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Edward Jackson was your normal employee, tonight's shift however will be far from normal |
Edward Jackson was your typical convenience store employee, a 42 year old high school dropout living from paycheck to paycheck, he was a short chubby man who had started going bald at the age of 24 and was fully bald by 30 which was around the same time his wife had left him for her yoga instructor. He spent most of his days selling cigarettes to the same eight guys, booze to teenagers claiming to be adults, not that he cared, so what if a 17 year old got their hand on a bottle of jack Daniels, when he was their age he was dropping acid every other week…which come to think of it probably explained why he was kicked out of highschool, showing up to an exam claiming you’re the emperor of mars in your underwear wasn’t exactly something his Principal could overlook. Today had been especially slow, no customers, no phone calls, nothing, he could fall asleep in the backroom and no one would notice, as he let out a loud yawn, the door chimed letting him know someone had just entered the store, Edward secretly wished it was a robber, at least with a hold up it allow him to get up and stretch his arms. “Hey Eddie” a woman’s voice said behind a moving pile of boxes which rolled towards him before stopping right at the desk, a short buxom blonde wearing a tight brown uniform coming out from behind them, Edward knew the blonde, her name was Janet, she was roughly his age but unfortunately was married “Jeez this place is deader than a morgue” she said, speaking in her usual southern drawl, he had never bothered to ask where she was from but if he was to make a guess, he’d say either Mississippi or Tennessee. “Hey Janet, yeah, surprisingly no one has showed up for their cigarettes yet, hopefully they’ve not all dropped dead of lung cancer otherwise I think this place would be out of business” Edward said laughing as he helped Janet with the boxes, it was the usual stock, cigarettes, alcohol, ready meals, what he was surprised about was the large boxes of sweets marked Popper’s Confectionaries. “Huh, these look new” He muttered, not remembering seeing them on the order. “Oh yeah, I’ve delivered a few of those, some new brand, there should be a document in there, some legal mumbo jumbo from your bosses explaining what they want you to do with them” Janet said as Edward took out a packet of sweets named dilly-dolly danglers which from the looks of them were car freshener shaped jelly sweets with some words written on them “from the way I’ve had it explained to me, Popper’s is owned by your parent company which is using your stores to sell them as an exclusive and you are expected to sell your entire stock by the end of the month” “Ah, so they’ve come up with really shit candy and we are meant to get rid of the stock so they can liquidate the company without anything on the books, yep, sounds like something the higher ups would do” Edward sighed as he pointed to the glow in the dark condoms and wind up lighters which still sat on the shelves, which they had been for months. Opening the pack, he took out a sweet and laughed “yep, this will totally sell” showing Janet the sweet which had bubble butt written on it, taking a bite he coughed “ok, yeah these are a real best seller” his voice dripping with sarcasm, what idiot made sour candy and not mark it as sour. “hey, I just get paid to deliver them” Janet said as she turned to leave “speaking of, I have two more deliveries to make then that’s me done for the night, what time are you getting off?” “Midnight” Edward replied with a sigh, as usual he was stuck with the worst shifts of the week, night shift on a Friday, Saturday and Sunday. “Ouch, watch out for the crazies” Janet said as she left, Edward just chuckled, he’d done the shift hundreds of times at this point and the craziest person that would come in was Crazy Earl wanting to buy a wind up lighter cause he didn’t trust regular lighters nor matches. Putting the rest of the candy and advertisement out he knew it wasn’t going to sell, the mascot was some blonde haired girl with big tits who was dressed up like she belonged on a dodgy website and the candy all had ridiculous and some downright embarrassing names, like what person would buy a packet of bubble gum called IQ droppers and had a bimbo on the packet, that just seemed like a lawsuit or twitter hashtag waiting to happen. Bending down he noticed the contract on the floor, picking it up he went over to his chair and sat down, having to move around, for some reason the chair didn’t feel right, another thing to complain about. TO EMPLOYEES OF 24/7 CONVIENIENCE AS PART OF OUR GREAT PARTNERSHIP WITH THE BEST CONFECTIONARY SUBSIDIARY IN THE MARABELL FAMILY, WE WELCOME OUR EMPLOYEES TO TRY A SAMPLE OF OUR NEWEST CANDY ON SALE ONLY AT 24/7 CONVIENCE, AS PART OF YOUR CONTRACT, WE EXPECT ALL STOCK SOLD WITHIN A MONTH OF DELIVERY, FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN IMMEDIATE TERMINATION AND LOSS OF PENSION UNDER SECTION 23 OF THE GAETZ EMPLOYMENT ACT 2020 Edward sighed, of course, the good old GE Act, one of the first acts passed by the Miscavige administration, where 16 is classed as being a legal adult but only for women and employers can fuck over their employees with retroactive additions to their contracts without informing said employees. Feeling his stomach rumble, he