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by RDKing
Rated: XGC · Serial · Erotica · #2286568
A lesbian Private Detective is asked to look for a friend's missing niece.
An evil woman

She wondered why she was sitting in a beat-up old Datsun 2000 Fairlady, hardtop, at 2 o’clock in the morning, in the middle of winter, then she remembered the pretty smile on her face and the pleading she had to put up with for a week. The begging and the promise of wild sex for a month of Sundays if she found who she was looking for. Which she thought was highly unlikely even with all the help she could get. But with that pretty smile and those beautiful blue eyes, she finally caved in. The pretty smile on the pretty face belonged to Lisa Knights, a local barmaid, at Emily’s wine bar and a well-known knock shop for us local girls to visit and a very low-key, and out-of-the-way drinking hole in the back streets of Port Adelaide. A place only the real locals would go to, no tourists going in there.

Who was she, she was Corrine Myers, an out-of-work and out-of-luck cheap private detective. Cheap because she needed the work and she had rent to pay. Plus the offer of sex with Lisa be it a one-nighter or a month of Sundays was a pretty good payment. Lisa had a niece who had gone missing, went out with a group of friends and never came home. Not like her, they all said. I asked to see a photo and I wasn’t promising anything in advance. Lisa took me upstairs where she was renting a room, it was a well-worn pathway up those stairs. Well, a girl has to make a living. Her room wasn’t too flashy, it was neat and clean, old and tired as well. She showed me a photo in a frame, of her and her niece, they were more like sisters than an aunty and niece. I asked if I could hang on to it. She smiled and that smile sent a shiver through me. She said she had a more recent one in her bedroom. She got up and walked into an adjoining room, I followed like a little puppy, or more like a bitch on heat. I watched her arse move from side to side, her dress was tight-fitting and I loved every little movement in her. She bent over when she got to a desk in the corner of her room and pulled out an old school child’s lunch case, Micky Mouse no less, from underneath it. The dress pulled tightly over her rounded curves, I was about to run my hand over it when I thought better of it. Lisa stood up and turned around to find me with a wicked smirk on my lips.

“What,” She asked.

“I didn’t say a word,” I told her.

“No, you had a look a sailor has when he’s been at sea too long, I know a letch when I see one”

“Who me, never,” I replied with that same wicked smile.

“Do you want a deposit?” She asked, rubbing her 38Ds into my chest as she rested her arms on my shoulders.

I kissed her nose quickly, and said “Yes, but later.” And took a step back.

Lisa had her own wicked smile, which was more like I called your bluff kind of smile. Then handed me a current photo. “That was a couple of months ago,” She told me.

“She is a good-looking girl,” I told her and put the photo in my pocket.

She looked at me and looked down, then said “What’s your phone number Corry, I’ll send you some pics even more recent. But they are just for you OK.”

‘OK, so what sort of photos are these going to be Lisa, I take it that they aren’t PG then?”

“You take it right. But only you, Beccy and I know of them.” Just so you know why she is important to me.”

I gave her my phone number and in about 30 seconds several photos arrived, one after the other. These were definitely not your typical aunty, niece-type photos.

“So is this a lovers tiff and you want me checking up on her or has she gone missing?” I asked, all the while looking at the very hot naked photos of the two of them, I wondered who the lucky so and so was taking the pics.

“Yes we had a fight, but she doesn’t stay out for more than a night, two at most. I thought she went home to my sister, but they haven’t seen or spoken to her for a month. They normally look out for her when we fight. Give her a feed and a bed,” She explained

“Can you give me a list of the friends she went out with that night?” I said still looking at the photos on my phone. “Fight often do you?” I asked as a follow-up question.

“Not often, but more lately,” Lisa found a scrap of paper and wrote down 3 names, June, Monica and Erica. I looked at them and then back at her. “Phone numbers would help Lisa,” I said in a plain, dull, tone.

Lisa smiled and wrote down the numbers from her phone. “Don’t tell Evie I gave you those numbers, she kind of gets jealous pretty quickly and puts 2 and 2 together and comes up with 5.”

