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Rated: E · Short Story · Fanfiction · #2306130
Suddenly 22c orphan boy Philip K. Karrins fell into the movie "Knives out" and met Marta.
Another Knives Out: Philip Story
Pilot. Marta found Philip.

"How about that boy you found in the Estate Manor House back garden?" Private detective Benoit Blanc ask anxiously to Marta.
"I ran to hurry and checked him. Fortunately he was in unconscious. So I put into one vacant room and caring.
Look at his status, he'll recover soon."
"Marta, I assign to you to check his status.
Tell me when that boy is ready."
"I see. Mr. Benoit." Benoit responds with nod and Marta answers to catch what meaning is.


"It's a strange ceiling...." Philip open his eyes and mutter.
Now Philip doesn't know what was happened. Because suddenly he surrounded by light and collapsed. Assuming to see this luxurious wooden ceiling and furniture, he is in big house. When someone is knocking on the door outside, Philip say "come in." So Marta enters the room.
"Hello, are you ok?" Marta close the door and enter quietly. And Marta ask kindly tone to Philip who lay on the bed and Philip respond with nod.
"Where am I?"
"This is Thrombey Estate Manor House in Massachusetts, USA. I found you at back garden and brought back here."
"Ah.... I see." Convinced enough. By the way... ...word "Thrombey" came out? Alright, now I'm in "Knives out" world. And then Ana De Amars in "Knives out" was....
"Looks like messy house."
"Seems like that?"
"It is. When I hear noise around."
"Sorry but that's right. Because the master of Manor House died a few days ago. So police and private detective came here too." Philip nod at kindly saying Marta.
Harlan Thrombey was already dead? If he is still alive, will be very enjoy to see me. And a private detective... It must be Benoit Blanc in here.

"Oh, dear me. I'm Marta Cabrera. Nurse in here." Knowing that forget to introduce her, Marta introduces by herself startle.
"Philip K. Karrins. Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too. Philip."
After introduce each other, Marta chuckles a little. Because Marta saw a small tent spread under the blanket and it made Philip's face to little red.

When Marta finished small talk with Philip and leave the room, private detective Benoit Blanc waited Marta outside. Soon these two walk to one hidden place which nobody can see them and start to talk.
"Marta, how's that boy's status?"
"After talking with him, it'll be ok to take a rest for a few days. Can you stop until then?"
"Of course. Just I want to check a little bit."

Another Knives Out: Philip Story
Chapter 1. Thrombey Family.

A few days later, Philip's room, Thrombey Estate Manor House

"...Understand, young boy? Promise me one thing. Don't intrude this case thoughtlessly. Ok?"
After strong interrogation is finished, Benoit Blanc get an assurance from Philip firmly. So Philip nods at Benoit Blanc's saying. When Benoit Blanc gets an assurance from Philip, he pats on Philip's shoulder softly, says "Do it best." and left the room.

When Benoit Blanc left Philip's room and go to hallway, he meets Marta. Marta ask to Benoit Blanc with worried look.
"How was it?"
"Well, No problem as I thought. Let's search this case one by one again." When Marta sighs with relief, Benoit Blanc watches this and says to Marta,
"Marta worries about that boy."
"Because you're private detective."
"Anyway I got an assurance form that boy, Marta. Officially you can introduce him to whole Thrombey family. From now on, Marta has many things to care about him."
"I know." Marta smiles at him. By the way, why Mr. Private detective must get an assurance from Philip? What's that for?

Meanwhile, soon after Benoit Blanc's interrogation was finished, finally Philip can search his clothes and belongings. All everything is 22c products. So if Philip can't hide this, it'll be big trouble.
However Philip can't hide this things right now and feels difficult. And then Philip thinks about this hard-level situation by one by one all the way.
0. This is 21c and "Knives out" world.
1. Suddenly I covered with light and fell into the back garden of Thrombey Estate Manor House.
2, Marta Cabrera found me first.
3. Marta took me into one empty room and cared about. Maybe whole Thrombey family knew about this.
4. Harlan Thrombey was already dead and private detective Benoit Blanc came here.

"So what am I going to do...." This is a biggest problem in front of Philip now.


In those days, one rumor(?) that Marta saved one strange boy from back garden and cared about was spread to whole Thrombey family. While Fran prepare for their dinner, whole Thrombey family together within at diner and take up for discussion.

