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by NRawk
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Erotica · #2262254
Eri and Sirus visit Sirus' apartment to pick up some things.
04 - A Lucky Find

Sirus was secure next to Eri's neck in her coat as they left the Tim Horton's. Since she had given him his clothes back, albeit at a reduced size, he checked his pockets to see what he had left. When he got to his back left pocket he felt a familiar, rectangular object.

"No way, she wouldn't have..." He thought in disbelief, pulling out his smartphone. Covering his face with his palm Sirus let out a heavy sigh. "Either she's testing me or she is just that naive."

"Okay my new life counselor, what do you want to do first?" The blonde woman asked smiling.

"First you need to get rid of this." Sirus replied, holding out his phone. "Once people realize I'm missing they can try to track me with in. Restore it and then get rid of it."

"Oh, I never thought about that." Eri replied, innocently surprised. She took the device from her tiny, somewhat willing captive and returned it to its original size then tossed it into a nearby trashcan. "Done, what next coach?"

"Well we need to get you a place to stay, but in order to get that you need a job for income... which means you need a bank account for your pay." The tiny man thought aloud. "Any chance you're already a Canadian citizen?"

"Actually, yes." She replied, again smiling.


"Yeah, Mom purposely stay with one of her friends in Ontario for the last three months of her term with me." Eri explained. "She said having dual citizenship is more favorable than not."

"Forward thinking mother, very smart." Sirus complimented. "Do you have a bank account that you can-"

"We." The blonde girl corrected. "We are living together now, Sirus, so we'll need a bank account. And no, my previous bank wasn't international."

"I recommend RBC, it's the one I used." He stated. "And there's an office just down the road." "She's pretty insistent to include my opinion at least, that's a good sign." He thought, thanking his lucky stars.

"But won't I need to provide an address?" She asked.

"We can open a PO Box at a post office." He replied. "But first you should get cleaned up, you don't want them to know you're 'between homes'."

"Oh, then we should go to your place." Eri suggested. "We can pick up some of your things while there too."

Once more Sirus was dumbfounded. "You know, I really don't know who is the luckier one here." He said in shock.

"What do you mean?" The blonde woman asked, slightly confused.

"Well I'm pretty lucky because you're a sweet girl who is actually concerned for my happiness," Sirus started, causing Eri to blush. "But you are equally lucky because I'm actively trying to keep people from being able to find me. If someone saw you enter my apartment or you left behind basically anything and somebody finds it there is no excuse for it. Not to mention my roommate, though he should be at work right now."

"Aww, are you that worried for me?" Eri asked. "Don't worry so much, no one will see me and I want to see where you used to live now."

"I don't think that's a good idea." Sirus adamantly refused. "I'd rather not chance leaving evidence anywhere anybody could find."

"Okay, I know you don't like me so much that'd you'd run away with me and never look back. What's going on Sirus? Why are you actively trying to not be found?" She asked.

Sighing, Sirus shrugged his shoulders as if admitting defeat. "Ok, I'm worried. Not if but when my family comes looking for me, I don't want them to get anywhere even remotely close to you because if they do, you'd be forced to shrink them too. I can handle you shrinking me, but if you were to shrink one of my family member I don't think I would be able to forgive you, though I would understand why."

Eri didn't know what to do, conflicted about how she felt about what Sirus just said. "I guess I can't blame him, he's looking out for his family." She thought, which she considered admirable. He was placing the well being of his family above his own. "But now that I brought it up I really want to see where he lived." "So there's nothing at your old apartment that you want to grab, nothing that people would overlook if it went missing?" She asked, hoping he'd take the bait.

"Not really no." The tiny man replied, though he did seem to be thinking. "My spare 3Ds is back there, but it's just a spare... though now that I think about it I left Pokon Y in there because I was breeding for a shiny. Shit."

"Well then let's go get it." Eri decided merrily. "I wouldn't want you to be bored all the time."

Sirus knew it was likely a bad idea but he also had literally thousands of hours on that one game alone, which isn't something someone can just throw away. "Okay, fine. Just be careful." He sighed in defeat.

"Yay! Okay, where is it?" She asked, excited to see him old place.


It didn't take long to reach Sirus' apartment building, nor was it any great challenge to get in. Though hesitant, Sirus did hand his keys over to his keeper. There wasn't anyone around that early in the morning so when Eri got to the right unit she was able to enter unnoticed.

Sirus quickly checked the shoe rack and was thankful that this roommate's shoes were missing.

Eri could immediately tell Sirus was living comfortably in middle class as he guided her around and pointed out what was his. He had some luxurious things, a couple computers and TVs, one of each current and last generation gaming consoles and plenty of games but he also explained that some were christmas gifts and what not. She was able to peek into his roommates room, which was the bigger of the two, but since Sirus had part of the living room it balanced out. Sirus' room was pretty empty, but he did have a king sized bed. Removing her heavier outerwear, Eri flopped down on the bed and relaxed. His bed felt so nice and warm, she noticed a different scent fill the air and assumed it to be Sirus' natural musk.

"Weren't we just going to grab some small things and go?" Sirus asked, walking up to her face and crossing his arms.

"And a warm, private shower." Eri added. "I need to look my best."

"I can't stop you, but I still think it's risky." Sirus advised.

"I haven't showered in days and the last one was cold and in a public shower." Eri said, getting up from the bed. "I'll be quick." She added, pulling out her shopping cart and unshrinking a bag from it. Grabbing some soap, shampoo, and conditioner as well as a towel she headed for the bathroom. "No peeking now." She teased, closing the door.

