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Rated: XGC · Fiction · Erotica · #2274834
Part 1 of Sylphi's origin saga. Reverend Tsunzale hunts for the 'Succubat of Rymoa'.
                                                 Hell's Angel: Part 1
.15}With the gentle clinking of the articulated plates of his greeves and the mail-and-plates of
{linespace:1.15.0}the kote sleeves strapped on his arms- a draconic war-priest landed in a forest clearing. He
lifted a hand, channeling energy as he looked around and began investigating an abandoned
camp as he reported his findings to his home monastery, his voice thickly Celtic, "This is
Tsunzale. I think I found more evidence of this 'Man-eating Succubat of Rymoa'. This one
wasn't the usual one off, but an entire group.", having been receiving reports of missing
2.0}persons with few traces of them.          
         Perplexed, the copper scaled dragon lifted bowler hat to scratch his head as he
looked around at signs of a fairly large group, with scuffs all about, but no signs of fight such
as blood or lost limbs. There were many claw marks, as if things were being pulled into
something. He reported this, "Signs of struggle, but those of combat are mariginal. Likely a
vore predator. There are central draw points as the victims were pulled into something- or
someone.", he then saw cages. The doors were open. And those wouldn't be the only thing
as he examined them.
.15}          He also noticed trees nearly bare and many leaves scattered across the ground.
         As he channeled enough mana to do so, his eyes began to glow as he activated his
Second Sight. All life forms of his world had mana to at least some degree, each their own
signature that the most gifted could sift through. He felt many different signatures being
pulled to one dark one as he scanned the residual traces of mana that they left, "Yeesh. Wow,
.15}yeah, this one is an abyss!"
         Tsunzale noticed some signatures go passed the predator, as if fleeing and let go,
"Interesting, I feel some residual footprints of this predator as if the prisoners were let out-
Looks like we have a 'voregilante' as it were, for this is one pred that is not entirely cold as
stone, it appears."
.15}          Then felt trace mana of what felt like a powerful gale storm, "Likely gifted in wind
magic. Probably used some kind of 'Stun Wind' spell to neutralize their prey. Hmm, I wonder
about that given a legend I've heard of..."
He would return to his monestary to rest up and meditate.
The demoness flew in the night, and approached a cabin set in the outskirts of a town, "Such
a succulent mass of Libido energy!", she thought as she landed. Shining in the moonlight was
her curled and frazzled mane of silver hair, as did her maroon, red tinted dark skin shine on
her supple and curvy pear shape form. She folded the large bat wings that were on her back,
which were covered in fuzzy slate grey and silver fur.
         When she opened the door, her ruby red eyes shined exuberantly as her pink lips
grinned wickedly at the scene unfolding, she didn't need to even tell them to stop, "That's it,
keep going lovelies. As I'd like to get on it!"
         A steamy three-way was occurring on a bed. So deeply in a trance, hot and bothered,
that between the two taking their place at either side of a male, that they defied
conventional logic. It was a female and another male that was raping a rather lithe pink-
lavender colored wingless drake.
         The female was a light skinned demi-human wolf with wine red hair, ears, and tail
who had her cooter full of drake snout as she rode his face. The other male skunk was full
anthro with grey fur, cobalt blue stripes, and black accents. And like his demi-canine
companion, he didn't mount the drakes pink tipped white package stood free- for the skunk
thrusted his fat pink member into his tailhole to the hilt with his fluffy blue sack mushing
against the base of the drake's tail.
         The drake was at risk of being smothered, most of his head was in the vaginal tract of
the female, Ruby, literally suffocating in the sensual pressure and steamy fem-heat wafting
down his nostrils as she mashed his head in with a rhythmic bounce just as the skunk, Skye
continued to pound his tailhole.
         Despite this and other than some base and instinctual tightening and squirming of his
legs, and holding onto Ruby's knees and thighs in protest- this was about as hard as he
fought. For though his life was on the line, he was also deep down in the same ecstasy as his
rapists were as they held each other, lips suckling and trading tongues their emerald eyes
glazed over as they massaged their victim.
         The succubat was almost entranced herself as she watched the two went at it like
poetry in motion on top of Vel'Gahrus the drake, bouncing and rocking on top of them, with
their gorgeous forms. The demoness licked her lips as she slipped off her sandals, ribbon bra,
and thong and made my approach, "My what a feast you two are having- and are yourselves.
