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This is chapter two of Secrets. |
Chapter Two; The New Girl -- Nikolai's P.O.V. -- It was a quiet afternoon when she arrived... Emilie. The girl next door. I had no damn clue about her, or her family... Once, I saw that 2019 range rover pull up, I knew it was over. She came out of that rover with a 'deer in the headlights' type of look. I, as a Russian, wasn't afraid of any thing. The clock that hung on my wall clicked slowly, and my heart beat seemed to be doing the same. The girl.. Red hair, glasses, and those legs. I shook my head, slowly sipping my coffee, as if I were sipping the thoughts of her away. My pitbull, Max was chomping on a bone on the floor, slurping noises came from his direction. I chuckled as I looked over my shoulder at him. "I suppose I should go say hello." I put the coffee mug on the glass coffee table that was in the middle of the living room. Black couch, glass coffee table, and a 55" T.V. that hung on the wall. I liked my house for the most part, except for the lawn. I couldn't garden worth shit. I kept thinking about the girl as I went to my bedroom to put on some fresh clothes. I found myself wearing a black t-shirt, black jeans, and my black shoes. Why wear black? Because, like Cash said... "I could be going to some one's funeral.." I snickered, fixing my blonde hair in the mirror. I took one last look at myself, then headed out the front door. I watched the girl speaking to the other male, who I assumed was her father. I took a deep breath before my feet finally began moving. The sun beat down on my black outfit like an angry lion. I wiped sweat from my brow, second guessing my outfit.. I opened my mouth to say some thing, then BOOM. The girl fell. I felt so terrible that I couldn't help but rush over to help her... She was really tiny. My cheeks turn red when I get a good look at her... Her eyes flickered open and closed, I could tell that they were green though. I gently got her to the ground, placing her head in my lap and patiently waited for her father to come over. I brushed some hair out of her face, really studying her features.. Her hair was a red as the fires of a volcano. her eyes were as green as the plants in the Amazon, and although she was short...Her legs.. Her father finished patching her up, then I stood up.. I watched as her father took over, she leaned on him gently... After she introduced herself, her name echoed in my brain. Emilie... Since that day, I haven't had the balls to talk to her and that was over two weeks ago. Now, I was getting ready for class at the local college...Did she go to college too? I fed my puppy his breakfast already, vacuumed a bit before I left, and had a nice breakfast as well. Eggs, a bagel, an orange, along with a cup of coffee. After I cleaned up my breakfast mess, I rubbed my hands together and gathered my books and what not for school. My puppy followed me around, happily wagging his tail along the way. This was our routine. My happy thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing.... It was my mom, my dad had been sick for a year. Two days ago he was admitted to the hospital and put in hospice care... I'm still not too sure how to deal with all of that. She called to update me, he was still in the same condition, but my father was alive. My father was abusive towards me my entire life.. Beat me, verbally put me down, and made me feel worthless. I shook the thoughts of my father out of my head, grabbed the keys to my '67 Chevy Impala, then headed out the door with my back pack slung over my shoulder. I watched as Emilie came out as well. She awkwardly walked out. She was wearing a red crop-top, blue high-rise jeans, black ankle heels, and a back pack was flung over her shoulder too. "Emilie!" She damn near fell again, I really have to watch myself around her. I rubbed the back of my head as she turned around, almost angry-like. She's cute when she's flustered. I still believe that I called out to her in a way too excited tone. She waved shyly, and began walking over. The way she walked said she meant business. She wasn't a woman to play games with... She was- "Nikolai. How have you been? D-Do you go to the local college as well?" Reed's Cove University. The most prestige school in the town. I chuckled, then nodded before answering her. "Yeah, do you?" I noticed her look down, then shyly back up at me. Her glasses only amplified the beauty in her face. Her green eyes captivated me every time. "Yeah..." She began explaining that she would have to take the subway, otherwise she wouldn't have a ride to school. That's absurd. I also noticed that her parents' car wasn't there. They really leave her alone all day? I clear my throat again, then point to my Impala. The Impala was black, and the leather seats were comfortable too. "I could give you a ride, if you're comfortable with that." I looked at her again, only to notice bandages on her right arm, and her left knee. I felt so bad for scaring her that day. She stopped walking away, turned around, then tilted her head before she answered me. "Sure." I smiled, then lead her to my car. I was a gentleman and opened her door for her. She hopped in, and I could tell she was impressed. The way she ran her fingers over the dashboard was really hot.. I shook my head, close her door, then make my way to the driver's side. When I hopped in the car, I turned on the radio. Classic rock came softly playing from the speakers, I could tell Emilie enjoyed classic rock. Her fingers tapped slowly to the beat of the song "Pour Some Sugar on Me" by Def Leppard. I smiled to myself as I put the keys into the ignition. I turned on the car, and gave it a few