Bored, Sirus sat on his bed and waited for Eri to return. As the minutes passed, he decided to lay down and before long he had curled up in the wrinkles of the fitted sheet sleeping. Eri spent an hour in the shower, mostly enjoying the warm water wash over her. After she finished, she dried herself and toiletries off. Realizing she didn't bring a change of clothes with her, she wrapped her towel around her and poked her head back into Sirus' room.

"So, I forgot to bring a change of clothes with me." She explained meekly. "Please close your eyes for a bit." She added, waiting to hear any form of reply. When only silence answered her, Eri started to feel nervous. "Sirus? Where are you?" She asked, entering the room and looking around. "He had me throw out his phone and was adamant about not coming here so I doubt he'd run off now of all times." She reasoned, tiptoeing into the room and enlarging a different bag from her shopping cart. Inside was a variety of pretty, more casual and fashionable clothes in comparison to what she had been wearing on the streets. "He's pretty perceptive so maybe he noticed I forgot clothes and is hiding to watch me get changed." She thought, eyes darting around the room to see if anything was moving. Grabbing a pretty pair of lace panties and matching bra she moved to sit on the bed. "Sirus if you are trying to catch a glimpse of me without my consent there will be consequences." She warned, as she sat down.

Her latest warning stirred Sirus from his light slumber, but as he slowly opened his eye his field of view was filled by two massive and shapely moons of flesh descending down on him.

"Well, shit." Was all he could think before getting buried under Eri's rear. Luckily for Sirus when Eri sat down he was caught in between her cheeks. He felt her clench her glutes in response to his presence and when he opened his eyes he saw Eri's brown eye puckering in front of him. "Do I wink back or what?" He thought sarcastically, trying to add some levity to his predicament.

Eri was carried by her momentum as she sat on the bed and rolled on her back. "Oh no! Was that Sirus?" She thought, reaching down and pulling the foreign object from her cheeks. "I'm so sorry Sirus, it was an accident. I swear." She tried to explain, setting him down facing away from her, though she was still trying to cover her naughty parts.

"Accidents happen." He said quickly, sitting down and covering his eyes. "It's not everyday I get to see something like that though."

"Forget what you saw!" She cried out in embarrassment. "Forget it right now."

"I don't think the human mind works like that." Sirus tried to reason.

"Forget it or, so I don't die from embarrassment, I'll have to get use to you being so close to me." She elaborated her previous demand.

"She wouldn't... would she?" He thought, it's not like just saying he did made it true but he didn't want to incur she emotional wrath. "Why would I want to forget something so amazing!?" He asked, saying the first thing that came to mind. "WHY WOULD I SAY THAT!?"

"Amazing? Amazing?!" Eri asked confused. "You saw my... my... my bumhole..." She said, her voice trailing off at the end as she buried her face in her hands. "How it something like that amazing? It's dirty and wrong and..." After a moment's pause she gasped. "You don't have a thing for that kind of stuff, do you?"

"How about you get dressed before you ask about my sexual preferences." Sirus stated, not wanting to have this conversation anymore, she seemed to have forgotten her earlier threat and that was good enough.

Eri did seem to drop the topic and the two silently agreed to not bring it up again. After getting dressed Eri shrunk her luggage again and put it back in her cart. Grabbing a few objects from his room and shrinking them down they were about to leave when Sirus eyed a package of sewing needles in his closet.

"Grab those too please." He requested, pointing to the needles.

"You know how to sew?" Eri asked, grabbing the package.

"Just a little, but I was actually thinking of using those for self defense." Sirus explained.

"I told you I wouldn't hurt you Sirus." Eri said, slightly hurt by his words. "You don't need something to protect you, I will."

Sighing, Sirus shook his head and then looked at Eri. "It's not like that. Unless you plan to keep me on you 24/7, there could be moments when I am in danger. Bugs and rodents could just kill me, especially if I am unarmed."

"Oh, that makes sense." She admitted. "I guess I'm not really thinking long term... Sorry." She put the needles into her pocket.

"I have a sleeping bag in the storage closet here if you want it." Sirus said pointing the the door just outside of his room. "I've had it since I was younger, it one of those mummy sleeping bags and is good to -40 (Celcius)."

"That would be perfect!" Eri exclaimed, wasting no time opening the door and navigating to the back of the closet where Sirus said the sleeping bag was. "Now we won't be as cold at night." She said smiling as she headed for the front door.

"Oh wait." Sirus said, stopping her at the door once more.

"What else?" She asked.

Pointing to a lower cupboard in the kitchen, Sirus smiled. "I don't think anyone would notice if we took one or two. Hell, my roommate isn't going to use them."

Crouching down, Eri opened the cupboard to see two shelves filled with a variety of alcohols, not a single one open.

"I don't think I can support a drinking habit." Eri said looking at the selection. "It's like I'm at a liquor store!"

"I pick up a bottle once a month, in case I go out or something but never do." He explained. "I refuse to drink alone. Grab some if you want."

"But won't somebody notice some missing?" Eri asked.

"Unlikely, my roommate doesn't drink or even look in here and I don't exactly tell him when I add to it." Sirus replied. "Hell, just leave four or five and nobody will even know."

There were close to two dozen different bottles, all quarts. "If you say so." Eri said, taking majority of the selection.

After quickly packing everything away, Eri left Sirus apartment. Taking one last look at his old home, Sirus resolved himself to his new life, his life with the homeless girl who could shrink and grow anything at will.

© Copyright 2021 NRawk (nrawk at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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