The Libido is quite the treat, I must say, but that is but an appetizer.", the succubus said as
she began to soak up the radiant sexual energy as she made her approach with a strut- her
engorged badonkadonk bouncing and jiggling with every seductive step.
         Skye found it himself to finally speak with a quiver as he looked at the demoness and
her lucious ass, "H-h-holy!..." "-Crap!", Ruby finished as the two stopped to a crawl, slack
jawed frozen by the unholy beauty before them with reverence.
         The demoness felt her third plaything underneath the demi-wolf was having an
internal struggle, hands quivering as he kept himself from clawing at the beauty's thighs for
survival as his eyes teared up with pressure as his breaths became more labored. How ironic
that such soft, cushy, and juicy walls of flesh appeared to also be his doom.
         "Well now, aren't we having ourselves some fun?", the demoness said as she
approached the trio, curtaining the two rapists with the leather membranous wings as she
placed a hand on the chest of their victim as she transmuted energy into oxygen into his
lungs. Like the mature features of her form with as well as subtle wrinkling of her eyes and
face, and her silver hair, her voice was seductive and mature, smooth and soft yet confident,
boasting a lady-like 'touch-of-grey' allure. As she gave Vel oxygen, she also soaked some
more energy from the rapists through her wings, soaking up up just enough to keep them
well conscious and coherent, but with none enough to fight back for what she had in mind.
         With a smile, the demoness heard the drake gasp and breath within Ruby's fleshy
feminine deaths, she playfully ran a finger down up the length of his exposed shaft's 'belly' "I
can't have such a cutey passing out on me now.", while the other two were confused as they
asked "Hey...speaking of which-" "-Whats going on?", Ruby started while Skye asked.
         Now it was their turns to be breathless as the demoness lifted a foot up with one of
her meaty legs, her thunder thighs and freckled DDD cup breasts were between them both.
Her breasts bounced and jiggled as she heaved heaved herself up, her ass was more firm
however. She gracefully maneuvered her wings as she turned about.
         Skye quivered in bliss as that massive ass turned to swing his way and didn't hesitate
to get his hands on them to caress, he trembled at the large and lucious ass, not just
massaging them to worship it physically and tend to it- but to watch the cushy ripples while
he also spread them apart to catch a glimpse at, "Good mother of...you have one of the
sexiest asses I've ever- mmm!", just as he began to regain coherence his mind began to snap
again as he took in all the glory before him and that oh so plump and pink asterisked
doughnut pucker found in the divine crevice! This made him ejaculate within the drake's ass
that his member was already within!
         And while he was in heaven taking up the succubat's rear, Ruby got the full frontal
treatment with those bountiful silky orbs that was the demons rack, "That's right, stay just
where you are."
         The two were quivered as she rolled and pressed her ass up against the skunk's chest
as she spoke, "Don't you worry down there, suger-drake."while she coaxed the demi-wolf's
head down her neck and chest, then her her cleavage, "I'll give that delectable rod the
attention it deserves in just a minute..."
         She felt each of the two rapists, with her right arm she glided her hand all about the
demi-wolf lady, feeling her supple flesh all about just as her left felt the fuzzy form of the
skunk behind her before placing a hand of either of her own breasts to press against Ruby's
         The succubat then growled with lusting hunger, "Alright now lovelies. What is it you
mortals like to say? Ah yes- let's get the party started!", she roared as she now shoved Skye's
face betwixt her cheeks and waddled it around at first, and it met no resistance as he let the
beauty begin to twerk against his head, meaty waves of flesh rolling around and clapping
against it! And at the very same time, the demoness coaxed the demi-wolf's head back up to
her face and two ladies locked lips. Ruby was bashful, her heart in her throat, but then
pressed passionately suckling. All the while the drake could feel and hear everything that
was going on, almost feeling left out until a mature lady's hand stroked his chest and belly.
         Just as the two ladies entwined tongues moaning with delight as they feasted on
each other's mouths and saliva- a tongue pierced the succubat's pucker as the ass-worshiping
skunk began to tongue-kiss her anus, "This is crazy you must... really absorb your food!", he
muffled against her ass as to his surprise the oily musk within her anus contained no
recognizable fecal matter, only nutty tasting oil that was reminiscent of old peanut butter.
Deep down, he dreamed of meeting his fate by being pulled into a luscious ass, and prayed
that this demonic goddess would deliver.
         His wish would be granted!
