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by soamy
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Adult · #2246637
A bad boob growth between friends
Lindsey had started working at this new bar in LA that seemed pretty cool. Right now she was only working for tips as the bar owner pretty much used all of his cash on his dream bar. He had promised Lindsay that just working here would be enough for now. She had thought he’d meant that the tips would be amazing but after just a week of work her ass had ballooned up to basketball sized. The tips weren’t too bad either which grew alongside her new ass. It was a slow Tuesday night and Lindsay was the only person manning the bar for the night. Feeling more confident lately Lindsay had dressed in a tight leotard that her ass completely swallowed up. Both of her massive cheeks on show her usual flow of tips were coming in from the regulars but someone new had just walked in. A C-list celebrity who was pretty active playboy walked in with his small entourage and took up one of the corners of the bar. Lindsay immediately noticing the flashy style of the group rushed over to them to start helping them. With plenty of bending over, shaking and “accidentally” bumping into several of the group she was already making good money from the group before even making their drinks. Moving back to the bar to make all of their drinks the playboy made his move on her following her back to the bar. “So you ever heard of rising star Adam Clark? Not surprised if you have a lot of people know me.” Not knowing who he was she giggled and nodded her head as not to scare off potential money. “And I’m not just looks either babe I got plenty of cash to pass around.” Pulling out a wad of money he slid Lindsay five hundred dollars. Gasping at the huge amount, or atleast huge to Lindsay, her body began tingling in what she thought as anticipation of more tips. Her body reacted differently as the bottom of her leotard was pulled tighter pulling the holes on the sides wider. “Well that is a lot. Not the most I’ve seen though.” Lindsay turned away to get more bottles, adding extra shakes to impressive rear. Adam was surprised at her reaction but smirked at the challenge she showed. “You’re right that was only a taste. How about this?” Adam threw down two grand this time as Lindsay turned back around. Mesmerized by the new amount Lindsay bit her lip and tried to keep calm. She was finding it difficult as the tingling across her body returned even stronger. “Well I guess that’s a lot but you could do better.” She was poorly hiding her excitement but Adam new he almost had her, now it was time for the final move. “Then let me show you what could be all yours.” Pulling out a black card Adam slid it across the counter to Lindsay. That finally did it, as Lindsay lifted the black card up she bounced up a foot in height. Adam backed up and rubbed his eyes not believing what he just saw. “Hey are you feeling okay?” Lindsay didn’t answer as she shot up two feet and her ass expanded backwards nocking over all the bottles behind her. “You’re growing! Are you even paying-“ Lindsay spun around not caring about Adam anymore, growing again her ass jutted out hitting Adam away onto his back. Trying to crawl away Lindsay hit her head against the ceiling and recoiling in pain she was pulled off balance by her expanding ass and fell backwards onto Adam. Needless to say Lindsay’s leotard was destroyed but thankfully for the gracious tip from Adam she shouldn’t have too much trouble buying new clothes. Lindsay smiled as she continued expanding as the bar around her crumbled.\

"It’s bullshit,” Kira complained as she dragged her friend Yumi down the street. “We’re going back to that clinic right now and get this fixed.”

Kira had some reasons to be upset. Two, to be exact. Yumi had bigger tits than her.

Yesterday, the two friends went to get a new kind of boob job at a clinic just down the street. They both got blasted with this just-FDA-approved growth ray that blew them up from small B’s to whatever cup size was “bigger than my head.” Yumi’s body, however, decided it wasn’t done, and she woke up with significantly larger boobs.

“Kira, stop! We both got the same enlargement package!” Yumi pleaded with her friend. “It’s not my fault I had some kind of... ugh... reaction!“

Her last sentence was punctuated with a little spurt, adding a couple more inches to her bust. Yumi’s chest was nearly twice the size of Kira’s, and its not like Kira was small. The bare undersides of Yumi’s breasts were peeking out from below her woefully inadequate shirt.

“Yeah, right, I know you sweet talked that little intern for some extra boob.” Yumi was taken aback, pulling away from her friend. Kira whipped around to face her friend and saw two huge boobs with a head above them and legs below, Yumi’s breasts big enough to block the view of the rest of her torso. Her hands were trying to hold her boulders as she looked down at them with a worried expression.

“You BITCH!“ Kira was livid now. She stomped over to her roommate, but the added volume of their combined boob-age stopped her before she got too close. “You’re still getting bigger! How much did you pay him? Did you offer to give him a gigantic tit fuck or something!?”

“No, Kira, I swear... I don’t... ooh... know what’s going on, I-” Yumi stammered out in a pained tone. She yelped as her breasts surged forward again, popping a button or two off her distressed polo. The force of the growth knocked Kira back a couple steps as Yumi’s shirt started to rip and tear. Her boobs grew so big they covered her belly button, her poor shirt barely able to keep up.

Kira was shocked at the latest growth spurt, and to be honest, pretty jealous as well. ‘Why the fuck does she get to be the titty monster...’ She thought, gazing down into Yumi’s cavernous cleavage.

“How much farther is that place?” Yumi asked, looking up from her yoga ball sized breasts. “These things are, oof, heavy.” She said, trying to corral her bosom but wasn’t able to hold all of her tit flesh with her arms.

