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Rated: 18+ · Novel · Romance/Love · #225461
Rafe married Dani for love...or did he? Shattered Deception!
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Chapter One

This was the first time Dani had been able to catch her breath since the reception began over two hours ago. The past few days had been a whirlwind of activity of last minute details to confirm for both the wedding and the lavish reception. But it had been well worth the extra effort, she thought watching the crowd of happy people, enjoying fine food, good company and romantic music. And everyone could not help but appreciate the obvious happiness of the bride and groom. Dani didn’t know if it was pure luck or hard work, or both, but everything had been perfect for her brother-in-law’s wedding. She sighed with pleasure as she pictured the church filled with masses of yellow roses, their delicate perfume enhancing the romance of the enchanting candlelight ceremony.

Dani smiled remembering how beautiful Kate looked standing next to Demetrio at the altar as they exchanged their wedding vows and rings. She couldn’t have been happier for the newlyweds, or more pleased with Demetrio’s choice of a bride. Looking at him now, you would never have guessed that he had been shy of marriage. He hadn’t sopped smiling since Kate appeared in the church to walk down the aisle. He was besotted with his new bride and didn’t care who knew it. Kate was now officially his and the de Corba men were said to be possessive of their women. From the smile on Kate’s face, Dani didn’t think she’d mind one bit.

Dani, a bride of only three months herself, had only known Kate for a few months, but they had become fast friends, an immediate rapport established upon their very first meeting. And now they were truly sisters, by marriage.
There was even a slight resemblance in the girl’s radiant smiles. Dani’s smile produced a delicious dimple on each cheek, earning her the nickname ‘Dimples’ as a child. Both women were petite with a fragile beauty that instinctively engendered protective emotions in a man. Where Kate’s hair was long, dark brown, softened with flecks of gold, Dani’s was the color of wheat, soft and long, reaching almost to her waist. Kate’s large, dark eye brown eyes were warm, speckled with humor. While Dani’s, in contrast, were a startling blue-green, glimmering with merriment when happy, or darkening to stormy sea green when angry or upset.

Dani stood just inside the elegant etched glass doors overlooking the immense patio surrounding the enormous lavender tiled swimming pool. Just beyond lay the immaculately manicured lawns and gardens. It was the perfect backdrop for the reception. Caught up in her own thoughts and pleasure, Dani was completely unaware of her own loveliness. She had never been inclined to spend more time than necessary in front of a mirror, so she was totally ignorant of the impact of her beauty in the floor-length peach dress with its deep cowl collar, a skirt of accordion pleats that whispered softly around her delicate ankles.

Now she looked eagerly about the groups of people, seeking to find only one person in the sea of humanity before her. One man who stood out in any gathering, not only because of his great height, but because his self-assurance, the sheer masculinity of him that drew her like a magnet. The power of his stance drew her attention at once. He wore the mantle of power and wealth with ease and comfort, a powerful, influential man who welded his power with fairness and honesty, usually with easy gentle humor.

As she spotted him in a group to the right of the pool, a delicious tingling filled her, radiating from head to toe, creating a wild craving to be close to him. Her delight, warmth in just watching him made her smile a vision of wonder, filling her glowing green eyes as her gaze lingered lovingly on his tall, powerful frame, his head bent in conversation with some of the guests. She smiled as she watched his large hands gesture as he stressed a particular point he was making. His dark, elegant brow arched in question to something he didn’t understand or took exception to.

Rafael de Corba! Dani sighed. It still amazed her, filling her with awe that this man was her husband. This big, wonderful man had chosen her to be his wife. Never in her twenty-four years had she ever dreamed of marrying anyone as exciting or intriguing as Rafe.

Dani, Danielle Grant, grew up in a small mid-western town, raised by an aunt and uncle after the death of her parents in an automobile accident. Her guardians hadn’t really wanted the responsibility of a child, but being concerned about what others would think if they shirked their duty, they took her into their home. Reluctantly, they had given her a place to live, but they had not been able to offer any warmth or encouraged the closeness children crave. Now that Dani thought about it, there had never been any touching or show of affection between her aunt and uncle, at least not in her presence.

