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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Supernatural · #2302652
A shy girl receives a wish-fulfilled ring and learning a lesson for her live (Two Endings)
Part 1. The Magic Ring

Miu was a very shy girl in college. While she wasn't stupid or ugly, she had a hard time making friends as she couldn't talk to others well without getting nervous. But she had a friend. Her name was Sally and she was always in a good mood. Sally tried everything to free Miu from her shyness. She only had one secret. She was a hermaphrodite, meaning a woman with a penis. Miu knew about it but since Sally was able to keep it a secret so far, Miu didn't tell anyone.

One day they were both walking through town and saw an old antique shop. Out of curiosity they went and looked around. Inside there were a lot of things that not only looked very fancy but also could have come from a fantasy world. The only thing that didn't fit in there was a Gatcha machine. The shopkeeper told them that inside the baubles he found ordinary tea but in one he had hidden a surprise. Both curiously tried their luck once. Inside Sally's ball was a bracelet that looked a bit cheap. But in Miu's ball was a beautiful silver ring with a small ruby. When the owner saw him, he congratulated Miu on her luck as she won the grand prize. He gave her a folded piece of paper and told her that she should best open it at home.

After that they both went out. As they walked further through the city, Miu kept looking at her ring, which she now wore on her left hand. After a while, the two sat on a bench and ate ice cream. Next to them sat a mother with her child and the child screamed. Miu wished that the child was quiet. Suddenly the noise stopped. Both visibly pleased enjoyed their ice cream when the mother screamed. The two turned and saw why. The child seemed to continue to cry, but nothing could be heard. When the mother spoke to her child about it, she noticed it herself and wanted to say something. But this time, too, nothing was heard. The mother quickly grabbed her child and walked away. The two friends were shocked, but didn't think about it any further.

On the way back to their shared apartment, they noticed a friend yelling at his girlfriend. Miu and Sally felt very sorry for her.;iu had mercy with her and wished that there role where reversed They walked on and heard two screams. They turned and couldn't believe their eyes. The couple could be seen there, however, they appeared to have swapped clothes and the boyfriend now had his girlfriend's hair color and vice versa. This time the two thought about it and went on home.

When they got there, Sally went straight to the bathroom. Miu sat down on the couch and first digested what they both just saw. Then she remembered the note. She took it out and read it. Sally came back and saw her friend looking at the note with wide eyes. When she asked what was going on Miu handed her the note. It said:

"This is the magic ring of wishes. Whoever wears it will have their every wish granted. However, if the wish is imprecise, this will grant the wish more wisely as the wearer envisions deep in their hearts."

Now the two knew why the child suddenly became mute. And they also now know that the couple hadn't changed clothes and hair color, but instead switched genders. Miu was a bit scared of the ring but even more of herself. The couple did exactly what she had imagined, but she didn't want the child to become mute. She immediately wanted to reverse this act. However, since she knew from some stories that this was not always possible, she wished to know first if she could reverse previous wishes. The ring confirmed this. Relieved, Miu wished this time that the child had his old voice back. As if to confirm, Miu saw the mother with the child before her eyes, who happily hugged each other because of the returned voice. After that, both Miu and Sally were relieved. However, Miu was now afraid of the ring and wanted to lock it away. Sally, however, saw something positive in the ring and convinced Miu not to. She explained that the previous wishes were accidents since Miu didn't know about the Force. But now she could take care of it. Miu was persuaded by Sally's words and kept the ring. The rest of the evening they used this to brighten up the evening.

Part 2 The Theft of the Ring

The following weeks, the two used the ring to make the time as nice as possible. They vowed not to use the power to cheat at college or use it on others. However, they used it to save money. However, her caution became less and less and so what had to happen happened.

One day the two went to the pool to refresh themselves. As they walked into the large dressing room, they saw Mira and Alice. The two true sluts known for their kinky games. They waited until Mira and Alice were out of the cabin and changed. Miu said that she want to wear a purple bikini today and wished for it. Her bikini then turned purple. Then she pulled off the ring and speared it into her locker. But what the two didn't notice was that they were being watched.

Alice came back because she forgot something. She witnessed what had happened. She couldn't believe her eyes and immediately called Mira to her side. She told her what had happened. This made Mira sit up and remember that Miu was always happy to see lately, although she was so shy before. Mira thought about what was wrong and then she realized that it started when Mira had a silver ring. She asked Alice if she saw a ring. Alice confirmed and told her that Miu had put a ring in her shooting compartment. Mira then cracked it because the lockers in the cabin were outdated and she found the ring. The two were pondering how it worked and by accident Alice put it on and wished to know how the ring work. Alice then received the information and shared it with Mira. Mira then grinned because she knew what power the two now had. Alice wanted to leave immediately but Mira held her back. She knew that they had to get rid of Miu and Sally first, since they also knew about the ring. When Alice suggested simply erasing the memories, Mira refused, thinking Sally and Miu had protected themselves against it. But she thought of something much better. She told Alice about it and she just giggled. Alice praised her for her perverted ideas

So they waited until the two came back. When Miu realized with shock that the ring was gone, the two entered the room. "Alice showed Sally and Miu the ring. All color drained from their faces immediately. Miu wanted to calm the two down and ask her to give the ring back. But they refused this. Then Mira told them that she first wanted to erase the memory of the ring from Sally's and Miu's heads, but she thought they were protecting themselves from it. So she decided about there new live. The fear was right on Sally's and Miu's face. Alice pointed the ring at her and wished that Sally and Miu would become clit piercings. The two were startled when only their bikinis were lying on the floor. Mira searched this and found what she was looking for. In each pile was a piercing. Miu got a round piercing with a purple stone and Sally got a round piercing with an orange stone. Mira gave Alice Miu and the two freed themselves below. They took off their old piercing and put on their new ones.