“I’m really worried Corry, she doesn’t stay away like this, not without a message of some sort.”

I could see the pain in her eyes. I told her not to worry, “She is most likely pissed off so much she is making you pay with pain and guilt.”

“Hold old is she Lisa?” In genuinely enquired

“Just turned 18 last week,” She told me then looked down and blushed.

“Held back in school was she?” I asked, nodding to the school uniform thrown in the corner. I shook my head and then held up my hand, “None of my business, I will go looking for her but if I can’t turn something up in a week the family had better go to the law and report her missing.” I told her. I looked at the time on my phone 16:07, an old army habit of using the 24-hour clock. Some habits die hard.

“Yeah sure Corry, you are a sweetie hon, you sure you haven’t got time for a deposit?”

I took a deep breath and gave it some serious thought. It had been a short while since I had some loving. “Would love to babe, but I should get started.”

I walked back down the well-worn pathway that they call a staircase, thinking about a plan of attack and then thought to myself. Shit, I could remember when I was 18, I was gone for a week at a time. Shacking up with Mandy somewhere, going out to see bands and ending up at somewhat dubious nightclubs at the bottom end of Hindley Street. Those were the days when you could do the circuit and see AC/DC, The Angels and Cold Chisel all in one night. Whatever happened to live music, then she remembered. Fucking pokie machines, that’s what happened.

I decided to set myself in the corner of the bar, a little booth, horseshoe-shaped, and out of the way, but where I could see the comings and goings through the front door. I sat down, rested a leg along the seat and dialled their first number. It was June’s so I marked it as J1 to protect the guilty. It rang, and went to voicemail, ten seconds to leave a message “Ring me June.” That is all I said. She will see the number come up, most kids don’t bother with blocking caller IDs.

A drink was delivered to the table with a wink from the waitress. I looked up and a familiar face at the bar smiled and waved. So much for me keeping an eye on the front door. I took a sip of the rather large Fireball, neat, and then raised the glass to Jane as my way of saying thank you. She raised her glass in reply. I rang the next number on the list Monica and recorded it as M1. A simple code that will end up fooling no one. It too rang out, the voice mail this time was full. Going well I thought. I took a sip again as Jane walked over kind of gingerly. “What have you been up to,” I asked her. She stood at the edge of the table and smiled awkwardly.

“I’ve been out the back with Miss D and had a bit of a workout with her.” I removed my leg from the seat offering her a place to sit down.

She smiled and told me “I think I will stand for a short while,”

“A good workout then?” It was more of a statement than a question.

She just smiled and nodded. Miss D is a genuine dominatrix, not someone an inexperienced submissive person would want to visit. As her name implies she is a single woman, hence the title of Miss although she would see the funny side of being referred to as one. And D didn’t refer to her name but her ample bosoms, of which she was proud. I wouldn’t call her a sadist, but she is the woman to go to when you have been introduced to BDSM and want to explore your limits. Her studio out the back would scare the living daylights out of most shy submissive types. She and I got on well and often compared notes on those who visit her after being with me. I am the sort of Domme you come to get started, a watered-down version of a dominatrix, if you like or as she describes me a Domme Light.

“Are you busy or bored?” She asked me.

“Neither really, but I have a job to do, what’s on your mind?”

“Bobbi is being a pain again,” She told me.

“Whoa girl, I’m not going there, she is your ex, your problem,” I told her, “You should have treated her differently when you walked out, finally. I mean you went, then came back, then went a second time and turned up in places you said you wouldn’t go to. She has a right to be a P I A,” I explained.

I waved her away, then spoke loud enough for those who were watching, “She won’t hurt you June, her words are more damning than her actions.”

Then went back to the job at hand. I dialled Erica’s number and waited, not expecting anyone to pick up. It was and a sweet voice answered quietly, “Erica here, hello.”

I was taken by surprise, to be honest, and waited briefly for a second then asked “is this Erica, Evie’s friend?”

