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True story of the United States government |
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Created: January 24th, 2023 at 4:19pm
Modified: January 24th, 2023 at 4:19pm
No Restrictions The United States government was founded on good ideas there's good ideas in our government today the problem is good ideas is not everything our government lies cheats and steals from the people claiming it is for the better good all in the meantime people suffer are people are homeless starving and to prevent us from paying attention to the big problems they make the smaller problems much bigger racism sexism those are bad problems but our government are using them so they can make more money while you're paying attention to racism and sexism it's nothing more than smoking mirrors Republicans and Democrats are not racist and sexist some of them are and some of them aren't but they both claim the other one is that way both sides can make more money as they screw you over our government is more concerned about their own pockets than it is about its people I personally believe the US government was good at the beginning but not anymore our government needs a needs to be redone I do not mean by force but at this rate the human race will die before our government allows anything major to change our world is dying and they are more concerned about money then the survival of the entire species we cannot continue to use materials that poison our world the US is one of the most major powers on the planet and our government is so deadlock it can't make a decision about save The planet or line their pockets with more money the only reason why the issue is starting to get pushed more is because they're much more people rally behind saving the planet giving the government no choice but they still use smoking mirrors attempt to distract you from that problem our government has lied and cheated since the end of the second world war even then they still lie to you before the second world war but it only got worse afterwards all they care about now is money the people do not run the government corporations do these corporations claim they do not run the government but alas 90% of all us politicians have partnerships or at least some stock in oil coal and other major companies alas those companies get what they want and the people do not to me that sounds more of corruption our government is so corrupt it doesn't even realize it's corrupt anymore I'm not saying that everyone that US government is corrupt I'm just saying there's too much corruption for it to be done easily our government needs to be rechecked by the people after all Thomas Jefferson one of our founding fathers believed that every generation every 20 years that the people should overthrow the US government and establish a new government at very least I believe a certain point of that that the US government should establish a time limit on how long you can be in office. I'm not meaning term limits what I mean is you cannot be in office any position for over 20 years from a mayor to president only 20 years maximum it will help rudel corruption and give new generations a ability to get their voice in as the old generations are typing to hold on to the old ideas and the new generation time they get in they became the old generation is an ineffective and corruptive system our government needs a new system be put in place if we do not act soon and redo all the United States government our world will end not because of Russia not because of China not because of nuclear war but because of one simple fact corruption we are on the verge of annihilation our world is on the balance of a knife we go to the left we are destroyed we go to the right we are destroyed we must stay on the knife to survive but our politicians keep pushing to the left and to the right I'm not saying the US is the sole problem but is one of the most major problems it is the most powerful government on the planet therefore we will go many will follow I plead to the people of the United States help fix our government before we all die because of their greediness remember greed is one of the seven deadly sins our government has shown nearly all of the seven deadly sins I hope I am not the only one that sees the US's corrupt and remember the old saying for evil to flourish good people must do nothing Republicans and Democrats are the same they're the only difference between them is names that is the difference they claim they have different beliefs but is the same belief line their own pockets with money I hope to see change soon |
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