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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Writing · #2246828
Hiding under a desk, a pair of giant feet find you.
You had never meant to enter the giant house, it had been an accident. Every tiny knew going into giant buildings was about the worst thing you could do. Because giant buildings were fair game. Outside, there were laws preventing humans from messing with tinies. But if a tiny was stupid enough to wander into human territory...

You cursed under your breath. If only that stupid rat hadn't shown up. When the damn thing tried to attack you, you'd had no choice but to flee into the small crack in the foundation of the human dwelling you now stood in. With the way you'd entered being ceaselessly guarded by the rat, you now were forced to try to find an alternate exit. Far easier said than done.

The only bit of luck was that whatever human lived in this house seemed to be absent at the moment. But you knew they could return at any minute. The typical human work day had just ended about a half hour ago, it was very likely the house's resident was well on their way home.

Trying to keep your nerves in check, you continued your trudge across what appeared to be a massive bedroom. There was a towering bed in the corner of the room with a wooden beside table next to it. Next to the door was a sturdy looking dresser. And on the opposite side of the room from the bed was a desk set up with a fancy looking computer. Overall the room was fairly well kept. Aside from a few pairs of shoes sitting out, a couple articles of clothing strewn about, and some clutter on the various surfaces, the place wasn't too messy.

You were just passing the wheel of the rolling desk chair when you heard it: the unmistakable sound of the front door of the house opening. The sounds of the giant's massive movements reached you even from the room you were in.

Panic instantly began to take hold of you. You needed to hide and fast. You didn't want to think about what could happen if whoever this human was found you. Of course there was the slim possibility that they would be friendly, but you'd heard far too many horror stories from other tinies to be willing to risk that chance.

Your eyes hurriedly scanned the room in search of an adequate hiding spot. There were several options but most of the better ones were too far away for you to get to in time. The floor was already beginning to quake from the human's approaching footsteps. Time was quickly running out.

Desperately you made a dash for the desk. It was the kind that was completely flat on the ground, meaning the only place you could go was the open space where humans' legs went when they sat at the desk. It wasn't a good spot, that much you knew. But as you heard the bedroom door being pushed open, you realized you had no choice but to stay put.

"Usually when work is done you get to go home and relax." Came a male voice that must belong to the human whose bedroom you'd wandered into. "But no, my boss has to saddle me with putting the portfolio together." The human continued to grumble to himself.

From your hiding place you could just barely catch sight of the human as they walked over to the window to close the blinds. He was a young man with wavy brown hair and angular facial features. Given the fact that he was dressed in a button up and tie, you assumed he must be employed in some kind of professional career.

You watched as the human loosened his tie and then tugged it up over his head, only to then toss it forcefully onto the bed in the corner. You winced at the powerful speed of his movements. Humans really were terrifying.

"Just leave the room." You hissed in a whisper to yourself.

Instead of doing as you wanted, the human did the absolute worse thing he could do: he started walking towards the desk. You held your breath as his thundering footsteps grew nearer and nearer. You pressed yourself as far back against the back of the desk as you could.

"Fuck!" Was all your fear addled brain could come up with as the giant man pulled back the desk chair and took a seat. You bit down on your tongue as you watched almost in slow motion as he rolled the chair forward until his legs were fully fitted beneath the desk.

The human's black dress shoes were mere inches away. You'd be lucky enough to have not been seen yet, but if his feet ran into you, you'd surely be discovered in an instant.

"I'm getting closer and closer to just saying fuck it and quitting." The human complained from above you.

It was in that next moment that one of the giant shoes started coming at you. You forced yourself to keep quiet and hold still as the tip collided with your chest. At this point making any sort of noise or movement would only make things worse and guarantee you got found. If you could remain silent and still there was a slim chance the human would just assume you were some random inanimate object that had fallen under his desk.

The shoe continued to prod at your form, almost mindlessly, as if the human wasn't even really thinking about what he was doing. Then suddenly the foot backed away. You remained frozen in place, observing as the foot lifted up towards the human's lap. Without even looking the human tugged off the dress shoe, tossing it unceremoniously to the side. He then went on to do the same with the other shoe.

You supposed it made sense that the man would want to get comfortable in his own home, but you couldn't help but feel a heavy dose of trepidation. A moment later, your uncertainties would prove to be well founded.

