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by NRawk
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Erotica · #2262253
As Sirus awakens, he finds that his entire world has changed.
03 - Figuring Out Your Place

By the time his body began to stir, Sirus immediately felt two strange things. First was that his face was freezing cold. "Damn it all, heater must be acting up again... I hate waking up cold." He thought, trying to wiggle deeper into his bed when he registered the second oddity, he was stuck. The mass pressing down on him was very much different from his bedding, but was still warm and soft nevertheless. Aside from the heft of the mass laid on top of him, Sirus noticed that he as being rocked back and forth at a slow, measured pace and he started to hear a rhythmic sound, like a drum being beat on the other side of a wall.

Slowly, he was able to open his eyes and as they adjusted to his surrounding he was surprised to see he was not in his bed. Instead, welcoming him and dominating his entire field of vision, was a large, squishy globe of a flesh-like material resting on him.

"The hell!?" Sirus thought, adrenaline quickly pumping into his blood and casting out any drowsiness that lingered.

To one side he saw that the foreign object was connected to a wall of the same material, which itself produced another like object that stretched out beneath him. To the other side was a thick curtain of green cloth.

"Where the hell am I?" Sirus thought, wiggling to free himself. Eventually he managed to squirm free, but was now naked in the cold air. Looking away from the strange 'bed' he was just in, Sirus saw an opening where the light, and cold air, was coming from.

"Those sorta look like..." He thought, looking back as he walked toward the exit. "Nah, that's impossible, but where am I exactly?"

Sirus got his answer as he climbed out into the open. He most certainly wasn't anywhere he recognized as he landed on a great expanse of some sort of concrete structure. The concrete was cold and bit at his bare feet, but Sirus forced himself to take a few more steps. When he turned around, however, he saw the last thing he expected, Eri. It most definitely was the blonde woman he had met earlier except she was now HUGE! Not huge like she put on a lot of weight but huge as in she was a giant. Sirus realized that he had just crawled out of her shirt, that's how small he was compared to her, that the massive flesh-like objects he was between were her breast!

"HOLY SHIT! How did she get so big?!" Sirus thought, looking around. "Wait... no, she didn't get huge, if she could grow to such a ridiculous size people would have noticed by now. Which can only mean..." Just as his thoughts were getting in order, Sirus heard a loud rumble pass overhead. His eyes followed the direction the sound passed, looking out down a long slope overlooking a road. "An overpass?" His head felt like it was spinning as the reality of the situation dawned on him, forcing him to kneel down. "I'm the one that shrunk!"

A frigid wind blew over Sirus, sapping most of his remaining heat as he was trying to come to terms with this realization. "I can't stay out here, I need protection from the cold..." He thought, looking back at Eri. "Well maybe she didn't do this to me and instead is trying to help me." It was a possibility, though the fact that he had been shrunken at all opened all sorts of possibilities that would have otherwise been impossible. Sirus quickly ran back to the slumbering blonde and climbed back into her shirt to think.

She must have been able to feel his cold body as he entered her collar, as she rolled onto her back which gave Sirus a chance to wedge himself into her cleavage. He spent the next few hours thinking and theorizing about how he may have shrunk, but the only scenario that made sense was it was Eri herself who shrunk him.

"At this point it doesn't matter how she shrunk me but why." He reasoned, recalling his short interaction with the girl. "She seemed like a nice enough girl and while it could have been an act to get me to lower my guard, if she does have to ability to shrink people then there would be no need for the act... She must have already done whatever she needed to do when we first bumped into each other, but after I helped her she began to regret her actions. Well I'd freeze before I could get anywhere remotely safe, so I guess I'll have to wait and see was Eri has planned for me."

After a few more minutes, Sirus could feel Eri stir and shiver as she woke up. Sitting up she stretched a bit, which caused her tiny captive to slid down her cleavage even more. She seemed to realize what just happened and quickly pulled Sirus out of her shirt. Tears were already in her eyes by the time she brought him to her face.

"I-I-I'm so, so sorry." She bawled. "I had to, or else... and you were passing by, but then you were so nice and, and..." Eri regain sobbing incoherently, spouting apologizes for what she had done.

Sirus waited as patiently as he could for Eri to calm down. Did he want to yell at and berate the girl? Kinda, but seeing how she could literally squish him like a bug he didn't want to upset her. Once Eri was merely sobbing did Sirus feel like it was time for some answers.

"So you were the one that did this to me?" He asked.

Eri, wiping some tears from her face, merely nodded.

"So what do you plan to do with me? I can't think for a second you'd let me go now that I know your secret, so either you're going to keep me forever or kill me, right?" He had thought at length about this and while he had steeled himself to ask, fear and anxiety cracked his voice a bit and tears began to well up in his eyes.

