Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2278595-Good-Luck
by Jacky
Rated: E · Fiction · Contest Entry · #2278595
Flash Fiction
Good Luck

What if you were walking along the road collecting feathers...” said Dad.

“Feathers... Why feathers?” asked Jimmy.

“It’s an analogy.”

“I’ve never heard that, is that a bird?”

“No it’s a story.”

“A bird story?”

“No. I’m telling you a story so you’ll understand something.”

“Something about birds?”

“No. It was actually about the feathers, and a fish...”

“A fish with feathers?!?”

“No, a fish who wants a feather.”

“Why would a fish want a feather?”



“So you are collecting feathers to tuck in your hat, and a fish in the pond you’re passing asks if he can have one. And you say no because a fish has no need for a feather, and you think he will just toss it away.”

“Because fish don’t wear hats? But the fish talks...? Does this have anything to do with me asking you if I could have five dollars?”

“Yes, see you got it! A fish doesn’t need feathers, and you don’t need five dollars. And fish can talk in stories...”

“Well, first of all, you don’t even know if the fish really has a hat.”


“This fish might not have a hat that needs a feather but his friends’ birthday is coming up and he is one feather short to get what he wants to surprise that friend...”

Mom came in and handed Jimmy a fiver, “Scram!” she said, he took off. She looked at her husband, “Why do you have to make things so complicated?”

“Why would he ask me to give him extra money? I thought he was just going to spend it at the park.”

“Oh ye of little faith.”

Dad’s birthday present turned out to be a new wallet, inside was a sort of crisp, new five dollar bill, from Jimmy, for good luck.
© Copyright 2022 Jacky (cliffjack at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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