Lester Grant, her father’s brother, and his wife, Thelma had stressed the value of hard work. Dani had been assigned chores around the house and they had to be done each day or have a good explanation why they hadn’t been done. They were strict about her schooling too. Dani was there to learn and her homework was checked every night by her uncle to be sure that it was complete and correct. Because of this, Dani knew they cared about her in their own way. But there had been no hugs or kisses, just a pat on the back for something done especially well.

Dani’s own parents had been very demonstrative, so by age nine when she went to live with the older couple, she had already developed into a caring, touching person with a vivacious personality who lavished affection on friends and her pets. She’d also had a childhood friend whose parents had treated her like a daughter, and had reinforced what her parents had begun. Unfortunately, they had moved out of the state when the girls were fifteen. They had corresponded for sometime but after a couple of years the letters had dropped off and they lost contact.

Now, Dani was married to one of the richest, most prominent men in New Mexico, a man sought after by countless women. He had certainly been the object of many a mother’s choice as husband for their eligible daughters. But he had chosen her, Dani, to share his life. Her eyes were aglow with love as she adoringly watched her magnificent husband. Her gaze cherished him as she devoured him from afar, tilting her head to one side in concentrated study.

“He’s not worth all that adulation, my lovely Dani. Why not direct some of your loving attention to someone who can truly appreciate your delicate beauty and wealth of un-awakened passions?” Adrian had been entranced by Rafe’s bride the first time they'd met. She was not only lovely, she was a welcome change from the usual women in their social circle. Position and money didn’t impress her. This fascinated Adrian and he intended to get to know her very well in the future.

Dani turned to stare into the gray eyes of one of the guests, most assuredly not one of her favorite people, but a business associate of the de Corba family. She’d developed an immediate aversion to Adrian Bernard on their first meeting. And he had done nothing in the time since to alter her opinion. Unfortunately, he fancied her. More than fancied, if you could believe the flamboyant words of praise that came so easily to his thin lips. His brazen attentions whenever they were in the same room were now turning offensive. Dani avoided him whenever possible. The conceited man thought he was the world’s gift to women. Well, this was one woman who wasn’t impressed. Far from it! Even if she weren’t married to Rafe, she would never be drawn to someone like Adrian. He was too shallow and too wrapped up in himself to have anything to give to a serious relationship.

“I’m afraid I’m a one man woman, to quote a well-worn phrase, Adrian.”

Her stormy green eyes were as cool as her tone, but the combination only piqued his interest. What appeared out of reach looked that much more attractive and challenging. And Dani de Corba was definitely worth a fight.

“What a pity. Are you sure you’re woman enough to hold the magnificent de Corba? My dear, he does have quite a reputation, or appetite if you will, for beautiful women. And going by past behavior, he seems to change women as often as some men change their clothes. I wonder how long before he begins to tire of married life?” A small, satisfied smile lifted the corners of his mouth as he noted the blush of color brought to her cheeks by his inconsiderate words.

Unfortunately, those same words had haunted Dani from time to time during her brief marriage. What could she possibly have to keep Rafe by her side that others, more beautiful, more sophisticated had in abundance and failed? She certainly wasn’t tall and well endowed like many of the women she’d met so far. She was barely five foot three inches tall and not much over one hundred pounds. She and Rafe did have some interests in common. Both loved the outdoors, walking and swimming. And he’d introduced her to boating which she took to immediately. Thank goodness he didn’t have much interest in hunting, because she would have to draw the line there. There was no way she could kill anything. And books! They both loved reading and drawing.

“I’ll just have to make sure he has no reason to regret marrying me, won’t I?” Dani chuckled confidently, more for her sake, mere bravado. But it did make her feel stronger. “Maybe I’m not very big, but I can be a powerhouse when aroused. And that is something you’ll never experience. ”If only she felt as confident as she sounded. Adrian’s lack of respect for her wishes only increased her dislike. There was something about his bearing that made her think he felt himself above every one else that turned her off. He was handsome enough, if you liked the perfect, never a hair out of place, perfectly groomed type. But she didn’t. She preferred a people person, someone who could relate to anyone no matter what his or her position in life. And that was Rafe.

Adrian’s loud bark of laughter drew the attention of others in the immediate area. To those watching, he and Dani appeared to be engaged in an intimate conversation. If Adrian was aware of this, he fed the illusion. “With your beauty and sense of humor, you just might hang on to him longer than any of the others. But,” he trailed a long finger down her cheek before she could jerk away, “he will turn his attentions to new interests. And when that time comes, I intend to be there, to console the heartbroken wife.”

