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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Erotica · #2304751
As was usual for Chaldea, Ritsuka and Mash were investigating a minuscule Singularity, one that proved more strange than normal as everywhere they looked around, it was no different than your average city in 2015. "This is very unusual, senpai, not even Da Vinci has been able to locate what we're supposed to be looking for in this Singularity" said Mash as they simply walked down the street, reporting to her Master what their friends at Chaldea reported, "I wonder what's going on here..." mumbled Gudao as things being perfectly average has now become completely abnormal to him. "Uh, how do I say this", they suddenly heard Da Vinci's voice with a clearly worried tone to it, "something very bad is going on with the Singularity you're in". Almost as if on cue, a powerful earthquake assaulted the entire city, making Ristuka hold onto his Servant as he realized the sky was cracking open, which surely wasn't a good omen. As if it was a bubble, the sky burst open, revealing a pure white sky and some mountains so far away he couldn't make out, both of which made Gudao wonder what had happened to cause this cataclysmic event. "Ok I have even worse news", said Da Vinci in a panic, "I was able to locate your Singularity as it destabilized, and for some mysterious reason, it has now appeared on our Texture". "Where... are we...?" asked the Master in fear at the idea of a Singularity manifesting in the main world, but the next explanation the Caster gave them, "The minuscule Singularity has manifested in... Chaldea... it's inside your room, Fujimaru, taking up a small space on the floor". Ritsuka was shocked hearing that they were inside his own room, the far away mountains merely being his own furniture, hoping nothing else would happen now that he had been reduced to such extremely tiny size.

Things quickly turned for the worst for the duo, as a series of booming knocks could be heard from the door, which soon opened to reveal a pair of absolutely gigantic figures. Alexander and Kid Gil entered the room, "Master doesn't seem to be here" boomed Gil's voice as the looked around the room, each of their foot steps creating powerful earthquakes that rocked the entire place. Panic and commotion erupted all over the city as it was consumed on the mountainous pre-teen's shadow, Alexander's sandal coming way too close to them for comfort as its shock wave blew away nearby buildings, even as the redhead boy squatted down to look closer at them, even their skyscrapers barely reached as high as his sandal platform, his knee rising higher into the sky than their planes reached. "What is this?" asked the young conqueror as he noticed a weird gray formation on the floor, but Gil was shocked as he used Sha Naqba Imuru, allowing him to see the tiny people in the city he could've easily mistaken for dirt particles otherwise.

Of course, having no idea what it was, Alexander wasn't careful with it. "What are you doing?!" asked a panicked Gil as he saw his friend take off his sandals and stomp into the city, hundreds of people ending up crushed with a single step, and his venture deeper into the minuscule place raised the number of people under his feet to the thousands. "Relax, I just want to know how it feels" said Alexander as he devastated the place with his steps, even Ritsuka and Mash needing to run away as colossal figure loomed closer, trying to make it into a car to run away faster, but it was soon crushed under a building sized pinky toe, the rest of the foot consuming entire city blocks under it. Gil felt worried as he saw the specks that were his Master and the Shielder run around Alexander's foot, who was flexing his toes around the buildings with a pleased expression on his face, clearly enjoying the feeling of dominating the city without even knowing. While the Chaldean duo was able to get some distance from his feet, that was something he could close in an instant, as proven when he suddenly lifted his foot and completely covered their sky under his massive sole, their attempts to run out of his all consuming shadow being futile. Gudao saw all 17 years of his life flash before his eyes as the dirty foot's heel lowered right towards him, but that's when Mash shouted out "Lord Camelot!" to use her Noble Phantasm, creating a magical barrier that sank onto the soft skin of the sole, only forming a small bubble under the seemingly endless stomper before it lifted away for the next step, without even noticing they were there.

