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Cawell Gwydr is a city between cities, a reflection of supernatural things. |
Cawell Gwydr is a centre point. Where the ley lines converge. Every supernatural thing in this world has a place in it. There's a door to it in every city, every village, every hamlet. All that differs is how obvious. Be careful, though, the city is full of the strange and mysterious, and delving into its underbelly is a recipe for every different kind of disaster. The Glass Cage, by Unknown. There once was a city of glass. I found a door under the overpass. Where smoke from the cars on the bridge overtop, Made a layer of ash over grass. The glass city's doors are a little different to ours, They could be a hole in the wall, or in a patch of flowers. You could spend hours looking for doors, To enter the glass city's towers. And when you squeeze through, there is lots to do, Like jump between buildings, Or meet someone new. But the best thing of all, Are the secrets there. Better than finding strange things to wear. There's doors in but not out, Isn't that unfair? It's a cage, It's a cage, It's a cage. Everything, everything, put on a stage. A piece of a monster from a whispered word, Or an upside-down man, or a three-headed bird. They're all in the cage, In the cage, in the cage. Anything anyone wrote on a page, Demons, and ghosts, and witches with cats. All the gods you believe in, and humanoid rats. In the cage, In the cage, In the cage. But fret not, why would you ever want to leave, And run away from all things in which you believe? They're not stories, they're real, so enjoy yourself! Make friends, have fun, make a mountain of wealth! Because all the things that go bump in the night, Oh they don't mean to give you a fright, They just want a city of friends, To live with in the city that never ends. This poem, written by a traveller to Cawell Gwydr recounts their experience and warns against entering. This aspect of the City is called the Primordium, being the rawest and most unstable part of it, a jumble of billions of ideas and entities which inhabit a warped mirror of the real world. The Above is the newest portion of the city, established by those who managed to reach the top of the Primordium and shape it with magic. Most travellers now land in the Above instead of the Primordium, able to live normal lives and most importantly stay sane. The Above is maintained by a force of agents known as the Paranormal Suppression and Monitoring Division (PSMD). The PSMD is simply a cog in the machine of the overarching governing body of the Above, known as The Llygad. The Llygad helps maintain balance and the effective sanity of the people living in Cawell Gwydr, but as a result cracks down on much of the supernatural population. However, some can obtain free roaming rights by working for the PSMD as agents or agents' assistants, or providing magical aid to them. There are ways out of the Above portion of Cawell Gwydr, provided by the PSMD for travellers who have made their way there accidentally. Especially as the city tends to attract creatures from other worlds.... |