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Soft vore story between a macro anthro female wolf and a micro human male. |
Messing with dimensions Pt 1 Lee was a scientist. He wasn’t a genius by any means, especially compared to his colleagues but he had a practical mind when it came to solving things and engineering ways to test ideas. He woke up full of energy and excitement for the day and leapt from his bed. Today was the day. He rushed his shower and scoffed a quick but healthy breakfast before jumping into his car to leave for work. His foot itched over the throttle wanting to push the car over the speed limit to get to work as soon as possible but he didn’t want to take the risk of getting pulled over, then he’d miss it. Buzzing his car passed the security gate he swiftly parked his car then jogged into the building. Lee started his duties ensuring the machinery was correctly set up and making last minute calculations to keep himself busy. He’d already done it all the day before but everything had to be perfect. Someone patted him on the back making him jump out of his skin “Woah it’s just me” Dave giggled in delight “Ah sorry, I’m just… high strung” Lee replied embarrassed to Dave Dave wasn’t just a good friend, he was the head scientist and the real genius behind this project. He’d brought Lee on board along with a few others he’d worked with before knowing they had the skills to accomplish his goal. “Can’t blame you there, I think we all are. I barely got any sleep at all last night” Dave replied in a friendly manner “It’s a big day” Lee replied, it felt like an understatement to the emotions he felt “Thirty minutes Lee” Dave said with a big warm smile patting him on the back again Lee finished his duties, and was up on the observation deck by the ten minute warning siren. He watched anxiously as the computers ran their sequencing and diagnostics. The five minute warning came and the system gave the green light. “Well, here we go” Dave said and pressed one single button that started the official countdown that would activate the machine they’d built “Here we go” Lee echoed “Hey maybe we’ll finally get you a date if this all goes well” Dave mocked “If this goes well you’ll be lucky to get me out the building” Lee joked back They watched eagerly through the lead lined glass as the countdown got to thirty seconds. “Containment field online” the computer announced There was a dull buzz of power as the device Lee loved to call the force field came online. He wasn’t worried about this part, they’d already tested this before. It was a selective field of electro magnetism that compressed and densified air molecules into a physical impenetrable and yet completely transparent wall. Lee himself had tested it before by standing inside it when it was activated and throwing a tennis ball against it. They’d probably win a Nobel prize for that alone but that wasn’t what todays test was for, they had bigger ambitions. “Five” the computer said “Four” they all started counting in with it “Three” “Two” “One” There was a flash followed by a burst of energy that hit against the containment field but it held. The sudden burst edged off to reveal a dull purple orb in the middle of the circular podium that swirled like liquid. They watched the monitors and data screens that were alive with figures and read outs. The purple orb stayed there for almost a minute then without any drama it simply winked out of existence. They all gasped as it did then Dave shut the machine down. As the machine cooled down and they waited for the all clear they started reading through the read outs even though the computers hadn’t finished their processing. “We did it” Dave finally announced once all the calculations were done slumping back in his chair “We actually fucking did it” They all looked at each other in stunned silence for a moment then erupted into woops and cheers leaping about hugging one another. They all went through the data several times over to confirm it. They’d officially created a wormhole. Next job would be to sustain it for longer. They got the all clear from the computers. Lee left the observation deck and went down to the platform to check over the machinery. He couldn’t believe it. There was no damage what so ever. No fizzled wiring, no burnt-out fuses. Hell even the light bulbs were fine. He walked into the middle of the platform just to examine the metal floor plating where he knew the orb had touched but saw no visible evidence of anything. “Boss I’ve got nothing down here” Lee said over his walkie-talky looking up at the observation glass Dave was behind Dave had a puzzled look on his face “Okay, listen I’m seeing some odd things going on up here, can you clear the floor as a precaution” “Sure thing” Lee replied and stood to walk off A familiar buzz sounded and Lee walked into the invisible force field that he’d built. He looked up at the observation deck to see everyone running around in a mad panic. Dave looked at him. “What’s going on” Lee mouthed with exaggeration, he knew the walkie-talkie was useless inside the active field as was his vocal voice Dave held up his hands and mouthed back “I don’t know” panic was on his face This isn’t good Lee thought and looked around for something he could do. He felt around the field for any weaknesses but it was as solid as the floor. The floor! he thought to himself and dropped to his knees to try to find a floor panel he could remove but alas they’d built it too well. There was