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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2285742
Chapter 1: Durlin
Off to the East near the border of Harkman Kingdom, is a village called Durlin. Many who lives there are young and former knights, healers and elders, farmers and weavers. This village is well known only to the royal family and providing aide when needed. Very few know the secrets that is being held within the village, if you attempt to speak without permission about any of the secrets you will be dealt with on the spot. Passing through this village to get to the main city can deceive you, but there are eyes and ears all around waiting for your next move. You will see that there are more women than there are men in the village and it is for a good reason due to their legends and history.

The Durlin village has many legends and stories that has been passed down from generation to generation but one that affects the women within the village goes like this. The legend says that long ago a young woman named Sabella daughter of Savanna and Samuel Fakhiri had fallen in love with a man outside of their village. Sabella did not know of the man's family and where he came from. All she knew was that he was passing through to travel West of the country to sell some of his goods. He decided to take rest in the village for a few days and spent some nights with Sabella. He had promised to visit her while passing back from his visit in the west of the city. Many months went by and Sabella would hope to see the man again. The longer she waited at the edge of the village looking to the west, the size of her belly grew day by day. She would caress her belly and speak to her child about the father and make up stories about him. When it was time to deliver the baby, the elders and healers were around preparing the basin of water and the herbs needed for the mother.

Normally in the room, the husband would be beside his wife providing her the support she needs. But in this case, Sabella had her parents in the room next to her. They had helped her prepare for this moment. When it was time for Sabella to push for the baby, lots of screams were heard throughout the whole night. Till the rising of the sun had the baby boy was born. The village had rejoiced in the new addition to the family and Sabella had named her son Mahaskah meaning white cloud as he had fairer skin just like his father.

Four moon cycle went by and Sabella had fallen more in love with her beautiful baby boy. How big his brown eyes are when she stared at him, how small his fingers and toes are when curled together, his short but silk like hair as if the best weavers found it and place it on her sons head. The scent that she smelled every-time she sniffed him and his small nose down to his lips which were the same shape as hers. Sabella swore to do anything for her child just to protect his innocence.

Then one day from the horizon coming from the West a carriage with few knights was passing through the village. The carriage had stopped near the Fakhiri's family house. One knight opened the door of the carriage, and a man came down from the carriage well dressed followed by a pale like women who had a fan to her face and a lady with a baby in her arms swaying from side to side. Another knight went to knock on the door of the Fakhiri's house with his master. The knocks were loud stopping some passersby looking in the direction of the noise. Samuel had hurried to open the door not wanting to wake the baby and saw it was the same man who left his daughter to care for his grandchild all by herself.

"What are you doing here after many moons had passed by? Hasn't my daughter endured a lot from you already?" Samuel had question the man at his doorstep.

"Hello, it has indeed been a while since I last came. I have come to seek your daughters hand." He answered back.

"Why should I give you my daughter to a man we do not know the name of? We know nothing of you an-" Samuel was interrupted by the cry of the baby in the arms of the lady dressed in a plain grey dress who stood closer to the carriage.

"That is true, I never told you my name but I do know of Sabella. My name is Martin Honser, and like I said before, I wish to have Sabella's hand in marriage."

"You are not welcomed here, Martin. I will not give you my daughters hand in marriage to a person like you. I see you already have another child with one of these women. So what makes you think you can have my daughter?" Samuel asked turning his gaze back to the man in front of him.

Meanwhile, Sabella finished washing some vegetables and herbs that she and her father had picked from the farm earlier to prepare for supper tonight. Sabella walked over to the small basket and saw her son Mahaskah, still asleep thinking that he would wake from the loud knocks from earlier. Sabella thought her father was taking a long time answering the door because she knew that the conversations he has at the door are normally short and followed by the sound of the door closing. But this time she did not hear the door close. Sabella went back to preparing the vegetables, then she heard a baby cry, she placed down the knife and wiped her hands against one of the cloth and walked over to the basket and still saw Mahaskah sleeping peacefully.