Silence but I could hear noises in the background, someone putting a phone in a pocket maybe, so I waited. I heard loud voices, Asian, I think. I couldn’t make out if it was Chinese, Korean or Japanese. Then shouting and more noises, as someone was being slapped around. I heard screams and more shouting. The phone was dropped then it bounced around by the sounds of it, sliding across the floor possibly. Then a voice came on the line, old, male, gruff, a dirty loud voice, and one with intent, “What you want!”

I sat there quietly, not saying a word. Then cursed myself for not disguising my phone number. The voice continued, “Hello, who this,” Then some more background noise as the phone was handed to another person, a younger voice, and female. “Hello, sorry about that my grandfather was asleep and you woke him, how may I help you.”

Again I didn’t say a word and pressed the end call button. I put the phone down. And waited for the inevitable return call. It took them 2 minutes, but it wasn’t from Erica’s phone but an unlisted number. I let it ring out. It rang again immediately. This time I answered. “Can I speak to Erica?”

The young female voice answered straight away, “sorry you have the wrong number, who is this?”

“You rang me and you sound just like the girl I was talking to a minute ago, so how did you get this number?” A game of cat and mouse was in play. I heard clicks and some static, then the girl was on the line once more. “There is no Erica here, so stop calling us.” The line went dead but I know a tracer when I hear one. I hung up.

I picked up my drink, thinking carefully about what had just happened. Skulled it and walked over to the bar. Waved to Lisa who was trying to console a somewhat distressed June. Lisa came over and glared at me, “what,” I asked her.

“Nothing,” She replied, then looked over at June, sobbing in her beer.

“She’ll get over it, the truth hurts sometimes,” I told her.

“You can be a callous bitch at times Corry,” She told me, looking straight into my eyes with those powerful pools of blue ponds she uses as eyes.

“Report Evie missing and can you check with anyone about those other 3 girls as well? I have a bad feeling about this.” I said

“Yeah sure, what’s happened,” Lisa asked me with a worried look on her face.

“I’m not sure Lisa, but from a few phone calls and a very suspicious conversation I’ve just had, I would say the girls aren’t coming home, any time soon. Just a gut feeling” I said to her.

“Then get rid of your phone, get someone to transfer all the data you want then ditch it, and I mean quickly.” Her face went from worried to alarm in no time flat.

“You’re scaring me Corry, what’s happened?” She asked anxiously.

I told her as carefully as I could. “I’m not too sure, but the girl Erica is the only one answering her phone and that call didn’t reassure me at all.”

“Just tell me what happened for crying out loud,” She was beginning to raise her voice, so I grabbed her by the wrist and held it firmly looking her straight in the eyes, she was close to tears I thought.

“Do as I have just told you to, Lisa and I will find Evie.” And with that, I turned and walked out the door. Heading down to a tech nerd I kind of knew. If you want to chat on a phone with someone and not let them know where you are at, you will need a few sim cards and someone who knew what they were doing to help you. Terry was that person. Now I have to be honest here, I didn’t really know Terry but rather knew of her, a street-wise kid, with both attitude and a smart mouth. I felt this was going to be some kind of lesson for me. I knew she called herself a skater girl and hung out at some of the skater parks dotted around the western suburbs. The only time I have ever met her or seen her, was once when I was babysitting a moron who had upset some local street mob, by selling ‘shit’ on their streets, he needed to disappear and needed a ‘private’ phone. I was being paid 5k to keep him alive for 48 hours. Not an easy task as it turned out. Sk8ertoyinc was hard to find, she knew how to make phone calls that even the law had trouble understanding. She was very popular with certain types of people.

I went online and looked for the local skate parks, I knew Terry by her nic mainly ‘Sk8ertoyinc’. There were 4 parks all within a reasonable distance of the Port, any kid on a pushbike or a skateboard could reach them. I started down at Taperoo. It was small and not too well populated. Small preteens were practising being hoons, teasing even younger kids. The sky was darkening and it wouldn’t be long before the rains came I thought. I sat there looking at them when I saw a dark figure emerge from the public toilets, I couldn’t tell age or gender but they quickly looked up and around, spotted me, and disappeared behind the old stone and brick toilets. Two minutes later and a pretty blonde-haired girl came out of the same female toilets, looked sheepishly around and quickly ran back to her friends at the park. The prick I thought. Whoever it was never came back into view. And must have headed away onto the rail line that bordered the area. The kids seemed happy enough, laughing and looking at something the girl had in her hand. They learned about life the hard way down Taperoo way. There was nothing here and no sight of sk8ertoyinc to be seen. If I knew how to read the tags I would know where I should be looking. But I don’t.

