Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2228875-Arent-You-Just-a-Doll
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2228875
Tessa wakes up to find herself in a strange giant house--where she is the size of a doll.
When Tessa opened her eyes she realized she had no idea where she was. Everything around her looked strange and distorted. She blinked a few times in an attempt to get her vision to start working properly. After the fifth blink in a row, she realized that it wasn't her vision that was wonky--it was her environment.

Everything around Tessa was enormous! She was laying on the floor of what appeared to be a giant living room. While waking up in a gigantic house would be alarming no matter what, the fact that the house Tessa had woken in was completely unfamiliar to her, made it so much worse.

Tessa glanced at her body then at her surroundings. It seemed like she was about the size of a Barbie doll in comparison to the rest of the room. Tessa swallowed hard as intense fear began to grip her. Things only got worse from there, as just then the floor began to quake with the resounding sound of absolutely massive footsteps.

Perhaps Tessa's first instinct should have been to try to get this incoming giant's help. Or maybe even to run and hide. However, with panic gripping her and the footsteps coming nearer and nearer, she decided to flop back down onto the floor and play doll. She kept her limbs held in a stiff position, her eyes wide, and her lips pulled into a frozen smile.

All she could do was wait as the echoing footsteps finally reached the room. Tessa couldn't lift her head to look at the giant, but the sound of the sigh they let out signaled to her that this was a male.Tessa's whole body shook at the giant walked further into the room. Her heart was pounding in her chest, instincts urging her to run but mind insisting that if she did her cover would be blown and she'd have no choice but to face whatever treatment this giant decided was appropriate for miniaturized women.

Then the giant came into Tessa's view as he stepped up just a few inches from her feet. The giant looked to be around Tessa's age, certainly no older than twenty-two. He had shaggy light brown hair and large square glasses on his face. He was dressed in comfort clothes that consisted of athletic shorts and a orange t-shirt with the Millennium Falcon printed on the front. Overall he seemed decently attractive, however there was a layer of geekiness that covered his whole being.

It was at that moment that the giant seemed to finally take notice of Tessa's presence on the floor. He glanced down, eyes widening slightly in surprise as they landed on Tessa. "How did this get here?" He questioned with a raised brow. Then, he did something Tessa hadn't been expecting. Using one of his bare feet, the giant began to prod at Tessa's form with his bare big toe.

At first it was just her legs, but then the giant moved his toe up to her head.Tessa had to fight every urge she possessed not to lurch away as the intruding appendage poked at her face. "I guess it must be Valerie's." The giant suggested as he finally pulled his foot away.

Tessa was mentally begging the giant to walk away and move on. She had no idea what she'd do if the guy attempted to investigate her further. Her body was getting sore from holding the same position for so long, it wouldn't be long before she'd be unable to maintain the ruse.

Unfortunately, luck didn't seem to be on Tessa's side. With a swoosh of air, the giant fell into a crouch in front of Tessa. His hazel eyes bore holes into her, it was so bizarre being stared at so unabashedly by a stranger. Of course this stranger had no idea he was staring at another person, he thought he was just looking at a doll.

When he'd been standing, Tessa hadn't needed to hold her breath--she'd assumed he'd be too far away to notice her chest rising and falling. But now that the giant was hovering just above her, she had no choice but to suck in a breath and keep it held.

"This has got to be the most lifelike doll I've ever seen." The giant remarked. Then his hand began to reach for her. As the digits got closer and closer, the urge Tessa felt to flee was stronger than ever. With that fear propelling her away, in addition to her growing light headedness as a result of holding her breath for so long, Tessa made the choice to abandon her ploy.

Tessa scrambled backwards a few inches from the giant before jumping to her feet. She heard the sound of a gasp behind her as she took off towards the nearest cover: a mind bogglingly massive sofa. Tessa slid under the piece of furniture just as she heard the giant begin to tear after her.

"Come back here tiny girl!" The giant cried. A loud crash resonated in Tessa's ears when the giant dropped to the floor. He laid himself flat on his stomach to peer into the darkness beneath the sofa.

Desperate to get as far away from the giant as possible, Tessa ran backwards until she reached the wall. "I can't believe I'm going to have my own mini person." The giant whispered to himself, as though he thought only he'd be able to hear it. Tessa's stomach churned at the giant's words. She had been right not to trust him, he clearly thought she was some kind of toy or pet to possess.

A yelp escaped from Tessa as the giant began to outstretch his arm under the couch. He blindly reached in the darkness, however his arm proved not to be long enough to make it to Tessa. "All you gotta do is wander into my grasp." The giant muttered as he continued his fruitless attempt at snagging Tessa.

The giant kept on trying to grab Tessa out from under the sofa for another couple minutes before he seemed to finally realize that he was getting nowhere fast. "Alright, if you wanna do it the hard way..." Tessa's blood ran cold at the giant's words. He shook the ground as he got to his feet. And then suddenly Tessa's cover began to move. She could only watch as the giant slowly but surely pulled the couch away from the wall. It would only be a matter of time before she had nowhere else to hide.

With little other choice, Tessa bolted out from her hiding place and into the open. The giant must have been expecting her to do as much, as he immediately stopped moving the couch and sprang after Tessa. Ina flurry of movement, Tessa was snatched up into the fist of the giant. Her heart felt as though it rose up into her throat as the giant stood up to his full height with Tessa held right in front of his expansive face.

"Gotcha." He grinned.
© Copyright 2020 VeraVaughn (veravaughn1 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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