no way he could get them up. Then Lee was suddenly aware of a small popping sound behind him. He got up and turned around to see a small dot floating in the middle of the field. Cautiously he walked over and circled it. At close observation it was the same purple orb as before but about the size of a small grape. It was simply floating there making odd little popping noises. After a moment curiosity got the better of him and he reached out a finger to touch it. The orb exploded outwards in the same burst of energy as before but this time inside the field he heard it like a crack of thunder as he was thrown back against the containment field with a thud. It was enough to knock the wind out of him but not break anything. As he struggled for breath he noticed the orb pulsing. With every pulse the orb got larger and larger. Lee got his breath back under control and started to panic in full. The orb was getting larger and larger and soon it would envelope him as it grew to fill the size of the containment field. He looked up to the observation deck but no one was looking at him. He saw Dave grab a fire extinguished and started using it to smash the controls in a hope to stop the machine. An odd calm came over him then. They’d succeeded and whatever may come of him he’ll be the first recorded person to enter a wormhole, he’d go down in history one way or another. Dave threw the extinguisher away screaming something Lee couldn’t hear then looked down at him in complete anguish. Lee brushed himself off and smile back at Dave then mouthed “I’ll be okay” and stepped into the pulsing purple orb. Lee’s world went black though he was still completely conscious. He felt like he was floating in a swimming pool. A sudden fear of drowning went through him and he took an involuntary deep breath. Fresh air filled his lungs. Well that was strange. He took another breath. Lee couldn’t believe it, floating in this strange black void he could breath absolutely fine. Lee twisted round in the nothingness touching his body, everything was intact and he could feel every part of himself just like normal. Was this it. Was he just going to be stuck in this void until he starved. It was hardly the thrilling discovery he expected to find through a wormhole. He floated there for a while pondering until he noticed a dim purple glow. Lee swivelled round to see a purple sphere getting larger and brighter. Hope filled him as he realised the orb was coming at him. Dave must have got the machine working again so he could escape. Lee watched with both a sense of hope and worry as the orb once again enveloped his body. The sense of floating suddenly changed to a sense of weightlessness followed quickly with the sense of falling. He fell for only a second before hitting a hard surface. After a while in the complete darkness the light of the room was completely blinding. “Dave” Lee called out waiting for his eyes to adjust There was no answer. Maybe the containment field was still up. Steadily Lee got to his feet shielding his eyes still though the brightness was fading off. The floor started coming into focus, it was wooden. Lee blinked and tried to focus on the floor. Yes, it was wood, polished oak if he wasn’t mistaken. Why was he on a polished wooden floor. Something was wrong with the floor though he couldn’t quite put his figure on it. Lee looked up from the floor and forced his eyes to focus in on his surroundings. Slowly the room came into view. The first thing he noticed was that the room was huge. Not huge like it was a grand house but huge in that he felt like a toy in it. Looking around it seemed to be a home office. One wall was a full bookcase, another was a set of draws with piles of paperwork on top set to full off with the amount. Against the third wall was a desk and chair. Looking at the room Lee also realised there was quite a bit of fur on the floor. It seemed like whatever giant lived here also has a giant dog. At the size he was he didn’t want to be left vulnerable on the floor to the mercy of a giant dog. The desk had a kind of trellis design down the side and to Lee it looked like a perfect ladder to climb. He quickly made his way over to it and in no time was up on the desk feeling much safer for it. He looked at the contents of the desk surface. A closed laptop, some more paperwork and a pot of utensils. Lee walk over to the utensils. There was a ruler there and unbelievably in was in centimetres. Measuring himself he seemed to be about eight inches tall. Well could be worse, he thought. He examined the paperwork, it was accounting business but it was all in English. Well wherever he was at least he should be able to communicate. Grabbing one of the pages on the desk and turning it over to the blank side he hauled over a pen and with some difficulty wrote “Please help me” on it. Standing back it looked like a toddler had written it but he supposed it was best he could do for now and it would serve its purpose. After that he tried to climb onto the back of the desk to try and get a view out the window but he simply couldn’t get enough height to see anything more than the leaves of a tree top and the blue skie of a summers day. Lee sat and waited but soon after everything that’d happened he fell asleep on top of the laptop. Lee awoke with a start to what must have been the front door. A voice followed the noise of the door closing “Yes it’s all sorted and I’ve already left instructions for the solicitor.” A sweet feminine voice said though