"I heard Marta found one strange boy and cared At first, Ransom says and Linda continues.
"In this suspicious time."
"Anyway private detective and police finished his interrogation by turns and they said no problem about him. So it'll be good that we could be taking care him for a while." Linda nods to agree this but Meg interrupts at this time.
"How can Fran describe?"
"Fran said it's a boy," Jacob says.
"Jacob, he is older than 2 years." After Donna says, Jacob shows little disappoint looks and then Meg says with little blush face.
"Don't want to be same type as Jacob."
"I expect so. Also Fran said he is polite too." Linda makes deeply ease look by Joni says.
"Now it's decided."
"It's good that we provide home, clothes and food for him. Because he doesn't have anything."
"Of course, Marta will be charge everything about." Everybody nods with Richard, Walt and Ransom finalizes what his saying.
While whole Thrombey family talks to each other, Marta walks down to diner with Philip. And then Martha introduces Philip to whole Thrombey family

"Listen, whole Thrombey family members, alredy heard about this story.
Eventually I found unconscious Philip at our Manor House back garden, and brought here. Now introduce to everyone today.
Philip, this is Thrombey family."
"My name is Philip K. Karrins. 18 years-old and nice to meet you."
When Marta introduced Philip to whole Thrombey family, Philip introduced himself politely. So whole Thrombey family starts to introduce themselves one by one.

"Richard Drysdale." A man of no guts and (noisy).
"Linda Drysdale. Richard's wife and glad to meet you." Bigwig and second smartest person in this house.
"Joni Thrombey." Widow and talent-less businesswoman.
"Walt Thrombey." Well... from now on you're in real big trouble.
"Philip, I'm Meg, Meg Thrombey. Nice to meet you." Typical girl in 2010-2020s. Anyway she is very conscientious in this house.
"Jacob, brother Philip." Sophomore slump boy, and...
"I'm Hugh Ransom Drysdale, just call me Ransom. Nice to meet you." ...He is... probably smartest person in this house.

Plus ca change (Plus c'est la meme chose.)
-Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr(1808.11.24- 1890.09.29)

Another Knives Out: Philip Story
Chapter 2. Step by step.

As the time passed by, something has changed and something hasn't.
For example, wallpapers of an orphanage which I lived in used cheap AI(Artificial Intelligence) wallpaper and toothpaste tubes injected cleaning tooth nano-machines. But in here, wallpaper is just wallpaper and toothpaste is toothpaste.
Though, I know that today me and Marta have a schedule to go the mart and mall near Thrombey Estate Manor House soon but in front of the mirror, I hold a little mirror on hand and is doing this useless thing.

"Status window."
Repeated said quietly several times and gestured on the air but it didn't appear. Even status window didn't appear on my backside. Well, ok, It's not a game.
At that time, I heard Marta's voice with knocking sound. "Philip, are you ready?" "Yes, I'm ready." After that little hand mirror put up to make-up stand, I happily meet Marta walks into my room,.
Marta and me walk down to downstairs as good brother and sister and then ride a car Marta drive to go the mart and mall nearby.

First of all, we bought my clothes, washing tools and writing supplies etc.
After I hide my 22c clothes and asked Marta to give some old clothes to ware. So Marta gave me some old clothes who Jacob wore, it's no problem when introduced to that family. Because Jacob and me can ware similar size clothes.
Instead of buying a new computer or TV, I decided to use old computer and TV in this house. Even I didn't say anything, Thrombey family connected Internet to my computer. Thanks to them, I can see the situation around this family more detaily.

"Wow, Marta. Who is this guy? Your new lover?"
"...No, he is my distant relation stays on Thrombey House for a while." When the mart and mall employees joking to us, little bit blushed Marta bears nausea and helps me to buy. Ah, of course, Marta runs to the restroom hurry later.


"It's good we bought all requirements." Now me and Marta are in the cafe, after finished the shopping.
"Right. Also bought Fran asked."
"Marta, are you ok?"
"Ok, it happens every day."
"Your body feels hard."
"Since childhood, I'm good at it. It's ok."
As Marta says like this softly, in honest I can't never feel easy for her. Anyhow I didn't know at first time... seem like adorable face, silky short black hair, shining eyes like black pearls and red painted lips...