decided to grab another packet, the letter did specifically mention to try them, it was hardly stealing. This time he chose one called Wacky Wizards Wavy Wowers which were strings of rainbow coloured liquorice, he had to admit, the liquorice tasted way better even if the name made no sense, there wasn’t anything good about them, they just tasted nice, as he ate he heard the sound of popping, turning to where he thought he heard the sound he found nothing, figuring it was just the wind or something he ignored it and grabbed the note and went to put it up on the employee board, as he got up strands of curly ginger hair fell into his field of view, sighing he moved the strands of hair out of the way, 30 years of having hair at shoulder length and he still couldn’t get it to sit properly. Still feeling a little hungry he grabbed a third packet called Susie’s smoothies which were smoothie flavoured cotton candy which tasted delicious although he though the packaging was a little odd, it was of a cartoon girl eating the candy and all of her body hair falling off, Edward just laughed, not like he needed to do that, he didn’t have any facial or body hair on him at all. Once he had finished putting the rest of the stock away, he grabbed the cardboard boxes and flattened them down to put in the storage room, walking in he reached for the light switch, sighing as he managed to finally reach it, placing the boxes in the designated area, however as he turned to leave, a hook caught onto the jeans he was wearing, tearing a hole not only across the back of his jeans but also of his boxers. “oh for fuck sake” he groaned as he went into the employee area to inspect the damage “yep these are done” hearing the popping sound again, he turned around and noticed one of the lockers open, heading over to it he saw items which looked like they belonged to Mercedes, one of the girls who did the weekend afternoon shift, she was 17 and rather embarrassingly, around the same height as Edward. The items were a Jphone in a pink casing, a black handbag, a pair of skinny jeans , a pink crop top which looked like it would barely cover his chest let along his torso and rather embarrassingly for Edward, a lacy white pair of boyshorts and a matching push up bra, grabbing the panties and jeans, he couldn’t believe he was doing what he was thinking he was doing. Pulling the panties up his silky smooth legs, he felt embarrassed, not only by the fact he was putting on a pair of panties, but that they fit, although the panties felt more like a thong as they were swallowed up by his large jiggling bubble butt, next came the skinny jeans which fit tightly against his legs and ass, Eddie felt like he was going to die of embarrassment as he noticed himself from the back in the mirror, bent over you’d think you were staring at a girl’s ass especially since the jeans were squeezing his thighs tightly making them look thick and girly. He heard the sound of popping again and laughed when he saw where it was coming from, of course, it was a notification sound from the phone, grabbing it he saw some girl named Melody “hey girl, hows ur shift?” she had asked, a quick look at the contact photo for her showed another 17 year old girl who Eddie had to admit was rather attractive even if she was a little too young for him, a 25 year old dating a 17 was weird even if under the GE it was technically legal. Eddie had begun to type out a text saying Mercedes had left her phone at work but found himself typing “girl its sooo dead” followed by a skull emoji and sending it to her as he sat back down on his seat, noticing a packet of IQ droppers sitting on the counter he opened it and took out a stick of gum and placed it in his mouth, it was much sweeter than he expected, filling his mouth with a sweet cotton candy taste, trying to blow a bubble he failed the first few times but managed to finally blow a big one, surprising himself as he blew it bigger and bigger and bigger, no wonder they were called IQ droppers, he could so totally empty his entire brain into it, the bubble popped loudly covering his entire face like a mask, glancing over he saw that Melody had replied. “damn, so not fair, I can’t believe your boss called you in, couldn’t he have gotten one of the old farts to do it” Melody had typed as Eddie pulled the gum off his face, using the phone camera he checked to see if he had missed any, finding himself pouting his plump lips as he looked at himself, his soft skin, his freckles, his cute little button nose, every feature on his face was the perfect balance of adorable and alluring, although something was missing….of course, he hadn’t put on any makeup! “like totally, I didn’t even get a chance to do my makeup” Eddie replied as he got up and made his way back to the employee lockers, stopping at his before giggling, that wasn’t his locker, heading over to the locker which belonged to Mercedes and grabbed the handbag and began to rummage through it, finding tampons, a purse, a hairbrush, hairties, hairband, hand sanitiser, charger, some keys and his makeup bag, smiling he lifted it out, seeing a sheet of paper at the bottom with ‘English Assignment’ “oh shoot, that’s due on Monday” Eddie thought to himself as he walked back over to the counter and grabbed his phone “hey babes, have you done the English assignment yet?” he asked, he and melody were in the same English class so she’d probably know the answers. “Mercedes, its