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Rated: E · Essay · Opinion · #2292015
What does it mean to be woke.

          Everyone is confused now. What does being woke even mean? Do you know? Is it evil? What have you been told? Do you believe that? All fair questions that I will try to address in this writing.

          First of all, being woke to something means that you comprehend the truth of something that you had a blind eye to. It comes in many forms. You can wake to a truth about religion, racism, or even wake to the fact we are all one. You can also wake to caring for and loving fellow humans, a concept taught by the masters of every religion on earth. Yes, all religions have masters teaching the same principles, trying to wake you up to a truth. A truth of love. Hatred doesn't belong here and is a sign that you are asleep in the darkness.

          Let's do a couple of examples. Let's say in this case you were the eldest sibling in a family and were bullied at school. Since you are bigger and older, when you get home, you begin to bully them around because that is what you learned. Then, your younger siblings begin treating others the same way.

         Then one day for whatever reason, and however it shows up in your consciousness, you realize that what you were doing to others was wrong. At this point you feel that all people should be treated better. You feel guilty and remorseful for your actions. You realize now that what others did to you was wrong and want to change what you did. You woke to the truth that harming others through bullying was wrong. Is being woke to that wrong? Aren't you obligated at this point to try to teach them a new truth by example? However, by now they already repeated the patterning of bullying to others by propagating it themselves.

         If their consciousness isn't ready to hear that message they will reject it. Why? Because they would have to admit they were wrong too. Some may get it, but others will keep passing it on like a snowball rolling down a hill. One mistake caused a lot of harm to presumably innocent people. The action of bullying was reinforced by others who have experienced it themselves. In this case the woke person is condemned for acknowledging the truth about bullying.

          Why do you hate others? Because they are not like you? You hate them because of their skin color, culture, religions, and think they are all strange. You believe your race and cultural upbringing are superior to others. You feel that you possess and have the best possible religion that knows who, and what God is. Everyone that doesn't believe, think, or act the way I do is wrong. You form groups of like minded people to push what you feel is the best onto others. If they don't bend to your will you feel that you have the right to destroy them under your made beliefs.

         Then they push back against you because they have their own religions, culture, and skin color. Being just as you were, with their own groups of like minded people. Now you find that you are on the outside of that group to them. Hating you for your beliefs and cultural upbringing. This is all going on between multiple factions in every walk of life. Life becomes chaotic, confusing, and you feel the world is falling apart. Faster communications amplify the messages trying to drown out all other voices. So you stay in your formed mold of what you believe is your truth and so do they. Again you have the snowball rolling down the hill, getting bigger and bigger as life goes along.

         Then you wake up to the truth that this craziness is being perpetrated by others. Whatever skin you wear, whatever mask you put on for the world to see, whatever part of the earth you were born in, whatever cultures or religion you were taught by your parents or elders, we are all the same. Unfortunately the prejudices we have are also shared. We all have the same hopes, desires, and fears in life and want the best life for us and our children, regardless of the hardships some are born into like extreme poverty or disabled at birth. When woke to that fact that it could have been you instead, you become a little more compassionate to others. Giving others a little wiggle room to survive and thrive. Letting them feel they are loved and cared for. They deserve that don't they? Don’t you? Woke to a grander truth that we are in this all together. To lift up the last of us, raises us all. There is enough for all, if allowed.

         If Jesus the Christ showed up now, what fate would he have in this life? A religion that promotes him today would not recognize him any better than the people, or religious leaders did in the bible. He would be too woke for them. Depending which country he was in, many religious people would hate him because he was Jewish, if that's what he came back as, because of predetermined hate for them.

         If he was born poor would you let him starve to death? If an expecting mother who’s an immigrant came here, would you shun this mother to be? Coming here and finding herself looking for a place for her child to be born. Would you even let her sleep in the barn with the animals, never mind in the house? Would your first response be to call the authorities to ship her pregnant with child back wherever she came from? Maybe others would just kill her at the border, just because she had a donkey to ride.

          If he survived childhood, he would be teaching love and compassion for others and healing and feeding people. Teaching his message of "good news" from his father. Most would think, “who does this man think he is!”. He would know everyone's religions because he would have experienced them all. He would become angry with some saying you don't understand my father and don't have the truth. This would only anger the masses. Some of his closest followers would try to capture and write down his words, not understanding them but repeating the stories that they were told. Privately he lets a few people know what the words mean, and why he had to tell them with stories. But told in such a way to know that at some point the people would become woke, then understand them. By taking off their blinders, or removing planks in their own eyes to see the glorious truth being told. Even telling religious teachers to remove the planks in their eyes before preaching to others. He knew most meant well and did the best they could. Once woke, they will actually see and understand the messages being taught. He knew one day they would wake up from their slumber in the darkness and see the light.

         He would be out fighting injustice and standing up for the poor, protecting the people from one another, and trying to shelter and feed the poor. He would be healing them, listening to them, and helping the best he could while encouraging others to get on board to help. He would beg the rich to help the poor, and downtrodden, knowing it would be a miracle if they did. Because it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to give up his wealth.

         He would teach of the kingdom of God being set up on earth. How it starts from within. God being born in you though the Christ energies opening up within you. He would teach a way to pray that is most effective. Bypassing the church, and temples, and all the mediators of it. Which would anger them because it would influence the power they have over people, and the money involved. He would expose the lies being told to people by leaders, governments, and the rich and powerful. They would hate him. People would hate him if he exposed their favorite leader as a liar. Being Jewish, the fascist would hate him and want him dead just for that. No religion would accept who he is. Mobs would form to remove the man from society. If alone he would be beaten, tortured or put to death by many. Some would want him hung, nailed to the cross. Shot to death with a semi automatic rifle of their choice, and as many ways as you can dream of killing him. Then celebrate his death knowing you snuffed out the "woke" in him.

          I hope now you can see that being woke to something means you see the truth. Your eyes have been opened to it. Before you were asleep, listening, and doing what others have told you to do. Not thinking or doing for yourself completely, nor using your very own conscious thoughts, but accepting others actions as your own. There are many bad role models who teach hate and to mistrust anyone but them that you can follow blindly. They say they are your best choice and will help save you from the truth and becoming woke. Sleep my sheep, sleep. Maybe I won't devour you when you're not looking. Trust me, and only me.

         There is a movement out to try to squash the woke. What does that even mean? We reject the truth no matter what? Higher consciousness doesn't have a seat at the table any more? Sane reality must stop. There is a smug statement being made now by a state, "this is the place where woke comes to die". Does that mean that the truth will never be accepted there? Or that we will uphold any lies that suit our beliefs? Self righteous in every sense of that word. Tormenting others, making them wish they were never born? Never to learn from our mistakes and actions because we can never be wrong about anything?

         The father of lies is loving this thought pattern. Hatred to mankind. The I is all that matters, and I will stomp on the bones of all others who don't agree with me. Where is your love and compassion any more? God might say to you one day, “I never knew you in that life, and I know you never knew me either by your actions”.

         All you truly need is one rule in this life. Do unto others as you would have done to you. That stranger you are attacking could be God testing you. Try to love one another before it's too late. You won't like the end to this path if you continue on it. Wake up and become woke to love. Find the compassion within you, kindle the flames until you become passionate enough to give love to all others. Being woke to the idea that they are all me, all wearing a different disguise. When you can see God in others first, instead of everything else, you will open a grand understanding that's much bigger than you could ever imagine. You will be “woke” to the Kingdom of God within, and heaven on earth. Then we will start our next adventure together.

Thomas Seeker
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