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Rated: E · Short Story · Activity · #2264039
Gingerbrave and crew was bested by crepe countless times and decided there fed up with it
Gingerbrave: I’ve had it! No matter how many times we come at her...she always beats us! And now... I’m trying somthing else!

Strawberry : please calm down... I’m sure we can do somthing a little less harsh than this...

Gingerbrave: I’m sorry too... but I’ve made up my mind on this

Chili pepper : yeah me too! I just wanna see what treasure is in the upcoming castle!

Wizard : and especially my vengeance for the destruction of the vanilla kingdom!

Strawberry : ...fine...but please...don’t over do it...

Gingerbrave: I’ll try...now let’s get that little brat!

All 3: YEAH!

Strawberry: yeah...(sigh)

5 minutes later

Gingerbrave: hey crepe! We’re back

Strawberry crepe: oh... nice to see you back...so you want your butts handed to you again? Becuase is love to do that!

Gingerbrave: that’s what you think! (Picks up tank)

Strawberry crepe: pfft...you think because you got a new weapon will make you strong enough to beat me?...I mind as well crush you n...

Gingerbrave: think fast! (Throws tank)

Strawberry crepe: huh?

B O N K!

Strawberry crepes head:”ow.... those cookies have some real nerve doing that to me! When I get my h....wait a second...why can’t I move?”

Strawberry crepe: (looks down)

Strawberry crepes head: “GAH! M-my body! I’m... I’m inflating! Ngh! I can’t stop it!”

Strawberry crepes stomach: (guuurgle)

Strawberry crepes head: “I’m getting bigger by the second!” W-where are the wafflebots?! Where is anyone!? Somebody!? Anyone!? HELP ME!!”

Gingerbrave: ah good...it actually worked....all we can do is sit back and watch the show...

Strawberry: aren’t you gonna stop it when she gets too big?

Gingerbrave: I am...but she isn’t at the limit isn’t she? I’ll do it when the time comes...maybe we can mess around with her after

Custerd: wouldn’t she deflate like a party balloon when the tanks removed?

Gingerbrave: if I force her to swallow it...she’s gonna be stuck like that. I want her to learn her lesson really good!

Custerd: ok... I’m just a little worried for her...she’s blowing up pretty fast...

Strawberry crepes stomach: (creeeeak...)

Strawberry crepes head: ngh...so full...i can’t take it anymore...please...have some mercy gingerbrave..”.

Strawberry crepes stomach: (RUMBLE...)

Strawberry crepes head: “mmh!...so....tight!...I can’t...hold it!...”

Strawberry crepes stomach: (GROOOOAN! CREEEAK!)

Strawberry crepes head: “I’m...gonna...”

(Gingerbrave walks up)

Strawberry crepes head:”....wha?....”

Gingerbrave: (removes tank and covers crepes mouth)

Strawberry crepe: mmph?

Gingerbrave: (places hand on chin and hand on forhead...)

Strawberry crepe: gulp...

Gingerbrave: there we go!

Strawberry crepe: w-what have you done to me!?

Gingerbrave: I was tired of getting walloped by you... so I used this weird tank I found to take the easy way out...

Strawberry crepe: that’s not fair! I don’t wanna be a balloon! You cheated!

Gingerbrave: I’m sorry... do you wanna know how it feels for your body to tear apart?

Chili pepper: isn’t that a little much?

Strawberry crepe: no wait!! We don’t have to resort to that! I don’t wanna burst! Please have a little heart!

Gingerbrave: that’s what I thought...

Strawberry crepe: phew....ok...you win....just go to the timeless kingdom and leave me alone... it was better being the only cookie around anyways...

Gingerbrave: I’m not gonna do that! Why not join ours?

The others: yeah!

Strawberry crepe: r-really?

Gingerbrave: sure! I think you’ll like it

Strawberry crepe: w-wow...I’m actually gonna meet other cookies...but... I don’t want them to see me like this...it’s embarrassing enough being like this... can I please go back to normal...

Gingerbrave: * yawn* sorry but... we’ve been fighting and fighting all day... were beat! It’s gonna have to wait till tomorrow...

Strawberry crepe: ok... I guess I can tolerate it a little longer... if your gonna use me to rest on...I’m begging you... be gentle... my tummy is not ok with this...

Gingerbrave: we can try but no gurantees!

Strawberry crepe: I’m fine with it..

The end

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