I headed back towards Largs North on Victoria road, and pulled into the car park, next to a building the local football team called their clubrooms, the skate park was bare, but to be fair, it was starting to piss down, and had got dark quickly. I didn’t want to waste time hanging around, so headed off to the beach front and down to Semaphore. Even though it was the middle of winter, the Semaphore foreshore park was buzzing, the rain had passed, and the family types were still hanging around. I parked the old Datsun on a side street, where I had a decent view of the skate park in particular. It was busy, with a lot of teenagers and older lads, and the lights were sparkling after the rain. I was looking for a girl sitting on her own. Toying with a phone. What teenager doesn’t toy with their phone? None were there. I waited for another 30 minutes just in case. But it was all a waste of time. I watched the passing parade of families as they headed home. I needed a coffee and the seaside kiosk was still open, and it will give me an opportunity to stretch my legs. I walked slowly across the main road, and across the grassy park towards the kiosk, and out of the corner of my eye, a sudden movement caught my eye, I wasn’t even sure I actually saw anything, by the time I focused on the corner of the building where a shadow had been, it was gone. I kept walking taking in a wider view now. Looking at all the dark places, in and around the shrubbery, at the corner of buildings. Nothing unusual, maybe I was just getting jumpy. I walked up to the counter at the kiosk, and looked at the stale food that was left from the day’s trading, nothing caught my attention. I ordered a large flat white to go, 3 sugars. A bored-looking teenager looked back at me and faintly smiled and asked “Anything else?” she asked, I shook my head, keeping eye contact, I smiled at her, and she blushed.

“That’s $6.50, thank you, is that on card or cash?” She asked as I gave her the exact amount in change from my pocket. “It won’t be long,” She told me. I nodded once again and kept looking at her, but it was the movement behind her that made me even more interested in her. Two people one obviously a male, the other with their back to me, the black hoodie was the same as every other street type wears, I leaned on the counter out of sight of the two in the back and asked the young teenager who the two were out the back, she just shrugged her shoulders without looking. She handed me the large cup of coffee and kept hold of it as our fingers touched when I wrapped them around the takeaway cup. “You hang out at Emily’s don’t you, pretty sure I have seen you in there,” She enquired of me.

“You’re a bit young to go into a wine bar aren’t you?” I stated.

“My girlfriend takes me in there, every now and then,” She told me.

“She best not leave you unattended, there are some unsavoury types that hang out there,” I said to her with a smile as I wet my lips.

“I can take care of myself,” She replied with certainty in her voice. Her eyes hardened for a second, she then smiled and went off to serve another young lad at the other end of the counter. I leant back onto the counter and watched the activity in the skate park, some of the more serious players had come out into the night. They went racing back and forth over jumps, down a balustrade, doing tricks here and there. The Alpha flip and bullflip, some of the more adventurous were trying out the front slide heelflip. A lot of laughter as the various ones ended up on their backsides. Just teenagers out enjoying themselves.

The young assistant returned and said to me, “I finish in 10 minutes, maybe you could drop me off at my place, or I could come home with you,”

“A bit forward aren’t you? Not saying no to dropping you home but I’m looking for someone and thought she might be here.” I told her.

“Your girlfriend, a bit young for you to be hanging around at a skate park, wouldn’t she be?” She asked with a smile on her face.

I laughed, “Not a girlfriend, just someone who can fix a phone for me.”

“Arrgggg Terry Cookson, you mean, she is good at fixing phones, she normally is here during the day then heads down to West Lakes after dark, more money down that way for her, plus she doesn’t get hit on by the masses.” She explained. “The skaters are hard-core down there, they don’t like their park being invaded, a bit older too. Plenty of ‘joy rides’ in the bushes, if that’s your scene,”

“I’m closing up so stay there,” she asked, then turned to the bloke in the back of the kiosk and told him, “Tong, I’m closing up mate, want me to leave one counter open for the skaters?”