Adrian had known Rafe for a long time. He’d seen how Rafe had never had to pursue any woman; they all came to him. Over the years he’d had his pick of any woman he’d wanted. Adrian had promised himself that one-day, Rafe de Corba would find himself in a bad relationship and now he hoped this was the one. Only Adrian planned to be there to console the distraught ex-wife.

“Don’t waste your time, Adrian. If I couldn’t have Rafe, I wouldn’t want anyone. Especially you. I’ve asked you before to leave me alone. I’m asking you again. Please stop this nonsense. I’m simply not interested.” The slim thread holding her temper under control was threatening to give way. She didn’t want to make a scene, but if that is what it was going to take to make him leave her alone, it just might be worth it.

Before he could reply, another man quietly joined them, standing close by Dani’s side.

“Adrian, I just spoke with Vanessa. She’s been looking for you. Why don’t you join her out by the pool, hm?” Diego de Corba was Rafe’s uncle, tall as his nephew, with a thick head of gorgeous white hair, white as his mustache. He might be seventy one years old, but he looked ten years younger with a still slim, erect carriage, clear tanned face, and the most wonderful black eyes that shone with merriment whenever he was with Dani.

“Mr. de Corba,” Adrian bowed his head in acknowledgment. Even brash Adrian knew better than to antagonize Diego. He nodded to Dani. “I’ll see you later,” before turning to leave. He could not have missed Diego’s scowl of disapproval. He might be forced to move on now but he hoped he’d planted some seeds of doubt with Dani about her relationship with Rafe. Much could grow from one little seed.

“That man had better learn not to trespass,” Diego growled as he studied Dani’s frown.

“I’m fine, Diego,” she said trying to underplay the incident.

“What was he saying to you? All I heard was the anger in your last words.”

“Just the usual,” she sighed. “I’ve told him repeatedly that I don’t want anything to do with him, but he won’t listen. But at least our paths don’t cross that often. Thank heaven. I’ll see to that!”

“Maybe I should have a word with him. Or, better yet, Rafe. You are his responsibility. Have you spoken to him about Adrian?” Diego was well aware of Adrian’s female relationships. He didn’t care if the woman in question was married or not. If he fancied her, he moved in and it was rumored he’d been the cause of more than one marriage break-up. Of course, his relationships never lasted too long. If the current woman became too clinging, he ended it to move on to his next conquest. Well, Dani wasn’t going to be one of them.

“No, I haven’t said anything to Rafe. And please don’t bother him, Diego. I’m a big girl. I can’t go running to him whenever something or someone annoys me.”

“Rafe is your husband and if another man is paying you unwanted attention, he should be the one do deal with it. You may be grown up in years, but you are still an innocent in dealing with the likes of Adrian Bernard. I don’t have much faith in his business abilities, and less in regard to his attentions towards you.”

“Where I grew up, we were taught to handle our own problems. And Rafe is so busy. It would be senseless to expect him to neglect important matters to handle something I’m perfectly capable of dealing with myself. I’ll be just fine.” Dani patted his hand. Diego was from the old school where men protected their women, and while terribly romantic, it was not practical in today’s in world. But Dani loved him for his concern.

Diego’s brow arched questioningly in the way she had come to adore. He had taken her under his wing from their first meeting, had in fact become her champion. He’d made her feel like an adored addition to the family.

“We will let the matter rest for now. But, Dani, you are going to have to learn that men in the de Corba family take care of their own, as chauvinistic as that may sound. For all your proclaimed independence, I think you need caring for more than most women.” His large hands cupped her face as he dropped a paternal kiss to her forehead. Diego hadn’t approved of Rafe’s trip to Mexico because he thought he’d been over-reacting at the time. He hadn’t had much information upon which to base his opinion. But after he’d brought Dani home with him, Diego had come to appreciate what a fine, loving young woman she was. He’d disapproved of Rafe’s reasons for marrying Dani but over the last couple of months had seen the way his nephew was coming to love his young wife. Of that he definitely approved.

She wrapped her arms around Diego in a hug, then stretching up on tiptoe she kissed his cheek. “Oh, I wish I’d had an uncle like you when I was growing up.”