"Why so looking at me?"
"Because Marta is too pretty."
Red flowers are blooming on Marta's cheeks and she shows shy expression to me but it's cute too.

At same time, on one side of the police station, Detective Lieutenant Elliott and Private detective Benoit Blanc are discussing about this Thrombey case quietly and changing to the subject about Philip.
"Assigned that woman to take care young boy came from nowhere..."
"As you know, it's only a solution. Also he doesn't have nowhere to stay."
"Right. And you guaranteed."
"He is no connection to this case, you know. Also I trust Marta's kind heart. Also Marta is the only one who had nothing to gain from Harlan's death."
"So that's the reason?"
"Well, sort of. I got an assurance from that boy."
"Not like you."
"But I have a reason. Can't tell you right now.
I wonder how this little stone cause a stir to effect to them."

Some times later, while Philip and Marta returned from the mart and mall are carrying the shopping goods with Fran inside to the house, a criminal of this case watches this scene through near windows.

Another Knives Out: Philip Story
Chapter 3. ...know what?

"Meg, looks like good face."
One Saturday, Marta says to Meg walks to downstairs and Meg' face is good.
So after Meg and Marta settles in one table and starts to talk.

"Now while I talk with Philip, we find some in common. So after I finished school, we talk a lot.
Jacob rattles why I talk with a strange dependent much."
"And How Philip estimated Jacob?"
"He said Jacob is Sophomore slump and attention-seeking boy and the place where he lived in had a same guy with big scale."
Sophomore slump and attention-seeking boy... Already Marta got same estimated to Jacob as same as Philip, so Marta nods at Meg continues to talk.

"Does Marta talks with Philip much?
"Talks about many subjects and the place where he lived in."
"Looks like the place where Philip lived in isn't much differences than us."
"Right. By the way, what kind of music Meg is listening?"
"It's K-pop."/"K-pop?" Marta shows questioned look.
"Hearing Ariana Grande and Justine Timberlake, also BTS and Blackpink. It's one of well-known Korean boy and girl groups. They are very popular at the school. Because their song has good lyrics and many classmates become their fans.
Some classmates learn Korean language by self-studying."
"Yes, so I'll concern to sign Korean culture club in the school. What Marta thinks?"
"I think it's good to experience another culture. Because don't know what Meg will choice."
"Same as Philip."
"Know what. Before came here, Philip sent many resumes to companies and interviewed. Also he said before came here, prepared to send final resume to one transporting company."
"Transporting company..."
"In there, admit 18 years old as a adult."
Hearing Marta' saying, Meg makes worried face. Because it's time that Meg will graudate the high school soon and choice her job.

Suddenly the conversation between Meg and Marta is finished by Thrombey house dog is snarling at Ransom who returns from somewhere as alerting.
Before left, Meg says Marta. "Know what. Marta is pretty but unexpectedly Philip is hansome."

After a while, Marta is thinking about what Meg said and watching herself in a mirror at her room. Slowly Marta closes her eyes and brings one hand to touch her own lips.
It raises up when Philip brought back was in unconscious yet, unknowingly Marta kissed Philip's lips. It makes Marta's heart-beating slowly fast.


"So What do you think?"/"What?"
"About Philip. unexpectedly good influence to Meg."
"And it's ok. Anything else?"
"No, nothing."
"Except Jacob guy rattles again." Linda nods and tries to next saying but stopped by house dog's snarling sound to Ransom as alert.
"That stupid dog again."
"Unusually to Ransom only. I try to stop that, but always doing like this to Ransom."

"I hate that man. Not want to talk and mix with.
Just like he lives in here with us."
"However he helps housework with us."
"Everybody is cheating by him. Why Meg has time with that fxxx guy."
Donna shakes her head and Walt feels a pressure on his chest and regrets inside. It's not leave childrens' education to wife... He doesn't know neglected house returns to cost like this.

"But Jacob, you have another reason?"
"That fxxx guy is hansom as Ransom."

Another Knives Out: Philip Story
Chapter 4. Taste problem.

"Marta, Tell me.
What do you think about Philip?
"Just kind of like him."
"Well~ Tell right to me. Really like him. Philip is very different than the master and Ransom. Also he has different mood than a private detective.
One day, while Marta is talking with Fran, now Fran's saying is Marta embarrass much. And if Marta says wrong, she has nausea again. So Marta feels trouble.

