Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2307037-World-2-The-Horses-Mate
by akaluv
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #2307037
A young woman volunteers to breed with a centaur.
WHEN TWO CENTAUR MESSENGERS showed up at her shack in the forest and said she had been selected as a candidate for mating, she couldn’t believe it.

Ruby didn’t consider herself a pretty woman or even well-mannered. After her mother died, she cared for her disabled dad and three younger siblings. Unable to handle his fatal injury of losing his legs, her dad drank until he couldn’t remember where he was. Half the time, the money she did earn from selling furs or doing odd jobs around the city went to her dad’s bottle.

In all honesty, she couldn’t take it anymore, so when the messengers told her when and what time to arrive in the centaur city, she accepted it. Thankfully, she got a wagon ride from the town close to her shack to the centaur’s home.

She knew that the centaurs were a closed-off race, but due to a disease that killed off more than half of their females, they had no choice but to engage with humans. After she arrived in their city, she was led to a building to await processing. The other females selected were so different from her: their faces were full of makeup, they had skinny forms, and their bodies were untouched by hard work. With her knotted brown curls, tan-smudged skin, and dress with holes in it, she was a mear beggar compared to the other women. If she had to sum it up, she was the ugly duckling in the group, which made her wonder even more why she was selected.

When they called her name, alerting her to come to the front window, they told her how much compensation she would get for completing the mating process, and if she sired a child, she would receive even more money. However, Ruby made it clear she didn’t want coins and jewelry. All she wanted was a decent house in the city, completely paid for, and a year’s worth of clothes and food. That way, her father couldn’t steal from her or guilt her into buying him alcohol. At first, the centaur officials didn’t hear her request and told her to leave the city. However, a centaur galloped toward her and ordered her to halt where she stood as she was going. Surprisingly, they agreed to her proposal, but she didn’t know why they had changed their minds.

Nevertheless, she was delighted at the prospect of having a home for her and her siblings. After that, she was taken to the Centaur palace, where they breathed and dressed her in a simple red gown with no undergarments. She figured what was the point of underwear if she would be getting naked away. The castle was more extensive than she had imagined, spanning the sky. She had heard that the dragons and centaurs had an agreement with each other, and the palace to the sky was a symbol of the relationship between the two.

After she finished her pampering, she was escorted through the palace to a room where she would mate with a centaur. As she followed behind the centaur, she still couldn't believe how well she cleaned up. Her curly hair was in an up do, and her once dirty tan skin shimmered and glowed thanks to the centaur makeup. Along the way, crystal centaur statues of different colors and sizes greeted her.

She wondered why she was there as she kept going higher and higher through the castle. As far as she knew, all the other women were given to centaurs in town, opting to stay in their homes.

Where are they taking me? She tried to quiet her thoughts but was on edge as adrenaline pumped through her veins and spread through every inch of her, making her want to run and withdraw from the mating process. How could she even mate with a half-horse, half-man, anyway? She cursed herself as she should have asked that question, but being able to live in a house around ordinary people again excited her too much.

The male centaur trotted along until he stopped before two huge double doors with golden strips down the middle. The centaur pushed the door open and gestured for her to go inside.

She did as instructed.

What is this place?

Ruby gasped at the size of the room; it was huge and fully furnished. Instead of a bed, there were a bunch of blankets on the neatly laid floor in a corner. A table with fruits, loaves of bread, cheese, and tea was on the table. A window on one wall by the blankets overlooked the city. What confused her was a strange device that was in another corner. If she had to describe it, it looked like a torture device that locked someone in it.

What is that for?

She wasn’t sure what to do, and the aroma of the mint tea was too good to resist. She quickly went over to the cup of tea and brought it to her lips; she blew on it, hoping to cool some of the heat burning her fingers.

As she was about to take a drink, she heard the echo of a horse hove trotting into the room.

“Hello,” a refined yet masculine voice said.

