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Rated: XGC · Chapter · Adult · #2264542
naruto and hinata learn more about themselves and about the world around them
Naruto awoke to the sounds of running water, still naked from the night before. With a groan he looked over at the bedside clock and was shocked to find it read 8am. Surprised that he had slept so late, as he sat up, he noticed that the other side of his bed looked slept on. Something that took a moment for him to realize what that actually meant. Suddenly his eyes shot open as wide as they could, as his head slowly turned towards the bathroom door. The thought of ‘OH SHIT’ screamed in his head as he realized that everything that happened the previous night was real.

‘Of, course it was. Including OUR conversation.’

A deep voice said in his mind, a voice that he knew all too well. His burden, his curse, the reason he was hated, the dreaded Kyuubi no Kitsune. The beast rarely ever spoke to him like this, and it was quite troubling to him that it was doing so now. Mainly due to the fact that it meant that the beast had pulled both Hinata and himself into his mindscape last night.


As the pair slept, they suddenly found themselves in a sewer, lit by dim lights. Standing there in an unknown place, naked as the day she was born with a much smaller stomach than she fell asleep with. Unconsciously covering her chest embarrassed, she looked around for a way out of this place. Naruto on the other hand knew where he was, the cage/seal of the reason he was always alone. Turning around he saw the massive bars that held the beast, along with the seal that kept it locked in. Naruto's face twisted in anger, as this was the last place he wanted to be. especially, since his dream of him and now Hinata being served massive bowls of ramen by a sad Sakura dressed in a maid costume. Before she fell into Hinata's bowl and was eaten by her. But before he could go any further with his dream, he was pulled here. With an angered grumble he was about to shout out why the hell did the fox bring him here when he noticed that him and the beast weren’t alone. Looking over he saw that the girl he had just fucked nearly unconscious, was standing there still naked with a much smaller belly and looking a bit plushier. The sight was enough to cause a nosebleed from the teen, one that made him worry if he could bleed out in here.

“No, you can’t ningen”

A voice says from the darkened side of the cage, making both of the teens focus on the speaker. As they peered into the darkness, a set of large red slitted eyes stared back at them. The sound of it shifting within the cage, put the pair on edge as they wondered what the beast was doing. The snout of the canine soon appeared at the gate and its owner looked back and forth between the teens before it just smiled a very devious Cheshire-like grin.

“Well, well, it seems my container has done something quite interesting. Hadn’t figured you bold enough, nor dumb enough to actually fuck a dangerous predator like you did. But color me impressed.”

The kyuubi said as it crossed its front paws, truly amused that the teen screwed the fem pred in such a manner. In its millennia of existence long before the age of the villages or even the warring states, it had come across various creatures just like this girl before it. And in its long experience it had always found them so much fun, but others did not. In fact, her favorite group of them known as the vorrii had built an entire powerful queendom empire of that day, all around their ability to consume others and absorb their victims' chakra and strength. However, they were soon toppled by a unified front of the humans of that day, who were quick to put those predators to the sword. In the Kyuubi opinion it was a real shame, as it would sometimes join them while in a humanoid Fox form to have some fun. As thoughts of those crazy redheads ran through its mind, it still found it funny that while the ningen of that day tried their best. They were unable to truly end the bloodline of the feared eaters, and it seemed that one of that bloodline now stood stark naked in front of it.

“Hey, you stupid fox, don’t talk about Hinata-chan like that, she’s not dangerous.”

Naruto shouts back at his prisoner, how dare it talk about his…he paused as he wondered what they actually were to each other now. Meanwhile, Hinata on the other hand was just as upset but not about being called a predator. But at the fact she was indeed dangerous to the love of her life, as thoughts of her one day being unable to control her urges and actually eat him or god forbid their children. And while the thought of children with Naruto made her blush. She knew due her ability to eat others would mean that she wouldn’t ever be able to have more than just one-night stands, if she wanted to keep her loved ones safe. A thought that saddened her to the point she almost hadn’t heard when the tail beast spoke once more.

“Hm…shows what you know, ningen. She is quite dangerous, in fact right this moment she is worried that one day she might eat you and any of the children you may have.”

It said, shocking the girl from her own thoughts. The look on her face brought another smile to the beast's face. But for all the fun it was having, it needed to get to the point of why this meeting was called. Looking directly at the fretting young woman, it once again spoke.