"Before that, we should hear what Philip thinks first?"
"Yeah, well, but Marta's thinking is important too. You brought him here. When he was collapsed at back garden, anybody must save him at that time."
"Not right now. I won't say to you until this case is finished." As Marta says like this, Fran nods at Marta and says.
"Don't be lose good time, if you hesitate too long. Ok, Marta? Reveal a good place to you."
"Good place?"
"Little long step out of this house, there's a lone lake. Good to go to picnic and anybody can't go there for picnic."
"..." Now Marta nods at Fran.


"...Everybody has own taste. It's admitted." Meg nods at Philip's saying.
"But goodies is in front of eyes, hands go first. Opportunity makes the thief in Asian proverbs."
What I'm discuss with Meg is about people's taste. Compare with 21c, people's taste is not much changed at 22c.
Suddenly come to taste, what was happening in this house at behind the stage?
Maybe Linda made a chance to Marta came into this house. Linda worried about her 80s father. By the way, suddenly one attractive girl came to as a nurse?
In all probability Harlan reacted over the reason. Don't look down on old men and women. And Ransom reacted naturally. Because of that, Harlan could understand his sons and daughters, saw short of his mind. Except Linda, Meg and Ransom.
When this case started, police and Benoit Blanc came, Benoit Blanc already knew Marta is attractive. After case is over, Benoit Blanc starts to go with Marta.

"How Philip thinks Marta?
"Marta? She is a savior my life."
"But Marta thinks another way."
"Another way?"
"Maybe Ransom knows very well. Grandfather always Marta closed to him. Even looked like treated over than a nurse."
"Because after grandfather was gone, before Philip came here, opened testament." No way! Storyline has changed?!

Another Knives Out: Philip Story
Chapter 5. Testament

"I Harlan Thrombey, being of sound mind and body, yada yada, my assets both liquid and otherwise, I leave in their entirety to Marta Cabrera. My entire ownership of Blood Like Wine publishing I leave in its entirety to Marta Cabrera. The copyright of its catalog likewise I leave in its entirety to Marta Cabrera.
On one side of the police station, Detective Lieutenant Elliott and Private detective Benoit Blanc see Harlan's testament copy again.

"...and it added at last. "If Marta refuses these, Marta's family can success all of these,""
"Right. It's weird. But Marta can't be suspect. If Harlan changed the testament at 1 week ago..."
"....Harlan couldn't reveal this. Even she was very close."
"Even don't teach to her. If you prepare a surprise present, it must be surprised." Detective Lieutenant Elliott nods and says.
"....So that remains..."
"Um, now slowly thief with pins and needles on his feet. How he or she will move?"


"...so how sis doing with Philip?" In another cafe, Marta's sister Alice asks to Marta and Marta responds with question look.
"How am I doing with?"
"I heard about that story from mother. Saved at back garden and now in good mood?"
"..." Marta can't say anything about Alice saying with little blush face. Then Alice continues to say.
"Sis, if you have mind about him, reveal it now. and I think already house people knew about it."
"About what?"/"Harlan and Ransom." Mentioning two people, Marta feels stifle.
"If sis has little spare, do it now."

"So Philip, How you think about Richard?" One clear day, Linda asks to Philip at the house.
"He is a good man. However he accepted to stay me have any relation in here,"
"Oh, well, and....
"Got a name at old time. As a detective who running in Miami." At this time, Linda laughs giggly.
"No way! Richard...? It can't be."
It's not no way.... Once Linda shoot a missile. Danced with Mr.Terminator.
That scene remains one of famous movie scenes at 22c.

"So Ransom?"
"Looks like this but probably he would was main member of the Earth Defender team. Right, can't match."
"Right, but how this playboy save the earth?"
By the way Ransom saved the earth. Several times.

"How about Marta?"
"Maybe Marta played who plays a tragic role at the ancient Spain." Marta was a tragic heroin effected by the Lucitanian war.
"Sure Marta is attractive but as a tragic heroin... it's fun."
"So do I. How Linda thinks about Marta?"
"Well, she cared about my father very well. Attractive too." Just only like that?
"Oh, I see..."
"How Philip thinks this case?"
"It's... a private detective and police can do solve it. Don't believe them?"
"Police is trustworthy but a private detective is..."
On the surface, he looks like... but once he was 007 Jame Bond.