You bit back a gasp as the man's right foot, covered in a tall black sock, suddenly came at you. In an instant you were pinned against the back of the desk, two massive toes on either side of your head.

The heat, slight stickiness, and stench alone was enough to make you want to throw up. But unfortunately things only got worse. The giant began to wiggle his toes around on top of you, squeezing your head and jostling it around.

Despite the torment, you stayed motionless. Things would only be worse if the human found out you were a tiny and not just some random toy or object.

It was then that the foot pressing into you suddenly tightened its hold before dragging you forward away from the back of the desk. You bit down on your lip to prevent yourself from crying out in shock. The dragging stopped once your body reach the middle of the space beneath the desk.

You looked up in fear at the two giant feet looming over you. You were now laying flat on your back, perfect stepping on position. This time the man's left foot came at you. The massive thing pressed into you hard, to the point your body began to ache from the pressure. Thankfully the foot lifted off before the pressure became too much, but only to come down again and repeat the same process.

After about two minutes of that, both feet converged on top of you, trapping you in a hotbox of sweat smell. The feet stayed there for awhile, mostly still aside from the occasional twitch of a toe. Just when you were wondering if they'd ever move they finally lifted off one by one.

It seemed clear to you now that while the human may not know what he was fiddling with was a tiny, he was certainly getting a lot of enjoyment out of using whatever it was as his own personal foot toy.

Abruptly, the titan's left foot landed squarely down on top of you, completely blocking out your vision as your face was pressed into the moist fabric of the man's sock. "I don't know what I dropped under this desk, but whatever it is feels amazing under my feet." You heard the giant's muffled voice say from way above.

When the foot on top of you finally moved, your vision was quickly filled with the sight of a now bare right foot. It seemed while you'd been pressed under the man's other foot, he'd taken off one of his socks.

Eagerly, the bare foot descended upon you, toes wiggling in anticipation. It seemed the human liked playing with you with his feet so much, the sock barrier had been too much for him to put up with. With the sock now gone, you were now shoved directly into the warm spongy skin of the giant man's foot. Massive toes curled around your head while the rest of the foot rested carelessly on your aching body.

While it seemed as though the human still hadn't figured out that the thing beneath his feet was actually a tiny, it had become clear to you that you had made a mistake in not fleeing when you had the chance. It was evident that the giant was far too interested in his new foot toy to not end up looking to see what it is. It was only a matter of time before his curiosity got the best of him.

The bare foot pulled back off of you only slightly, just enough room for him to tap his big toe on your face several times. All you could do was clamp your mouth shut and keep your eyes closed as the massive foot continued to abuse you.

When you opened your eyes, you realized the giant had now removed the sock from his other foot. You took a heavy gulp as the two powerful bare feet loomed over you threateningly. They were just feet, but you could swear you could see their excitement. The human lowered his left foot onto you, squeezing you for a moment before alternating to the right foot. This continued on for several minutes, the human passing you back and forth between his two naked feet.

Finally the human seemed to tire of the switching, instead leaving his left foot resting on you for awhile. Your head stuck out between his big and second toe, leaving you feeling completely and utterly humiliated. This was exactly the kind of thing that happened when tinies wandered into human territory, and this human didn't even know you were there yet! You could only imagine what would occur once this man realized his favorite thing to fiddle with was actually a tiny.

"Alright, I'm finally done." The human sighed. "I don't know if I could've gotten through that without this perfect little de-stresser under the desk." Your blood ran cold. This was it. Any second now the giant would look down and see what exactly he'd been playing with this whole time. As if right on cue, "Now I can finally see what it is."

The foot that had been sitting on top of you lifted away, landed a few inches back on the ground. You could only brace yourself as you watched the desk chair scoot back, allowing enough room for the giant to peer down underneath the desk.

For a moment the human's eyes went wide with the shock of finding a tiny lying on the floor. Then as realization and understanding began to dawn on him, a sly smile spread across his face. "Well, well, well, look what I've found." He remarked roguishly. "Who would've know that a tiny makes the perfect little foot toy."

The ground quaked as the human got out of his chair and fell to a crouch in front of the desk. "And now that I know what you really are, I think I'll get even more enjoyment out of using you."

And just like that, you were doomed.
© Copyright 2021 VeraVaughn (veravaughn1 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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