She felt her heart leap into her throat as she nearly dropped the cup. She turned around when she saw a man who stunned her to silence. His golden mane ran down his back, with two bangs in the front. The color of his irises made her think she was looking at a well-grown garden filled with lush rows of green. His face was nearly perfect: chiseled jaw, high cheekbones, and well-rounded nose. He wasn’t wearing any clothes or accessories, opting to expose his six-pack abs. Her eyes dropped to his lower torso when she saw his raven back and forearms. His tail matched the black hair of his form, reminding her of a black stallion. Only the rich had well-groomed stallions in her world, so this was more than a shock to her; it was a treat.

“All you all right?” He asked her as he walked over to her; his hoofs reverberated around the large room. Once he was standing before her, she snapped from her thoughts.

“Yes,” she said as she placed the cup back on the table, “Sorry, I’m just not used to this.” She averted her gaze away from his.

He chuckled then, and she didn’t know what was funny. Ruby blinked and looked at him with confusion.

“My name is Harical; what’s yours?” He asked her.

“Ruby,” she said softly, almost in a whisper.

Her heart wouldn’t stop thumping in her chest at him being so close to her. She had been touched by a man before, not all the way, but she had done things. Even then, though, she didn’t know what a half-man, half-horse would be like.

This is for family. She reminded herself.

“It’s nice to meet you, Ruby. I know this may be scary for you, but please relax. I’ll be gentle with you,” he said as his lips curled into a grin.

Harical could tell Ruby was nervous. Due to his super-human hearing, he could tell her chest was beating non-stop. Before he could mate her, he needed to calm her rushing heart.Her eyes were still avoiding him, so his first action plan was to break the tension in the room.

"Have you ever touched a centaur before?" He was curious about what her history was with his race.

Finally, she raised her head and looked at him. "No," she mumbled, "The centaur city was closed off to humans, and when they came into the human city, I didn't want to bother them. They didn't look friendly, and I was busy."

Harical griped his chin then and said, "Ah, yeah, the messengers aren't the friendliest bunch, being there on work. I always tell them to mingle with the local humans, but they never listen." He shrugged his shoulders.

Ruby found the simple gesture to be so normal, so human. "I wish I had time to see and experience more things, too, but I'm always working."

The centaur smiled again at what she said. She was opening up to him, which helped break the hesitation. Of course, he already knew what Ruby's life was like, but he wouldn't dare tell her that yet.

He thought momentarily and then asked, "Would you like to experience touching a centaur's fur?"

His proposal rushed heat to Ruby's cheek, but she wanted to do it. She always wanted to ride a horse but never got a chance to due to her family's situation.

"Yes," she said quickly.

At that, his ears perked, and he lifted one of his forearms in excitement and beat the ground a few times. He trotted beside her and shook his body, letting her know she could touch him.

Ruby wordlessly placed her fingers on his fur and stroked his body gently. His hair was so soft and clean that she wanted to lay her head on him and rub her cheek against it.

"Do you like it?"

"Yes, you're so soft. It reminds me of a stuffed animal."

Harical snarled at that; he didn't like being compared to a toy. However, for Ruby's sake, he wouldn't mention how it perturbed him. He was more than a stuffed animal, but she would soon know what they were about to do.

"I'm glad you find my fur soft. Hopefully, it will feel nice against your skin when we finally mate."

To that, Ruby retracted her hand. Due to the causal conversation, she had almost forgotten why she was there. A human male had never taken her before; she wondered how a half-male-horse would do it, let alone if she could even take it.

"Uh...how are we going to do it? I mean, can I even handle"—she bit her bottom lip—"you?"

"I understand your concern but don't fear. We have taken precautions to ensure the human female body can handle a centaur's member. To start, though, you'll need to drink the tea. It contains a potion that will help you to adjust to our size," he explained.

Ruby glanced at the tea and wrapped her fingers around the cup. "It won't hurt me, will it?" She asked as fear crept through her.