“Well, I’m here now. And you are a de Corba, something of which I am extremely proud.” Arm in arm they went to join Rafe.

Dani stood facing Rafe, her mind not really focusing on the conversation as she observed her husband as he talked. Just looking at him, his tall, muscular body made her ache to be alone with him. Alone, where he could strip away their clothing and touch her as only he could. Where she could bury her fingers in his thick black hair, only the barest hint of gray at the temples. At first glance, he would never be considered handsome, but he possessed a rugged attractiveness combined with a forceful, dominating personality, and a dynamic projection of self-assurance that made heads turn where ever he went.

That Rafe was perceived in varied ways by many people had been demonstrated over and over during their brief marriage. With her he was the passionate husband and lover. His sense of humor lifted her spirits, his intelligence kept her fascinated, while his strength was a buffer against...harm? Now why did that word come to mind? She had seen his impatience with incompetence, knew without a doubt his temper would be devastating if fully aroused. She had no desire to witness such a scene.

Rafe’s mother had been born in Greece, while his father was raised in Spain. The elder de Corba had moved all his holdings to New Mexico just before Rafe was born. Rafe and his brother were the products of two hot-blooded cultures. Tempers could reign fire down up those foolish enough to ignite the flame of anger in a de Corba.

Now, it was Rafe’s turn to study Dani. She looked so serene standing close to Diego’s side. A sudden flare of something flashed in his eyes. A look of distaste flickered over his features before he quickly looked away. How could a woman look so beautifully innocent but be so conniving? And to think he was beginning to believe he’d been wrong about her. Well, looks could certainly be deceiving and in Dani’s case, this was more than true. He’d been lulled into a false sense of security by her natural loveliness and humor. But now he was well aware that there was much more beneath that illusion that she didn’t share with the world. He’d almost let himself be played for a fool. But, fortunately, he’d found out just in time.

Dani frowned. Why had he suddenly looked at as if she’d done something wrong? She had sensed something was bothering him last night, but there had been no time to question his mood. She’d assumed he was preoccupied with the plans for the wedding. He’d been cool in his manner towards her all day. This realization brought Adrian’s words back to taunt her. Was Rafe growing tired of her already? Suddenly, Dani felt a moment of panic. Was he regretting their hasty marriage?

Dani quickly whirled into their group. Demetrio held his new wife close by his side as he spoke confidentially to their small gathering. “I hope you won’t think we’re deserting everyone, but we want to be alone.” A lecherous growl brought hoots of knowing laughter from everyone. He’d known Kate since they were children due to their family’s long association. And he’d been aware of the desire of his father and her father that they unite the two families through marriage. Kate had always seemed so young to him since she was several years younger. As a teenager she’d been awkward with freckles and braces and seemed to make an argument out of everything that he said in her company. It was no wonder he fought this marriage. That was until he’d met the grown-up Kate. No more braces now.

“Demetrio!” Kate’s disapproval was negated by the love as she gazed adoringly into his eyes. He gave her a wide, teasing smile meant for her alone. Kate had been in love with Demetrio forever. But he had been older and always seemed to just tolerate her presence while they were growing up. When he began to date other girls, she’d be devastated until he moved on to another one. She’d done her share of dating too, but no one had ever measured up to Demetrio de Corba.

“You’re going to have your hands full with this de Corba,” Rafe said grinning. Everyone knew how fond he was of Kate, and her family. And how much he approved of this union. Their parents had planned for this wedding while Kate and Demetrio were still very young. Rate thought it sad that his parents couldn’t be here to see the happy ending. He’d always been very fond of Kate. She was as charming and delightful, as she was beautiful. He’d been aware of her crush on his brother and had even encouraged it. In one respect it was fortunate that neither Kate nor Demetrio had been in any hurry to get married. Kate had wanted to get her education while his brother had some growing up to do. Rafe was confident that they would make a good marriage now.

Kate laughed. “Fortunately, I was fully aware of that before the ceremony. Life will never be dull with him around.” She reached up to kiss her new husband on the chin. Then she turned to Dani. “Will you come upstairs to help me change?” The glow in her eyes mirrored the scope of her happiness.