“Fret not vixen, you need not worry for your mate nor offspring as I have taken the foresight of correcting that little problem. For you see I've supercharged the kit's ability to heal, which was already substantially high to begin with. So now he can quite literally survive anything, short of taking me out of him. And so long as a single cell of the Uzumaki exists and there is chakra around, we will survive and come back….”

It paused for a second to let the information sink in for the young woman. Who began to realize what the beast was implying. A few tears began to fall from her eyes, as happiness filled her. She was grateful for this opportunity the kyuubi had given her, a real chance to have her man and possibly eat him too. Well so long as he fucked her into oblivion before she chowed down on him, which she was more than happy to have him do. As her thoughts became more and more pervy by the second a trail of blood leaked from her nose, while a bright red blush adorned her cheeks. She started unconsciously rubbing her legs together and gained a goofy perverted grin. One that reminded Naruto of the times when pervy sage would find what he called prime research candidates. Normally when his teacher got in this type of mood, he would be trying to escape, but for some reason he only wanted to get closer to her. To hold her close, to care for her, and never leave her side. As those thoughts flowed through the male’s mind, the kyuubi spoke up once again.

“And that ningen is why she is so dangerous. You're already under her sway."

The teen's face scrunched up in confusion, unsure as to what the beast was speaking of. Looking back at the young woman, nothing screamed danger to him. Seeing its container staring at the predator with a nosebleed trying to figure out what it was talking about. The kyuubi was forced to shake its head in annoyance, figuring it better just explain its point out right.

"Ningen, it's her pheromones. They make her seem harmless, weak, and defenseless. All the while hiding her predatory nature until it's too late. And because of you mating with her their effects have tripled."

It said causing both teens to look at the tailed beast with wide eyes. Seeing the shocked look brought yet another smile to its face.

"Due to her still being unable to control herself yet, and you not being used to it. Everything she from now and into the near future will seem attractive to you, almost like a form of mind control. At the moment she could quite literally tell you she was hungry, and you would go out and find her a meal if not just feed yourself to her. Something I would prefer not to happen at least while I'm still here. A bit of my predator's pride if you will."

It says in a sagely tone, to it this was nothing but common knowledge. However, to the two humans in front of this was quite the revelation. Hinata for the fact that she had just that much control over him, and Naruto for the fact that whatever pheromones were, they were why he was so into everything she had done lately. And possibly why he was having the urge to watch her shit out her current meal and help her find another one. That thought brought a blush to his face, embarrassed by some of the kinks he had picked up on his journey. Before he was just going to pin this kink on something Jiraiya had talked about. But now that he knew that this particular fetish was all his, it dawned on him that he had this certain one ever since that snake incident in the forest of death. Just now it involved a hot, sexy and kind woman who could mind control him into her mouth. Looking at the buji he had more than a few questions for it.

“Hey, you stupid fox, what do you mean the effects have tripled. What the hell in pharamons and hell do you mean she can mind control me.”

He shouted in typical Naruto fashion. Rudely insulting the very thing that held the answers he sought after, but he was getting tired of not understanding what was happening. He needed to know what his life was devolving into, now that he was back in the village. And the fox knew this look in his container's eyes, this was the very look it saw the very first time they had met. The look that dared to challenge it, to peer deep within its eyes and not ever blink. Fearless, strong, and uncaring that the monster before it was a predator. Although at that time he did not know of that, the young boy of that time dared to try and trick it out of its own chakra. An action that earned a little respect for the prey it knew as Naruto. Its toothy smile quickly became a devious smirk, as a rather fun idea popped into the kyuubi’s head. If the kits in front of it wanted some answers, oh the mightiest of the tailed beast would give them some. Not just to the answers they wanted to know, but also to questions they had yet to ask.

“First thing prey, my name is not fox, nor is it furball, or kyuubi. Kyuubi is simply a title. My true name is Kurama; however…”

The beast now known as Kurama said before taking a pause. Suddenly the massive red fox eyes disappeared into the darkness and the sound of high heeled feet was heard walking up to the bar. Replacing the sight of a kaiju sized fox, was the figure of a humanoid. A woman by the look of it. The figure stood a tall 6’8 with a voluptuous frame, long slender but muscular legs, wide hips, a rather sender waistline, two massive g cup breasts, a sultry gorgeous face with dangerously alluring eyes. But the main thing that stood out more than her body, was the pair of foxlike ears on the top of her head and the nine crimson red tails that flowed behind her. In the opinion of the two teens, she was the most beautiful creature they had ever laid eyes upon.