“Uh, yeah.” She glanced at her phone, still a little shell shocked by how big her cohort’s tits were. “It’s like, right here.” Kira pointed at a shop right up the street, where a man in a lab coat was locking up the front door.

“Go get him! He’s closing up for the day!” Yumi exclaimed. Kira ran to catch up to him, leaving Yumi behind. Her own head dwarfing bust was violently swinging back and forth as she ran, boobie fantasies of her own filling her head.

“Hey, wait! Doc!” She said. The dude in the lab coat was the same intern from yesterday, who seemed a little startled by the sudden appearance of the busty brunette. “So uh, my friend over there had a little bit of an adverse reaction to your treatment yesterday.” Kira vaguely pointed over her shoulder at Yumi, who was struggling to stay upright with her massive tits.

“She was um, wondering if you could shrink her down and maybe give all of her titty to me?” Kira tried to do her best flirty begging pose, using her arms to squish her voluminous bust together.

The intern looked at Kira, then her cleavage, then over her shoulder at her hugely chested friend.

“Well,” he started. I can’t really give you her boobs, company policy.” He set down his brief case and pulled out a sci-fi looking ray gun. Kira recognized it from the day prior and started to get excited.

“What I can do,” he continued, playing around with some settings and knobs on the device. “Is go ahead and shrink your friend over there cause those reduction treatments are fr-”

A big bolt of green energy shot out of the tip of the grow gun, and hit Yumi square in the chest. It startled both Kira and the scientist, but Yumi definitely wasn’t expecting it.

“Oh god, not again...” The same tingle that preceded the growth spurts washed over her, and she shot up over a foot taller. Her boobs didn’t get a whole lot bigger proportionately, but they shredded through the distressed polo, which popped off and fluttered to the ground at her feet. Her legs busted out of her jeans and her feet destroyed her shoes, leaving her standing there in just a pair of panties.

“KIRA?” Her tone shifted from scared to angry. “What the hell did you do to me!?” She stomped her six and a half foot tall body over to where Kira and the intern were standing. She was about a head taller than the other two and had to stand at a good distance to avoid knocking either of them over with her breasts.

“Yeah, you’re supposed to make her boobs smaller, not the rest of her bigger!” Kira yelled at the intern.

“I uh, must have had a miss fire before I got all the settings right...” he stammered. He was only an unpaid intern, after all.

“You IDIOT!” She said. “Gimme this, how hard can this be?” She swiped at the device, wrestling it out of the intern’s hands.

“No, you can’t do that! She already is having trouble with all the energy from the first blast!”

Kira was toying with the buttons haphazardly. “Shut up glasses, I think I got it. Screen says -200%! See?” She took aim and fired another big blast of energy at her friend.

“Oh fuck, I don’t think you got it right...” Yumi said, before lurching upwards a foot. The intern was standing too close and one of her expanding breasts knocked him over.

“You...” Yumi was quickly growing upwards and outwards, quickly reaching 8 feet tall. Kira took one step back, trying to avoid her encroaching breast.

“God...” nine feet. Still getting taller, her underwear finally gave in, leaving her completely naked.

“Damn...” ten feet. The bottoms of her boobs cleared the level of Kira’s head.

“BITCH!” her final word of her sentence was punctuated by a rapid two foot growth, leaving the girl somewhere north 12 feet tall. The two bystanders didn’t even reach her bare crotch. The twin mountains of her boobs protruded out in front of her a great deal, and nearly blocked the sight of her friend and the intern. Once she got over her initial anger, she realized all the commotion attracted quite a crowd of bystanders. They all looked tiny.

Her anger quickly switched to embarrassment when she realized how many people were staring. One hand drifted down to cover her crotch while the other did its best to corral her colossal bosom. She just barely was able to reach one of her nipples with no hope of covering both.

“God didn’t anyone ever tell you to not mess with shit?” The intern said, getting up and dusting himself off. “This thing is a shrink ray so negative power makes things bigger!”

This caught Yumi’s attention, and her embarrassment switched back to anger when she saw Kira gawking up at her, still holding the ray gun.

“You whore, gimme that!” Yumi bent over to try to snatch the device out of Kira’s hands, but the weight of her tits caused her to topple forwards. Kira managed to snap out of her boob lust just quick enough to dodge the cascade of tit flesh, but the intern was not so lucky and got knocked over by Yumi’s tits a second time, covered by boob from the stomach down.

Thankfully for Yumi, Kira dropped the device as she stumbled backwards, and Yumi’s long arms allowed her to snatch it up.

“Let’s see how you fuckin like it!” She cranked the power and zapped Kira with nearly triple the power she got shot with.

“Oh, god! Thank you, this is literally what I wanted this entire time!” She said with glee, getting back to her feet, already growing upwards from her original 5 and a half foot stature. Kira was gaining height quickly. Her little jacket didn’t last long and her shirt was having more and more trouble with her growing tits. Her belt snapped when she reached the 7 foot mark a few seconds in, followed by her pants starting to tear apart as well

The inches kept piling on, Kira overwhelmingly turned on by the world shrinking around her. She burst out of her pants and shoes right around the eight foot tall mark, and her shirt finally gave in before she crested nine. She was a little disappointed her head sized boobs didn’t get any bigger to her in proportion, but wasn’t too upset when she realized she was growing taller than Yumi was and she was still getting bigger.

