the window.

Inside a mess of stumbling fools hooted and stomped in delight at their own predicament. Tucker R. honked his horn at a horde of deer right before he could crash into them,they bounded away just in time. The group hurrahed in joyous relief,though their minds most likely didn't quite comprehend why though.

"You're doing great,Tuck!" Jeff screamed. The others laughed while Tucker did his best to keep his eyes on the road or forest path. His eyes spun in his head, the trees seemed like fingers reaching from out from below. Yet still the driver's ability to maneuver around these obstacles was quite impressive.Near the back of the bus, the lead singer of this band of troublemakers, slept. Jezebel Tumult, self proclaimed "countess of punk" and sometimes babysitter for her group slept.

Her face was pointed upwards and her mouth was wide open. A bit of drool ran down her lip. The bus drove over a log, which thankfully didn't tip the vehicle, but it did cause the occupants to briefly fly into the air. Not Jezebel though,the mass in her rear weighed down her flight.However this caused the singer to wake up from her nap. She mumbled a few words and wiped her eyes. All around her she could see her band in total chaos.Which was normal to her and she was about to go back to sleep, right until she realized the vehicle was moving.

"Fack." She muttered.

Jezebel shot up like a flag on a pole, she rushed forward through the small isles. Her hips mowed down her friends who stood in her way. She passed by her girlfriend Kristina, whose addled brain seemed to realize her girlfriend was coming and swiftly sat down. Finally Jezebel got to the front, she gave a soft tap on Tucker's shoulder. The driver turned to stare at the unofficial boss of Crank, his eyes went bug eyed once he comprehend who it was.

"Tuck. Can you please stop our deathwagon?" Jezebel spoke politely. Tucker nodded,the bus slowly lost momentum as the driver's foot stepped on the breaks. The bus came to a complete stop, almost all of the occupants were now looking at Jezebel. Said woman tapped her foot on the floor, she peered down at the group.

"What were you all thinking? Driving in the middle of the night? In your conditions?" She yelled.

"But we were partying, Jezzy!" Kristina responded. Jezebel turned her head to glare at her girlfriend, who seemed to shrink into her seat.

"I know. I love a party as much as the next gal, but we could've been killed!"

"She's become much more of a square since her ass had grown." Susan whispered to Steven who sat beside her.

"I would've said a pear with those two cheeks on her." Steven snarked.

Jezebel continued on with her rant. A few more minutes of her speech went on until finally she finished. Jeff raised his hand,which Jezebel approved.

"So does this mean we can't party anymore?" Jeff called out. Jezebel focused on him.

"Oh hell no. I'm awake and you all know this mean its Partytime!" She answered. "But. We are going to do this on stable,and not in anyway moving,land. Yo, Shou! Where's the nearest town?"

Shou gurgled out a word,they pointed forward before they angled their head backwards to look at the ceiling. Jezebel turned around, in the darkness illuminated by the bus' headlights, a sign that read "Appleton" loomed still in the night.Underneath were the words "God's Favorite Apple" in bright white letters.The group smiled as mischievous thoughts flurried in their head.It was always fun,for them anyways, to mess with little po-dunk religious towns.

"Looks like Appleton's going to see what Crank has in store for them." Jezebel declared.

Eve sat down,her massive ass and hips sprawled onto the floor. Since the month she had been cursed, Eve had decided that most of her chairs were unneeded, seeing as she was now her own beanbag. The sister flipped to another page of her bible,her mind focused on each passage. She had woken up in the middle of the night and was doing her best to sleep once more.

"Hello!" A familiar voice called out. "Whatcha doing not sleeping?"

"Yeah! Why you need that energy for tomorrow." Another voice that Eve was slowly becoming familiar with added on.

"Sloth. Diligence." Eve calmly spoke. She laid her bible down onto her fat thigh,her eyes now focused on to her two guests. On one side, with her large orange ass hanging out of her pants,was Sloth.Her sheep fur,and ram horns,now clean and trimmed,no doubt do to the machinations of her second guest. Diligence, if one didn't count her blue hair, was a normal human looking lady. Dressed in athletic shorts and top, Diligence jumped roped in place as she smiled at Eve.

