Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2276728-What-Have-We-Become
Rated: GC · Poetry · Cultural · #2276728
Where are we now?
What have we become in this new world that we have created
Are we proud
Are we genuine
Do we even remember what it was like before
Before all the change that came with us exploring outside of our backyards
What has become of us

Why did we lash out in violence
Did fear control us
Does fear still control us now
Do we think that any of this is sustainable
Do you think that we can continue on
Without the full circle

Lives divided and families stripped of everything
Their homes, their livelihoods, their families
Their pride, their honour, their traditions torn apart
Their bodies and souls ravaged without reason
In the name of what - God?

This is not what was written and taught to us long ago
When the ancients came and instructed us as to how to care for the land
How to care for each other
How to lean upon your brothers and sisters for comfort
For support
For direction

We've come so far, yet fallen so deep into ourselves
A big pit of empty souls scrambling in the dark
Looking for a foothold on the slick walls of this hollow cave
Underground, under our feet
It will grow wider and deeper if we don't do something

The tide is turning, but forces struggle against us
They don't want to lose
They don't want to give up their trinkets and trophies
Collected and bought with money and
It's everywhere

Dripping from their mouths as they speak
I'm not sure they know
I'm not sure they see
I'm not sure they realize the darkness behind them
Manipulating them, their words

They can't see with their eyes any longer
Vision clouded and obscured by thick blood
Caked on
Layer upon layer of dark red
Scab over scab
Scars upon scars so there is no longer any feeling
Just numb

Look beyond
Use other ways of seeing
I scream out, but I'm not sure anyone hears me
Not sure they understand
Not sure they know how to see without eyes

Beyond the present and tangible there lies a curtain
A veil we can walk beyond, though some may never find their way out
Sucked in by a vortex of continuous chatter and confusion
You can spend eternity there and come back to the present because
These spaces exist simultaneously, but time doesn't coincide
One moves at one speed, and one is beyond the reach of the hands of time

See the fear
The wrinkle in space
We see you
We always have, though you fade out at times
We wait for you to return to us

Cast a line down into the pit and try to gather all the pale thin ghosts
The zombies scattered in the darkness
Reach out to them and join hands
Transferring knowledge and light and beauty and colour into their hearts
Try to renew connections and lost friends, lost souls
We are all in this together
For better or worse
We need each other
In ways we can't always comprehend
© Copyright 2022 Crystal Dragon (chantellemarie at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2276728-What-Have-We-Become