Speaking of Yumi, she staggered to her feet, releasing the intern from booby prison. She started to think that she did a bad thing when even standing she was only at boob level with the cackling Kira and those tits kept rising higher.

15 feet tall came and went, as did 17, then 20. The intern barely reached her knee and Yumi was just about at crotch level. Kira was so overwhelmed with the sensation of growth and fondling her tits she didn’t realize her head was approaching the 25 foot tall street lamp, which she promptly hit her head on.

“Stupid pole” she said, pushing the whole thing over. The electricity crackled as the light fixture fell over into the nearby building, breaking a second story window. The tenet of the apartment rushed to see what the hell happened, and gazed out the second floor of the building right into Kira’s cleavage.

Her growth took her past 30 feet tall then started slowing down. By the time it was over, she was just about level with the three story growth clinic where this whole ordeal started.

Kira looked down at her oversized feet. The crowd of bystanders thinned noticeably when she pushed over that street light, probably to start the evacuation process. What crowd did remain was dwarfed by Yumi who was in turn dwarfed by Kira. The pedestrians that were as tall as her knee a minute or so ago didn’t even reach halfway up her shin now.

“Ah yes...” Kira took in the view. Her hands were still fondling her tits, big to her but huge to everyone else. They were probably as big as Yumi’s in sheer size, but not in proportion. Squishing her chest close to her body she peered down at her friend and the intern at her feet. Yumi was still holding the growth ray.

The 30 foot tall girl bent down, a little more gracefully than her friend, and snatched it took a swipe for the gun. Yumi countered and tried to keep it out of reach but it flew out of her hand. The intern scrambled to pick it up before either of the overgrown girls could get their hands on it.

“We’re done with this! Act like fucking grown ups for once, god!” He yelled. He adjusted the settings on the shrink ray to bring both of the girls down to size. “Alright, I’m gonna shrink both of you, and I’m going to leave, got it?”

Despite the size disparity, the girls didn’t move a muscle. They just stood there and watched him talk.

“Here goes.” The intern pulled the trigger, but then the gun exploded in a bright green light, bathing all three in unstable growth energy.

For a second, nothing happened. Then, Yumi suddenly shot up 5 feet taller.

“Oh no,” She yelped, before adding another 5 feet in height, closing in on her friend.

“This isn’t fair at all!” Kira pouted. Yumi passed her up in height and was still getting bigger, pushing the smaller giantess back as her breasts rose up and bumped her out of the way.

Yumi was worried. She never wanted bigger boobs in the first place and now she was a super busty, still growing giantess. She took a step backward into the street and nearly stepped on a passing car.

Kira was jealous. She watched a 50 foot tall Yumi try to watch the street as to not destroy any traffic with feet bigger than people. Thankfully, Kira felt the strange tingle yet again and started getting bigger as well, adding height and boob more quickly than her friend had.

The Intern was gone. He didn’t run away, but the unstable energy shrunk him to six inches tall. Once he made his way out from under his oversized clothes, he looked up to see two 60 foot tall women bickering in the middle of the road.

“You fucking cunt!” Yumi yelled. “None of this would’ve happened if you weren’t such a slut for huge boobs” The taller, bustier woman pushed Kira backwards, causing her to stumble into the shops on the side of the street.

“God I never should’ve brought you,” Kira said, rising up out of the destruction. She was taller than Yumi at this point, over 75 feet tall and looking down at the comparatively smaller girl. “You’re such a fuckin bitch anyways.” She said, still rising taller.

Yumi was scared of the larger giantess. Atleast, until Yumi started growing again. She watched her sight line rise up to meet Kira’s then past it and on wards up to 100 feet tall. She was about to hit her with a wicked backhand, but Kira’s body rumbled with a growth spurt of her own up past 120 feet.

At this point, Yumi tackled Kira into the buildings on the other side of the street, crashing through the apartments and shops below. It wasn’t long before she had a growth spurt and regained the upper hand, but shortly after Kira grew bigger than her.

The two giantesses continued wrestling, name calling, and growing. At first they only covered one block, then they were crushing two, then after that several at once. They started encroaching on down town before long, Yumi’s massive tits bigger than city blocks.

Soon after the two girls had grown thousands of feet tall, Kira realized just how small the surrounding buildings looked. She leaned back, still sitting on top of Yumi and looked around. She pulled herself to her feet and found the tallest skyscraper in the city didn’t even reach her waist.

“Woah, Yumi, you seeing this?” She asked her friend, who also rose up to her staggering 2000 foot height.

“Yeah, we’re um, pretty big.” Yumi replied, looking down at the tiny city. Her tits alone dwarfed some of the smaller buildings.

Kira still couldn’t shake just how arousing this all was. Just how big she was, how big her tits were, how Yumi’s were even bigger...

Kira felt a little bit of a tingle and started rising upwards again.
© Copyright 2021 soamy (jacqic at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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