“Of course.“ She moved away from Diego’s side. Dani glanced up at Rafe, shocked by the coldness reflected in his dark eyes as he looked at her, before quickly turning his attention to the others. Dani wanted to ask him what was wrong. What had she done? But, obviously this was not the time. But what could she have done to merit such a scathing look? Dani forced a smile as she followed Kate up the stairs. She wouldn’t let anything mar Kate’s wedding day.

As the two women left the men, Dani heard them discussing the readiness of the waiting car that would take the newlyweds to an undisclosed destination for ten uninterrupted days...and nights. Demetrio was the only one who knew where they were going. Even the bride was not to know until they were on their way.

Upstairs, Kate was changing in the master bedroom, the room Dani shared with Rafe. As she helped Kate out of her gown, they chatted happily. “I’m so happy for you, Kate.”

“I can’t believe we’re finally married. We’ve been engaged for so long. For some time now, I wasn’t sure I even wanted to marry him even though I’ve loved him forever.”

“But why?” Dani couldn’t hide her surprise. Kate had never hinted at doubts before. “I know you and Demetrio hadn’t seen each other regularly, not until Rafe and I returned from our honeymoon.

“Well, you know our marriage was more or less arranged by my father and Demetrio’s, before he died.” Dani nodded as she handed Kate the lovely ivory silk dress she’d chosen as her going away outfit. “Oh, they never forced the issue, but it was obvious they wanted a union of our two families.”

Arranged marriages were unheard of today, but considering that both fathers were born in Spain and lifelong friends, it was understandable. It was generally the oldest son who had his wife chosen for him, but in this case, Demetrio and Kate were just the right ages for each other. Even as children they made a cute twosome.

“We were so young when it was first brought up, I don’t think either one of us gave it serious thought. But as we grew older, it was plain our fathers were hoping we’d get together. And I was attracted to Demetrio. I thought he was the handsomest boy I’d ever seen. He is a few years older and so good looking. My father wanted us to marry when I left school, but I knew I wasn’t ready.. Besides, I’d heard stories about him that alarmed me. Guess it was youth, insecurity. How could I compete with the pretty women he seemed to be with all the time?”

Dani was puzzled. “What could be bad about Demetrio? He’s a terrific person.”

Kate appeared averse to continue. She sighed. “He has quite a reputation with women. I’d seen some of my school friends marry only to discover their husbands out with other women. I didn’t want to be on the receiving end of that kind of treatment. And frankly, I didn’t know if I could or wanted to compete. I was training for work that I loved. I just wasn’t ready to take on the responsibility of a relationship with someone who is so...,” she searched for the right word.

“Fun-loving?” Dani supplied. Demetrio had a sadistic sense of humor that was hilarious and kept everyone in stitches. And he was smart and interesting to talk to on many subjects.

“Yes, I guess that’s one way of putting it. But once we spent time together, I knew he wasn’t at all like the stores about him. He makes me feel so special. And while he loves to relax and play, he also takes his work seriously. We like doing so many of the same things, read the same books. And he even likes apple pie with chocolate ice cream.”

Dani laughed. “You don’t have to sell him to me. He’s a great guy. And Kate. He loves you very much.” She sought to reassure her new sister-in-law. “Admittedly, he was reluctant to see you again after all that time. But when you walked into the room that first night after our return to New Mexico, he was smitten, yours heart and soul from that moment on.” Dani laughed delightedly at Kate’s shocked expression.

“I guess he did stay by my side most of the evening didn’t he?”

“Kate. All he remembered was a young girl with braces on her teeth, kind of skinny with braids. But that night, you were obviously all grown up. You almost knocked him off his feet in that black dress.” It had narrow straps, showed a modest amount of cleavage, and was extremely low cut in the back.

“It was pretty daring, wasn’t it?” Kate giggled.

“You looked beautiful. And nothing like he expected. He had not been happy about that dinner. But after one look at you in that dress, we couldn’t pry him away from your side.”

Dani recalled the argument between the two brothers just before Kate had come to stay with them. Demetrio was furious that he should have this pressure of having a wife chosen for him, while Rafe had been free to marry someone of his own choosing. Even though he’d known about this engagement for years, Rafe was now forcing the issue and insisting on making the marriage a reality.

