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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #2294209
Created this story based off of an AI Artist friend's work!
We had no idea what we were waking up to that morning.

Bad enough that the alarm clock died sometime in the middle of the night, we had to wake up to the sound of our phone ringing relentlessly. An unknown number, an unknown voice, but with simple instructions: "She's waiting for you at the park." then nothing more.

Before we could even process what the message could possibly mean, the phone rang again, only this time, it was our employer, and as we noticed the time on the phone, we answered in trepidation.

"Good morn.."

"Do you know what time it is?!" a very loud, VERY rude voice screamed at us through the phones small speaker "You were supposed to be here to open FOUR HOURS AGO! I don't need to hear another pathetic excuse out of you, YOU'RE FIRED! Don't even THINK of using as a reference! The la..."

We cut the call, not needing yet another earful, especially as we were already let loose from their employ. The phone started to ring again, the now former boss, probably wanting to continue their toxic rant, so We refused their call, and added them to the Block List, which was exclusively all old and abusive employers...this was NOT how we wanted our day to start... must be Tuesday...

We went to the kitchen to see about making something to eat, but nothing really interested us, the emptiness of one more lost job cutting away at our appetite. Not wanting to stay in, we took a quick shower to wash away the last bit of the morning, put on jeans, t-shirt, running shoes, our favorite duster, and headed out, wanting to clear our head of everything, the earlier call a distant dream of a memory after that horrid farce of a firing. Like that was anything new...

At 23, we had already been in and out of more than our fair share of jobs. They started out well enough, on paper as Gramps used to say. Decent looking job, good pay and working conditions, on the job training, one could even say they look to good to be true! You wouldn't be wrong... After working most for a couple weeks, they'd start stacking on extra tasks and responsibilities, and as we really didn't have much of a social life, we were taken advantage, over, and over, and over again. You would think after the third or fourth such job we would have learned our lesson, but, bills don't pay themselves...

As for the whole lack of a social life... Don't worry about it, really! We moved here a few years ago after Gramps passed. Sure, we could have stayed where we were, "dealt" with the rest of the fam, but honestly, my Grandparents were the best, hard to imagine my "father" was their kid, what with how he turned out and all... not even going there... but Grams passed when I was like, 10? I always think of her when I smell oatmeal raisin cookies.. she made the best! Gramps though, he's the one I did my best to spend time with, which was easy as my own 'rents could have cared less when I didn't turn out the way they hoped I would, unlike my younger sibs... ::rub our index and thumb together:: here's the world's smallest Violin playing "You're breakin' my Heart!" What ever...

As for how we look? Meh, average we guess? Standing about 6'1, or 185 centimeters to my friends on Miscord, about 180lbs, white, bit of a farmers tan from when we helped Gramps out, and the fact that We still like to go for our jogs, regardless of the weather, oh, and we're one of the "Touched by the Lup" called as such because unlike the rest of my fam, there's a bit of the Wylde in us, nobody is sure why, nor even how. Some folk say it's magic, pfft (if you believe in such things!), some say it's a mutations, some say it's the "devil's work", all we know is it gives us a little oomph in the strength department, makes our sense of smell a bit keener, and we will NEVER be a veg-head... not that we have anything against vegetarians but... have you SEEN our canines?! Let's just say that most dentists don't like it when we go for an annual exam... Please, not our fault! NO! We don't have a tail, so don't ask to see it! Yes, we do have a really cool cut, but that's what we go to the stylist for! Just... don't ask about the ears...yeah, they are...slightly tattered... That's a tender subject for us... The night vision is hella cool though, though people get weird and act like they expect our eyes to turn red... they're silver... they've always been silver... why would they turn red?? Idjits... Eyes don't turn color just because the lights go out... I mean... wtf...

We learned a lot from that old man though, just wish we had been better at picking out people's bs like he was... When he passed 3 years ago, we got a nice inheritance. Seems the old man added us to his will without anyone being the wiser, had a really good legal team on it as well, so nobody could do squat! Felt kinda good seeing OUR old man looking so angry, yet so impotent... not that he didn't get anything anyways, him and his siblings, We think it just really got on his last nerve that Gramps was still watching out for us. Ah, that's a good one to start our jog on!

We headed down the stairs from our third floor apartment, not wanting to wait on the elevator, just wanting to move and get all that pent up energy flowing. A brisk jog was a good way to clear the head we had found, and we knew a good, long route to the local park. We preferred the long route on days like this because it would allow us to pound the pavement, and in some way, pound that energy out. The park has a good jogging trail, but we prefer to enjoy that with a more level head. There is something to be said though for pounding your anger out on solid asphalt, and imagining your feet are pounding away at your problems, it's quite cathartic! Give it a try some day, you might like it!

The long route means we take about an hour and a half to get to the park, "the long way around" as it's only 15 minutes walk from the apartment we live in. This gives us time to settle our tempo though as per usual, after a morning like this, we find our pace high and hard, our feet like lead hammers to the ground, a blacksmith's hammer smashing hard on the metal before him, trying to fashion raw steel into a workable blade. A crude metaphor, but I find this thinking helps to settle my mind and my pace, and I can find my way before long, slipping effortlessly between the lunch crowd on their way to or from their breaks, as we focus ever still on tempering our edge, settling the pace ever keener, finding that sweet spot that will guide us to the park, no matter how long it may take.

Today it seemed we found our pace sooner than expected. As if some higher force was guiding the blacksmith in his strikes, so to was our path, and pace, more easily settled and not even an hour passed before we found ourselves before the park.

Stopping by one of the fountains, we took a moment to take a breather and drink of water. The breeze was refreshing, and somehow even the water felt cleaner then we could ever recall. We were feeling relatively at peace, even after our douche of a boss called to fire us, and as we stood there, taking in the atmosphere, we heard someone clear their throat behind us.

"Um, 'Ello.. would you be Mr. Wolfe? I was told to wait for you here."

"Why yes I a..." our words caught in our throat as we turned and saw the vision before us.

A beautiful dark-skinned girl was sitting on one of the benches, wearing what appeared to be a tank-top, shorts, and a pair of running shoes. Physically, she looked to be 16, 17, HUMAN years old, but what human had wings on their back, or long pointed ears?! And why was she dressed like that?! Even among the various "Touched", there had never been one with wings! And those clothes in THIS weather?! Was she TRYING to freeze?! Too many questions went through our brain, and we didn't even know how to begin, never mind matter where!

"Um, yeah.." we said, in a moment of high intellect, not! "Uhm...who, or what, are you?!"

"Lovely to meet you!" She said getting up and walking over "My name is Arshana, a Dark Elfngel, and I've been sent here to meet with you for two reasons, one of which is to learn more about this world."

"Ok..." We were really scoring a million this afternoon, but with all we'd been through, we'd like to see anyone ELSE do HALF as well! "and you know my name because..." again... Pure Genius...

"Like I said," she stopped before us with a smile "I have been sent to learn more about this World, and You have been chosen to educate me in the ways of humanity and it's customs!"

"You said you had two reasons though... you... Elfngels aren't planning on some kind of conquest game, are you?"

"Oh no," she says, covering her mouth with one hand and letting out a little laugh "I'm here to make you a Husband for myself and my sisters!"

"Oh. a husband for you and....WHAT?!"
Have I mentioned how much of an absolute genius I am feeling today?!
Thus began my Date with some Dark Elfngels!
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