the speaker had an odd accent Lee couldn’t figure out “No, that’s not necessary. Yes I’m on leave next week. No no I’ll get it done, I can probably have it done by this afternoon” the voice continued accompanied by the sounds of cupboard doors and a glass on a side “No, I’m not going anywhere, just need some time to do my own things, you know how it is” they laughed then, it was a beautiful laugh and Lee started to form the image in his head of a tall gorgeous woman, slim but toned, perhaps a brunette “Sure thing, I could do with a girls night out. Next Saturday, it’s a deal. Alright well I better get on. Yeah, catch you later. Bye” Lee heard the glass on the table again then a heavy sigh. Oddly he noticed he didn’t hear the woman’s dog, he’d assumed they were out walking it but it seemed they’d been at work so where was the dog that left the fur, maybe they’d only been dog sitting or something. The footsteps milled around for a bit before taking on a purposeful stride towards the study. Lee stood up, straightened his cloths and held up a hand in prepared greeting. As the woman rounded the corner Lee gave a “Hello” in greeting that immediately got caught in his throat. Him and the figure both stopped and stared at each other before simultaneously letting out a scream. The figure recovered themselves first and cautiously approached. Lee only screamed more as they came close. “Hey hey, it’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you little one” she said slowing edging towards the desk It was the same sweet voice he’d heard talking on the phone. He stopped and stared completely stunned. The sweet voice he’d assumed was coming from a slender brunette was actually coming from an anthropomorphic canine creature. He knew what an anthro was, he’d watched cartoons. But that’s what they were, made up, fantasy, they didn’t really exist. Yet he couldn’t deny his eyes, stood infront of him edging forward trying to calm him with soft words was a giant anthro canine. “That’s it, just calm down” the anthro said reaching the desk and slowly taking a seat in her chair, she noticed the note he’d left “Please help me” she read it aloud “Well I can certainly do my best. My name is Lily, what’s yours” Lee looked at her, she had a wolf’s head with no sign of human like hair only a natural looking coat of fur though in figure she seemed rather human, under her rather bland white shirt it looked as if she had two average sized breasts, her arms were proportionate to her body and at the end of them very human shaped fur backed hands with soft pink skinned palms though her nails were short black stubs more like that of an animal. He looked back to her face, his heart skipped a beat in an instant of fear at having such a large wolf’s head staring at him so close, if she wanted to she could snap him up in her jaws and eat him right then and there. Her eyes seemed to soften at him. “Can you speak?” she said Lee nodded and she smiled brightly showing sharp canines then seemed to consciously lower her lips to cover her teeth again “Do you have a name then?” Lily said keeping her lips tight Lee swallowed hard “Lee” he said aloud “Good, that’s good. It’s nice to meet you Lee, I’m Lily, oh I said that already” she said with a chuckle “Sorry, I never expected to have a traveller in my house” “A what?” Lee replied with a jolt back to reality of his situation “A traveller” she replied as if he should know what that means “You’re not from this world are you?” Lee looked around at the size he was compared to everything around him then back to the kind face of the strange creature before him “No, I don’t think I am. But you have a name for me?” he said confused “Oh you’re in no way the first we’ve had from another world, not even the first, oh what do they call you, ah, Human. Our top scientists haven’t worked out why but for thousands of years our world has attracted those from other worlds” she replied then pulled out her phone “here look, we’ve even got a human working on one of our news channels” she held up he phone which played a video of a human sitting next to an anthro leopard reading new items. What struck Lee the most about the clip was that the other human was also tiny in size compared to the leopard. “She’s small, like me” Lee said “Yes” Lily said putting her phone down on the desk “All travellers come tiny, except for this one time a giant washed up but that’s another story. Again it’s another mystery” “So, I’m not the first” Lee said slowly “But where do all the others come from? How do they get here? Is there a way to return us back? “They come from all over, some are human like you, some animal like us, some are just something completely different. Some tell stories of just waking up here, others found a glowing ball that brought them here and so on. But no ones figured out a way to get travellers back” Lily replied slumping back in her desk chair “So I’m. I’m stuck here?” Lee said “Oh come on, don’t be so glum about it. I’m sure you can make a life for yourself here. And I’ll look after you” she said sweetly “What was your profession before you came here? Also how did you end up in my study?” “I’m a scientist” Lee replied “Oh really?” Lily said excitingly leaning forward to rest her muzzle on her hands Lee flinched but continued “Yes, I was working on a project with my friend. We were trying to create a wormhole. We succeeded but there was an accident and I ended up going into it, then it just dropped me out here on your floor” “Woah, so