A very Asian voice in the back shouted back, “Fuck the skaters, they don’t have any money so just close up sweetie,” She rolled her eyes at me and closed the shutter.

She, as I found out was Chloe, smallish, around 5’4”, slim, a cute androgynous haircut, shaved on one side, shades of pink on the tips at the back, which were quickly fading. We walked back across the grassy park towards my car, and soon we were out of the light of the kiosk and skate park and into the dark of night. The pale yellow street lights just gave off enough light so you could see where you were heading. Chloe slipped her hand into mine and squeezed it. We got to the car in no time. She looked down at it, and asked, “How do you have fun in something so small?”

“Where’s there’s a will, there’s a way,” I told her, “You are willing, aren’t you?

She stood there in front of me, threw her arms around my neck, reached up and kissed my mouth, “Yes I’m willing to try anything,” She undid her jeans before getting into the car, it was far easier for her than most people. I kicked the beast into life, and let it idle, Chloe, had taken her hoodie off and was sitting next to me in a T-shirt, with her jeans opened and the zipper right down. I couldn’t resist, so I leaned over and kissed her deeply, my hand sliding down into her thong, and feeling how wet she already was. Her hips rose off the car seat as I did so and she held onto me. I buried a finger into her, she moaned into my mouth as my foot slipped and the engine roared. We both laughed. I asked her where we should go, she said down the road into the carpark on the seafront. It took me all of 4 minutes, to park the car in the far corner and I tried to get Chloe out of the rest of her clothes, I was unsuccessful, there she was, this waif-like minx, almost naked, as I laid her seat down, and lowered my mouth onto her smooth mound, and tasted her. She was divine and came so quickly. It was uncomfortable for me. So I told her I was going to grab a blanket from the boot and we were going down to the beach. “ohhhh” she said. She went looking for her T-shirt. I said not to bother and opened the boot and took out my 12’ square picnic blanket. She stood there in the moonlight, her nipples hardening with each passing moment, a slight sea breeze came off the ocean and she shivered. I walked up to her and put the blanket around her shoulders, she looked up and smiled a thank you. I took her by the hand and walked down the path onto the beach, we could hear some chatter and then some giggling, but couldn’t see anyone, so we walked along the beach and positioned ourselves in the dunes, I took the blanket from her and opened it up, she laid on the blanket and started to take off her jeans. I liked a girl who knew what she wanted and wasn’t going to waste any time to get to it. I stood over her as I took off my shirt, slowly, not an overly well-endowed woman, I didn’t wear a bra, but there was enough there to play with and I liked them played with. I unzipped my jeans and kicked off my boots, she reached up and tugged my jeans down. I held onto my boi shorts as she helped me off with my jeans. I then slid my hands into the sides of my shorts and eased them down off my hips. Her eyes lit up as my bushy mound came into view. She reached up to me as I let my shorts fall to my ankles. I stepped out of them and stood right above her. She looked so helpless under me as I lowered my moist mound onto her face. I knelt. My knees either side of her head as I rocked slowly back and forth. She put her arms around my hips and squeezed my butt cheeks or as much of them as she could get to. She knew how to use her mouth and tongue. I quickly increased the action and she moaned into my core, which sent her vibrations racing through my nerve endings, increasing the build-up of an onrushing tide racing down from deep within. It came in an almighty gushing wave, overflowing onto her face. She lapped at the juices, trying hard not to miss a droplet. She did of course, as I saw the shiny juicy liquid running down her cheeks and into her eyes, she had them clenched shut. But her tongue and mouth were still working to bring me down slowly as little aftershocks swept through my body, I squeezed my tits and pinched my nipples as she pressed a finger into my pink star. I eased back onto it. I moaned at the feeling and shook one last time then slumped forward. My tummy squashing her nose, she giggled.