She did not just walk up to the bars of the seal absolutely naked, no instead she just walked out between them with a predatory smirk on her face. One that left both the teen’s mind scrambling between wanting to run away and bowing down to worship at the feet of this creature who was giving off a dominating queen’s aura. As she stood just outside the seal, hands on her hips jutting out her large round non sagging breasts. She knew that she had broken the minds of the lovers. As both were gawking at her primal beauty with blood leaking from their noses and drool from their mouths. Clearing her throat she snapped them to full attention, and suddenly their bodies dropped to their knees in seiza position without either of the teens wanting to. their bodies were forcing them to look up at her with fear and reverence, ready to do anything this creature would command if only to be spared its wrath. An action that caused her to smile, as she always loved the way her commanding aura nearly all who felt it automatically submissive to her.

“In this form I am known as Kurama Tamamo Ōtsutsuki, queen of the Biju and apex predator of this world. You will show due respect, prey!”

Tamamo says as she grabbed the throat of her container bringing his face up to hers. She stared angrily into the struggling teens eyes as she bared the full weight of her imposing aura on him. Trying with all the might he could muster to break her grip, he quickly found that it was far too strong for him. So instead, he turned his angry gaze at her, figuring that if she was going to end him. He wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of seeing him scared. As the pair stared into each other's eyes, neither faltering, neither backing down. Even after she tightens her grip allowing her sharp nails to dig into his skin. The teen just gritted his teeth from the pain, and never broke his gaze.

They didn't even blink as they continued their contest of wills. Hinata sitting to the side knew not of what to do, as she struggled to break free of whatever was causing her body to lock up like this. And while she struggled, the contest went on as the tall predator intensified its gaze. Trying to break the 16-year-old prey before her. However, no matter how hard she glared; the teen would match it in defiance. Something that slowly brought a smile to her face, until she was full blown laughing. An action that confused the poor teens, but the creature's next action truly threw them for a loop.

Kurama brought teen even closer, smashing his lips into her pouty ones. His eyes widened in shock, as he soon felt her tongue forcing its way into his mouth. Figuring why fight it, he melted into the impromptu make out session. And as the pair's tongues danced with each other, the lone hyuuga looked on in shock and anger. Surprised that the love of her life was full on making out with a centuries old fox, and angry due to the fact she realized that she had yet to kiss him herself.

The kiss came to an end with the Amazonian woman, biting the lower lip of the male drawing blood. With the taste of blood in her mouth, she threw the boy on his ass and licked the rest of his blood off with a pleasured moan. Looking down she saw that he was at his full 14in attention, a sight that sent a shiver up her spine. A licking her lips once more she began to get wrapped up admiring her handy work. Wondering when she would get to feel her plaything in all of her holes.

However, before she could get too deep into her fantasizing, a soft voice gained her attention.

"Ano...kyu...i mean Kurama-sama you were trying to explain something to us."

Hinata said in a respectful tone, the last thing she wanted was to piss off a Biju. Kurama looked over at the girl who was just now starting to rise to her feet. A smile dawned back on the nine tail's face, as she was glad that she was right that Hinata had the potential she was looking for. With a wave of her hand three chairs, a table and some snacks appeared in front of them all. Taking a seat in the biggest of the chairs she grasped a cup of herbal tea and crossed her legs in a figure four style so that you could still see her genital area. Taking a sip of her tea, she enjoyed its rich flavor for a second. Before she noticed that neither of the teens had bothered to take a seat, which in her opinion was quite rude. She motioned for them to take a seat, causing the pair to look at one another in confusion. With Hinata's instincts telling her to do whatever the bigger predator said to avoid punishment, she quickly sat down and took a cup of tea. Naruto on the other hand just followed what he saw Hinata do, though he wasn’t in the mood for tea.

As she looked at the now sitting pair, she wondered just where she should begin to tell them what she knew. Looking at the ever-defiant Naruto, she figured that maybe she should start with her less than genius container. Just to make sure that one of her favorite idiots actually comprehends.

“So, I guess I should start at the beginning for our less than knowledgeable members here.”