you actually made the thing that brought you here?” Lily said sounding completely enthralled in his story “Well we believe they do occur naturally which I guess your world proves but we had a theory we could make one and control it. Seems we were wrong” “Maybe not. Maybe you could control it if you had another opportunity. If you know how to do it then maybe you really could go home” She said “You reckon I could do that here?” Lee replied unsure “Oh yeah. Like I said loads of Travellers get jobs and if you know as much as you say you do I’m sure our scientists will be just as excited to take you on as you will be to join them. But we’ll need to make a plan to get you attention, just your existence alone isn’t news worthy” “You got a plan?” Lee asked her somewhat hopeful “Not as yet. First thing first lets get you some food and get you comfortable, then we can talk some more and come up with a plan together. How’s that sound?” Lily said so sweetly Lee couldn’t help but smile at her “Sounds like a plan” he said Lee found Lily absolutely delightful. She’d carried him in her hands ever so gently to the kitchen where she’d shared a sandwich she’d made for herself with him, of course he’d only taken a tiny amount of it at his size. He’d discovered through talking with Lily that she was a wolf and that all land based mammals in this world were anthropomorphic and that carnivores like her lived off a diet of sea food and poultry balanced with bio meat grown in a lab. She had no explanation for her kinds existence though they had a history that dated back over six thousand years. They had no practical theory of evolution that explained why land mammals only were anthro and yet they still kept a practical openness to their existence with many beliefs, some of which were unavoidably religious though Lily insisted she cared little one way or the other what the truth of it was. She also told him to his pure disbelief that he was basically immortal in this world, something to do with his atoms simply being incompatible with the atoms of her world. He’d argued the point until she’d pulled out her phone again to show him videos of another tiny human having heavy and sharp objects drooped on them, and worse. Lee had winced at the first clip but after seeing the human completely unharmed he’d watched the rest with interest. The videos themselves seemed aged to which Lily replied they were part of a huge test to find solutions many years ago but they’d only succeeded in creating more questions they didn’t have the funds or technology to answer. Lee stayed up all night talking with her and found himself rapidly growing to like her. She was smart and compassionate yet witty and a bit cheeky. She was also rather pretty, in her own way he started to think. Eventually though they had to call it a night. She made him a little bed in one of her small top draws in her bedroom that she’d emptied out for him. His bedding consisted of a clean folded tea towel as a mattress with a washing up sponge fresh from the packet as a pillow and clean cloth as a duvet. It wasn’t ideal but it was the best she could do at a short notice. Once he was safely in his bed she turned the lights out then he heard her undress and get into bed. He woke in the morning as light shinned in through the bedroom window onto the draws he slept in. He rubbed his eyes feeling disorientated as he realized the environment around him and remembered the crazy event of the day before. So it really was all real. He sat up and looked around, Lily was still asleep in her bed though she looked to be stirring to life. He wondered if he should get up and try to clamber down and do something, he felt a bit useless doing nothing but it was his first night here and he decided it best to wait for Lily to wake up. He shuffled up so he was laying down but in a raised sitting position where he started pondering an action plan based of the information he’d got from Lily the night before. His mind lost focus though as Lily started making soft moaning sounds in her sleep. His face flushed red listening to her sounds and he couldn’t help but turn his eyes to her bed. Her body moved slow and steady under her covers as small gasps escaped her lips, she looked like she was having a very good dream Lee thought. Soon though her moans died off into sounds of waking as she stretched out her limbs in bed with a huge toothy yawn so wide he could see all the way to the back of her surprisingly pink soft wet throat. He didn’t know why but at the sight of her maw a warm shiver ran through his body. The show wasn’t over yet though. Coming to a more wakeful state she rolled out the bed and stood up to give another big stretch arching her back with her arms out wide. Lee could help but stare as her covers fell off her to reveal her naked form. He was right about her human like figure. Her two breasts were positioned just right with a perfect balance between size and perkiness giving them a great shape accompanied with slightly exposed pink nipples. Her body was slim but well toned with nicely rounded butt cheeks. Lee noted at her pubic area her fur seemed shorter and softer, he could barely make out an extremely inviting looking moist slit between her strong legs. She gasped suddenly and looked his way groping for her covers and pulling them up to cover her nakedness. Lee blushed and looked away. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have peaked” he said “My fault” she said “For a moment I thought I’d dreamed you” Lee laughed “Me too. You’re uhm, you’re quite something” he said another flush going through him She was silent for a moment before saying “I’m just going to put some cloths on” “Gotcha” Lee replied holding up a hand to block his eyes for her sake There was a sound of her wardrobe doors open and close and then silence. He wondered what she was doing when she coughed once. He didn’t move. She coughed once more. Lee wasn’t sure but it sounded deliberate to his ears. Slowly he lowered his hand and looked towards her. She was standing in the middle of her room butt naked. Her body was facing him but she had her head down and turned to one side as if ashamed though the blue eye he could see seemed to sparkle with hope. As if knowing he was watching now she slowly and delicately pulled her bra round and cupped her firm breasts into it one at a time. Lee swallowed hard as blood flowed through him. Slowly caressing her hands down her sides she turned bending over with her tail raised to pick up her knicker and started lifting them up her legs erotically. There was no denying it was entirely intentional. Her entire backside was exposed to him. Bent over with her tail raised her firm cheeks almost made the shape of a love heart, and in the middle of that heart was her clean slightly pulsing pucker under her tail. Beneath that, now clearly visible, was a very human looking wet pussy. It looked so inviting. If he was the same size as her he knew it was the kind of pussy that would ever so welcomingly take his length inside easily and squeeze him with wetness from all sides at once. At his size though he wondered what he could possibly do to such an amazing pussy. As she straightened up pulling the band of her underwear up over her ass she turned to him and they made eye contact. Their eyes were locked. Lee couldn’t explain it, he wasn’t an overly sexual person, he hadn’t even been with a woman for years, nor was he into some of that fantasy porn he knew existed on the internet back home, yet this beautiful wolf woman had his manhood at full attention as they stared at each other. His mouth felt dry as she turned her whole beautiful body back round to him. She looked like she was about to say something when her phone rang loudly from the other room. “Shit!” she said and ran from the room Lee didn’t know just how to feel or what to do, what would of happened if the phone hadn’t have rang, what even could they have done. An image of her open maw popped back into his mind and his manhood twitched. He shook himself, stop being stupid Lee, he chastised himself. He better get dressed himself. As he donned his cloths he heard Lily talking and strained to listen “I know I’m sorry, I had a uhm, a setback. Yes, I’ll get it done right now. No I can’t talk about it yet but I’ll tell you when I can I promise. Noooo shut up. Sort of. Don’t mock me I’ll talk to you about it when I can. No absolutely not you cannot come round. I wont open the door if you do. Yes, I promise to tell you everything soon. Okay I’m hanging up now Kate, byyyeeee” She walked back in still in her underwear “I’m really sorry about that” she said “I see you’ve already got dressed. Listen I’ve got to quickly do some work, it wont take me long. Do you mind if I just put you in the kitchen to sort out your own breakfast whilst I quickly sort it out, then we can get back to planning your situation out” Lily said in a bit of fluster holding her tail round her with both hands. “Yeah sure, gotta do what you gotta do” Lee replied “Thanks Lee” She said and gently placing her hands in front of him to climb aboard Once again he found himself in the strong powerful yet soft and warm hands of the beautiful wolf creature called Lily. She carried him carefully though he was supposed to be practically immortal here. He wondered again at how that might work as he still had a complete sense of touch. He rubbed his hand across the palm that carried him marvelling at the feel of it Lily giggled “Stop that” “Sorry” Lee smiled She placed him down and excusing herself disappeared into the study. A few days passed by easily. They’d come up with a plan to utilise social media to get his message out. He’d drawn diagrams, written a script and Lily had set up a camera by her desk for him to use it as his stage. They’d recorded it several times before they were finally happy with it and after a small bit of editing they posted it online. “And now, we wait” Lilly said slumping back into the couch next to him where she held her glass of wine down to him so he could scoop out a glass of his own with the tiny cup she’d gotten him from the internet along with some fresh tiny cloths “Now we wait” he said somewhat melancholy “What’s up. I thought you’d be happy” Lily said putting her glass down “Oh no I am happy. It’s just” He struggled to find the right words without sounding foolish “It’s just that, I’ve enjoyed my time with you and you’ve done soo much for me asking nothing in return. Part of me just doesn’t want that to end” He was embaressed to say his feeling aloud and looked away but she lowered a hand to him and rubbed his face softly with one finger. He leaned into her warmth as she pulled his face round to face her “I understand” she said softly then lowered herself onto the floor and placed her face on the sofa cushion mere inches from him. Her breath was warm on him and as he looked into her deep blue eyes he felt a deep stirring within himself grow “Am I crazy” He said huskily “That