Finally, he had caught her; he first saw Ruby when he visited the human city and spoke with the governor. It was then he and the messengers also scoped out human females, but despite all the makeup, beautiful dresses, and money, none of the women compared to his Ruby. She was dirty, dressed in tattered clothes, but a hard worker. If he was going to convince a human female to bear his child and become his queen, he wanted someone loyal and who knew the value of working hard, not a woman who was used to getting everything she wanted. He was a centaur king who needed a queen and had chosen Ruby for that role.

"No, it won't hurt you," he assured her as he watched her raise the cup. Then, in one swift motion, Ruby drowned the tea and swallowed it.

Ruby signed up for this, and since the tea was no longer hot, she wanted to proceed. After they mated, she would get her house, which she focused on.

"Excellent," Harical said. He completed phase two of his plan, having her drink the tea that would allow him to take her body; next, he just needed to lock her in.

"What now?" Ruby asked curiously.

"Before we begin, I would like to know about your past. For example, have you ever slept with another male before?" Harical's heart began to beat rapidly to his question. He knew he couldn't change Ruby's past, but if another male had already led claim to her, he was tempted to ask his name and remove him from the world. He needed to put his jealousy in check, but the animal part wanted to battle for what was his and his only.

Ruby's face heated to his question, dying her tan cheeks with a dusty pink. "Yes...but only oral stuff," she confessed.

Harical released an anxious breath at her answer and said, "Then, we will start with oral. But before we begin, you'll need to get into that contraction," he said as he pointed to the strange device Ruby had seen before.

Her eyes went wide. "What is that?"

"It is something we created to mate with human females. We need to mount a female since we're part horse, but human bodies aren't equipped for that. This will lock you in and place you in a comfortable position."

"Lock me in!" Ruby raised her voice.

"Please, don't worry. If you want to be released, just let me know, and I can step on a switch next to my hooves. We have tested it many times, and you'll be safe. This device protects the female more than the male. If my weight pressed on your body, I could crush your bones," he explained.

The adrenaline rushing through Ruby's body started to calm. She had worked with horses during one of her odd jobs before, so he knew she was right. She would lose a limb or two if he collapsed onto her body.

Ruby signed and then said, "All right." She was determined to get her house, and this was just another thing she had to do.

Harical trotted up to her, bent one of his knees, and placed a chaste kiss on her forehead. Ruby's heart fluttered at the sweet gesture, and she liked it. Even though his lower half was animal, his upper half was the hottest thing she had ever seen. His skin was a contrast to hers, light. When she saw his eyes, she looked into the Earth, becoming one with nature. Then there was his voice, which was like velvet in the air, smooth and deep.

"Let's begin, shall we?" Harical's lips changed into a confident grin.

She nodded, knowing that she couldn't delay what she agreed to. Ruby then spun on her heel and walked up to the device. She swallowed the gulp forming in her throat and removed one of the straps from her dress and then the other, letting the fabric fall to the floor.

Harical stiffed at that, knowing soon he would have his Ruby where he wanted her.

"Swing your legs over the seat, bend down, and then place your arms into the holes," he explained.

She nodded and did as he said. The cushioned seat angled downwards, raising her butt into the air. She heard a snap as she slid her arms into the silver holes. When she squirmed, her arms wouldn't move; she was fastened to the strange device. When she lifted her sight, she saw two wooden holders on each side, making her wonder what they were for above her. Her legs dangled a little above the floor, making her feel strange. Her hands nearly touched the floor while her feet hovered off the ground.

"Does this work?" She asked.

Harical's bottom lip dropped. He was speechless as he stared at Ruby's body presenting itself to him, just wanting to be taken by him and him only.

"Yes," he said as he galloped over to her and stopped behind her rear. The click-clack from his hooves echoed around the room, reminding Ruby of what she had gotten herself into. At least he was sexy up top, muscular like the statue of a god. That eased her worries about taking the animal part into her body. She hoped and prayed that whatever potion she drank wouldn't fail.