She says before summoning a bowl of miso ramen to quell the coming rant which works almost instantly. And soon as he tried to start eating, the bowl was suddenly pulled away from him. Drawing his ire to her once more

“I need you to pay attention, can you do that?" She asked the teen, who simply nodded wanting to get at the bowl of ramen. Rolling her eyes in annoyance she figured that was going to be the best response she received from him. Letting him have the bowl back, she continued her explanation.

"So, first off I will start with the what. Now in the world there exist beings that are human, yokai or what have you that are able to consume others using their pheromones to hunt. We call them Preds. There are different kinds throughout the world that use various means to draw in their food. But the common link is they all use their pheromones to control their meals.”

She said looking at both of the lovers. While Hinata started with an intense interest, Naruto was only halfway listening. Partly because he was eating ramen, and other because he didn’t really get what she was talking about. But when she started to speak again, he did try and listen a bit harder.

“Now me and Hinata here are two different kinds of preds. While my pheromones and aura cause those who are around it, to become submissive to me. Your vixen Hinata on the other hand is far more dangerous in my opinion and far more fun.”

Kurama says, causing the girl to sit closer, the Biju figured that this would be the first time Hinata had ever heard of what she could do. Smiling, Kyuubi continued.

“Her pheromones like I said earlier make those around her feel like she is harmless, defenseless, and soft. Which in turn causes them to drop their guard, allowing her to pounce at will. And after they have eaten, their pheromones make everyone around them docile. To the point they think the pred with their full stomach is just the normal thing. it's really unfair in my opinion.”

This was news to Hinata, she always wondered why after she had discovered her talent. Why the one time she had gotten caught by a family taking out a target. They had treated her like it was nothing to see her stuff a full-grown woman down her throat. Sadly, she had to eat the trio, afterward as she wasn’t allowed to leave witnesses. A blush dawned on her face as she remembered how tasty they were and how good they felt coming out as her stool. And as that thought crossed her mind, she shrunk down in embarrassment that she enjoyed eating that family. She really hoped she wouldn’t have to eat Naruto, but if she did, she was going to be sure she was pregnant with his child first.

“Remembering a past meal, are we?”

Hinata heard Kurama say, and she snapped back from her memories with a new nosebleed. Her look of being caught with her hand in the cookie jar, was enough to gain a giggle from the primal looking woman. Deciding to ease the girl’s mind she used the girl’s action as her segway to the next type of being.

“Don’t worry we all have those memories, that brings us to the next type of beings. those who don’t eat, those we pred call the prey. They are the hunted, although most don’t know they are prey. And just like wolves taking down a deer, or lionesses eating a gazelle we pred sustain ourselves off of the prey we eat. So don’t feel too bad about eating and shitting them out, without them preds would starve.”

The nine tails says hoping to quell some of the girl's nervousness about what she was. Some preds who grew up without others like themselves, had this same kind of conundrum within themselves. They grew up playing by the rules of the prey, when they had a whole different set, they needed to live by. It was a fine line to walk, but no one said that as a pred you had to be a monstrous killer. This was a lesson that she hoped to teach the Hyūga girl. But now that she had told them the basics, now came the advanced lessons. Something that made her roll her eyes, at the thought of making sure that Naruto understood her.

“Now that I've told you the basics, I can tell you about what happened between you two….”

She paused and looked directly at Naruto, who had a mouth full of noodles at that moment. A stern look from the powerful vixen got him to quickly slurp up the remnants of what he had put in his mouth. Putting his hand behind his head he laughed nervously, making the fox roll her eyes once more.

“But first let me ask, how did you two first meet?”

She asked before she took another sip of her tea, while Hinata did the same and was shocked that it tasted of cinnamon buns and naru cum her two favorite flavors. A blush appeared on her face as she took another big sip and began to think about the day she first met her love. The Uzumaki teen began to think back to the day they met as well, and quickly gave his answer.

“Wasn’t it at the academy, that day we had that sparring tournament?

He said remembering the day that their sensei had them do a sparring tournament, she did fine that entire day. Until they had gotten paired together and she suddenly turned beet red and fainted after he’d accidentally brushed past her chest with a palm strike. He had thought he had hurt her somehow and started to panic. And as he thought back to those times, he realized how much of an idiot he had been for not realizing that she liked him. All the times she’d been nervous around him, the glances he thought someone was taking at him was most likely her. After all she’d been the only girl from their class who hadn’t been chasing after Sasuke, he thought it was because she was interested in someone else. Who knew it was him?

