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Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Children's · #2307380
John 5:1-18 Jesus heals a lame man.
Jesus Heals a Lame Man

Scripture: John 5:1-18

Verse: “I and the Father Are One.” Jn 10:30

Attribute: Father

Main Truth: “Jesus can heal people because He Is God.”

“Our hands we fold, our heads we bow, so we can talk to God right now. Thank You God for our strong legs that let us walk. and thank You for sending Jesus to help us.” Use ASL for amen. Hold up Bible. “This is the B.I. B. L. E, the Bible. Can you say Bible?The Bible is God’s true Word.” Sing The B. I. B. L. E. “The Bible tells us about God and Jesus.”

*AsteriskB* “Jesus saw a man who couldn’t walk.” Have figure of man from toys. Show to kids. Lay figure down. Hold up picture of Jesus.

*AsteriskB* Lower voice. “The man was very sad.” Frown, shake head. Show frowning face.

*AsteriskB* Commanding voice. “Jesus said, ‘Get up and walk!” Show picture of Jesus.

*AsteriskB* Pick up figure of man. Raise voice. “The man got up and walked!”

*AsteriskB* ”His legs worked!” Run in place.

*AsteriskB* ”The man was so happy.” Throw hands in air. “Jesus healed the man. Jesus fixed his legs. Hooray Jesus!”

*AsteriskB*”Jesus can heal people because He Is God.”

*AsteriskB*”What book is this?” Hold up Bible. “The Bible.” Sing the B.I.B.L.E “What is in the Bible? God’s true word is in the Bible.”

Verse: To Trust and Obey. “I and the Father Are One.” 3x, then “John 10:30, John 10:30.”

*AsteriskV* Songs:

*AsteriskV* God Is So Good. Include “Jesus can heal people,” “Jesus Is God,” and “Glory, Hallelujah.”

*AsteriskV* ”Jesus told the man to get up and walk. The man got up and walked. He obeyed Jesus. Good things happen when we obey Jesus." Trust and Obey.

*AsteriskV* Praise Him, Praise Him. Include “Trust Him,” “Obey Him.”

Quiet time.

Large Muscle: Baseballs
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