The predatory demon sprung after they each got their goodbye kisses to the world and
unhinged her jaw as she took the demi-wolf's head completely inside her mouth and gullet,
suckling and relishing her taste as she basted her head in saliva! Like the drake below, she
just couldn't find it in herself to fight that much, other than some instinctual clasping- but
was drained of energy, and just plain loved it deep down as she was being taken in like a
serpent Just as well, Skye couldn't help but burst outright, booming in her depths, "Yesss!
Fuck yes, I'm yours! Take me!!!"
         Now was the time to get the drake underneath in on the action as she pulled the
skunk up to his shoulders for a better grip and swung is hanging form back, his member being
freed from his own victim's tailhole to fold against the bed! She then crouched down, her
fluffy glistening silver and slate grey hair pie covered pink vaginal lips aimed what was also
rightfully hers- that light grey rod that was Vel's and lowered herself down with both prey
still being slurped up like a pair of noodles as she sat upon their victim's crotch as if it were
her throne and took his mast to the hilt!
         Once in position she made quicker work of the prey- as she shoveled in Ruby, her
form expanding to accommodate suckling every square inch and licking everything in reach
along the way- especially her cleavage and then her clit and vagina! Meanwhile Skye felt a
strange warmth as his flesh began to stick to that of the demoness'es rectal tract, and felt a
strange feeling throughout his form.
          Then it hit him- he was about to be gifted by becoming one with her ass! Aside from
numb tingling, he couldn't feel any pain! Not only was his dream of being sacrificed alive to
an ass being made real- he felt well aware, wear as others might have blacked out at this
point. Gradually the conscious flesh-puddy sunk and distributed into her ass! He felt himself
gain control of himself again, as if he was invited to 'struggle' and squirm- and that he did as
her ass rolled and impressions of him could be seen as if a specter of flesh haunted her
         Meanwhile all this was going on, in went Ruby's fine legs, and finally feeling and
kneaded her feet before they slipped in too and Sylphira lapped and suckled her humanoid
feet as she reached for one of her own breasts that was rolled to the side from her stretched
form. The other hand was feeling the impression that the demi-wolf formed. At last with a
few final gulps, Ruby slipped fully down her esophagus and into her stomach.
         Ruby weakly squirmed about in her stomach, feeling around and stretching. She had
mixed feelings, as though instinctively she struggled, deep down- she loved it. And the drake
below Sylphi could feel all of it against his lithe form! But he was almost surprised that he
could breath with all the would-be pressure that was on him! But he felt the demoness'
energy still and wondered how much of demon she really was.
         The Succubat saw this in his eyes and offered a wicked grin as she looked down upon
him while beginning to buck on his pole, "Don't get too comfortable and think too much of
this, plaything. How can I play with you if you're broke, ermm?"
         "F-fair point.", Vel let out, as he also had to control himself with the heavenly sinful
bliss he was experiencing.
         Meanwhile both of her prey enjoyed their final ride, jostling about in her stomach
and ass as she started at a pace, then began to buck hard up and down his shaft as Vel shook
as he held her meaty thunder thighs. With as much the bed was being punished, he began to
wonder again how he wasn't pulverized into mush. The others within her were beginning to
lull into passing out out of the mere joy and feeling of being rocked about her supple inner
flesh. Otherwise the whole time they didn't notice much hard time breathing with her
healing energy providing with them with oxygen, and said energy kept Skye clinging on to
the world of the living.
         It wasn't long before the drake pre-cumed within her, the former's skunk's grasp at
life waned and faded, the succubat slapped one of her ass cheeks as he passed on to become
lifeless ass fat. Meanwhile Ruby wasn't far from it as her consciousness faded, and her flesh
began to soften from the succubus' digestive energy. With a few more humps, Vel blew his
load, releasing a meager stream of seed within her depths, "Wish I could offer more.", he
weakly lamented. It was fortunate he had that load as he has already ejaculated twice earlier.
         "Tch. A pity.", the demoness scoffed, "You're lucky you're cute, and that I feel
satisfied with just those two sluts.", she said as her stomach began to shrink and return to
shape. In Ruby's wake, she felt herself be energized as the beauty joined the skunk into
adding to her form.
          However there was something to the demi-wolf's addition that she couldn't quite
put a finger on. She slipped herself off of the drake's member and sat on the edge of the bed
as she collected herself. Something else also came to mind to the stoic demoness, something
that confused her, "Name?"
         "M-m-my name?", the drake shuddered as he felt marked but complied. This could
mean another night with her could be bought even if it would be his last? "V-Vel'Gahrus.",
the demoness grunted in acknowledgment as she slipped her sandals back on, then went for
her undergarments, "And theirs?"