However, as he thought back to his even dumber days, Hinata started to remember the actual first time. And it seemed that it would be up to her to remind him of their meeting

“Ano…actually it was back when we were 4, it was snowing, and it was the day of my uncle's funeral and I had ran away. I thought it was my fault that he died, and a lot of the adults were saying that it was.”

She said with tears in her eyes as she remembered that sad day. However, she couldn’t wallow in the pain. No, she had to push through the pain and remind her love of the first day she laid eyes on him.

“I was crying and got lost, but this blonde-haired boy found me, and this strange feeling started in my chest and stomach. Like hot butterflies that started in my torso and soon spread over my entire body. All as this boy who i just met comforted me and guided me back to my home. Every Time i saw him since then he was always pushing forward despite everything against him. It's why I started to look up to him, why I admired him; why I wanted to do anything to stand beside him always; why I fell for him.”

She said with a full body blush occurring as she confessed her feelings. Figuring that they had already slept together, she might as well tell him the truth. As she waited for his response, he sat there stunned that she was the one from that day. That he had affected her that much, he wasn’t sure of how to proceed from here. But all he knew now is that he wanted to be actually worthy of her. Meanwhile, kyuubi had put the final pieces of the puzzle together.

“ah, that explains it. I know now what happened.”

Kurama announces to the pair breaking them from their thoughts with a clap of her hands. Never had she heard of such a thing, like the situation she happened to be a part of. It was almost like the convoluted plot of a porn novel, well if a novel about preds and prey existed. Both of the teens looked at her when she said what she did, waiting for her to explain what she had figured out. It took her a second to snap back from congratulating herself to realize that she hadn’t told them yet.

“Oh…right. Ok now Hinata I'm guessing that you had no clue that you were a pred back then, and that even now you are just learning about this subject?”

She asked, gaining a nod in response, she smiled as she continued.

“Ok then I'm oddly happy to tell you that you two are pretty much married to each other and possibly have been since the day you met.”

The fox said with a happy grin, pausing to let the pair be completely taken off guard by her revelation. The pair looked at each other for a quick second before turning away with full body blushes. As neither one of them could believe the foxes words. Sure, they both thought that their lustful session was fun, and they would be open to exploring where an actual relationship might go. But to hear that they were somehow married, they seemed almost ready to take a page out of Hinata's book and faint. Watching the pair squirm in their minds was quite fun for Kurama as neither knew of what to do with this new information. However, in seeing them about to blow a gasket, the ancient fox decided to clarify.

“Okay as funny as it would be to watch you two faints, I guess I'll clarify it for you guys. So, while there are preds and prey out in the world, there also happens to be another type of being. A very rare one. They are known as pred hunters, and Naruto happens to be one.”

She says gaining their attention, both of the teens' minds grateful to have a new subject to focus on and one that hopefully would explain everything.

“Now pred hunters are just a name we give these types of beings. For the most part, most of these types don’t actually hunt down preds. In my opinion it's a really dumb name, but I was overruled on it.

The fox said with a huff despite it being thousands of years later she was still upset about the ruling. The teens both gained confused looks on their faces, unsure if they should agree with her or not. As she hadn’t actually told them what a pred hunter was.

“Any who, a pred hunter isn’t a pred as they do not and cannot consume. Nor are they vulnerable prey. However, they have developed a defensive ability that is hard for us preds to beat. They produce special pheromones like we do, ones that make it harder to eat them…

The Biju paused for dramatic effect, and both of the teens leaned closer to make sure to hear what kind of ability could scare preds. She had been getting quieter and quieter with every sentence as if she was telling a ghost story. And when she was sure that she had their full attention, she finished her statement.

“They make us horny.”

The fox says the last part like it was nothing and both ninjas fall out of their chairs. She let out a snicker at the sight of them picking themselves up grumbling, as neither could believe why such an ability was so strong against the preds. When they were back in their chairs, she continued her tale of the eaters and the eaten.

“Now you’re probably saying how can making preds horny be debilitating. But trust me it is. Because it's not your everyday horny. Not your average I'll just rub one out and it will all be fine type of horny. No, it's the ready to rip off both of your clothes in the middle of town and screw their brains out type. Do you know how hard it is to try and eat someone, when all you can think about being that close to them is getting into their pants and fucking them for all you can. That is what they can do to us preds. And that is what he has been doing to you for years.”