first night when I saw you” “Shh, no words” Lily breathed closing her eyes Before he could even form a reply her muzzle moved towards him and embraced him in a kiss. It was all he could do to not loose his balance as he clung onto her muzzle and her lips moved on his whole body in tiny kissing motions. After a short time she stopped and started to pull away. Overcome with emotions Lee acted instinctively, he grabbed the fur on the side of her face and pulled her nose back to him and kissed her fully on her black lips. Lily gasped then let out a soft whimper surrendering to his control. He released her and she pulled her head back and opened her eyes with a flutter. “Lee” she breathed “So that first morning, you remember it well?” “How could I forget” “Did you. Like what you saw? I must be so freakish to you” Lily said looking down “Am I not freakish to you” he retorted “Lily look at me, hey look at me. That’s it. I did like what I saw and I like more of you than just that” “Oh Lee, you’re too sweet” “You’re too beautiful” He replied easily before he even thought about what he said She stood then and stepping round the coffee table she started to slowly strip her cloths. She pulled the T-shirt she’d been wearing for comfort that day over her head. Her ears flick through its collar followed by her long nose before she dropped it to the ground beside her. Next she bent over sliding her trousers down her long slender fur covered legs maintaining eye contact the whole while. Lee’s heart hammered in his chest watching the slow seductive show Lily was putting on for him. She kicked the trousers to one side. “Your turn” she said nervously Lee didn’t think he could match her level of seductiveness but for her he gave it his best go until he too stood only in his underwear. “Back to you” Lee said his manhood already excited “I think we should take this to the bedroom” Lily said Lee agreed so she picked him up and after another shared kiss carried him to the bedroom where she first placed him on top of the bed before standing back to resume her strip show for him. The bra went first with her simply unclipping it letting it fall off her body. She then gave him a reverse show of the one he’d got the first morning. She turned slowly round then raising her tail slowly began bending over hooking her thumbs into the waistband of her knickers pulling them down over her well-shaped arse to reveal once again her clean pucker and wet pink slit. She stayed like that for a moment before standing again to turn back to him. “Your turn” Lily said once more her voice gone deeper and huskier full of lust as she eyed him hungrily Well there was nothing for it. Lee removed his boxers to reveal his manhood at full mask looking at her pure naked beauty. “I fear at the size I am I’m not much to impress” he said, although his manhood was considered above average in his world here in hers at the size he was she probably wouldn’t even feel it “We’ll figure it out, and I have an idea” she said (Unbirth starts here) She bent down to kiss him again but this time her lips enveloped his whole naked body and as she pulled her lips away her tongue slipped out licking up him. He moaned leaning into the warm wet tongue nearly falling forward as she pulled back from him. Before he could despair though she climbed over him to lay on the bed with him between her open legs. The view was magnificent. She sat with the pillows slightly propping her up so she could look at him. He looked up the long soft fur covered thighs to their centre where her moist slit awaited him eagerly as she looked down at him breathing heavily expectantly. “I want you Lee. Just do what feels natural” Lily said breathing hard, her chest raised and lowered with her heavy breaths Lee walked over to her left thigh and leaned into her fur. The muscles quivered making him smile. Then keeping contact with her thigh he walk up towards her centre. Her breaths got faster and faster the closer he got to her centre. Soon he was standing right before it. He couldn’t see her face anymore over her mound though he was sure she was still looking down at him. He rubbed his hands around her private area making sure not to touch the wet flesh just yet. He made a move as if to slip his hands into the flesh but then lifted his hands to place them back on the other side of her mound. She gasped then let out a moaning giggle “Oh you’re a tease” she accused “Oh am I?” he queried with a grin knowing full well the answer “Yes” she breathed as he continued teasing the sensitive area “How about this then” Lee said placing his hands softly onto her clit right before him She whimpered and let out a moan “Oh fuck. Yes, do that” Lee couldn’t help but oblige her. Using both hands he caressed her clit paying close attention to her breaths and muscle spasms making sure he gave her enough but not to much at once. Her moans became louder and more uncontrolled as he continued. He couldn’t help but get more and more exited feeling his own rise with her. Finally not knowing what more he could do to please her he leaned his whole body into her folds keeping his hands pressed on her clit. Lee was rewarded with a sharp cry of pleasure. With that response he started moving his body around in her folds making her cry out more and even start moaning his name. Her pussy was so warm, so wet and so welcoming and yet he couldn’t help but feel a little bit silly moving the way he was. It was like he was doing an impression of the worst dance known