Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2273481-My-sword-and-shield
by Nanda
Rated: 13+ · Letter/Memo · Emotional · #2273481
In the midst of all the chaos, words will set me free
Facebook gives some of the most vile people these false wings of importance. It’s comical to see the desperation for validation played as nonchalantly as it is. This is the primary reason I’ve deemed it a cesspool for so long and why I’ve stayed away. It can be an insult to reality. A made up world where abusers can post about the Buddha and Jesus and get praised for their faith. A place where ignorance/ substance abuse/ and inhumanity can mask as decent and well liked human beings. A place where bad can get celebrated wearing the facade of good. Some of us have known you our whole lives unfortunately. Your blatant efforts to disguise are quite see through. Inflicting pain on the vulnerable, enabling others to continue and hush any abuse and the reality of a real baaaaaaad group of people who share the same last name. Then you celebrate life with a beer in your hand. Ha, you will meet your “maker”. The evasion of the consequences of your actions will only come back ten fold when it’s time for you to be held accountable for the actual person that you were in life. So inebriated by your hearts and likes, shameless too at it. Sad, old, remorseless and desperate. You get back what you put into the world, the way that you treat people matters. You might evade accountability for your cowardice actions now but you will get back all the good and all the bad that you put into the world. This is the law and the rule of life . This you can’t escape. But in the meantime, people like me exist to make sure cruelty isn’t inflicted. To Make sure to speak up when it’s necessary, to come face to face with these types and stare them directly in their coward eyes and ask “ What now Motherf*cker, let’s talk.” To be deemed as “difficult and problematic” for standing up for myself and others. The beautiful thing about it all is that The evil is so weak and brittle. It can’t even withstand basic human conversation, it instantly pulls out its shield of hate and ignorance and tries attacking/ making up falsehoods/ throwing spears/ acquiring backup from other evil enabling individuals. All this because a conversation was sparked to acknowledge truth. Evil is weak and powerless and tools like Facebook help give it false confidence. Real people who are good are able to have honest conversations with one another about difficult things. Real people who are good know that no matter what disability someone has they have a right to be treated with kindness, respect, compassion, love, and basic human decency. Some of us come from bad places but all that does is give us motivation to be the exact opposite of what we come from. Evil like that doesn’t stay contained without the help of extended people who may not necessarily be abusive but are complicit in the act because they help hide it. I am here to use my voice once again. I am here to remind them that I am here and have been here all along just wholeheartedly present in my own life. Unconcerned with attention and popularity.
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