The oldest in the room says, pointing at Naruto for the last part. Who looked at Hinata with raised hands. he had not been trying to make the girl feel like that. But for Hinata to find out that her feeling for him was because of both of their natures and not because she actually liked him was a devastating blow for her. One that sat clearly on her face so easily that even a knucklehead like Naruto could understand that she was upset.

When the ancient beast saw her fellow preds expression, she couldn’t help but feel for the girl and needed to make sure that the Hyūga actually understood.

“Hinata. Let me be clear. On the night you two met, his body sensed that you were a pred and your body sensed that he was what he was. So, you both marked each other. His effect on you was the initial infatuation that grew into actual feelings for him, some of them you did not understand then. But your feelings now are genuine, as most preds don’t think about having their prey’s children or marrying them or most importantly not killing their partner.

She said to the girl giving a bit of comfort to the poor young woman. She was still feeling a little conflicted, but she was better than she had been just a few seconds ago. With some of the damage from her statement averted. Tamamo turned her attention over to the retreating boy, who was feeling sorry that his hormones were messing with Hinata like they did. He never meant to lead her on and not realize it. And while he hadn’t really known how she was before, now that he did, he was feeling more than willing to figure things out between them. Especially now that she was starting to take the spot of Sakura in his heart. Those thoughts made the kitsune smile as they were the ones she was about to discuss with the teen.

“And her effect on you was that most other females would be turned away due to the scent the mark on your hand gave off. It's the main reason your precious Sakura-chan wasn’t into you, as you already had been claimed. Which was a great thing for you as you might have fucked her to death the first time you slept with her.”

The great beast says with her last line sounding like it was her stating a well-known fact. She arose from her chair and walked around back behind the blue haired girl. And as he rose up himself to get the fox woman to explain what the hell she was talking about. He found himself distracted by the sight of the tall vixen groping the other girl's breast, as once again his pole came to full mass. Hinata looked as if she wanted to protest against her fellow preds molestation, however the woman was expertly kneading and toying with her chest marshmallows. Rubbing her aroused and sensitive nipples, Kurama was happily shocked to learn that the girl was leaking milk from them. Thinking that this girl just kept getting better and better, the fox continued with the reason why she was actually using Hinata's boobs.

“Mou Naruto-kun, let's not worry about your teammate right now. Especially in front of Hinata and her massive, soft and luscious milky white boobs right here.”

She says as she begins to lift them up and down one at a time so that the extra fat rubs into the other. Which was causing Hinata to heat up and bite one of her knuckles. due to the fact that her breast had become quite sensitive from them growing thanks to the nutrients her Iwa meal was giving her. As the fox kept playing with her fellow preds pillowy soft breast, it decided to get to the main point of telling them everything she had.

“Now why would you want that snack, when a full course meal is in front of you. And you're perfect for one another and for this deal I have planned for you both.”

She says before she stops groping the girl and walked away. Hinata moaned from the sudden lack of touching and was warming up to the idea of trying for another round. Maybe this time with a certain foxy lady involved, she thought while licking her lips. Although she was curious what kind of deal the fox was offering.

*Flashback ends

As he started to remember the discussion they had about the fox's deal, Naruto was brought back to the present by the sound of the bathroom door opening. Looking over to see his lover walking out with a large white towel wrapped tightly around her torso and drying her long blue hair with another. The sight was enough to cause the teens jaw to drop and drool, and for his pole to stand at attention. As he took in her natural beauty, he started to wonder what he saw in Sakura.

Hinata came from her shower with a rather sultry idea of waking her Naruto with a blow job for him and some Naru batter for breakfast. However, she was saddened to find that he was already awake, but he seemed to be totally enamored with her still damp form. A smile dawns on her face as another idea comes to her, dropping the towel she was using to dry her hair. Hinata started to walk over to the bed, swaying her freshly widened hips with every step. Slipping her fingers into the tuck she made to hold her towel, she opened the drying cloth and gave her new man the full view of her new curves. Bringing her hands down to her stomach, she lifted her left over pudge and gave it a squeeze for her audiance.

“Ano..Naruto-kun it seems that you didn’t help me work all of him off last night, care to try again?”