The heated words between Rafe and Demetrio had bounced off the library walls. As head of the de Corba family, Rafe was adamant their father’s last wish be carried out. He had naturally kept in touch with the Montello family since they were almost like family, besides being close business associates. He’d tried to assure Demetrio that Kate was everything he could ever want in a woman.

Kate studied Dani, her head tipped to one side in contemplation. “I’ll tell you a secret. When I first met you, I knew you and Demetrio were close. And I thought he might have even been in love with you.” Kate watched Dani closely, a small chip of doubt still lingering.

Dani’s lips twitched as laughter bubbled up, finally erupting. She reached out, gathering Kate in a reassuring hug. “That’s that last thing in the world you have to worry about, Kate. My relationship with Demetrio has been that of brother and sister from our first meeting. Talk about no chemistry! Oh, he tried to kiss me once, but we both couldn’t keep from laughing. It was like kissing a family member. When we finally stopped laughing we agreed that our only option was to become pals instead of lovers. And neither of us would want it any other way.”

“Oh, I realize that now. Demetrio told me all about your meeting in the hotel in Acapulco, and the time you spent sightseeing together. That is, before Rafe turned up and swept you away into a whirlwind courtship and marriage. I want our marriage to be as happy as yours with Rafe.” Kate said reaching out to touch Dani on the arm reassuringly.

“As a matter of fact, Demetrio came to my rescue. Some man, who’d had too much to drink, had been pestering me. So, Demetrio, gallantly stepped in acting as if we were long lost friends. He sent that bore backing in minutes. It’s amazing, Kate. Any single woman sitting alone has to put up with all kinds of invitations, many of them not very flattering and most by men who you wouldn’t look at twice if you met them on the street.” Dani shivered as she recalled how that drunken, obnoxious man had hovered over her, his breath almost rocking her from the chair. His nearness had been revolting. The acrid smell of cigarette smoke clung to him like a heavy cologne.

“Well, Demetrio and I struck up a bargain. He was tired and sought pure relaxation, while I was frustrated with men who thought an unescorted woman fair game. By pairing up, we discouraged unwanted attentions. We were free to simply enjoy ourselves. Romance was never an issue.” Dani and Demetrio had laughed, played, and teased each other unmercifully during that time. But it had all been in fun. There was no romantic or physical chemistry to encourage any other type of relationship.

But then Rafe unexpectedly appeared at the hotel. He actually thundered into her life, swept her into a romance that took her by storm, giving her no time to doubt it’s suddenness, or to question their love for one another. After just a few hours in his company and Dani was completely overwhelmed by the sheer masculine power of this fabulous man.

Kate smiled at Dani’s preoccupied, faraway look, sensing her thoughts were on her own husband. “You love Rafe very much, don’t you?”

“Oh, Kate. I can’t tell you what he means to me. How much I love him. He’s made me feel cherished; he’s given me a home and made me a part of his wonderful family.” Dani’s lovely eyes spoke more eloquently than words ever could. No one had ever made her feel so wanted, so loved. During the years she’d spent living with her aunt and uncle she’d always felt like an unwanted guest, one that had overstayed her welcome. But Rafe had made his home her home with his love. Her cheeks warmed recalling their many nights of loving, his gentleness and the way he could arouse her to a height of passion she’d never known she possessed.

Kate finished dressing, ready now to return downstairs to her new husband. The two women smiled, understanding the love each felt for their respective men. Dani hugged Kate one last time. “Be happy, Kate. And never doubt how much Demetrio loves you. He just had to grow up to become worthy of his woman…you.”

“I know we will be. Oh, Dani, it’s going to be so wonderful having a sister like you. Our children will grow up together, close like brothers and sisters.” Arm in arm they left the bedroom, their laughter echoing down the hall.

But Dani’s thoughts returned to her own husband and his odd behavior the past twenty-four hours. It was so confusing. If she’d done something wrong, she couldn’t imagine what it was. Rafe had made love to her last night but there had been a strange urgency to it, almost as if he were trying to imprint every inch of her under his hands and in his mind. Afterwards, she’d curled up next to him and he’d automatically put his arm around her, drawing her close to his side, but for some reason, Dani had felt that mentally he’d left their bed. She’d fallen into an uneasy sleep and when she woke in the morning, Rafe was already up and had left the bedroom.
© Copyright 2001 Cosmic Voice (rafe at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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