I rolled off of her face half on and half not on the blanket. She rolled onto the top of me and eased herself up to my face. She kissed me, sharing the remnants of my orgasm with me. I rolled her over onto her back, looking into her eyes, a smile came to her lips as I saw her breathing start to change slowly. I pulled her legs up, my hands placed behind her knees, she bent them as I pushed them up into her non-existent bosoms. I looked down at her smooth pink tight pussy, one that hadn’t seen a lot of fucking, her lips still tightly closed, but obviously aroused, her aroma was that of a sweet tender young woman. I placed her left leg over my shoulder, eased myself down towards her pink swollen mound, and blew on her moist pink lips, she moaned and lifted her ass off the blanket, I moved closer to her and let my tongue run slowly up the side of her mound, her body groaned and I run down the other side, ever so slowly. I wanted her to remember me and to come looking for me in the future. I put her other leg around my other shoulder as I let a droplet of spittle drop from my mouth onto the tip of her core, where I knew her little button would be hiding. She again lifted her ass off the blanket. As I put two fingers into my mouth, letting her see what was about to happen. She smiled once again. I moved my other hand to her mound and rubbed her slowly, her eyes closed and a soft moaning left her lips. I used my other hand to open her butterfly wings, and I saw her inner pinkness welcoming me to her core and her paradise. I took my wet fingers from my mouth and placed them at her entrance, her eyes were begging me. I eased them into her softly and slowly, with no rush. Her hips were trying to greet my fingers but I moved them back each time she tried to push her body onto me. I smiled at the teasing I was giving her. I knew what I was doing, I knew what she wanted and I knew how to give her the ride of a lifetime. I pushed into her she moan, she sighed, and she moved up onto my fingers. My other hand was resting at the top of her mound, pushing down. My forefinger and thumb searched for her cute button, my fingers slipped into her easily now as I moved them back and forth. I found her little nib and toyed with it, she ooowwwed and aaarrrrdddd and moved her hips quicker with each thrust of my fingers. She was thrashing her head from side to side. Pleading, demanding to cum. My finger and thumb captured her pearl, working it within its shell, she was loud her pleading becoming desperate, she demanded me to make her cum. I eased off, she screamed at me “NNNNNOOOOOOOOO” so I lowered my mouth onto her tiny little clit, sucked at it, flicked it and played with it using my tongue to increase her pleasure, as I sent my pinky in search of her small tight rosebud. My fingers curled upwards as my other hand pushed down on her cervix. I held her clit in my lips as I rubbed the inside of her tight pink pussy, feeling the roughness as the palm of my hand held her down she was squirming to get away, I stopped my thrusting and kept licking and sucking on her clit, my pinky now had found its place in her rosebud. She was stuck between two places of pure pleasure as she screamed when she exploded onto my hand, not the hot gushing climax a mature woman might have, but one a teenager enjoys nonetheless. She lay there panting, sweating in the cold moonlight. She laughed, still panting.

“Oh wow, Oh my fucking god. That was so good, we have to do that again,” She told me, laughing as she said it.

I eased out of her two entrances and wiped them on the blanket. Then told her “you need to get an anal douche babe,” I told her.

She blushed and apologised, I smiled and shrugged my shoulders, “Not a big deal,” I replied. “But something to remember when dating an older woman, she will expect you to be clean, inside and out,” I smiled back at her. “Loved your pussy by the way, so tight and sweet,” She blushed again.

We lay there side by side, she tracing a finger around my B-size boobs which looked large compared to her AA’s. I rested my head on my hand as my elbow sank into the sand, while Chloe laid her head on her arm as she watched my chest move in and out. “Tell me about Terry Cookson,” I asked.

“I don’t know her that well, we have spoken a little when she is at the park, she fixes phones but not into older women. How old are you?” She asked.

“Old enough,” I told her, then asked, “How do you know she isn’t into older women?”

“All the girls she hangs around with are all high school types, they come down here from LeFevre after school, it’s a real kindergarden around 3:30,” She went on.

I laughed at her, here was this teenager calling out others for doing exactly what we’ve been doing.

She went fishing in her jeans for her phone, “Here is her number,” she told me. I looked for my phone and entered it under PF or phone fixer. As I said my code would be easy to crack.