Staring at Ruby's supple, round ass hiked up in the air caused him to throb. The scent of the warmth between her legs whiffed into his nostrils, making him shake his mane in excitement. He wanted to mount her right then and there but wouldn't dare hurt her. She needed to be ready for him, especially since his full length would cause her slight discomfort going in. However, once her body accepted him, the potion would kick in and spread her walls to sheath his erection.

He trotted over to her tan skin. He rubbed his deft fingers along her back, reaching her stomach. She flinched at his touch, but he didn't stop. He went past her stomach down to her folds. He parted them and began to rub his fingers across her sensitive bub.

"How does that feel?" His voice was soft.

A small moan left Ruby's lips, signaling him to keep stroking her. He increased the pace of his fingers. Ruby's moans grew louder. He wanted to hear more; she needed to scream his name so that all of Centaur city could listen to how he pleasured his, hopefully, future queen.

He bent down while playing with her nub and brushed his lips across her back. He gave her quick kisses leading up to her rear that was presented to him.

Heat rushed through Ruby's body as he played with her, and her moistness kept dripping like a small stream of water pouring from a bucket. She wanted more as she thrust her hips against his fingers, matching his pace. Her heart fluttered with every kiss against her hot skin.

"Don't stop," she pleaded as his fingers changed to circular motions, rubbing her faster and faster.

Her swollen nub let Harical know she was getting closer to her orgasm; he couldn't allow that. No, his fingers wouldn't send her over the edge; he wanted his cock to do it, nothing else. Even though cutting her off so quickly seemed cruel, he had to. He couldn't hold back his eagerness as his penis grew, leaving him with a painful need to fill Ruby up with every inch of his throbbing cock.

He quickly removed his fingers from her outer lips and mounted her, putting his heavy forearms on the wooden holders so he wouldn't hurt her back. With ease, he lined himself up with her moist center. Ruby shuddered when she felt his weight on the edge of her rear, but it didn't hurt her, thanks to the device. His soft fur brushed her skin, making her feel relaxed from the smoothness.

She was still wet, and her need for release drove her mad. She wished he had finished her, but she was ready to take what he had to offer, thanks to her unfulfilled desires.

Before entering her, Harical teased her entrance. The anticipation of taking her was intoxicating already, and soon, it would be his reality. He nudged his tip on her liquids, ensuring he was lubricated and ready to inch inside her. The thought of being outside Ruby’s sensitive center made his arousal grow. He swished his midnight tail from side to side, waving it like an overly excited dog. However, that’s what he was as Ruby’s needs permeated his nose. A sweet scent called to his animal urges to dominate his female.

“Ruby, who is about to pleasure you?” He demanded an answer.

She jumped at the sound of his voice, noticing his authoritative tone. She ached for him to enter her as he kept toying with her inner hole.

“Harical,” she whispered.

That wasn’t loud enough for him; he needed to hear her scream.

“Louder, Ruby, who is about to pleasure you?!” His booming voice filled the room.

Unable to wait any longer, she shouted, “Harical!"

That’s what I wanted. “Ruby,” he moaned her name as he dipped into her hot cavern.

Ruby’s breath hitched at the size, spreading her inner walls. Just the little bit she felt was huge, filling up her insides. Pain shot through her body as she clenched her teeth, but she wouldn’t relent. He had teased her, leaving her restless without release, so he needed to finish what he started.

He felt her tighten around his hardness. Her inner body was untouched by males, so he wasn’t surprised she felt pain with his plump size and girth. Thankfully, neither could see if any red liquid was added to their juices.

This won’t do, he thought. Then, slowly, he moved in and out of her; he wanted Ruby to get used to his size, so he needed to steady his pace.

As the pain subsided, replaced with ripples of pleasure, Ruby's fingers curled, and her legs jerked. Her vision turned into a hazy mess as his strokes increased, getting faster. She felt her core spread for him, slowly taking him with every inch he inserted.