This time Sabella took Mahaskah from the small basket in her arms wrapping him across her body with the cloth that was given to her by one of the elders. Making sure that the large cloth is secured around her body and Mahaskah in a comfortable position, she walked to the front door where her father is. There saw the same man she had been waiting for many moons ago to return back to her and meet their son. But what she had learned in the end was a hard lesson that waiting on promises can be empty with no meanings behind them and you won't always get what you wish or hoped for. This was her first heart break and from it she had learned to fall in love again by showing her son what love is like and watching him grow. She promised that she will be both the mother and father while raising her son.

"Sabella, it's me, Martin. I have thought of you for many months and wish to have your hand in marri-" Martin was interrupted by the sudden shift in the cloth that is wrapped around Sabella's body.

"You've a child or should I say children Martin," Sabella said while rocking Mahaskah.

"Yes, a lot of things happened since I left to the West. And I can say the same for you. Did you get married and fall pregnant for someone or did you open you legs for any man that came your way after I left?"

A loud slap was heard after Martin's insults directed towards Sabella and her son. Swords drawn at Sabella by the knights guarding Martin. Martin lifted his hands dismissing the knights to put away their swords as it was drawing unwanted attention.

"How DARE you! I can take any insults you may have against me. But don't think for one second you can insult MY son! I did not open my legs nor did I marry anyone after you left!" Sabella yelled pointing at Martin.

"You were the only person I spent the nights with when you first came to our village. After you left, I was heartbroken for many moons! Waiting for you at the edge of the village hoping for your return, while carrying YOUR baby! But I learned somethings Martin. I learned how to a mother for my baby, being both the mother and father. I learned to grow strong for MY baby so that he won't see me as a weak mother. And one thing I can say is that MY son will be nothing like you," Sabella said to Martin.

"Son?" The pale like lady folded her fan and walked over to Sabella.

"You bore a son for my husband?" She questioned Sabella while reaching for the cloth covering the baby.

"Yes. I have a son for Martin, but I did not know he already is married with a wife." Sabella replied turning her body away from the woman's pale hand from reaching her baby.

"OH. We wasn't married when you met each other. Martin and I got married just after I had our daughter. His family proposed to my family after they found out I was with child and knew that Martin was the only man I was seen with for many months. Only till after the birth of the child Martin decided to marry me because he wanted to make sure that the baby is his," the pale woman said with a sad longing look in her eyes.

"So hearing this news does not hurt me. What actually hurts me the most is that you have a son and I only have a daughter," she said looking away from Sabella and walking back to the carriage where the lady in the grey dress is standing holding the baby.

"I have a son. I have a son," Martin said smiling and started to dance in circles. It was like he was in a trance in hearing of him having a son and ignoring his wife's sadness.

"This is amazing news. I have a son," He said grabbing Sabella by the shoulders.

"This means you must marry me so that my son can continue MY bloodline," Martin continued.

"No you don't have a son," Sabella said breaking free from Martins hands on her shoulder.

"I have a son. I carried him for ten moon cycles and endured the pain to bore him. I won't be marrying you just because you come back demanding that I do for the sake of your bloodline. You have a daughter and a wife who needs you to take care of them. Look after your family and will do the same with mine," Sabella said walking away from Martin going back into the house to feed Mahaskah.

Samuel watched as his daughter enters the house and looked over to Martin.

"I hope you take my daughters advice to heart and look after your family. They need you more than my daughter and grandchild needs you."

"See this is where both you and your daughter are wrong. I do not wish to use my hands against your family. I am no longer asking for your daughters hand in marriage. I will be taking your daughter and my son with me to my home East of here. You should know that I have a fair share amount of knights here with me that can bring down my wrath if things does not go my way." Martin said turning towards Samuel.

"You tell Sabella, that if she does not want to come with me and be my wife then I will just have to take my son from her. I see this as three different choices to make. She will have until morning to come and discuss what her choice will be. I will be here the morning waiting on her answer. And don't think about runway as I will have my knights standing guard," Martin said turning away from Samuel entering the carriage.

