Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2289017-Snow-Birds
by Espero
Rated: E · Poetry · Animal · #2289017
Snow Birds at Play
The sun has hidden behind the clouds,
snowflakes falling slowly to the ground,
blanketing everything, like a shroud.
so eerily quiet; without sound.

Not a single movement can be seen,
as I watch until darkness descends,
everything looking so white and clean,
a new formed picture as this day ends.

In the morning, life begins to stir.
The ground a crystalline fantasy,
as I look upon the silver fir,
sparkling like a diamond canopy.

Tracks everywhere mark the fallen snow,
when squirrels peek out and begin to play.
No care at all, they put on a show,
until chased away by the blue jay.

The jay has claimed this territory,
A towering pine staked as his home.
Constantly taking inventory,
and harassing anything that roams.

Meanwhile, bright sunlight heats up the snow,
drops of moisture change the sleek surface,
The fairyland no longer aglow.
Life moves on to a greater purpose.

The cardinals come to show off their red,
as they fly and land on a pine branch,
newly fallen snow breaks from their tread
as they land, creating avalanche.

Soon, the pine branches are free of snow,
again, raising their limbs to the sky,
drinking in the warmth the sun bestows,
feeling unburdened; once again spry.

Who knows, tomorrow might bring more snow,
or sunshine, Mother Nature decides,
Always, seasons come, and seasons go,
upon the wind, rain, and snow life glides.

I look out at this bleak winter scene,
and dream about the warm days of Spring,
soft falling rain and grasses of green
all things blooming with the rain it brings.

1st Place Winner & Awardicon Ribbon
2023 Quill Nominee
40 Lines

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2289017-Snow-Birds