"Please stay still!" shouted out Gil as he was a bit worried for his Master, who he could see running towards the nearest building, making the redhead freeze as the blonde boy took off his shoes and walked towards him, snugly fitting the entire 15 stories between his toes. "Senpai, hold onto me! Exalted Impervious Wall of Snowflakes!" Mash activated her defensive skill as she felt the building creak under the pressure of the kid's toes, covering both herself and Gudao in damage reducing magic, but the building didn't break apart, instead they were let to free fall from his toes and onto Gil's palm. "It's a good thing I got you before Alexander did, right Master?" said Gil as he looked at the little building partly destroyed on his palm, "Huh?" catching the attention of his redhead friend who also looked closer, the blonde boy explaining "I used my Noble Phantasm and was able to see what this place is, we're in some kind of miniature city, and what's more, Master is right here". Ritsuka felt a bit of a headache as the children's powerful voices boomed over him, but was horrified to see no one else but him and Mash survived the fall, wondering if he would've been forced into the same fate had it not been for his kohai's defense buff. Crawling out of the building, the duo made it to the vast landscape of Gil's hand, the skin going far into the distance and the folds across it being like hills to the tiny duo, while the sky was covered by the faces of the two boys looking down at them with great intent. "This is so cool" said Alexander before poking the building, completely crushing the already crumbling structure, but was told by Gil "We should leave our speck Master in one piece, you know", stopping him from also wiping them under his index's fingertip.

As he looked at how diminutive Ritsuka was compared to them, a malicious grin formed in Gil's face, shouting out "Now that you're this tiny, our love for you must feel a lot bigger!" to which Alexander nodded. Wasting no time, Gil brought the palm to his face, rubbing his Master against his cheek, poor Ritsuka feeling his body being compressed as he was pressed between both walls of skin. "Let me do it too!" said Alexander as he also wanted to express his love to his Master, the blonde kid simply dropping Gudao and Mash onto his palm, before he also proceeded to rub them on his cheek. "Hahahaha!" laughed off Gil with no impetus, leading him to point down to the floor, which revealed that the tiny army was trying to attack the titanic boys, tanks shooting at their toes while jets flew around their ankles. Smiling as the military attacks did nothing to them, the boys simply lifted their right feet, moving them across the air as the planes crashed on them one right after the other, before simply stomping down and getting rid of the tanks without any resistance. Large parts of the city collapsed under the feet of the young demigods, who might as well be full chief gods compared to the hopeless army, the two kids where nothing short of omnipotent destroyers for them.

"Look" said Gil with a grin as he pointed out at the areas they had already stomped, seeing that they seemed to be simply reforming, making Alexander giggle as they both realized they could keep destroying the city without issue as it'll simply repair itself. As all of this happened, Mash and Ritsuka were trapped on the redhead's fist, his clammy palm surrounding them in every direction and only leaving them space to move thanks to them being smaller than the folds of his skin. While the Obscurant Wall of Chalk skill allowed the Shielder to protect her Master, it was only when the palm suddenly opened that they both panicked from the immense free fall, crashing all the way into a building that the blonde boy quickly pointed to. Alexander carefully moved his foot so that the skyscraper fit between his toes, leaving Gudao to look at the middle of the valley between his big and second toe, "I need you closer, Master" said the boy conqueror as he simply crushed the building with a flex of his toes, but the defense skills still were in effect, so the battered Fujimaru ended up with no major injuries, even if he now was stuck in between his toes, which Alexander pressed together in an attempt to squish him like a hug.

Regular citizens stood no chance against the almighty figures of the kids, the many neighbors that ended up crushed with every step showing that any attempt to run away would be futile, not even their vehicles were enough to avoid the all consuming soles from coming down on them and crushing them with no hope of resistance. When the two boys stopped walking, they believed things would get better, but that's when their rear came down, the shadow of their tush covering dozens of city blocks as they came down on the ground with the force of nukes, the earthquake and shockwave created by the pair of preteens merely sitting down terrifying everyone of the infinite power Gil and Alexander seemed to hold over them. "Let me see him" said Gil as he took Alexander's leg, looking at his foot until he saw the diminutive Ritsuka on his big toe, "Glad to see you're fine, Master" he said smiling at him before kissing the big toe, the smooch carrying the Master from side of the toe and onto his lips. Gudao struggled to hold onto the pink surface of the lower lip, but the blonde boy simply opening his mouth was enough to make lose balance, making him free fall again. This time Gil reacted on time to hold him on his palm, avoiding another miles long fall across the boy's body, but it gave him an idea as he looked at the speck standing on his hand.