"Something happen at this time..."
"How do you do on real happens..."
"At that time."
"Looks like little irresponsibility."
"It's true and right." Linda admits passively and continues to say.
"Thanks to talk with many things to Meg."

Another Knives Out: Philip Story
Chapter 6. Match their mind.

Medical Examiner's office, Norfolk Roads.
The cop car pulls past an identifying sign into the parking lot of a one story stand alone building, joining several other cop cars, and fire trucks. Journalists kept at bay. The building is a charred brick husk. Black smoke, debris. It's been gutted with an explosion and a blazing fire. Blanc steps out of the cop car and finds Lieutenant Elliott.

"What's the cheese?" Blanc says to Lieutenant Elliott.
"Five AM, security systems here was all triggered. It went up quick. Blood stores, records, all gone. No employees around, thank god."
"Any surveillance cams?" Elliott gestures wearily to the charred remains of a security camera on the smoking shell of an awning.
"And speaking of security, the security tape from the Thrombey residence was scrambled. For some reason." Blanc unsurprising. He motions back to the building.
"What was still pending from the autopsy?"
"The report on the blood work."
"Blood work?"


At that time, Philip and Marta don't know that situation happen. So these two goes to the picnic to one alone lake little way off the Thrombey house by car Marta drive.
And when they arrive at the lake, spread the bedding and enjoy the view. After eat their prepared foods, Philip feeling exhaust sleep on Marta's knees.

Before long, Philip wakes up on her knees.
"You slept about 1 hours." Marta continues to say at Philip. "Now keep still is good... Stay comfortably."
When Marta's face see very close, it makes Philip's face blush and heart-beating is racing. And then two kisses quitly.

Sooner or later Philip and Marta, who makes blush faces each other break kiss and Marta says first.
"Feel better? Meanwhile Philip felt hard."
"Marta felt hard too..."
"Not as Philip. And I want to reward your kindness."


Since feeling breeze, Philip and Marta lays on the mat. They makes happy looks each other and kisses. After break the kiss, Philip says.
"Now feel better?"
"Little bit..." Marta smiles at Philip and Philip says to her.
"Bear little. The monkey fell from the tree." So Marta smiles at Philip again.

Another Knives Out: Philip Story
Chapter final. Surrounded by light again.

"Hear that?" When Philip returns to Thrombey House, Ransom meets and asks.
"When return to house, saw Medical Examiner's office was burning. It was mess."
"Now the police is looking for arsonist."
"Private detective will busy."
"Obviously he'll. It's good that the case is finished as this..." Ransom says with worry expression and Philip has same too.
"And where's Fran?"
"She looks like something busy."
Philip, know why Fran is so busy at this time feels bitter inside.
And then Everything moves so fast after that. Within days Fran was found as a dead body and Marta was first witness unfortunately.
However Benoit Blanc came to the house with the police, gathered whole Thrombey family and explains his inference.

"That means she was lying!"
"That's right, Fran's dead. (to Ransom) And you just confessed to her murder." Ransom takes this in. Then he smirks.
"Well. In for a penny... Shit."
And leaving Marta lying on her back. Blanc shouting if she's alright, Elliott and Wagner wrestling Ransom into cuffs, it all fades into the background as she holds the knife and stares at the ceiling.


"I want you to remember something very important: you won not by playing the game Harlan's way, but yours."
"I should help them. Right?"
"I have my own opinion. But I have a feeling you'll follow your heart."

After everything is finished, Marta on the balcony gets out whole whole Thrombey family members showed frightened look. Now Marta holds Harlan's cup enters Harlan's room triumphantly. In Harlan's room, Philip who hide and see everything waits Marta with bright look.
Marta, Harlan's cup lift up his table shows bright and much relieved expression to Philip finally. So Philip smiles at Marta and says.
"Sorry about explain."
"No, It's ok. Because of that, we finds who was the criminal. Philip, It's over. Just two of us. Love you."
"Marta, I love you."
Philip runs into Marta and two kisses with bright looks each other. At that instant. Philip's view covered with bright light again.

The End.

※ Continue to THS: Transhuman Space Alternative Deep Deep Blue Sea Side Story V - Marta in Wonderland land.
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