I asked her, “Ever hear of any of the girls going missing for a week or so?”

She stopped what she was doing and went searching for her thong, which I had already found and was planning on souveniring. “I have to be getting on.” She said as she was looking around for her underwear, I took them out from underneath me and brought them to my nose before handing them over. Why do you want to know about Tell for?” She asked. Snatching her thong from my hand.

“Well to fix a phone, first of all,” I told her.

“As I told you earlier, down at West Lakes.” She said standing up and getting dressed. “Will we do this again sometime? I’m down there at the kiosk three nights every week,” She said with a begging look on her face.

I smiled back at her as I zipped up my jeans, “Can’t promise, but it was rather fun.” We walked back to the car, I saw the goose bumps on her naked chest, almost bigger than her little AA titties. She pulled her T-shirt on before climbing into the car, I smiled at her and kissed her once again.

“Home James,” she roared, then giggled like the teenager she was. She gave directions. Left here, turn right, then next on the left after the round-about. She asked me to stop on the corner, she could walk the rest of the way, she told me. She pointed towards the next intersection. “Turn left there it will take you down to Military Road, then it is up to you.” And with that, she waved and walked off.

I sighed, smelt my fingers and then sucked them clean once more, forgetting where my pinky had been. I raced through the gears hitting 60 mph once I got onto Military Road, I was down at West Lakes in no time flat. I pulled into the carpark just down from the rowing club, put the car in neutral, turned the lights off and coasted towards the skate park. The lights there were concentrated on the rink. So parking the car away from the lights was easy. I got out but didn’t close the door with my customary thump, but eased it closed. I walked along the pathway closest to the lakes themselves. Then once I was close enough I sat on a bench, my feet on the seat and my arse on the top rail. I could see almost all of the park from my seated position. It was obvious who Terry Cookson was. The girl sitting with a small group of girls all laughing and carrying on. Some cuddling, others kissing. There would have been around a dozen older lads zooming around doing all sorts of jumps and tricks, some falling ass over tit and screaming with delight. To be a young person again, I thought to myself. Looking at the whole scene, I could see why Chloe mentioned riding in the bushes, more than on one occasion couples disappeared from sight only to reappear some 10 minutes later. No guessing as to what was going on in the bushes. I walked around the perimeter in the shadows, not wanting to be seen. I approached Terry Cookson and with no more than a dozen paces to go before she raised her head from what she was doing, ‘fixing’ a phone for someone, no doubt. She started putting bits and pieces into shoe boxes as soon as she spotted me approaching. Then put the lid on the box closest to her and moved it to the seat next to her. A couple of lads shot across the park on their boards and came up and landed between me and the phone fixer. I stopped and looked them both in the eye. I cocked my head to one side, just enough to see the Sk8ertoyinc and catch her eye. I held up a Samsung G8, She said nothing and shrugged her shoulders. A lad put his hand on my chest and thought he was tough in doing so. I looked him in the eye, smiled at him and suddenly in the blink of an eye, I grabbed his wrist, twisted it and bent it backwards, he turned with the twisting movement of his arm and I put my heel into the back of his knees and he collapsed in a screaming heap. I let him go and grabbed the smaller of the two by his throat, and just squeezed. His two hands went for my wrist and he grabbed it, I started to close my fingers. His eyes bulged and I let him go, he coughed and spluttered, picked up his board and sat down at the table. I raised a finger to him. “Stay, there’s a good boy,”

I turned my attention to the innocent-looking Sk8ertoyinc one Terry Cookson, and told her, “All I wanted was someone to make my phone safe to use, I was told you were the one to do it.” She smiled at me.

She held out her hand and wiggled her fingers, I placed the phone in her palm. She opened the back using a small flat looking object. Took out the sim card, took the battery out and fiddled about with it. She then took something out of one of her many shoe boxes and put it in the back of the phone, replacing the battery and the sim card. Put it all together again
Turned it back on and then went through it. The photos that Lisa sent me got everyone’s attention, as a small group of girls gathered around. With some sniggers and a couple of oh fuck she’s nice, types of comments. She went to hand the phone back. And her first words to me were, “A hundred and fifty normally, but for you make it a round two hundred,” Her eyes were stony cold, she wasn’t joking.