Carefully, he let go of Ritsuka in the middle of the city, the immense body of the young demigod fully lying on the ground as his back pulverized most of the place under it. Gil's face loomed high above him as he positioned himself over his Master, the Servant's smile sending a sense of pure dread down the magus' spine, "I love you, Master" being the thunderous words announcing his face's descend towards the building, his lips twisted in a kissing position heading directly for where Gudao stood. He had no chance of trying to run away before him and all the nearby buildings were taken in by Gil's kiss, a smooch so vast that countless people now struggled inside of his mouth, his Master being bounced around the endless landscape that his tongue. "Hey, I want to show him my love too" suddenly said Alexander before kissing Gil on the lips, the redhead's tongue clashing against his friend's until Ritsuka was transferred from one mouth to the other, only being able to survive the onslaught of love both boys held for him thanks to Mash's defense magic, everyone else either being crushed by the pink muscles or drowning in the preteens' saliva. As their mouths separated, Alexander opened his mouth for Gil to see, where he could find their Master stuck between some taste buds, leading to a childish discussion "Give him back, I love Master more!" "No, Master is mine, I love him more" "No, I love him more" "I love him more than you do!" "I'm the one who loves him more!" while forgetting the pain their voices were to the speck inside the mouth.


Alexander saying there’s something stuck in his teeth after kissing Gil and Gudao goes in there to try and find the grail,and it just turn out to be a building
I was picturing Gil holding Gudao over Alexander’s armpit to tease him
Could even drop him in given he knows he's currently invincible
It won’t be as crushing as when Mash saved them from his foot,but they have noses which isn’t good for the pit
Yeah I can't imagine Alexander smells good
Ritsuka would be suffocating in boysmell
Alexander asks Gil if he wants to try it out and gets told no,he uses deodorant so it wouldn’t be as fun
It would be even worse when he lowers his arm
Gudao would be in a sauna from his body heat
Mash wouldn’t be talking as she holds the soft skin away from them and Gudao asks why,and she coughs when she takes a breath and says she can hold her breath much longer than a normal human
Mash could even use her taunt to redirect any sweat bead away from Gudao
He can look around the skin folds while Mash makes sure nothing gets to him
She can’t follow him because she’s both pulling beads of sweat to her location,and her shield can’t fit in the folds and she’s not going to let go of that
Ritsuka crawls around endless folds of skin, any sign that Alexander is going by puberty creating a roadblock he has to get past
I like that since he can’t see inside his pit,he thinks his master is sticking with the speck of resistance that is smash and starts squeezing his pit to mess with them,Gudao getting absolutely entombed in damp skin and nearly drowning if it wasn’t for the sweat magically flowing past him
Every part of his body is being pressed against Alexander's under arm
No matter what he does, he can only hope for him to let go to move again
He could continue pushing through and make it out of the pit,but it’d be very dangerous to be without Mash
He'd have to hope the defense skills hold up
Because any contact with the boys at his size would be lethal otherwise
Gil can find him and think of more exciting stuff like making Gudao climb their feet to avoid a foot sandwich
Gil would see Gudao get out of the armpit, but will quickly catch him with his nail, carrying him to his foot for their next game
I love the image of Gudao climbing sideways to avoid a skyscraper that’s nearing whoever’s feet is being used
Actually if he’s seeing a skyscraper nearby,Gudao is probably not doing so good on his climb.Those things are barely big enough to grab between toes so it has to be very early on in the climb
If he can see that then he's on the heel
That's very much nothing compared to the full sole
I don’t know if Gudao is climbing all of that before the feet together
If he even manages to make it to the arch before they press them together, he's pretty much set
He’ll feel Mash’s defense buffs starting to weaken and instead of trying to power through and climb to the top,he’ll rush over to get in Gil’s arch before Alexander’s foot turns him flatter than paper
He'll basically be in the middle of two mountains of skin
And if the defense buff ran out, then he knows them applying any touch on him will kill him
I can imagine they’ll pick a fitting punishment for Gudao since he didn’t reach the top of their feet
Perhaps something where they’re laying in bed and having Ritsuka explore their bodies, and they cuddle with Ritsuka between them
Them cuddling brings to mind that Alexander is ripped,so maybe something about Gudao taking cover in Gil’s bellybutton to avoid the incoming abs
Or falls into his bellybutton as he tried to pin him against Gil
After that didn't work, they can put him on someone’s bulge and move to press against each other and that’s when Mash comes rushing in to save Gudao
Could be on Gil's bulge, so when Alexander comes from above, Mash falls off him and onto the crotch to save her Master
Mash fell in just in time to save her master,giving him a buff so he survives the two mountains colliding
Simply trapped between their crotches
Ritsuka could even notice he'd die if they actually touch and use his Command Spell right there and then
Has to use all three spells to stop that meteoric bulge from coming down
At least with that the boys won't move anymore
This being a singularity also means that to get out,they have to find the holy grail
But Gil and Alexander stomping everywhere and then laying down in the city would mean the grail is probably in a new location
Gudao might have to search every nook on the boys to find it