She says, pushing the other teen back onto the bed, and begins to climb on top of him. Settling with her hips over his, she ran her hands over Naruto’s muscled body enjoying tracing each of the contours of his torso. After she felt them, a powerful urge to taste them overcame her. And she leaned over and dragged her tongue up the middle of his body, nearly orgasming from his sheer taste. Continuing her licking up to his neck, she planted kisses going up his jaw line before capturing the lips of her love. The pair melted into their official first kiss and each had the same thought. They wanted to do this forever, and they never wanted to part from the other from this moment on. And as their tongues began to battle, Hinata felt his rod grinding against her lower lips. It was knocking at her door, and she was more than willing to let it in. not bothering stopping their kissing, she sent one hand back and guided the tip into her vagina. Moaning as the organ entered hers, she was enjoying the full feeling of having him back inside her.


She goes as Naruto grabs handfuls of her plump ass and begins to pump in and out of her. Getting up to a steady rhythm, he was sad that she broke the kiss to sit up. But his sadness was quickly replaced with the sight of every time his hips met her plump ass, jiggles rippled upward through her pump flesh. Making him want to pound her even harder, which helped him reach once more his favorite spot, her hot womb. The moment he entered what he called his spot, his lover's eyes crossed in pleasure as she started slamming her hips into his thrust wanting him to go deeper.

She screamed out more! For him to go faster and harder and more importantly deeper, all as she was building to her first climax for the day. And like a good partner he listened and pistoned his love deeper and faster. He could feel her beginning to tighten as she soon threw back her head with a loud scream of pleasure. While she rode out her orgasm, Naruto tried to still keep pumping towards his own. With her velvet cave squeezing tightly, try as he did to outlast her peak. He soon found himself joining her in screaming in pleasure as he too came and began to pump an another gallons worth of cum into her. Causing her belly to bloat out once more, making her look four months pregnant. And as she fell over on his chest catching her breath, the added bonus of the extra pressure made it feel all the much more pleasurable. Smiling from the feeling and after catching their breath, the couple continued on for several more hours of fun, screams and cum.

Rolling over to her side, she unsattled off of Naruto covered in sweat and was out of breath once more. Her gut now engorged similar to what it was the night before, only this time she was full of cum. She looked at him with loving eyes and placed a hand at her pussy to gather some of his seed for a snack. However, she found that very little was leaking from her creampie. Which disappointed her as she was looking forward to some Naru seed before she had some Naru meat. But still it was time for what she hoped would be the first of many times of eating her love.

Capturing his lips with another kiss, she began to make out with him once more. Only this time her lips began to spread over his head as she used her hands to pull him closer. And instead of fighting against her eating of him, he put his hands up to her mouth so that he could help climb in. Engulfing his entire head, she swallowed and grabbed underneath his arms and pulled more of him towards her mouth. With his hands now in her mouth, Naruto pulled himself deeper into his love. Thinking back to what was one of things Kyuubi wanted them to do, he remembered that she had wanted Hinata to eat him so some of Kyuubi's power and some of his own could be passed over. So that Hinata would have a link to both of them, and he could always know she was safe. Especially if the Akatsuki could potentially attack her to get to him. So, he would put his trust in both Hinata and Kyuubi, that this will go according to plan, and he would survive this. After all he still needed to become Hokage, and still needed to fuck Hinata a whole lot more times, with both prey in her stomach and without. That and he hoped to see his favorite Hyūga shit out his old corpse.

As she pulled the rest of his arms into her waiting mouth, she was trying to keep herself from moaning at his taste. She wanted more of him inside her, and she wanted to do this a lot more. As great of a fuck and meal he was to her, she still loved him and wanted to be with him as a actual couple. Not just as fat on her chest and ass. Reaching down she grabbed his hips and shoved the rest of her meal's chest into her maw with a mighty gulp. As she reached his erect dick, she used her long tongue to maneuver the engorged rod to slide into her mouth without hurting him. And to her joy, as he slid in, he came in her mouth. Which in her opinion enhanced his already exquisite flavor, but she needed to finish her meal. With another swallow she took him into his knees, bringing both of her hands up to grab the rest of him. And as she started to swallow his feet, the door to his apartment burst open and Tsunade came in yelling.

“You stupid brat, we been getting noise complaints al…”

The busty Hokage starts to yell when the sight of the last bit Naruto sinks into Hinata. And was when all hell broke loose.
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