minutes before I began to drive away from the house. "So, I think since you saved my life you should tell me about yourself." Her statement nearly made me press the brakes. I just focused my eyes on the road. People have always told me that my eyes are like the ocean on a stormy day. grey, with a hint of blue on a good day. "Well, to start off, I'm majoring in Bio Chemistry." I could see out of my peripheral that her head turned, her focus was right on me. What? Did she expect me to be playing football, soccer, or even wrestling? I laughed a little bit. She cleared her throat, then she put her focus on the scenery that was wizzing past. The university was a twenty minute drive, forty minute walk, and only thirty five minutes on bike. "That's neat...I'm majoring in Environmental Science." I nearly turned my head as quickly as she had turned hers moments ago. A hippie tree hugger, eh? I shook my head at my own joke. It was so corny. Even if she were a hippie, she was still beautiful. "So, you're turn. We have fifteen minutes until we get to the university, so you can feel free to ask me any thing your-" Just before I could finish my sentence, her phone went off. She groaned when she took a peek at the text. She explained that it was her dad. I really didn't care...Did I? Just before I could get lost in my own thoughts, her voice echoed in my brain. "Do you have any siblings?" "Well.." My voice broke a little bit. Ten minutes left....I hadn't talked about my sister in over two years. She died in a tragic car accident, well supposedly it was an accident...I feel there was foul play. "My sister, Sarah. She-" I stopped the car, and turned on the left turn signal. Once I took the left turn, the school was in my view. Thank fucking god.. "Oh.." I heard her voce trail off once I stopped the car, and turned off the radio. "My sister died." The silence that was between us after my answer seemed heavy, almost like a sadness had filled the air so we both couldn't talk, or move. She bit her bottom lip before she muttered some thing.. "I'm sorry...My brother died too." I looked over at her after reaching over to grab my back back from the back seat. It was easy to grab since the straps were kind of long. I slowly pulled the back pack to the front. I gently placed my hand on Emilie's shoulder. "Look, let's change the subject. It is your first day here after all...If any one gives you trouble, feel free to text me and let me know." I grabbed a piece of paper from the center console, and a pen from the side pocket of my back pack. I wrote my number down, handed her the piece of paper, and flashed her a warm smile. "Thank you." Her voice was sweet, shaky, but I could tell that she would do just fine in this school. The people here though...Especially Tori. Tori Rodrick. My ex...I opened my door, walked out, then went to Emilie's side to open her door for her. I could see her smile fade at the sight of the school building. The building was old. The stone was worn out in most places, and had to be replaced over the years. The inside was no different. Tile floors, lockers lining all of the halls...It looks like your typical college. Before I knew it, I felt arms around me. I looked down to see Emilie giving me a hug. My arms wrap around her. "You're welcome, hon." She pulled back, rubbed my shoulder gently, then we made our way inside. That was sweet of her....I looked over at her as we walked. The doors that lead to the inside of Reed's Cove University were directly in front of us now. "Shall we?" I asked, playfully holding my arm out for her to grab onto. She simply rolled her eyes, and opened the doors. Ballsy. I put my arm down so I don't look like a chicken when people decide to gawk over at where we were standing. The girl were mostly glaring. The way Emilie walked was with confidence, fire, soul.. "Are you coming?!" Emilie was half way down the hall way before I snapped out of my trance. Her long wavy red hair bounced as she turned around. How did she get her hair to fall so perfectly? I just nod like an idiot, then made my way over to her. Emilie stood in the hall, holding her schedule in her hands. "Well, looks like I have Biology first, then-" Before she could finish, the first bell went off. We were late! I had Chemistry first, so I told her how to get to the Biology classroom, because I had to get to class otherwise Professor Dean would have my ass. "Thank you, Nik..C-Can I call you Nik?" I smiled, then turned on my heels to head to my class. Before I disappeared down the corner I answered her. "You can call me any thing you wish, m'lady." M'lady? Really, dude... I face palmed myself, then quickly turned the corner to go to Chemistry. Usually college was the same for me. I just turned twenty two, so I already partied it out last year, and man it was so worth it. I high-fived every one that I knew when I walked into the class, and apologized for being late. The Professor eased up when I explained about Emilie. He told me to simply take my seat, and be quiet. I nodded, thankful he didn't come down on me too hard. I whipped out my notebook, and pen. I began to quickly catch up with taking notes, and I got out my Chemistry book to catch up on where we were reading from as well. This year though, Emilie would be here... The girl would literally fell into my lap. She can't know the truth about me though, the truth may quite literally get her killed. I rubbed my temples as if to rub the bad thoughts away and continued to focus on my college work. After third period was lunch, maybe him and Emilie could chat then. Then again, he caught a glimpse of Tori twirling her blonde hair between her fingers...Tori may cause some issues. Only time will tell. |