It was a hot day for the Gurren Brigade, a very hot day in fact, so the team stopped their journey across the desert in order to take some rest. This included Yoko laying down in cave, naked, a sight that Kamina couldn't resist but to be attracted to it. With Leeron's help, Kamina shrunk himself to the size of a speck in order to spy on her without being seen, even getting on her body with her none the wiser. He made his way into the cave, hoping he was getting closer to his beloved until a boot the size of a mountain came down before him, blowing back to the ground from the impact of its powerful stomp. Of course, for Simon, he had tried to be careful when he put his foot down on his brother's way, but with the massive size difference now existing between them, even his slightness move now held immense power for the dust sized mecha pilot.

"Gimmy told me that Leeron shrunk you", said Simon as he squatted before his minuscule teammate and showed him a kind of radar he was holding, "finding you from there was easy with how predictable you are, Bro". Kamina shouted back in protest, but his voice didn't even reach Simon's knees, much less get heard by his ears, leaving the blue haired teen to stare as the speck simply decided to run under the treads of his shoe. Simon knew that he could easily block his path by moving his foot again, but he also had to be careful when doing that, Kamina was so small now that pressing his foot on top of him would be the end of him. Deciding to simply let the speck go, Simon sighed, "I'll have to do plan B" he remarked to himself as he took off his boots and clothes.

Simon walked around the cave to get away from Kamina's view, being so tiny meant he could barely see up to his waist, so simply a couple of step was what he needed to get off his view, before laying down some safe distance away from Yoko. Sure enough, he could see on his radar that Kamina walked up to his figure, the speck not being able to tell him apart from Yoko thanks to their bodies looking less like people and more like living landscapes to him, meaning that the leader of the Gurren Brigade wasted no time on climbing up his brother's foot. Simon knew having his brother directly on him is even more problematic, as he was nervous about hurting the stubborn speck by throwing him off, any attempt of moving his right foot had to be done very carefully unless he wanted to send his brother flying away in one swing.

Of course, Kamina felt like he was in heaven, believing that he had managed to climb on Yoko's body. He didn't expect her feet to smell so strongly, but he chalked it up to the heatwave, not knowing it was simply natural for a 14 years old boy's feet to have this strong scene, particularly with how active Simon is. Kamina celebrated as he ran across the sole landscape, climbing past the skin wrinkles that were in the way, evading the sweat beads formed from the heat as he shouted out loud "You'll need more than sweat to kick me off this body!". Simon didn't know what his brother was doing, but he felt uncomfortable at the idea of what he could do given he was confusing him for Yoko, leading him to want to end this before it got worse. Very cautiously he pressed his left foot's toe against his right foot, the immense bulbous mass coming down like a meteor that stuck Kamina to his sweat, allowing Simon to simply shove his foot back into his boots as a perfect measure to keep his big bro away from the redhead girl.

Simon 34%, Senpai/Naoto 34%, Miles 32%
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