Eri's eyes widened in shock. "I..." She apparently hadn't thought that far ahead, and Sirus could see her eyes racing. "You're not going to ask or demand I fix you?" She finally asked.

"I'm in no position to demand anything of you." Sirus explained and though he tried to hide it, Eri could see that he was terrified. "While I believe you could fix me if you chose, you don't know me. If I told anybody about this they'd likely think I was crazy, but you have no reason to trust that I wouldn't try to get back at you."

"I could have you promise not to." Eri reasoned.

"A promise under duress is meaningless." He replied.

"I don't understand, shouldn't you be saying just about anything to get me to turn you back?" Eri asked confused. "So far all you've done is say things to convince me otherwise."

"Honestly I do want my old life back..."

"So then why?"

"Because the moment you shrunk me, I essentially died." He stated and while he stood strong, tears began rolling down his face.

"I didn't kill you, you're right here. Standing in my hand." Eris argued, mortified. "I could restore you to full size, give you back your belongings and send you on your way."

"Will you?" Sirus asked, more of a rhetorical question than a plea.

Eri knew instantly the answer and in that realization she turned away from Sirus, biting her lower lip to cease its quivering. She turned back to look at the tiny man in her hand and she knew he was right. Whatever life he had before, whoever he was, he wasn't anymore and she was the one that did it. "No..." She whispered, resolving to stand by her decision. She face softened and she looked at Sirus with glazed over eyes. "I am so sorry. Why did it have to be you that I met yesterday? If you were a jerk I might have been okay with this."

"So what are you going to do with me?" Sirus asked.

Just then a low growl escaped from Eri's stomach, protesting the lack of food. Rubbing her belly with her free hand, she looked at Sirus and smiled. "Well I could use a little snack."

"Heh, good one." He smiled nervously, taking a step back. "You are joking... right?"

"I'm sorry, that was in poor taste." Eri said, plucking Sirus up between her fingers. "I meant I, or we, should go get something to eat." She added before pulling her shirt down and placing Sirus in between her breasts once again. "You'll be warmer, and safer, in there than in my pockets. Just try to not squirm too much." She instructed, buttoning up her coat. Sliding down the decline to ground level, Eri headed for the nearest place to get something cheap to eat.

The blonde woman was right, as she walked Eri's breasts held Sirus in place and kept him warm. There were a couple of times when he started to slip and fall, but he was able to grab onto her bra to catch himself.

Eri found and entered a nearby Tim Horton's and ordered a cup of coffee, double-double, a bacon breakfast sandwich and some chicken noodle soup. She found a table away from windows in a back corner of the dining area and sat down after removing her long coat and sweater. After making sure nobody was watching, she looked down her shirt to find Sirus, but couldn't see him. She reached under her shirt and pulled her underwire away from her chest and felt Sirus' tiny body roll down her stomach.

"Sorry." She whispered, bringing him up onto the table and hid him behind her soup bowl. "I got some soup and a breakfast sandwich, I hope you don't have any allergies."

"None that I know of." Sirus said, pressing himself up against the soup bowl both because it was warm and to hide from someone who passed to go to the bathroom. "You're showing me quite a bit of trust." He commented, ripping off some bits of the breakfast sandwich for himself.

"What do you mean?" She whispered back, realizing she might appear crazy to onlookers for talking to herself.

"You placed me on the table of a public restaurant, I could try any number of things to escape or signal for help." He explained, sitting back down in the shadow of the soup bowl.

"But you wouldn't do that, would you?" Eri asked also now eating.

"I'm the exception, not the rule." Sirus replied, sighing. "While I have no precedence to go off of, but I doubt most people would act like I am in this situation."

"Well I wouldn't know." Eris said, drinking some coffee. "You're the first person I've ever shrunk." While she said it as if stating a simple fact, there was a touch of embarrassment in her tone and she blushed a little. "Actually, now that you mention it you are taking this incredibly well. Like you said, I've removed you from the world and you have no idea what I might do to you, aren't you scared?"

"Of course I am, a woman I barely even know has done something impossible and now literally holds my life in her hand." Sirus replied. "I'm have no idea how or why you shrunk me, which terrifies me, but what am I supposed to do? Hell, if you wanted you could toy with me and there is nothing I can do to stop it."

"He's right... I'm a freak and a monster." She thought. "A complete stranger has complete control over him, there's no way he wouldn't be scared..."

"However, that fear is not enough to keep me from trusting you to a certain degree." Sirus continued, finishing off his meal, catching Eri off guard.