"Faster," she screamed.

Harical's eyes widened, surprised that Ruby was already ready for him to increase his speed. He would happily provide if his beautiful, tan-skinned female wanted his dick thrusting into her.

He pumped deeper inside her with one quick stroke, spreading her walls until they created a sheath around his thick length.

He groaned; Ruby moaned; waves of ecstasy coursed through their bodies, and neither wanted the other to stop. The more he moved, the hotter his body became. Sweat formed on his brow, dripping down his stacked chest of muscles onto his fur. His forearms on the device shook; his body rocked from the sensation of Ruby's warmth pulsing on his thickness.

"Faster!" She shouted.

He obliged her by giving her a long thrust, then hammering her over and over until he began to feel her walls sopping over his length, pouring down to her stomach and dripping to the floor. She became so wet he worried that he would lose traction, but thanks to his animal size, it wasn't a problem. If anything, he was thankful that Ruby's body welcomed him to pump her senseless by creating the right amount of natural lube.

He grunted and shook his blonde tresses as his pace became harder and faster with every thrust. His arousal was flowing through every inch of his body. He wanted more of Ruby. Even if she rejected being his queen, he would keep trying. Another man or centaur would never have her, and he would ensure that.

The more he claimed her form, the faster he hammered her. Mine; no other male shall touch or mate with her flesh.

Ruby's screams of pleasure echoed around the room. The fullness she felt from his length was overwhelming, almost too good to be true. She bucked her hips and moved her body in and out to match his pace. Their shouts, moans, and groans of satisfaction were a primal song of intense sensations shared between their bodies.

Ruby felt herself reaching her peak. Her orgasm was creeping up, and she didn't want to stop.

"Harical!" Her voice was so loud he was sure the guards down the hall had heard her.

Good, he thought as her moans and pants grew louder. Harical knew she was about to finish, and he wanted to take her over the sexual edge.

His balls were swollen. He didn't stop. With one last thrust, he broke her dam. Her body jerked against his as he sprayed into her like water flowing from a waterfall. Her moistness mixed with his, creating a sticky mess where they were joined as one body: human and horse. Waves of pleasure spread through every part of her as she shuddered. Her legs turned into jelly, and her vision was a haze of colors. She fell limp on the device and used it to relax. Even after he ejaculated, she felt his semen rushing deeper inside her. She knew when horses finished, it was a lot of cum, but what she felt now was no comparison. Her inner warmth pulsed, milking the fullness that had settled and spilled inside her. She panted as sweat dripped down her brow into her eyes.

Harical's chest rose and fell. He leaned against her body, keeping himself inside her as her core still sucked up his seed. Having a child with Ruby was his ultimate goal. And besides that, he loved the warmth between her legs and how it circled his cock. He twitched, noticing that his hardness still didn't go limp after his release. Just being inside her then was enough for him to go again.

He kissed her back and eased himself out of her, still dripping cum onto the floor. She hissed.

"How was it?" He asked as he made a trail of kisses on her back to her lovely ass. He had to fight the urge to mount her again, and instead, he placed his forearms back on the floor.

"Wonderful," she said through heavy breaths.

He was glad she was satisfied, but he wasn't ready to release her yet, so instead, a devilish grin flashed across his face as he decided to enjoy the view of her round rear end and lifted his forearm again, readying himself for round two.

He would pleasure her so good that in the end, she would realize she couldn't live without him, and no other man, or centaur, would pleasure her the way he could. The potion she took wasn't for one-time use. No, her brew was unique; it would change her body to permanently take a centaur's dick for the rest of her life, so no human could ever fill her as he could. If a human male ever tried to enter her, it would be like a twig in a cup.

He would keep his little Ruby all day and night, making her scream his name until she agreed to be his forever.
© Copyright 2023 akaluv (akaluv89 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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