to man. Lily however didn’t care as she moaned griping the covers in clenched hands. “Can you, go inside?” she asked between breaths He slowed to think about it. “I’m not sure, it might be a bit awkward” he replied honestly “Could I, try?” Lily said still moaning softly to his slow movements “We can try” he agreed seeing no harm in giving it a go He stepped away from her slit covered in her juices to see her hand coming at him. She grabbed him gently but firmly in one hand then sitting up a bit more for a better view held him between her legs ready to enter her feet first “Ready?” she checked “Ready” Lee nodded With no further hesitation she brought him to her entrance and with his help wiggling his legs into her hole he entered her. She cried out again throwing her head back as she slid him inside her. It was an odd sensation as he watched his body disappearing inside her. Her body was running so hot and her pussy was soo wet it was almost like dipping into a hot tub as she slid him in letting more and more of her hand slip away as he went deeper and deeper. Her surprisingly tight hole ran up his legs then he moaned himself as his groin entered pushing his manhood up to rest against his belly where the muscles surrounding him started rippling and pulsing as Lily cried out in ecstasy. She stopped his travel as his arms came just to the entrance. She held him there for a moment trying to control her breaths whilst his body was squeezed by her wet depths from all sides. “You okay?” She finally managed looking back down at him He replied with a wiggle that made her gasp. She smiled then letting her head drop back to the pillows started to move him in and out of her like a dildo. He moaned as well as his solid cock rubbed against the inside of her sweet wet hole but he couldn’t match her wails of pleasure as she cried out his name. Suddenly he got an idea. She was moving him in her by holing him in a pinch grip with her index finger on his back between his shoulder blades and her thumb on his chest just bellow his collar bone, his arms and hand were completely free doing nothing. He should change that. He focused on his target then reaching out as he slid in and out of her he placed his hands back on her clit and started rubbing again. “Oh fuck” She cried Her whole body shivered and her back started to arch as he carried on rubbing. Her moans turned to growls with the whimpers in-between turning into short yipping howls. He felt her depths get wetter and wetter as the spasms became more and more intense. She cried his name and he cried hers in return. Despite his own enjoyment of the experience he was so enthralled in her pleasure he was completely ignoring his own as he felt her reach her peak. “Lee! Don’t stop. I think I’m gunna, oh fuck. Lee, I’m. Aaaah. Fuck, I’m gunna cum. Oh Lee I’m cumming” she cried and with a deep howl cupped her hand over him and her mound and dunked him fully inside her. Just like when he’d been in the void he could somehow breath with ease even submerged fully inside her. His whole world rippled in her orgasm, her muscles pushing and pulling on his body as flushes of liquid slid over him and out her slit passed her fingers. He felt her whole body spasm a few more times before she finally came back to herself and pulled him out hurriedly. “Oh my god Lee I’m so sorry, are you okay?” she said holding him up to her face “Are you kidding, that was amazing” Lee replied She smiled brightly “Oh good, I’ve never came like that before in my life” Lily said “I’m just glad I could please you” “Oh you done more than that my little man. Wait, did you cum?” “Not yet, I was enjoying pleasing you too much” Lee replied honestly “Well that’s no good at all, you need your release too. Would you like to go back down there?” she asked with full seriousness A thought came into his head, “Actually I have a different idea” Lee replied shyly (Mawplay/Oral vore starts here) After some discussion Lee found himself standing naked on Lily’s open palm itching with anticipation. “You sure about this?” Lily said nervously but her voice was tinged with a hint of giddiness “As long as you’re comfortable with it. We saw from that last video I’ll be fine” Lee said referring to the test videos they’d watched were a tiny had been fed to a pelican and retrieved the next day unharmed “Is it bad I really want to try this too” the beautiful wolf woman queried shyly Lee smiled “Shut up and taste me” he urged light-heartedly She smiled and brought him to her lips. He sat down in her palm as her black lips made contact starting to make small kisses on his body. Lee groaned at the feel of her lips with her warm breath washing over him. She pulled back her lips slightly as her tongue slipped out and licked him from his toes all the way up to his head. They groaned together, him at the sensation of her tongue sliding over his exposed member and her at the taste of him that was still mixed with the taste of her orgasm. She licked him again and again and again breathing heavier as he arched into her wet tongue. “Mmmm” she moaned pulling away “you do taste so good” “Then why don’t you get a better taste of me” Lee replied heavy with lust missing her tongue on his body already She let out a breathy chuckle and brought up her over hand to pick him up. He raised his arms and she picked him up by his hands to dangle him over her snout. She looked at him hanging before her nose with her gorgeous loving blue eyes. Then ever so slowly she closed her eyes