         "The lady was Ruby, I believe. And your new layer of ass fat was Skye. May I ask your
name?", he answered, which receive a smirk in return, "I like the cut of your jib.", she
remarked as she thought on that. Vaguely, the image of fey she flew along side came to mind
and some people they were aiding.
         The succubat remembered being thanked by them, "Sylphi...ra!", Sylphi exlaimed
with surprise mid sentance!
         Vel leaned back defensively as this Sylphira seemed agitated all the sudden. She
gritted her teeth, "I feel it! An arch-diviner is searching.", she coldly informed as she
disappeared, leaving the drake confused. She could feel the strong sensory probing of an
abnormally powerful angelic being. She fled, and did her best to mask her energy signature
as she disappeared into the night.
         "Sylphira.", the drake acknowledged to himself before thinking, "Diviner? Was she
talking about a priest?", he remembered an especially generous sect of monks called the
Scarlet Pearls. He would rest, exhausted and having had the night of his life- it wouldn't take
him long to drift to sleep.

The next day Vel'Gahrus traveled to the abbey a couple miles away and would step in to the
cathedral seeking their wisdom. He smiled at the wholesome atmosphere of kind and gentle
clergy and nuns. It felt as though all were truly welcome in these hallowed halls and
marveled at the stained glass around the cathedral's walls, as well as the tapestry and
paintings. While in the alter area of primary worship was a statue of an angelic dragoness, the
patron goddess of the cathedral, Kesothomiat and a grand painting of her- the surrounding
walls contained many of her primary draconic sisters:
Princess Skylamiat: crimson scaled goddess of war, passion and beauty
Ovamiat: Slate grey goddess of Sex, Strength, and Intelligence
Shiamiat: black demon goddess of shadows
Vyrriamiat: green Goddess of nature
Ciamiat teal goddess of the seas
Valvamiat- sky blue avian dragon goddess of wind
Riamiat- Yellow goddess of domination and energy
Shivamiat- silver blue goddess of ice
Terriamiat- brown goddess of earth
Viperamiat- burnt orange goddess of fire
         A rather powerfully built old 'battle tank' of a dragoness palanun crossed her arms
with pride, "Visit, take a load off, and meditate here often and you might meet them
sometime. They walk among us mortals and like to visit here. They are each more kind and
sensual as the next for the most part. Fitting that they are goddesses, for they are uplifting
for the soul. Now, have you come for guidance? Reverand Tsunzale is currently at the Stall of
Enlightenment if you wish.", she said as she waved presentably towards what appeared to be
a confession stall.
         "Good to know, and thank you, sister."
          "Anytime, sweet thing."
         Vel blushed as he wondered into the stall, "Heavens, I love this world! Things just
keep better and better!", he thought especially as he heard a rather charming Celtic voice. He
could see through the screen a rather dashing and knightly looking copper scaled dragon,
"Ah, the outworlder who has settled not to far from here, I presume?"
         "Yes, Father."
         "Bah, please don't call me that. We don't know what the future might hold."
         "I'm going to say it outright, first off. I love this place already to no end."
         "Glad to hear it. Now what brings you here?"
         "Well, I had a run in with a demoness, and the thing is... call it crazy, but I don't know if she's all that entirely bad..."
         "Interesting. You did right coming here. Please tell me everything."
         Vel told him in detail about how Skye and Ruby invaded his home with an
otherworldly lust, then was rescued by Sylphira. Despite everything that has happened so
far, he was still caught off guard by Tsunzale's reaction, "Wow, you about suffocating to death
aside- I'm surprised I didn't get a raging boner from that story. At any rate, thank you. Step
out if you would?"
         "Uh, sure and no problem?", the drake responded as he stepped out and was met
with an embrace by the priest who wrapped both his arms and cocooned him with his wings,
"That was very valuable information. I have been on the hunt for the elusive Succubat of
Rymoa. I'll see if I can rehabilitate her. There is a legend behind her, that she is a fallen forest
guardian, queen of the Sylphi fey. They say her heart was as expansive as her form that she
would hold travelers in like a living sleeping bag."
         "I believe it...", the drake responded, "Please protect her. I believe you, in that she can be salvaged."
         "You have my word, my good Vel'Gahrus."
         The two coiled tails around one another as they embraced, Vel'Gahrus swooned as he
listened to the reverend and was utter mush against the chivalric priest. Tsunzale looked
towards the dragoness nun from before and gave her an asking eye-point gesture as he non-
verbally asked her to join the embrace. Jinthara came behind the drake and rested her
breasts on his shoulders as she wedged his neck in her breasts as part of her embrace.
