Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2297800-World-View
Rated: 13+ · Draft · Spiritual · #2297800
A short dive into my view on the world
There are so many things in the world today that make me sad. I can hardly get on the news and hear what is happening. All you ever hear is DEATH of someone or something. WARS going in other countries as well as homeland. Within our own communities battles of shedding blood on the streets and in the classrooms filled with innocent children. Neighbors don't know who to trust. School systems falling apart day by day. No one wants to work. Everything is so expensive most cant afford basic necessary needs. The air is getting thinner. One side of the planet is on fire and the other is frozen. There is an increasing amount of heavy drug addictions that have people walking around looking like zombies. More and more people are not having kids or getting married. People don't know how to just be people. We are all addicted to the internet. Staying connected somehow, someway. The amount of electronic waste makes me sick. Even as I use my own devices. I know that I am contributing to the death of Earth. I may not see it in my life time but I know if we as a human race don't correct our actions or find a way to clean up the mess we have created, this beautiful place we call home will be ruined. I am sure there are other places in the cosmos that are stunning.. But there is no place like Earth and it is too special to be ruined all from the waste and pollution created. The life that is on this planet is unlike any other. Millions of creatures. Millions and all so very different and ALL ARE CONNECTED.. Every living thing. It really saddens me to see all of the animals slowly disappearing. Plants, tress, WATER. All dying. Color is also leaving this world. Everyone is obsessed with making things look. MODERN? Grey. Beige. Or more like making everything look the same. PLAIN. Personality is being stripped away from the world and in its place is complacency. Greed. Darkness. Everyone being blinded by what the media feeds us. Clouding our minds with who’s got the most money and who’s got this and who’s got that. All superficial. Surface level bullshit that just irritates my soul. Why is everyone so damn concerned about what others have and not worrying about the things that are important or actually matter. Things that are important like family and friendships. Building authentic and real meaningful connections. Loving each other and helping those in need. Building lives that have more meaning than just material things. Like Staying connected to nature and experiencing what the world has to offer. Seeing new places and people, learning others cultures and collectively wanting nothing but happiness and peace. There are so many people waking up to what is going on. I am happy to be someone who has awoken and can help guide. Sometimes it feels like I have been here before. Many, many times. My soul is old as i have been told many times. Just like i have been told i am an Earth Angel sent to help heal this world. There is so much hate. People don't know what love is anymore. There are broken views all over. So much generational hatred that is sewn deep but is starting to be dug up. The first step has been for me personally, to find SELFLOVE. I am still learning who I am, but I do know that I am POWERFUL. HIGHLY PROTECTED. & GIFTED. My mind is not like others. I can SEE. HEAR. FEEL more than most around me. My intuition is my greatest strength. But also my greatest weakness. It’s a gift and a curse. I have released the old version of myself that was too scared to open my mind up to the things i have seen and have experienced that I just cannot explain. Like the time I nearly died but somehow still survived. I forgive myself for all the mistakes, and locking up my mind. I am no longer going to be held back. I will speak when I need to. I will live life the way I see fit. I will be the wake up call people need and I will spread as much love as I can. I want my words and wisdom to help uplift those around me. I may not be perfect and have all the answers yet, but I am going to try my hardest to be authentically me. I will be a beam of light in the darkness of others. It is Destiny. And I am DESTINY.
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