This was hell for Sally and Miu. Not only were they small intimate piercings, no, they could also see, hear, smell and even taste everything. And it was the most disgusting experience the two had. The only consolation was that both could telepathically communicate with each other. They spent the rest of the day in the dark except for a few moments when their tormentors went to the bathroom. Even this experience was not pleasant even if he was not that strong. But they didn't know that the real torture was still waiting for them.

Part 3 Torture and Rescue

In the evening Mira and Alice went to her apartment. Although Alice wanted to try the ring all day long, Mira advised her against it because they could both end up just like Sally and Miu. She too had a lovely evening. When Miar then went into the shower, she had a brilliant idea. After the shower, Mira asked Alice to come to her room together. Once there, she got naked and asked Alice to do the same. When Alice asked why, Mira told her about her new idea. Alice was immediately impressed and undressed as well. Then they both removed their new piercings, Miu and Sally, and placed them back to back. Meanwhile, Miu and Sally were confused because they didn't get the plan. Then Alice made a wish and in her place was a double ended dildo. One half was purple and the other half was orange. Miu and Sally immediately felt what they were now and knew what was coming next. Alice and Mira each took one end with one hand and sucked on it while rubbing her clit with the other. When they were done with the foreplay, they shoved the ends into their pussy and made love. For Mira and Alice it was the best time of their lives. Miu and Sally, on the other hand, it wasn't. Not only did they lose the sense of how long it had been after a while. No, they then felt the warmth inside the pussy, smelled the fishy smell and felt the slimy semen. The night reached its climax when they realized that Alice and Mira had shot their sperm and they were now completely mucous.

When the two were done they pulled out the dildo. Alice asked if she could take him and Mira allowed it. So Alice took Miu and Sally with her, washed them up and went to her room. There she placed the two on her desk. She still remembered the fun from before and fingered herself before going to bed. Then she fell over and fell asleep. While she was sleeping something happened that could be called karma. Since her hand was wet with the ring, it slowly slipped off her fingers. And as if fate would have it, the finger also touched the very end of the dildo, which was Miu. As she turned around, the ring fell off, surrounding the tip of the dildo. Miu noticed this and realized that fate gave them another chance. She knew that she didn't have a mouth to speak, but she wished with all her might that she and Sally were standing in her apartment with her old bodies. A second later they were and Miu even had the ring on her finger. They hugged each other happily, knowing that they had learned their lesson.

Good Epilogue

A few days have passed since then. Miu and Sally had learned their lesson and decided to keep the ring safe and only use it in emergencies.

They had also solved one of these emergencies that same evening. It was about Mira and Alice. They also knew about the ring now, so Sally and Miu decided to make a one-off exception to using it on other people. Since they also didn't know if Mira and Alice had protected themselves against erasing memories, they decided to keep an eye on them forever. When they considered what should become of the two, Miu noticed how a perverse thought grew in her. She didn't even know that she was capable of doing this and thought that the experiences of that day would awaken this side of her. She told Sally about it. She was immediately enthusiastic. Miu immediately wished that Alice and Mira were standing in front of them and couldn't move. That also happened and the two suddenly stood naked in front of Miu and Sally, confused that they had the ring and their old form. When Miu then told them that they wanted to pay them back in similar currency, they made a scared expression on their faces. . Then Miu said her wish and the two were gone. Immediately Miu and Sally looked down at themselves first and then at the other. They laughed as they each saw a pair of eyes over Miu's pussy and Sally's penis. To be more precise, Alice was now Miu's slit and Mira was Sally's cock. In addition, Miu had wished that the two could never be transformed back and could never use the ring again. They felt this was appropriate punishment. In addition, they had the feeling that the two helped that she and Sally became closer and whenever she had fun in bed with Sally, Mira and Alice also had a little fun.

Bad Epilogue

A few days have passed since then. Miu and Sally had learned their lesson and decided to keep the ring safe and only use it in emergencies.

They had also solved one of these emergencies that same evening. It was about Mira and Alice. They also knew about the ring now, so Sally and Miu decided to make a one-off exception to using it on other people. Since they also didn't know if Mira and Alice had protected themselves against erasing memories, they decided to keep an eye on them forever. When they considered what should become of the two, Miu noticed how a perverse thought grew in her. She didn't even know that she was capable of doing this and thought that the experiences of that day would awaken this side of her. She told Sally about it. She was immediately enthusiastic. Miu immediately wished that Alice and Mira were standing in front of them. Unfortunately, to her regret, she forgot to wish that the two could not move. That also happened and the two suddenly stood naked in front of Miu and Sally, confused that they had the ring and their old form. When Miu then told them that they wanted to pay them back in similar currency, they made a scared expression on their faces. Then she told them about her idea. But before Miu could express her wish, Mira quickly grabbed her hand and took off the ring. Then Mira put on the ring and wished that Miu and Sally could not move. Immediately both were unable to move. Mira was relieved and wondered how the two managed to get the ring. But she quickly thought that this was okay because Miu had given her a perfect idea. So she make her wish and both Miu and Sally were gone. Then Alice and Mira looked down at each other and laughed. They now each had a pair of eyes over their pussy and in addition Mira now had purple pubic hair and Alice orange. She had wished that Miu and Sally would be there pussies. But that was not all. She then wished that Miu and Sally could never use the ring again, nor could it ever be altered again. This was her new life from now on. As a last punishment, Mira wishes that both of them would never feel happy again. So Miu and Sally would have no salvation even if Mira and Alice played either with themselves or with someone else. When Mira saw that both looked at her as if they were begging for grace, she was happy. She then wishes herself and Alice back to her apartment. When they were there, Mira was happy and looked at the ring. They now had all the power in the world to live out their perverse fantasies.
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