         Later that day, Tsunzale would make his leave with utmost determination.

         Stepping into a tavern the knightly draconic monk earned a few raised eyebrows both
in how he dressed and damn good he looked in it. It was an attire that mixed several cultures:
         Knightly greaves and gorget. Armored sleeves, hakama trousers, and wakizashi of a
samurai. A kilt and arming sword with an angular hilt. And lastly, his bowler hat.
         Due to his wings, his waist up to his collar was exposed, revealing his heavily chiseled
thin muscular form. His scales were bronze with pale mint belly plating.
         The bartender, a boar smiled as he recognized the Knight of Kesotho, "Ah Reverend
Tsunzale! Feel free to have a seat, padre!"
         In which Tzunzale tipped his hat, his celtic accent was like honey to many a ear, "Aye,
thank ye kindly, Walt. But I won't be too long, just a drink to wet the whistle."
         A bar maiden approached just as the draconic knight sat down, a rather charming
opossum lady approached with a half-courtesy who's beady eyes glistened beneath her
bonnet, "Always good to have ye around, padre. Your order also knows how to craft a drink.
Speakin' o' which, what might I get cha' darlin'?
         Tzunzale's ear fins were almost always up, given his upbeat nature, but were now
especially in her presence, "Myunitzi, it's always a treat enough to see that sweet fluffy face
of yours. Could you stir me up a Tohla Brose?"
         With a smile and nod she responded, a eye cocked as a very powerful looking titan of
a grey scaled dragoness with a red mane came in.
         "Bless your heart. Got it.", then went back to the bar.
         The dragoness approached and took a seat Tzunzale's table, "Ah, there's my nephew-
in-law. So, stirred- not shaken?", referring to his Bond-like charm.", she was Ovamiat, the
Draconissian goddess of Sex, Strength, and Intellegence.
         "Always a pleasure, Aunt Ovami. Oddly enough, I get the joke. I've always have been
somewhat in tune with the Akashic Records, but there seems to be an influx of alternate
planes lately, also a heat-wave. And I don't mean the climate. I met an out-worlder the other
         The barmaid came back and sat down a glass in front of him with Tzunzale's scotch
with honey, listening quizzically, but not interrupting. The draconic knight immediately went
for the glass and lifted it to her with a smile and thankful nod before taking a sip.
         Ovami's curiosity was piqued as she could feel some intriguing vibes and has heard
that he was on the hunt for a creature, "Do go on."
         "Someone came into the Stall of Enlightenment, seeking comfort and wishing me to
protect the Succubat of Rymoa. Said they were being raped almost to death by a crazed
couple, and was nearly suffocated while being taken from the other side. That was until she
appeared, swallowing each of them at either end before mounting the victim herself. They
said that though her crimson red eyes were cold, there was also a warmth behind them, like
there was an angel trying to escape beneath."
         Ovami was quiet as she scanned the area as she listened, the goddess of sex grinned
as she recognized this 'Succubat of Rymoa' more by the second, "Sylphira. From what I'm
sensing, Kesotho is right- you must find her. She's no ordinary succubus- but a breed of her
         However, Ovami was at a loss when someone in a thicker Scottish accent than
Tzunzale's yelled, "Aye look at this big muscular lass, lookin' all fine in her dooker!"
         Tzunzale hung his head and covered his eyes as he explained dryly, his own r's rolling
into l's and vowels exaggerated, "Your athletic wear. 'Dooker', somehow means 'swimsuit'
around here."
         The goddess rolled her eyes with amusement at them before returning to the issue at
hand, "So, do you want any help in this? I could help you draw her out at least.", she already
knew his response a goddess of Intelligence, she anticipated his genius, "Hmm, interesting.
But no thank you, Ovami. You being a goddess of sex, she'd see through the ruse. If you like-"
he gulped, "I will... place a rein check on having a session with you."
         He stood up, ready to part, "However, although she may be a succubus and would see
through your Libido energy. I don't know if she remembers her past as a wood-sprite."
         Ovami grinned, "A clever one, aren't you? Okay, though usually I work for the sheer
pleasure, but what the hell, I'll hold you to it. I pull some strings on the condition that you
push my buttons in the near future.", she winked and made nearly every nose in the bar
bleed as she showed surprising flexibility for her size as she tipped back and placed one of
her own feet on her crotch.
~To be continued!~

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