as if for a passionate kiss but instead of a kiss she opened her impressive maw and lowered him in. The warmth was incredible. So gently she released him and pulled her fingers away leaving him laying fully on her tongue. Despite his small stature his body was large enough to fill her whole maw. His feet were touching the back of her silky soft throat. Her top jaw slowly closed on him till her upper palate pressed him down into the pliable tongue beneath him. Lee was in heaven. Her tongue then started moving backwards and forwards to rub his body up and down. She made soft sounds of enjoyment as she started salivating on his body. Soon the cave of her mouth was as wet as her pussy had been. Wanting more he rolled over onto his stomach so his hard twitching cock now lay in the centre of the warm wet rippling tongue that strived to taste every single last bit of him. He grabbed her two large lower canine teeth and used them to start humping into her tongue. Her mouth vibrated in a moan at the new taste sending vibrations through his entire form that made him cry out into the dark wetness. “Mmm Lee, you taste soo good” her voice echoed around him in a muffled struggle to talk as he bounced up and down on her tongue “This feels soo fucking good Lily. Go all the way” Lee replied out a crack in her lips She moaned in response and went back to work sucking on him. He noticed vaguely her sucking was more purposeful as if she was now trying to extract every tiny bit of flavour from him. Her moans got heavier and heavier again sending more and more ripples of pleasure through his body. Her mouth suddenly opened in a cry and from his vantage point saw her rubbing her own pussy. Her jaws closed again and sucked him even harder. His feet that’d been touching the back of her throat were suddenly gripped by a ring of muscle as a Schluck echoed around him. “Oh fuck” Lee cried out in pleasure as her sucking sounds vibrated him as her tongue continued its assault on his body His loins started to fill with unimagined jolts of ecstasy with his member twitching ready for its expected release. Her moans became erratic and she took another Gulp of his body bringing his thighs to her throat causing him the loose his grip from her canines. “Mmm Lee. You taste” her words died off as she cried out again around his body “Oh fuck. Lee I’m cumming” She cried with a Schluk that brough his hips to the back of her tongue It was impossible to hold back anymore. Lee cried out with her exploding his full load of semen over the quivering tongue. They moaned in unison both climaxing but as his body spasmed her tongue came up and pushed him back into her throat with a heavy wet sucking noise. Her body took over then pulling the large lump in her throat down with a series for Gulps and Schlucks that continued his whole journey down inside her as she arched her back tracing him down her throat into her chest with a finger. His orgasm carried him all the way down until he was squeezed though a fleshy ring and dropped into her stomach like any other piece of meat. As he came back to more cohesive thoughts he was glad to find that just as expected he could breathe just fine and the acid that rolled around mixed with the wine she’d been drinking were completely harmless. He was shook as she moved about then heard her muffled through the walls of her stomach say “Lee, are you alright in there?” “Now that’s what I call a deepthroat” Lee called back “What? I cant hear you properly” She said sounding worried “I said I’m okay” He called out but louder this time “Hang on” Lily said He was rocked and sloshed about inside her more as she walked around before he felt a string drop on his head from the hole he’d come from. It wasn’t completely black inside he but it was still extremely dark but not wanting her to worry about him he tied the string round him and gave it a tug for her to pull him up though he felt comfortable enough to stay in her. He was quickly brought back up her long loving throat that surprisingly helped by pushing him in the reverse back up to her maw. She rapidly grabbed him with a thumb and finger and pulled him out sucking off the juices as she did. “Are you okay?” Lily said said turning him over in her hands to examine him Lee laughed in joy “I’m fine, I’m fine. That was amazing” Her gaze softened as she calmed down “Really?” “Really” he said looking up at her beautiful fur covered face and kind eyes “Oh good, I got carried away and worried I might’ve hurt you, I couldn’t make out what you was saying” she cooed “No, that was the best experience I’ve ever had in my whole life. You really enjoyed that as much as me?” he asked She looked abashed, he was sure if her face wasn’t covered in fur she’d have red flushed cheeks “I don’t know how to explain it. Just tasting you and feeling you go down as you..” she shuddered “I’ve never felt that before. That’s two extreme pleasures you’ve given me in one night” “Well we can definitely do it again, but not now. I’m spent and I think I need a wash” Lee smiled She sniffed him and giggled “Well I’ve certainly marked my territory” Together they shared a shower then spent the rest of the evening cuddling naked on the sofa with Lee laying in the crook of her arm as she held him close to her watching a movie that was essentially Die Hard but with anthro actors. Lily said it was more a Christmas movie but she loved watching it even in summer. Lee didn’t care, he just hoped for many more nights like this. End of Pt 1 |