due on Monday, please tell me you’ve at least started” Melody replied as Mercedes applied some foundation “I know you have a killer bod and always look great but Ms Dean will actually crucify you if you hand another assessment in late” Mercedes pouted as she applied her red lipstick, it wasn’t her fault she had forgotten, ok maybe it was, but still “I’ve started it but could I pretty pretty pretty please see yours so I know I’m doing it right?” she replied adding a pleading emoji at the end. Feeling a sharp sensation in her stomach, Mercedes stood up and made her way to the bathroom, maybe eating those cheap candy wasn’t such a good idea, going into the employee bathroom, she pulled down her skinny jeans and what had been boyshorts but were now a thong, going to the bathroom she let out a sigh, her waist narrowing and hips expanding as her lower body changed to be more appropriate for a 17 year old girl with a slurp and pop signalling that Mercedes was now anatomically female. Standing up she wiped then flushed the toilet but before heading out she caught herself in the mirror “gawd girl, what is this shirt, its sooo 2010” she thought to herself as she took it off and tossed it in the bin, walking to her locker she grabbed her bra and put it on with ease, like she had been wearing one for years, the 38D cups hanging off her flat chest as she pulled the crop top over the top. The dinging of the store entrance catching her attention, heading to the counter Mercedes saw a scruffy man in a torn up coat “hey Earl, here for your usual?” Earl twitched and glared at her, looking confused “lighter” he muttered putting it on the counter then pointing to a brand of cigarettes “got it, $7.50” Mercedes said turning round and bending over to grab his brand, she could feel his eyes on her ass, smirking she gave her ass a little jiggle having been told the old perv would leave extra, turning back round he she saw $20 on the counter and Earl with one hand down his trousers, snatching the cigarettes from her hand, he walked away, muttering something about fairies and magic under his breath “gawd what a weirdo” she muttered as she reached for a drink, only finding some cans that came with the candy, Melon Ds which Mercedes did find the packaging of a little degrading, it was of a cartoon woman holding a pair of melons where her breasts would be, taking a can she opened it and began to drink it, it was quite refreshing even if she found the melon flavour to be a bit strong. Looking at the time she sighed, all that and barely half an hour had passed, god why did time feel like it went slower when she was at work? Adjusting her bra strap she turned as she heard the store entrance ding again, this time a rather attractive boy with football jersey on walked in making Mercedes blush, she recognised him right away, his name was Tom, captain of the football team, hottest guy in their year and her crush since middle school, leaning over to give him a better view down her top, Mercedes smiled, using her elbow to hold herself up to counter the weight of her breasts, she had always been rather well endowed, rocking 38Cs by the time she left middle school, this made her the object of desire for most of her male peers, not that she cared about them, her eyes were set solely on one of them, unfortunately he seemed to not even acknowledge her existence. She watched as he walked with a litre bottle of cola in one hand and several bags of tortilla chips “hey…we go to the same school right…Mary…no… Melanie” he said “Mercedes” she corrected “we are in the same homeroom” “oh yeah, now I remember, so this is where you spend your Friday nights, seems fun” Tom replied “normally I would be finished by now but the guy who usually does the shift…well I have no idea where he’s got too, probably face down in the gutter the miserable old fuck” Mercedes said “I swear the reason we sell so much cigarettes and booze is because he and his buddies drink and smoke it all, I’ve had to deal with his creepy ass pals eyeing me up all night” “damn, listen when you finishing up, I’m having a party at my place and you sound like you need to unwind” Tom said as Mercedes felt him undress her with his eyes, not that she cared she was doing the exact same thing. Mercedes glanced over at the clock “uh, not for another hour” she replied “is that ok?” “no problem” he said picking up several cans of beer and an obviously fake ID, Mercedes smirked and authorised it, if Eddie did it, why couldn’t she “I’ll see you in a hour” Mercedes waited until Tom had left the store before letting out a loud squeal of joy and grabbing her phone “OMG Tom just came in and he’s inviting me to a party at his place!!!!!!” she texted her heart beating so hard it felt like it was going to burst out of her chest, glancing over at the box of glow in the dark condoms she scanned them through, just in case. An hour later, she was sitting in the passenger seat of Tom’s car, they’d barely gotten halfway to the party when they pulled over and started making out, Mercedes top ending up in the back seat, as she climbed over to sit on his lap, her jeans unzipped, a pack of the IQ droppers bubblegum dropped to the ground. “whats that?” Tom asked “oh just some new candy we got” Mercedes answered picking it up “want a piece?” “sure” Tom replied taking a piece and putting it in his mouth and blowing a bubble, an airy laugh leaving his mouth “wow this tastes like sooo good” |