"What? How could you possibly trust me at all? I've stolen your life away. I shrank you and while I have the ability to I've refused to unshrink you. How? How could you place ever a grain of sand's worth of trust in a freak like me?" Eri asked, unable to understand the young man that sat with an apparent calm on the table and seemed to just accept the unreasonable circumstances thrust upon him. "Don't you get it? You'll likely never see your friends or family again. You'll never find a nice woman to settle down with, start a family or anything like that. For all intents and purposes I own you, forced you to be my, my..."

"Pet?" Sirus asked, finishing her thought for her.

"Yes..." Eri said solemnly. Her mind was racing, trying to sort out the situation and come up with an answer. She needed to tell Sirus what she planned to do with him, that she didn't randomly ruin his life for no reason. Taking a deep breath, she looked down at the kind man who didn't deserve what she did to him and offered a smile full of regret. "I truly am sorry, Sirus. Because of my selfishness I have ruined your life. I promise to take care of you, not that my standard of living is the best right now. From now on though, you are my pet."

Sirus sat on the table for a moment, letting Eri's words sink in. Nodding to himself as if making a major decision, he stood up and looked up into her hazel eyes. "No."

Stunned, Eri didn't know what to say. She was many times larger that Sirus now and he made it clear that he was powerless to stop her from doing anything to him, yet he's refusing her?

"What do you mean, 'no'?" She asked, trying to make herself seem imposing. "You can't talk back to your... your..." Already her facade was crumbling. She wanted to make him accept that she was in charge, that she controlled him, but she wasn't able to allow herself to force him into submission.

"Owner? Master? Mistress? Goddess?" Sirus asked with a slightly defiant tone.

"Well... I mean... you don't have to go that far..." Eri stuttered, embarrassed at the prospect of being called a goddess.

"See, it's not in you to own someone." Sirus explained with a smile. "You're going to keep me, there is nothing I can do about that. However, since I'm in this life now I'm going to support you, help get you off the streets and into a nice place."

"How can you just accept this so easily?" Eri asked, not sure what else to do.

"Honestly?" Sirus asked. "No judging?"

"Promise." She said, crossing her heart.

"What the hell, right? I got nothing else to lose..." He thought, sighing and shaking his head. "Okay, well the truth is this kind of thing is kind of... a fetish of mine." He admitted and though he turned to hide his face, Eri could see his ears turn bright red.

Not sure what to say, Eri asked the first thing that came to her mind. "So... you like being tiny?"

"It's complicated..." Sirus replied, still not able to face her. "It's more like I view a relationship between a giantess and a tiny as the ultimate form of trust. So while I guess I'm kinda happy to know it's possible, there is still a lack of trust that keeps me from actually enjoying this, or something like that."

"How am I supposed to respond to something like that!?" Eri thought, looking at the tiny man on the table. Reaching into the pocket of her coat, she pulled out her shopping cart and carefully brought a small bundle of clothes out of it. She willed the clothes to grow, stopping when she thought they were big enough to fit Sirus before handing them to him. "I went through your pockets already, since... you know." She explained. "I figure you should get dressed though..."

"Thanks." Sirus replied, taking his clothes and getting dressed. "Depending on how you use the cash I had on me, you should be able to get your life back on track."

"I know this is my fault, but I'm not sure how comfortable I am using the money of the guy I shrank." Eri said, starting on her soup.

"Well it's not like you can use my bank card or credit card, now that I'm missing using them will draw unnecessary attention to where you go." He explained. "Aside from the gift cards I was going to give my friends and family for Christmas, my wallet should have a couple hundred in cash and other gift cards."

Blushing, Eri nodded in confirmation. "I know... that's how I paid for this." She admitted.

"Consider it my investment in you." Sirus said, fully dressed and turning around. "Now hurry up and eat, we have a long day ahead."

Eri couldn't help but feel a tinge of happiness inside of her. As bad as it made her feel that she ruined Sirus' life, he seemed genuine about helping her. "I promise to make your life as pleasant as possible Sirus, it's the least I can do for you." She thought.

"Oh yeah, you still haven't told me why you chose to shrink me." Sirus mentioned, sitting patiently for her to finish.

"Well the biggest factor was that I had to, I thought was about to lose my power and I rely on it to live." She admitted, thinking back. Giggling, she added, "But also I thought it would be nice to listen to you sing again."

"Sounds like there is a lot about you power that I don't know about." Sirus said.

Finishing her soup, Eri stood up and put on her sweater and coat before placing Sirus on her shoulder inside the collar of her coat. "Don't worry, you'll have plenty of time to learn." She said, collecting her trash and throwing it out before leaving with her coffee in hand.

© Copyright 2021 NRawk (nrawk at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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