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A deadly accident on a dark and twisted mountain road |
Spirits at Lighthouses Contest ▼ The twisted road down Skullsmashed Mountain Winds through forests thick with spruce A narrow, dark and dismal tunnel Even on the brightest days. I'm loathe to drive that tortuous highway Murked with mist and filled with fog Hidden turns and lurking dangers Wait to catch me unaware. Yet go I must, so blind I travel Down that dark and daunting road Head- and fog-lights all but useless Feeble in the ghastly gloom. The waxing moon, first quarter rising Looms above, a lurid blight Yet on that dark and twisted highway Sheds not the slightest bit of light. Around a bend then, to my terror, A pair of cyclists in my path Too late I brace and brake in panic A double impact chills my soul. I stop and leap onto the mountain Staring wildly all about No sign at all of bikes or bodies All is calm and deadly still. In my bumper, dents and scratches On my hood a spray of black That must be blood from deadly contact Fading even as I watch. The scratches on my bumper vanish Dents re-form and smooth themselves My breathing finally slows to normal My racing heart at last relents. Against the car I lean, and wonder What was real and what was not? Who was killed, and when, and how, To haunt the Skullsmashed road. The twisted road down Skullsmashed Mountain Winds through forests thick with spruce A narrow, dark and dismal tunnel Hiding secrets all the way. |