I said to her, “how about we make it a round fifty, for 5 minutes of work and the unfriendly welcome by your boyfriends,” She smiled, “the work was fuck all, you are paying for the knowledge and for me forgetting whoever you are. So it is still a couple of hundred, come back for your phone when you have it.”

“Look, Terry,” I said, “I am taking the phone with me when I go and not totally unhappy to pay you a hundred when I get paid.”

She looked me up and down, then asked, “Why do you have naked pics of Evie on your phone?”

“How do you know Evie?” I shot straight back at her. We stared at each other for a few moments, both of us weighing up our next question.

She answered first, “She’s a friend.”

“I’m looking for her, her family are worried they haven’t seen her for a couple of weeks,” I replied.

She smiled, “that’s Evie for you, last time we spoke, she was heading to a party over in Seaton with some Asian-looking guys, they were looking for a party animal for the weekend, that was the weekend before last,” She typed something into my phone and then handed it back to me. An address on Tapleys Hill Road.

“Be careful, they play a little rougher than the skater boys.” She said as she picked her boxes up and disappeared into the bushes behind her, her little troop followed on.

I sent Lisa a text message. ‘Delete this after reading.’ I told her, knowing she wouldn’t. I continued,
‘Some gal pals of said missing niece tell me she is a bit of a wild child, into most things. A risk-taker, I am checking a place out, will text you in the morning.’ I checked the time on my phone and it had just gone 21:17.
Great I said to myself. An angel in her family’s eyes but a street-smart wild child when out with her mates. If nothing turned up at the address, I was at a loss as to what to do next. I would give it a few days, then hand it back to Lisa. Strange I thought, normally a kid leaves more hints and clues when they are trying to be all grown up. It’s not like I can chase down some leads. There weren’t any. I pulled in the 24 hour Macca’s went inside, got myself a meal, and some coffee and waited. I checked the address out on google maps, not that far maybe 15 minutes at this time of night. Then thought I would try an old mate out from my time in the local force, he might run the address for me and he might not too. I pulled out my old personal phone and rang his last known number I had. He answered on the third ring.

“Well, well, will wonders never cease,” Was his opening line.

“Hi, Harry, how have you been?” I asked with a tone that said I don’t really give a rats A.

“A lot safer now you aren’t around so yeah I’m pretty good, no thanks to you,” Came his reply.

“How many times do I have to say sorry, before you actually believe me,” I told him.

“Not going to happen any time soon, so what do you want?” he asked in his no nonsense tone, then he continued without waiting to be told. “Listen Myers, you and I never got on, so stop thinking we were mates or something, we weren’t. Now fuck off,” But he didn’t hang up.

“Harry, I know we weren’t mates, but we were partners, and we have enough shit on each other to do little favours from time to time, so if I give you an address, can you run it for me and tell me if I should stay clear or not,” I asked in a softer tone.

“One day you little slimy dyke shit head, you are going to end in a back alley with a bullet in your brain, and no one is going to give a shit, you know that,” He told me once again. I must have heard that line a dozen times now.

“Yeah, so you keep telling me, over and over, again and again,” I reminded him with my sarcastic tone.

“Yeah, well you will. Give us the address and I’ll call you back. On this number as usual?”

He ran the address and called me back about 20 minutes later.

“Hey, where did you get the address?” he asked abruptly.

“A friend of a friend told me there might be a party there,” I told him.

“Don’t be a smart ass, Corrie. The FEDS have it on a code black watch list, so stay clear, the people in there don’t fuck around. So tell your friend of a friend, thanks but no thanks for the party invite. Chances are you’ll wake up in some Chinese province working on your back 16 hours a day.”

I took a deep breath and said my thanks. An AFP code black watch list has one meaning, if you go in the front door, do it with guns drawn and ready to fight. Better still don’t go in through the front door.

What the fuck have I got myself into? Fucking Lisa and those blue ponds she uses as eyes, got me again.
© Copyright 2022 RDKing (author-rdking at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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