And as Martin said one of the knights stood guard near the Fakhiri's house occasionally rotating with a different knights.

Samuel walked in the house closing the door behind him. He went into the kitchen where he was helping Sabella prepare supper. He saw her with the cloth covering herself, he knew that she was feeding his grandchild. He went over to continue cutting the vegetables for dinner.

"Sabella, I know you do not wish to speak about what had just happened but we do need to talk about this with everyone and the elders. You are in danger and I wish to see both you and Mahaskah safe. I will finish preparing dinner and have your mother go gather up the elders to discuss this."

"FATHER! I don't wish to leave my home just because Martin is back. I know we don't have any protection right now but I will stay and fight if I HAVE TOO!!"

"SABELLA FAKHIRI!!! YOU WILL DO AS YOU ARE TOLD!!!" Samuel shouted slamming the knife into the board he was using to cut the vegetables up.

"I do not wish to raise my voice at you. You have a new beautiful baby boy to think about who needs his mother. I don't want any harm come to you as you not just my daughter but my only child. We will discuss this later with the elders."

One thing about the houses in the village is that they are all connected underground. There is one tunnel entrance located in different areas in each house in the village that comes together and have different exits. The Elders houses are lined up next to each other which makes it easy to communicate with them when there is a problem. Several hours go by, the family of four travel in the tunnel and made their way over to one of the elders house to discuss a plan. Many more hours go by and the elders decided to fight back against Martin despite's Samuel's protest on what may happen.


Next Day

A knock is heard on the Fakhiri's house door. Many in the village had strike a sneak attack on Martins guards over the dark veil of the night sky protecting the family. After the talk with the elders, the family went home and the elders went to each house using the tunnels and explain the plan they decided to go with. many were posted near Martins sleeping quarters if there were any retaliation. But before Samuel could go and answer the door, what was heard next was a high pitched scream. Savanna rushed to Sabella's room with a bow and arrow in hand soon followed by Samuel with an axe in hand.

"Where is my baby? Where is Mahaskah? Where is he!?" Sabella screamed with tears in her eyes. This has been the first time she wasn't near her son.

"He took my baby. My son, he took him. Where is Martin!" Sabella said with flashes of emotions going through her face.

"Sabella, we will find Mahaskah. First we have to think of a plan," her mother said trying to reassure her daughter.

"No, I have a better plan, I will personally kill Martin if he lays one finger on my baby," Sabella said with venom filled words.

Sabella changed her clothes and grabbed her bow and arrows along with a short sword her grandfather gave to her when she was younger hoping to pass it on to her son.

Passing her parents speaking with some of the elders and healers in the house. One of the elder start to try and run after her while calling out her name. Sabella stopped and waited for the elder to catch her breath.

"Sabella, I will give this to you. This poison I am about to give you does not have a cure for it yet. I have seen it used to kill many enemies of my fathers and their fathers. All you need to do is drop a little on the tip of your arrow and make sure not to have any cuts near it as it will take affect. Use it wisely. Once you are done bring the flask back to me," she said placing the flask in Sabella's hand.

"Thank you."

Sabella found where Martin was staying and waited for one of his knights to come out to strike at him. Sabella shot an arrow that had the poison laced on it and aimed at the heart of the knight killing him on the spot.

"Shit, I guess the elder was not joking when she said it will take affect," she said will entering the gates that Martin had set up to rest.

"Martin, I have come to get my son back!" Sabella stated yelling while drawing another arrow onto her bow laced with the poison.

"Oh, look son mommy is coming with us. Oh no, I think mommy wants to kill us. Do you think she will put down the arrow and talk with us?" Martin said with Mahaskah in his arms.

To be continued.....


Hi everyone,

This is just the beginning. I wonder what you think is going to happen next? Maybe I might incorporate some of your ideas in the chapter.

I don't know how many chapters I will do for this book. But I'm in for a ride with you guys. You may be a little confused as the book description is different from what you are reading now but I promise you it all comes together and then you will know more about Audre and Aaron.

Hope you enjoyed it so far.

See you all next time,

beyoncelo *Smile*

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