"Hiyah,sister!" Diligence happily trumpeted. Eve gave her a small grin in acknowledgement.It was only through the words of Diligence that Eve had managed to come to some sort of truce with Sloth. Now without the fear of her bottom expanding forever,Eve could once again focus on helping the community.

"Now if only she could've gotten rid of the sin." Eve thought. Sloth slumped down with a thud, the noise only audible to Eve's ears.

"Trying to get back to....sleep?" Sloth slowly spoke. Her eyes almost closing multiple times over that one sentence.

"Yes. Its quite hard to find a comfortable position due to my enormous rump." Eve shot back. The two's relationship was frosty, Sloth vowed to return Eve to normal. Once the sisters was moved along in Sloth's schedule queue that is, not surprisingly the manifestation of sloth wasn't very keen on finishing her work. When asked what number she was Diligence replied "somewhere between twenty-two thousand and twenty-five thousand",but assured Eve that she could work with Sloth and cut down that number to a "nice seventeen thousand" in the next five years. Which wasn't even accounting for Sloth's current workload pilling onto her.

"You know what could help bleed off all this energy?" Diligence butted into Eve's thoughts. "Walking! Appleton's is one of the safest place to be, you can walk around with a million dollars and barely feel the touch of a thief."

Eve scratched her chin in contemplation,she always did love exploring her town. Nowadays, her paces were much slower than before. Although it could take her mind off of some things....

"Your suggestion is most noted, Lady Diligence. I'll walk." Eve spoke. She pushed herself up,wobbled for a minute to regain balance, and moved over to her closet. After dressing herself, which was easy for her top half,Eve set forth from her parish. Behind her the invisible forms of Diligence and Sloth followed.

The night sky cloaked the fat bottomed nun,though it didn't help with how cold she was getting. The sister's had yet acquired enough material to cloth their larger member leaving Eve only her habit for any sort of bottom cover.Her bare tush would just have to deal with that fact for the next few weeks. Even with all this being stated Eve did love the wide open space of her town, the buzz of insects and the howl of animals was quite soothing for the sister.

It was about fifty minutes into her walk that she saw a bus come speeding down the town's road. She gulped in shock, Eve shot forth into a batch of very concealing bushes. She stared from the depths, her eyes on the bus. Her rump loomed over the back of her head,which occasionally bumped against it. The bus' exterior had such provocative imagery that Eve hunched up at the sight of it.

"What vulgar imagery." Eve whispered as her sight adjusted to the moon's light.She grimaced in horror, she watched as men and women exited the vehicle. They were some of the most absurd looking musicians she had ever seen or at least she hoped the cases they carried were meant for instruments.Eve,who was usually much more liberal in norms, gasped in shock at their bare decadence. Soon the final occupant arrived to greet the open night sky.

"We need to go buy some more lube,we're running low and my big bad butt is going to get stuck in the doors without it." The mow-hawked lady declared. Eve focused on the word "big" and once again gasped in shock at what she saw. Besides the ripped leather jacket,purple and green mow-hawk,tattoos and piercing, the lady had the largest rear she had ever seen. Well,not counting her's, which was much larger.

Unlike her's, it was also more spherical in shape. She seemed to wear nothing more than a loincloth reminiscent of a sumo wrestler,which allowed greater view of her ass. Eve could see how perfectly round the pair of cheeks were. While Eve's butt wasn't it any way sagging, it shared more in line with a fattened ass than the perfectly rounded cheeks that was the woman's. Her hips flared out to the sides, though not to the extent of Eve's. The sister focused closer onto the stranger's lower half almost being overshadowed were her calves and thighs. While much larger than what a woman of her upper physique should've been, they were a smidge too minuscule to uphold her bulbous rear.

"Who is this woman?" Eve whispered. The group of musicians milled around,the voices drowned out whatever knowledge that Eve could've hoped to have gathered.Coming to some conclusion that Eve couldn't hear, the group headed off towards the town, leaving the bus behind. Eve steadied her nerves and decided to follow the strange rabble.
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